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I challenge you to a tongue duelregular_smile
netmichelle See my TER Reviews 1729 reads

I shaved my head 2 days ago and I am clit piercing free. So now what? Rotflmao!

SmellySmegma7318 reads

What have other hobbyists experiences with clit rings been??  And ladies, how much, (if any) does the clit ring enhance your pleasure. Was "installation" painful?? Were you buzzed or a little tipsy when you had it done??  I've been with a couple of providers who've had different types (one had a hoop, another had a "barbell". I thought they were exotic and erotic, but a little awkward going DATY. Your thought please guys and gals!!

Lex Luethor2194 reads

...would at the very least ruin DATY for me.

relaxn433167 reads

My first thought is hygeine when I see one.  Too many crusty eye-brow rings at the check-out counters to 'appreciate' The Ring.

Yuk!!! All I can think of is that it introduces yet one more avenue for infection.  It's not like an ear piercing, or even an eyebrow, it's in a warm, moist part of the body where there is almost constant skin to skin friction and even more so during sex.  Surely the hole must be like a tiny open wound due to the frequent trauma? There's something about a septic clit that I find distinctly unerotic

Not big on tats either.  I can appreciate the art in a big dramatic 'statement' piece like Michelle's or the emotional content of something tiny, discreet and very personal.   However, I am bored to death with those just above bum-crack 'me too' numbers and those ankle encircling nasties.  Unfortunately, like ankle strap shoes, they make most women's legs look like tree trunks.

-- Modified on 1/10/2005 9:51:56 PM

a clit ring and the overall experience was fine, but DATY is terrible, I hate the taste of cold metal and that's what you get. I can't imagine why they do it.

I'm going to have nightmares about this! Aside from what must be excruciating pain, I would be afraid that they might mess up and cause loss of sensation.

There is now a whole generation of women with tats above the crack of their ass, just like how their mothers had their ears pierced, there are always movements in body modification that the older male population protest against. I hate to tell you this but a woman that has her clit pierced is only thinking about HER supreme pleasure, not really iving a damn what you think.

You cannot do DATY like the others, you have to be more gentle, and the orgasms are more intense. Actually, you could probably just breathe on her clit, and that might do it. Many women get off by just walking around in their jeans. I like sexual women that ae highly orgasmic. I book doubles with them often. Its all about locking in on the bullseye applying tongue depression with light suction, and not about mouthing out the whole alphabet or playing tug-o-war. If you don't like it then you are doing it wrong.

The last babe I was with paid me the biggest compliment. I thought she was done but then she grabbed my head and shoved it back down on her crotch. Now that was hot. Very guy like, grabbing hair and shoving back down.....mmmmm.....

SmellySmegma4281 reads

about if it was painful when "installed"??? Give us some insight? Also, I didn't address tatoos. We all know you are a walking version of MOMA (Museum of Modern Art) and your body has more artwork than MOMA. LOL

-- Modified on 1/10/2005 10:53:28 AM

Of course it hurts, but so does navel piercings. No matter what you do that will hurt. If you drink you will just bleed more. I don't have a clit piercing, but I am going to get my nips done again. I might get a clit piercing in the future, but I am pretty wild in the sack so I might do it when I get old and more sedentary.

On an aside, I just pulled into Phoenix, and my waitress has a cool name, her name is Michelle, she has black hair, lots of crazy tattoos and she has a tongue piercing which she flexed at me while admiring my tattoos. Code behavior for muff diving certified. Oh man, oh man.....oh and she likes my shaved head, oh man....

For some reason the planets are aligned just right lately and I've finally seen your friend on TV a couple times.  I'm talking about Belladonna, she was in the story about the making of that famous photographer's book on porn stars and I swear I just saw her in a story on the HBO Pornucopia documentary series. Anyway... I noticed she has shaved her head. Did you do that at the same time? is yours a tribute to your friend? Or is it all totally unrelated?  I admite it took me a moment. We're not used to seeing a person "framed" that way so you have to let your mind adjust before you see just how pretty she is. In my little sheltered world the girls who shaved their heads did it because they were sick of the status quo and rebelling against society's perception of their good looks. They were hoping someone could see past their beauty.  I don't think that would be the usual reason for a porn star or escort to do it though. Part of the marketing campaign is usually beauty right?

It will start a new fetish.  Ball brushing!!!!  Ohh  that tickles.....

Lex Luethor2509 reads

...my comment was not a protest of any kind -- I was just replying that it wasn't my cup of tea. You're doubtless right about the reasons behind why a woman would have that done and I certainly didn't mean to imply otherwise.

We all have our likes and dislikes. My tastes, admittedly, tend to run conservative when it comes to piercings. Similarly, a lot of women don't care for my shaved head, preferring instead the ol' "classic" full-head of hair. Oh well. That's life. This is who I am. I can't please everybody.

If piercings work for you -- more power to you! :)

Tig Ole Bitties1745 reads

I don't like them either. I don't think they look sexy or are particulary attractive.

I shaved my head 2 days ago and I am clit piercing free. So now what? Rotflmao!

SmellySmegma3272 reads

a facial on your chrome dome it might resemble a Dairy Queen sundae. LOL

Whilst zooming through the red states I am keeping the bush intact.

I'm coming in awfully later here, but I can think of two
women I know with rings (also shaved) with whom the DATY was spectacular, with wonderful results.  You have to be careful, but it's probably always a good idea for the person giving oral to be careful.  I know I want the woman to be careful when she's playing with the boys, and I don't have any rings!

Lex Luethor2999 reads

Arch super villain though I may be, I get the feeling you'd kick my ass in anything in which we compete.

Still...the tongue duel sounds far to interesting to pass up. Assuming you're not talking about a war of words, what rules do you propose for this contest? The traditional direct assault on one another (my favorite)? Or a match of skills using a 3rd party as arbiter?

My only condition is: if I lose, you must teach me everything you know.

Let's have a third party judge that is the recipient. (Let's get ready to RUMBLE!!!)

Lex Luethor3816 reads

...by the thought of Option A.

Now I'm thinking I need to throw this match early so we can get right to the "Teach me everything you know" part.

Lex Luethor3174 reads

I imagine the Phoenix sun feels wonderful on your bare head. I envy you. One of the blessings of being bald is having the sun touch you so directly.

BILL183562781 reads

Why would the like or dislike of piercing or Tattoos have anything to do with age?? Seems to me its a personal prefernce issue same as build, hair color, dress etc.

where did I miss the protests on clit piercing? lol

Those back tattoos-  I always think they are really "insert here" in some sort of code....

I will hold on to your suggestion on the right amount of tongue depression and suction, sounds excellent.

I've enjoyed seeing women with clit rings. Like any jewelry, they can be visually very sexy.

As NetMichelle suggested, however, I did have to refine my DATY a little bit, and be more gentle. But that's good practice anyway. Every woman likes DATY a little differently, and being able to sense what she likes is a nice skill to develop.

brookebutler4611 reads

I know, I look conservative on the outside, but under the wrapping its a different story. lol

I have a clit ring and have had it for almost 5 years. I have a small hoop on my inner right lip. The way my clit is made, I was told that it would desensitize the senstations of "pleasure".  It has a pretty little amethyst ball on it and I love having it.

I had it done totally sober and it didn't hurt much more than having my ears pierced. The following day, I was a bit swollen but I didn't mind. lol Every time I sat down, walked, or moved at all, I got a bit wet and the sensation was really niiiice.  

DATY, hasn't been a problem for my fellas that I know of. All of them have loved it and think its really fun. The sensations now are still really strong and I don't think I'll remove it any time in the near future.

I'll tell you a quick story. My SO and I were having a quiet romantic night at home and started to fool around in the living room in front of the fireplace. Music playing, hands start going, all of the other fun things are rolling......He got up on the couch and I straddled him, standing up over his face. He's giving me the kind of DATY that makes you quiver and I was just squirting like no tomorrow.... I lost my footing in the cushions and J's tooth got caught in the ring. I felt it and jerked just a hair and omg, the pain! lol Needless to say, it took a second for recovery but I wasn't about to let that stop me from a good freak session with my man!

I also have my belly button pierced and I have a tiny diamond piercing in my nose. I have two tats and I don't think I'll get any more. The ones I have are really special to me and have alot of meaning.

I love my body art.

Hope this helps. Have a great day!


-- Modified on 1/10/2005 11:55:46 AM

here and there4270 reads

My SO had one, and took it out after about a year or so.  Just got tired of it.  I think they are sexy and she got one.  Said it only hurt for a second, never bled, and healed within a week.  The belly took 6 months or more.  The fallacy is most piercers WILL NOT DO A CLIT PIERCING, and will talk you out of it.  What you actually see are HOOD piercings, either horizontal (more for asthetics) or vertical (more for pleasure).  Body structure will dictate which is better, and a competent piercer will tell you.  For more info check out the link below.

Crush Fetish3406 reads

She told me the 4 month wait would be worth it. It was torture to wait. But she was right.

As she crossed the threshold, it was starting to turn dusk. The window shades were open and the lights were turned low. I sat behind my desk with the window at my back. She was wearing a black bra, garter belt, stockings, thong, and red stilettos.

The brown recluse marched across her path, indignant, and hesitated. Fatal! Her head tilted up, her eyes mere slits. She never glanced down. The left stiletto slammed down....HARD!  Then the thong came down in one swift motion, to land on top of the grease spot.

She climbed on top of the desk facing me, then crouched. Affording me the view of a lifetime. A natural unshaved, unwaxed, un-lasered landscape.  I looked up  to the shaven head, then back down. I knew this was going to be reversed and enjoyed.  She pounced....HARD!

As I delved with my tongue another surprise erupted. The golden clit ring pleasantly startled me. Hidden! Ahh the surprise that must await me inside. The domination was sublime.

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