TER General Board

I could think of a fewconfused_smile
rob8675309 6 Reviews 480 reads

How about being arrested in a sting operation, and having to call the SO to bail you out. Ouch. That would make me re-think the hobby. Here's another. Contracting an std and then unknowingly giving it to your SO. Double ouch. I would think that would definitely end my hobbying days. Here's one more for fun. Getting comfortable with a new provider only to be busted in on and rolled by her pimp. That would be pretty shitty too. Thank god none of these scenarios have actually happened to me, but they're not outside the realm of possibility. Be careful out there guys. All kidding aside, the best reason I can think of to stop hobbying is that you've fallen (or re-fallen) in love with someone. Ride that horse for as long as you can, and if it ends, the hobby will be here to cushion the blow. ~~~~Rob

I'm pondering hanging it up now that the relationship is improving with the wife.  I'm ambivalent though.  What if it gets worse?  Should I renew my p411 or not?

What would make you walk away, maybe for good (or should I say bad)?

Don't PM me - no VIP now.

GaGambler752 reads

but I don't have any delusions about any relationship that I enter lasting "forever" So I don't actually "quit the hobby" I just choose not to indulge in it if I have to 'cheat" on someone to do it.

That's how I live my life, by my own moral compass. I don't pretend to be able to make such decisions for others. I will ask though, if things are really so good with your wife, do you really need more? If so, fine, but if not, you might at least think about making a total commitment to her. if it doesn't work out, we'll still be here when you get back.  

And NO, no one has hijacked my computer. lol

Both you and HectorBlack couldn't have said it any better.  This world ceases to exist once I'm in a committed relationship.  End of story.  I'm either all in or I'm not.  

I'm not going to pass judgment on those who have no problems playing in more than one pasture; they have to live with that decision.  I just know it's not who I am.

Otherwise not until it fell off....   but keep the p411 at least for a year or two.  if you don't actually use it-  no harm no foul.  On the other hand having built up your 'hobby infrastructure''. (P411. Accounts/cash.  Phones etc) it's sort of a shame to just toss it the investment.  After all. things could go right back the way they were.

...either getting busted by the missus, or abandoning this hobby completely and going back exclusively to being a stripclub monger.

But if it was legal, and everyone was doing it on both ends.  It would be sort of like the internet with so much crap to wade through it might not be worth the effort.  I like it the way it is with brave people on both sides of the equation not afraid to live their lives their way, a little bit outside the lines - those are the people I like to be with.

Posted By: Joe Christmas
But if it was legal, and everyone was doing it on both ends.  It would be sort of like the internet with so much crap to wade through it might not be worth the effort.  I like it the way it is with brave people on both sides of the equation not afraid to live their lives their way, a little bit outside the lines - those are the people I like to be with.

GaGambler566 reads

If you want to be "brave" do it out in the open and tell the naysayers to "Go Fuck Themselves!!!"  

You still won't be brave IMO, but you'll be closer.

Posted By: Joe Christmas
But if it was legal, and everyone was doing it on both ends.  It would be sort of like the internet with so much crap to wade through it might not be worth the effort.  I like it the way it is with brave people on both sides of the equation not afraid to live their lives their way, a little bit outside the lines - those are the people I like to be with.

If I stop getting excited about a session (a little bit of butterflies in my stomach when I knock on the hotel door). Let's face it, this hobby is not exactly cheap - I can think of a lot of other hobbies that I can blow my money on. Also another reason would be if it becomes way too much work for me to hide it from my SO. Like constantly looking over one's shoulder, then I would think the fun part is not worth the effort anymore and I would look for a new hobby.

Yeah that looking over the shoulder for 5 straight years thing is beginning to drag on me.  Too much nervousness and not enough happy anticipation.

it's called divorce, and oh it's worth it

My pulse stops beating. But even then I can think of a couple faves that might be able to revive me !

If she and I "run away" together, I'll never look at another lady again.  Many obstacles to running away together right now, however.

JoelGoodsen618 reads

the fact that you're a Cardinal lol?

Good luck!  And I'm all for Vatican 3

Posted By: Cardinal_Richelieu
If she and I "run away" together, I'll never look at another lady again.  Many obstacles to running away together right now, however.

His Holiness refuses to give me the dispensation I need!

cuppajoe567 reads

I can start to feel myself getting bored.  I see pics of cute ladies, and  start to think of the effort and money for a fleeting hour that won't in reality be that much different than the last cute lady.

I think about the ATF and repeats, and those relationships are not going anywhere real, so the investment is not going to bear any real fruit.

I need Erica Jong's zipless fuck, no fuss no muss. I open my laptop and a lady steps out, not the usual porn.  Wham , bam, thank you ma'am. Close the lid.

Alternately I need an ATF that's easy to schedule with, that's for real, not a persona, and yet goes by the limited boundaries of the hobby.  


Posted By: Squeezylabeef
I'm pondering hanging it up now that the relationship is improving with the wife.  I'm ambivalent though.  What if it gets worse?  Should I renew my p411 or not?  
 What would make you walk away, maybe for good (or should I say bad)?  
 Don't PM me - no VIP now.

Death or major disability would stop me ... glad things are going well with your wife. I went thru those phases with BOTH of my ex wives. I think it has something to do with the moon phase and Planetary Alignment, whatever it is, it comes and goes. I'd keep my 411 current - it's not like you have to use it.

Posted By: Squeezylabeef
I'm pondering hanging it up now that the relationship is improving with the wife.  I'm ambivalent though.  What if it gets worse?  Should I renew my p411 or not?  
 What would make you walk away, maybe for good (or should I say bad)?  
 Don't PM me - no VIP now.

To those of u who enjoy it and can get their rocks off consistently in these experiences, more power to you. My beast just can't be contained anymore in the parameters of such. Physically it has become impossible! I mean literally impossible to be able to act in such situations. Fucking crazy actually. A break has already occurred. Back to the civvie world strictly. Will I be back. Maybe in 40 years or so! Lol. When I'm close to DEATH. Seriously. That is what this hobby should be for, when you're close to DYING. I crack up every time I hear someone say most of these women are "pros". What da fk. Fg perspective is fucked up I say. Them dudes have no freakin idea what a pro is. They have been married too long and stuck in that bullshit (for most of them) or haven't known enough of the outside world at any time. The effort is more in the outside world, more time is needed and involved but the experiences are waaaaaaay better. At least to me.

For the married guys, motherfucking stick with your freakin wives or divorce them I say. How the hell could you sleep beside the "woman you love" consistently after doing such. If she knows or is invovled, that's one thing. If not, man the fuck up. I've been in love once and it lasted 7 years. Never once did I think about cheating on my woman. Shit made me cringe to even think about cheating on her. Yeah, yeah, some of you have been married for a lot longer and I don't know what it would be like then but damn, it's the freakin consistent lying that is crazy to me. Not the actual desire and act of, just to be clear but I never desired that when Inwas with my woman. If you don't feel THAT way about your wife, then man the fuck up and do what has to be done. Being scared of being alone is unacceptable. Having to deal with the bs of divorce is "slightly" understandable. Not enough reason to be living in a black hole though I say.  

BLAH. Still love TER though. Well, sorta!! Lol. Where is the new darn site people. BLAAAAAAAH!

Superstar!546 reads

Close to death??  Most (90 %) of my clients are still young, spry, and walking upright

Bob.Sugar401 reads

What about his pappy though....macdaddy1904?

Bob.Sugar384 reads

I'll bet you really wanted to play with Biff Tannen.  But Doc Brown cock blocked Biff so that Marty MacDaddy could see you instead.

You'll need to change your stage name to Jennifer to make this work.

I've told you a million times not to exaggerate.

Posted By: Superstar!
Close to death??  Most (90 %) of my clients are still young, spry, and walking upright.  

Because when you say "If you aren't happy with the sex, man up and divorce her." that's exactly what you're saying.

Guess what, after a few years with the next lucky gal, it'll probably get boring again.  So then...man up again?  How about if your wife can't manage giving what you need, man up and be responsible for your own sexual needs

GaGambler630 reads

He said (and allow me to paraphrase) that if you are so unhappy with your home life that you have to start living your life as a lie, then it's time to MAN UP and either fix your marriage or just start over again and stop ruining two peoples lives.  

I try not to judge the guys here who are here cheating on their wives, but I personally agree with HB and could NEVER imagine myself living every minute of my life as a lie. I just couldn't live with all the duplicity.  

So by "man up and be responsible for your own sexual needs" do you mean he should just jerk off for the rest of his life? Great fucking advice there MMM

absolutely nothing!!!!

I have made many, many mistakes in my life. Quitting this wonderful sport is NOT going to be one of them.

My personal inbox gets some of those dating site ads, I just gotta laugh.  

Why would I go through all of that trouble, expense and aggravation for a woman that I could possibly attract, when I can get hot women for the fun part? It just doesn't get any better than this.

True. I don't want to date. Have you seen the man-hating,over 40, AND bitter, group that's out there?? Fucking scary. I'll stick with providers

How about being arrested in a sting operation, and having to call the SO to bail you out. Ouch. That would make me re-think the hobby. Here's another. Contracting an std and then unknowingly giving it to your SO. Double ouch. I would think that would definitely end my hobbying days. Here's one more for fun. Getting comfortable with a new provider only to be busted in on and rolled by her pimp. That would be pretty shitty too. Thank god none of these scenarios have actually happened to me, but they're not outside the realm of possibility. Be careful out there guys. All kidding aside, the best reason I can think of to stop hobbying is that you've fallen (or re-fallen) in love with someone. Ride that horse for as long as you can, and if it ends, the hobby will be here to cushion the blow. ~~~~Rob

the love of a good woman.

Posted By: Squeezylabeef
I'm pondering hanging it up now that the relationship is improving with the wife.  I'm ambivalent though.  What if it gets worse?  Should I renew my p411 or not?  
 What would make you walk away, maybe for good (or should I say bad)?  
 Don't PM me - no VIP now.

Posted By: Squeezylabeef
I'm pondering hanging it up now that the relationship is improving with the wife.  I'm ambivalent though.  What if it gets worse?  Should I renew my p411 or not?  
 What would make you walk away, maybe for good (or should I say bad)?  
 Don't PM me - no VIP now.
I quit after every time I do it. Mostly because I'm trying to save money for retirement and the cost/benefit ratio doesn't add up once you've shot your rocks.

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