TER General Board

I am also a proud alcoholic, ok proud drunk, I don't go to meetings
GaGambler 236 reads

but after all these decades of destroying my liver, longer than this woman I am sure, my behavior when drunk really hasn't changed. Some people are happy drunks, other mean, sad, etc. I suppose I am a rather happy drunk and the only thing that has really changed over the last forty plus years that I have been drinking is that I can no longer do thirty shots of tequila in a single sitting and expect to be even close to functional, sexually or otherwise. I suppose it's the reason I do so many overnight dates in Costa Rica, when my chica and me get too shitfaced at night, we can simply pass out together and pick up where we left off sexually in the morning. Problem solved. lol

but seriously, some people really do have issues with drugs and/or alcohol and become completely different people when under the influence. This provider sounds like one of those people, she should take these reviews as a wake up call, but I seriously doubt she will.

I maybe have no right to bring this up as I have been lazy and seen a number of really great ladies recently and not written one review out of sheer laziness.  I just came across a review of one of my faves and was astounded. This is a lady --who of course will remain nameless-- who always gets great reviews and with whom I have had great fun and pleasure.  She got a "2" and a long unbelievable review that ended by saying he may never hobby again because of his experience and could not even masturbate without thinking of this horrible experience.  
Should there every be an opportunity to comment on a member's review when it goes against everything you and others know about the lady in question?

Posted By: Dr. joe
I maybe have no right to bring this up as I have been lazy and seen a number of really great ladies recently and not written one review out of sheer laziness.  I just came across a review of one of my faves and was astounded. This is a lady --who of course will remain nameless-- who always gets great reviews and with whom I have had great fun and pleasure.  She got a "2" and a long unbelievable review that ended by saying he may never hobby again because of his experience and could not even masturbate without thinking of this horrible experience.    
 Should there every be an opportunity to comment on a member's review when it goes against everything you and others know about the lady in question?  

That any person being reviewed should have room to respond below the review - good or bad.  If the person sounds defensive or insulting or gracious, that's a window into their persona too, but maybe there's a reason... or maybe it's a totally bogus review that misleads the rest of us.  

I'm sure that this is controversial but reviews that are a game only one person can play don't always serve the greater good as there are often at least three sides to every story.

1) It would cut down on the number of guys that would be willing to review
2) it would increase alias reviews.

3) it would start a contentious back and forth "he said, she said" argument

Does anybody think those three would benefit the ladies

But if she has a litany of good reviews, it should not affect her.  We will never know for sure if she had a particularly bad day, or he did, or perhaps both did, but shit like that happens and it deserves to be aired.

To allow all or any to start chiming in and giving their opinions would make the reviews like this discussion board - full of train wrecks - and the review's message will be muddied and then I think people will be less apt to leave reviews, and that doesn't serve anyone's interest.

No system is ever perfect, and I think what TER has now is the best imperfect way to go about leaving reviews.

...usually bogus, and YMMV at best.  It takes about 15 minutes on this board to understand that there are some people in this game with very skewed views of the world.  So I am amazed that there aren't more "9,9" providers with "7,4" reviews.  The troll set, I guess, is also too lazy to get around to everyone.  One bad review may say a lot more about the reviewer than the provider.

If a provider has at least 10 reviews I ignore anything more than a couple of points below the norm, unless there is a recent trend.  (For example, about three years ago there was a top three provider in a large city that was a "9.5,9.5".  Then she got three reviews in a row substantially below that, including a 6,2.  I heard later that she had checked into rehab shortly after the third bad review with cocaine and alcohol addictions.)

As a few other people have already mentioned, those comment sections would inevitably end up become cesspools of bitterness, name calling, and accusations.  

I suppose the very best thing to do if you aren't sure about a suspiciously low review is talk to the reviewer and/or the provider, if it's something you're really concerned about.  It may help shine some light on the situation.  Of course, it might also end up just being a bunch of he said/she said nonsense... But that's one of the problems inherent in review sites of all kinds.  

Hopefully the provider in question will get some new stellar reviews ASAP and that nasty one will get buried under all the praise :)

-- Modified on 2/2/2016 9:03:04 AM

It took all of 60 seconds of research due to your lack of discretion (TER must be having a sale on indescretion lately) to figure out to whom you are referring

..the population that will write bad reviews on anything because either they’re just mean spirited or maybe they’re just unhappy (perhaps unfeeling about their own libido when it comes to seeing a provider) and get a rise out of spreading the misery.

Because of the above, I can understand that the more reviews a provider gets the greater chance of a bad one to come along (best to compare to the majority)

in situations like this where you want to posit a well-meaning question without exposing the provider "you wished to remain nameless".  You inadvertently named her by not taking the time to set up alias and thereby mask your review history.  Just sayin...

....who when reading reviews know that when there are a bunch of good reviews and suddenly a bad one pops up it is usually an aberration, especially if written by someone who tends to find fault with every provider.  
Unless a lady suddenly goes south (can happen) a lone shitty review will probably not impact her.

It was horrifically awful, which if true, could give any future John serious pause before seeing her. The reviewer does not have any other review like that and most have been highly complimentary.  

In fact he gave a 10/10 just recently as well.

None of the above means he is telling the truth but I don't see anything that screams "fake review" either. He has been a reviewer for 4 years.

Maybe the lady can come on here and address it. Maybe she had a really bad night and can apologize or maybe she can make her case that the reviewer is a liar.

This lone review could impact her, Lopaw. She should address it now that is is public.

GaGambler346 reads

I further agree it has a certain ring of truth to it.

and yes there already is a system in place for dealing with reviews a provider thinks are fake. She can go onto her regional board and contest it, or like in this case one of her White Knights can do it for her.

I have to confess, even if this woman were my type, I too would take pause before booking with her, a very long pause I might add.

...."I didn't get what I wanted so I'll trash the provider " type.
I stand corrected.
I'm tempted to read the review, but it will probably just depress me :(

GaGambler336 reads

This is not the first very bad review she has had, sandwiched in between a lot of good ones. After taking a few minutes to check out her reviews the consistent theme I find with her occasional very bad review seems to be substance abuse, namely "she can be a bad drunk"

I guess the lesson to be learned from those interested in this woman is to catch her only on her sober days.

Good catch. I made the mistake of only lookin at her scores when I should have read a few of her reviews. That's a common mistake that I and many of us make.

once again gaga does his homework.

they are few and far between, but the provider does have more than one bad review which mentions her being drunk.

i'm inclined to come down on the side of the reviewer.  he did take great pains to detail the trainwreck of his session, more so than the other negative reviewers, but obviously the experience left a terrible impression on him.

so why shouldn't he write such a review?  if i get a fantastic experience from a lady, i write every single detail of satisfaction; it seems like the reverse should also be true.

i think he's telling the truth;  in other cases when a lower number is an obvious outlier in a woman's performance roster, i do two things:  i read the review and decide what the trouble was:  bad day on either party's part, no chemistry, revenge for something unsaid in the review, or what have you.  i usually chalk it up to bitterness on the reviewer's part and discount it.  but in something like this case i would have to pause before considering seeing this woman.

GaGambler230 reads

Winning out over the kneejerk reaction of many men to pick up their sword and shield to go forth and do battle to save the reputation of a woman who quite often proves to be unworthy of their protection.

Normally speaking, I too am guilty of believing that an outlier review like this is most likely the fault of the reviewer and not the provider, but some reviews have a ring of truth to them, this was one of those reviews. I know Joe is smitten with his favorite hooker, but in this case she almost certainly earned every harsh word that was directed her way. I am glad most of the reasonable people here are starting to come to that conclusion as well.

well the review had too much detail that wasn't superlatively negative (the whole thing about the computer without a camera...who would make that up, besides a brilliant new york times book list fiction writer?)

the moral of the story is, whether a white night or a sexist pig, whether a woman who truly enjoys meeting men or is just in it for the bucks, when it comes to reviews, you've got to read between the lines and take a look at the whole roster, including other reviews of other ladies the reviewer wrote, the white lists of the reviewers, etc etc etc, if you want this set up to work for you.

never assume, it makes an ass out of you and fat vern.  (j/k, vern, you knows i luvs you!)

Afro-desiac254 reads

Also horrifying.  Also believable.  The thing that stuns me the most is that Dr.Joe, who has always been a pretty smart poster, was so careless as to leave the door open for peeps to find the review in question.  I'm glad he did because this kind of info needs to get out.
The other thing that amazes me is that he seems to have posted and left.  If it had been me, as soon as folks posted that he'd left enough info to lead them to her reviews I'd have deleted that post pretty darn fast.  Again, I'm glad he didn't, but he was trying to do that lady a favor and just made a bad situation worse.  I guess not all doctors are very smart.
I think I'll pass on Pre Med.  LULZ!

Unless he wanted people to find it, which would be pretty smart ... I hear it's really hard to get into med school so passing on pre med is probably a good idea ...

Posted By: Afro-desiac
Also horrifying.  Also believable.  The thing that stuns me the most is that Dr.Joe, who has always been a pretty smart poster, was so careless as to leave the door open for peeps to find the review in question.  I'm glad he did because this kind of info needs to get out.  
 The other thing that amazes me is that he seems to have posted and left.  If it had been me, as soon as folks posted that he'd left enough info to lead them to her reviews I'd have deleted that post pretty darn fast.  Again, I'm glad he didn't, but he was trying to do that lady a favor and just made a bad situation worse.  I guess not all doctors are very smart.  
 I think I'll pass on Pre Med.  LULZ!

I can't read the review but if she was plastered and was/is a nasty drunk, I feel bad for the dude. And rightly so he post about it. Really sad if she needs booze to get through a date. Might be time to leave this alone and get her head on right.

i used to get high on the mary jane before sessions, but i no longer do that.  i figure i owe it to the ladies to be clean and sober, present and available during our time.  and i assume the lady is the same with me.  

the very first provider i saw was a drunk.  since i was brand new to the hobby, i had no clue that i could have turned around and said goodbye at the first instance of non-sober activity on her part.

being an alcoholic, sober for over 25 years at that point, i asked her if she would refrain from drinking during our session.  i didn't want temptation in the form of alcohol present during a time when my judgement was already checked at the door; i could just see myself grabbing her vodka and orange juice and taking a swig myself.

she refused, saying why should she give up her refreshment even if i didn't want any?  well, as i said, i was a newbie so i let her drink on while we did our stuff.  otherwise a nice time, but i figured if i lay down the envelope i should have an environment i want, which happened to be alcohol-free.  i am happy to say that every other lady i have seen since then has respected my wishes.

another red flag on this provider was when i opened her refrigerator to put in the sparkling cider i brought, i saw literally nothing in it except a gallon of vodka and a couple of oranges.  that should have told me something lol!

but more recently, i made a date with a top 10 provider in los angeles a couple years ago.  then one lady whom i had seen many times emailed me, telling me this new provider asked her for a reference on me.  my lady friend told me she happily gave me a good reference, but warned me that this new provider had screwed over another client of hers, going nuts on him at the session and screaming about telling his wife (and i was still married at the time).

so i took the word of my good lady friend, and made up some excuse and cancelled the date on the new provider. (side note:  the new provider was very miffed and said she would not consider a future date with me since i cancelled.)

a few months later at another session with another woman, this provider's name came up, and apparently she was known to be a crack fiend and was really going off the deep end.  this provider has since moved from los angeles, is still working in california, but from what i hear on the grapevine, is going down hill fast.

drugs and sex don't mix, folks, esp. not in the p4p arena, where professionalism is key.

I have no new review to give P411.This sucks

Posted By: Dr. joe
I maybe have no right to bring this up as I have been lazy and seen a number of really great ladies recently and not written one review out of sheer laziness.  I just came across a review of one of my faves and was astounded. This is a lady --who of course will remain nameless-- who always gets great reviews and with whom I have had great fun and pleasure.  She got a "2" and a long unbelievable review that ended by saying he may never hobby again because of his experience and could not even masturbate without thinking of this horrible experience.    
 Should there every be an opportunity to comment on a member's review when it goes against everything you and others know about the lady in question?  

LasVegan305 reads

I look at ALL of a provider's reviews in context.  Don't we already know that not all hobbyists see things as we do......and sadly, quite often......a reviewer is the reason when an appointment "goes south."

So.........if I lived in your area..........and the provider you speak of had a number of positive reviews......I would completely discount the bad one.

And........if this reviewer did something egregious.......it will come back to haunt him at some point, after all karma IS a bitch!

often provider and/or client sense it but continue with the session because it might be even more awkward to try to terminate the session....

but often it is best to terminate the session

i had such a session,  i did not anything bad...i did the best i could...but i got like 5 for looks and 5 for performance from the guy...lo

that would be total blindness. Poor bastard ... lol

Posted By: octavia.lexa
often provider and/or client sense it but continue with the session because it might be even more awkward to try to terminate the session....  
 but often it is best to terminate the session  
 i had such a session,  i did not anything bad...i did the best i could...but i got like 5 for looks and 5 for performance from the guy...lol  
-- Modified on 2/2/2016 5:53:46 AM

Even a blind man would give Octavia at least an 8. 😉

Posted By: nothrofboston
that would be total blindness. Poor bastard ... lol  
Posted By: octavia.lexa
often provider and/or client sense it but continue with the session because it might be even more awkward to try to terminate the session....  
  but often it is best to terminate the session  
  i had such a session,  i did not anything bad...i did the best i could...but i got like 5 for looks and 5 for performance from the guy...lol  
-- Modified on 2/2/2016 5:53:46 AM

thank you

Posted By: bosfriend
Even a blind man would give Octavia at least an 8. 😉  
Posted By: nothrofboston
that would be total blindness. Poor bastard ... lol  
Posted By: octavia.lexa
often provider and/or client sense it but continue with the session because it might be even more awkward to try to terminate the session....    
   but often it is best to terminate the session    
   i had such a session,  i did not anything bad...i did the best i could...but i got like 5 for looks and 5 for performance from the guy...lol    
 -- Modified on 2/2/2016 5:53:46 AM

TwoMints258 reads

For a lot of guys starts with the providers pictures. They work themselves up into a lather thinking about the provider and when they arrive she isn't as perfect as they think she is in the pictures they feel duped.  Sometimes they feel duped by the reviews as well. Step up a level in fee structure only to discover she isn't even all that attractive, but every guy gives her a 9 or 10...  Shit happens. I usually don't do the review. It isn't worth the hassle for me. Maybe it was just me, maybe we didn't click, maybe maybe..  I've also seen ladies everyone gives 7's to and I thought damn she's a 9. What the fuck do I know.  

Weight can also be a big think. Just be honest about your size. Don't lie about it. Plenty of guys like plus sized women or Average.

re:  size honesty.

you bet.  my daddy always said, there's nothing wrong with a little meat on the bones!

I doubt the session was as he described and I looked at his other reviews to see if he was just a nut, but he seems normal. The review does not make sense because if she acted the way he described, other reviews would have similar events. They don't.  It's clear that they didn't click, but it's more than unfair to allude to her being a nasty drunk when it's probably not true.  I see this review as a blatant attempt to harm her business, and nothing more. His review is just mean and won't go unnoticed by other providers. I'm sure he made a few DNS lists with that mean-spirited review. His prediction that he may never hobby again may be much truer than he realized, well quality hobbying anyway. Now he will have to troll the ladies of BP and he will have a lot to complain about. Karma's a bitch!

The guy is entitled to his opinion and his review
I don't agree with the mean spirited way it was written, we all have bad days at work
But there are so many "false positives" written that are clearly fake that I'm not surprised one showed up the other way.  
One of the reasons I'm giving up my VIP status (at least for a while) is way too many reviews sound the same
Hobbyists use them to curry favor and or get discounts and better scheduling from providers
You meet her and realize half the reviews are garbage.  
Ever notice that you'll see a bad review on someone and magically "poof" a miraculous excellent review shows up next.
It's our responsibility to write reviews for other hobbyists and not providers. But that's not what is happening.

Write a negative review (that's true) and see what happens and you'll see why more and more guys take the easy road when writing reviews. Providers WILL try to get even for giving them a bad review and oddly, fellow hobbyists will call you a liar for trying to protect them. Reviews are not helpful for the large part because the culture is one of mistrust and not one of  solidarity.  

Yes, he is entitled to his opinion, but there is a difference between an opinion and this type of review. He was obviously unhappy, but he stayed. Ask yourself, would you have jerked off on a drunk provider's face? Oh HELL no! Most guys would have NOPED out of there fast. I'd love to hear her side of the date. I'm sure it's quite different.  

Posted By: bocabuster
The guy is entitled to his opinion and his review  
 I don't agree with the mean spirited way it was written, we all have bad days at work  
 But there are so many "false positives" written that are clearly fake that I'm not surprised one showed up the other way.  
 One of the reasons I'm giving up my VIP status (at least for a while) is way too many reviews sound the same  
 Hobbyists use them to curry favor and or get discounts and better scheduling from providers  
 You meet her and realize half the reviews are garbage.  
 Ever notice that you'll see a bad review on someone and magically "poof" a miraculous excellent review shows up next.  
 It's our responsibility to write reviews for other hobbyists and not providers. But that's not what is happening.

look at every single page of the lady's reviews.  find the lowest score on each page and read them.  there are at least 2 other reviews (granted, years apart) that also mention drunk behavior.

as a proud alcoholic myself, i can attest this is a progressive disease.  what starts out as goofy behavior morphs into disastrous proportions over the years.  i think this is happening with this woman.

as is said, the reviewer doesn't appear to have a habit of writing trashy reviews.  something terrible must have happened, (unsure what and who was responsible) for him to write this one.

GaGambler237 reads

but after all these decades of destroying my liver, longer than this woman I am sure, my behavior when drunk really hasn't changed. Some people are happy drunks, other mean, sad, etc. I suppose I am a rather happy drunk and the only thing that has really changed over the last forty plus years that I have been drinking is that I can no longer do thirty shots of tequila in a single sitting and expect to be even close to functional, sexually or otherwise. I suppose it's the reason I do so many overnight dates in Costa Rica, when my chica and me get too shitfaced at night, we can simply pass out together and pick up where we left off sexually in the morning. Problem solved. lol

but seriously, some people really do have issues with drugs and/or alcohol and become completely different people when under the influence. This provider sounds like one of those people, she should take these reviews as a wake up call, but I seriously doubt she will.

but you sound like that old saw:

i don't have a drinking problem.

i drink.

i get drunk.

i fall down.

no problem!

j/k gaga you know i love your stuff

GaGambler218 reads

No offense taken, some people have problems with addiction, others of us don't.  

I will say, the hooker that would not respect the wishes of a recovering alcoholic and keep the session alcohol free should most definitely be kicked to the curb. Even a hard partying guy like me recognizes that some people don't need the temptation, and just like I am not going to eat a banana split in front of someone who just had their stomach stapled, I would never do to you what that unnamed hooker did.

Now I do completely disagree that some people can get stoned out of their gourd and have great sex, just like some of us actually enjoy "getting drunk and screwing" as long as others don't try to tell me how I should or should not do things, I am more than happy to return the favor.

I actually give him credit for posting the review. He seems to have had pretty good reviews with this lone awful experience he had. I agree different things can make for a bad encounter, and maybe she had a really bad day, he was expecting a different type of encounter, or they just didn't click?
  Everyone wants to see the reviews but when a highly reviewed lady gets a not so good one it raises flags which in turn makes the clients not want to give a bad review for fear of the consequences.

2655981228 reads

As it stands, they both may have red flags on them. If there were some further discussion, it would at least help providers and clients who may do future business with them to make decisions accordingly

I am in favor of honest reviews. I don't know the reviewer and I am sure he is a good guy who had a terrible time and wanted to make that plain. I am not questioning his honesty his judgment, or his right to post an honest review. There is a difference between an honest review --even a really bad one-- and a nuclear bomb which seemed to me to be aimed at destroying someone (even suggesting she be banned from the hobby). I was wondering if there was some way for people who know the lady could counter balance the attempt at destruction. I appreciate the many thoughtful counter comments which outlined clearly the reasons why counter comments of reviews would be a very bad idea.  
I certainly didn't mean to make this personal, though I guess that was inevitable.

GaGambler195 reads

She could contact the reviewer, give him a full refund, beg for his forgiveness and promise not to get shit faced before a paid date ever again. How's that for a counterbalance?

Actually I am glad you were so careless as to make it this easy to find the review and the woman in question, based strictly on your post I would have come to a completely different conclusion without finding all this evidence to the contrary.  

I know you have this overpowering desire to suck up to this woman, but I guess this is a case of "sucking up gone horribly wrong"

I do have good news for you though. Right now you are firmly in the lead for BSU. congratulations.

Hey all, I figured I would chime in since this review seems to have stirred up a hornet's nest.  

Firstly, I want to say I regret writing such a bad review. I don't regret writing the review as a bad one, I just regret how far I took it; I wrote it immediately after I got home after the 2 hour drive home. So, put yourself in my shoes, you just had a terrible session and you feel cheated out of an hour (note that I never said I should get 100% of my money back, I felt entitled to half the donation since I got half the time), and on top of that you got screamed at and accused of being a piece of shit. You would be angry, too. However I made a rookie mistake; just like you never got to the grocery store when you're starving, you never write a review for anything when you're still angry.  I also broke two of my cardinal rules in life: 1. Always look for as much evidence as possible from both sides because things are not always as they seem and 2. Your life isn't perfect and has made you an imperfect person, other people are imperfect for the same reason.

What this boils down to is that I feel like the person more in the wrong in this situation. Some of you said I deserved to write this review, and some of you accused me of trying to bomb this provider into the stone age, and in reality you're both right to a certain degree, but no side is 100% correct. Most of my intention was to inform people that this situation happened because all the other reviews were suspiciously good, white knight good... but as I said as I was angry I also really wanted to get back at the provider and that's not what reviews are for. I also feel like a hypocrite because recently one of my female friends was involved in some legal trouble which of course was posted all over news sites, news sites that have awful commenting sections with awful people, all of which accused this woman of being a terrible mother for creating a hostile home environment with her drug dealing boyfriend. This burned me up inside because I knew the woman's story; she had lesbian tendencies from a young age and was seriously punished for it by her conservative parents (especially father) and forced to be straight or die. That terrible upbringing seriously damaged her to the point that laying with a man for drugs seemed like her only way out... but no one ever mentioned that when sarcastically calling her mother of the year... and this comes from the huggy-wuggy new age where we're all supportive of gays in the community... so long as they are emerging gays and not the LAST generation of gays that got the shit end of the stick.

At this point I should mention I used to be an English major before switching to Engineering which is why I write entire novels with far too much emotion and detail thrown in for good measure. Also metaphor.  

So, the provider did contact me saying this review has destroyed her life. Alright, I felt guilty about posting something so vile, and that made things worse, but it didn't change my mind; after all I felt robbed. Since I believe in listening to all sides of an argument, I remained neutral in conversation and asked to hear her side. I had proof on all my points (the text messages proving the session was an hour and late, the email chain for roleplay that was not delivered, and relationships with previous girls [Including my beloved pornstar Dani] that can attest to me bringing my trusty lappy which lacks a camera so I can show off what I do for work), but had none of hers. After a few emails she summoned up the courage to tell me that the day of our session, a very terrible thing had happened to her, which I will not post here; however after hearing it I understood fully what happened after. To deal with that pain, she had bought a bottle of wine, despite her previous struggles with alcohol and her long period of sobriety. I'm sure she only intended to drink a little to help numb herself; no one wants a crying provider, that's just awkward. I know emotional pain all too well, however, and while I don't know substance abuse, I know many people that struggle with it. I invite the person that has never made a mistake in their life to cast the first stone. So, she made a mistake and drank too much after this event, and didn't cancel the rest of her appointments like she should have.

I agreed to change the wording of my horrible review (however, the score can never be changed), and she agreed to refund what I requested; half the donation.  

Remember when I said I used to be an English major and pour fountains of text and emotion into everything I write? Well, I mentioned that not to sell anything but to inform you that there's a dark side to everything. The power to use language to accurately describe events and draw emotions from nothing can be used to create great works of art, and I used it effectively to hurt someone a lot because they hurt me a little. While that is definition of free speech, it is not the spirit of it; it's important to remember that.

Mutame205 reads

Thanks for putting this really sad and unfortunate incident into perspective. I am one of the clients who saw this provider and gave her a decent review because I had a decent time. That was a couple of years ago and on my second visit, I noticed a decline in the quality of services. Clearly an example of YMMV. I hope she can get her life back together and I wish her well. You seem to be a decent and well intentioned guy and I hope you will continue to enjoy this wondrous hobby. Peace.

I have wanted to terminate such a date & I had driven a couple of hours to see her.  I would respect a lady who offered to terminate a date with substantial refund if the chemistry seems off.  I've even heard if (on rare occasion) mid-date...  the chemistry is off & she gave a full refund & they parted on good terms.   If he's already there & wants to get his pop despite agreeing that things are not going well...  I think he should not review.  I wouldn't, because it's not fair.  

If a guy showed up after a horrible day...  maybe she could turn his day around...  or maybe nothing is going get his mind back in the game.

I do research pretty throughly prior to a first date & I look very hard at outliers.  Often they as much as state they didn't click.  Or other clues that they should not be fully counted.  I am willing to disreguard one outlier review per page.  I might also disreguard a high review outllier.  I expect Reviews to vary in this most personal union of 2 unique indivuals...  but I see most are in a narrow range.  I don't rely on the number score but I find often a one number gradient. 7-8, 8-9 or 9-10.

This could happen to any of us,is a matter of fact it happens to me and I decided not to write a bad review because of this reason,she have many good outstanding reviews and my will be the only bad review so therefore most of the hobbyist will not believe my review but I believe that when a hobbyist write a bad review about a known good provider is because it may be truth and the perfect example of this is when the provider decide to give him a bad session to discourage him from coming back instead of explaining to him that for such and such reason she does not want to see him again and this happens many times,now the reasons why she may not want to see him again could be many and she may have a good reasons,but in my case was because I make her work hard every time I see her,I paid for an hour and I give her a good tip every time so I think that if I last longer in bed and she wants me to cum in 5 or 10 minutes is not my fault and she should tell me instead of giving me a poor performance and this happens many times to different hobbyist.

-- Modified on 2/2/2016 10:51:21 AM

And she should have canceled on all her appoitments that day. But it seems that she's a "High Volume" escort it was hard for her to say no to the dinero for that day. Reminds me of a couple of session I had long ago, before I was savvy to TER. So reading it bought back some shitty memories. This sort of sessions do happen every now and then...She was off her game and I hope she learns from it.

either something happened, or the guy before her drugged her. To me, that's the only thing I can think of.  

I mean, unless someone stole her identity.

Posted By: Dr. joe
I maybe have no right to bring this up as I have been lazy and seen a number of really great ladies recently and not written one review out of sheer laziness.  I just came across a review of one of my faves and was astounded. This is a lady --who of course will remain nameless-- who always gets great reviews and with whom I have had great fun and pleasure.  She got a "2" and a long unbelievable review that ended by saying he may never hobby again because of his experience and could not even masturbate without thinking of this horrible experience.    
 Should there every be an opportunity to comment on a member's review when it goes against everything you and others know about the lady in question?  

I am going to leave all the back and forth alone, and focus on one thing:  Why would someone, when it is obvious the lady is intoxicated and not prepared to session, stay?  This is not your first session, you know that is not the norm.  

I am not saying that she was not messed up, but why wouldn't you just get out in the first 10 minutes?  I know it was a long drive, but my goodness.  

I read the review.  You were not upset enough not to try to fuck her, right?  Oh, wait...you did.

You kept trying to get her to admit she was drunk...why?  What did you get from that?

She was so drunk you couldn't understand her, she didn't seem to know where she was, and still....you fucked her?  She was half aware at best, according to you.  She didn't know what was going on and you state you came on her face while she was asleep.  She may have been messed up, but you were sober.  And then wrote that review basically stating that you fucked a woman who didn't even know where she was?   How creepy are you?

I agree, you should rewrite your review, because you come off very badly.  Worse than her, actually.  Wait, don't change it.  It will give a heads up to other providers.  She may have been wasted, but your behavior as a human being is much worse.  

She is a person.  I don't know the woman in question, I don't know what happened.  But if your review is accurate, your a monster.  Seriously.  You had her give you oral, berated her, and then slept with a semi-comatose messed up woman.  Way to be decent

Posted By: Ellesolo
I am going to leave all the back and forth alone, and focus on one thing:  Why would someone, when it is obvious the lady is intoxicated and not prepared to session, stay?  This is not your first session, you know that is not the norm.    
 I am not saying that she was not messed up, but why wouldn't you just get out in the first 10 minutes?  I know it was a long drive, but my goodness.    
 I read the review.  You were not upset enough not to try to fuck her, right?  Oh, wait...you did.  
 You kept trying to get her to admit she was drunk...why?  What did you get from that?  
 She was so drunk you couldn't understand her, she didn't seem to know where she was, and still....you fucked her?  She was half aware at best, according to you.  She didn't know what was going on and you state you came on her face while she was asleep.  She may have been messed up, but you were sober.  And then wrote that review basically stating that you fucked a woman who didn't even know where she was?   How creepy are you?  
 I agree, you should rewrite your review, because you come off very badly.  Worse than her, actually.  Wait, don't change it.  It will give a heads up to other providers.  She may have been wasted, but your behavior as a human being is much worse.    
 She is a person.  I don't know the woman in question, I don't know what happened.  But if your review is accurate, your a monster.  Seriously.  You had her give you oral, berated her, and then slept with a semi-comatose messed up woman.  Way to be decent.  
As I said, I was extremely angry when I wrote it, so I clearly exaggerated some things. It's not that she was blackout drunk and asking me who are you and why are you fucking me, it's just that this was a roleplay session and she didn't seem able to accomplish the level of self control necessary to act the part. She was sober enough to perform oral and even ride CG. I kept trying to get her to admit she had been drinking so I could gracefully ask her "Maybe we should cut this short, then." As mentioned in my review, I tried several times to cut it short, but she said I would have to give up the entire 800 donation and walk away with nothing. I hardly think that is creepy behavior. If anything, I was the one far more creeped out.  

Keep in mind that even the greatest writer, given infinite time, will never be able to convey an event in 100% detail that ALSO translates to every person with the correct motivation or moral. Reading between the details I put in (also remember reviews have a character limit and I was at 0 characters remaining) it may look bad, but I felt like I put enough story in to convey what the situation was.  

There's also the shellshock of it all. I haven't even been with a woman that was inebriated in real life, and it's made doubly confusing when it's a provider I paid to be with. It's a what the hell do I do now, kind of thing?

And also I wanted to mention the COF moment she was sleeping because it took me about 20 minutes to finish so honestly who can blame her? I had a lot of nyquil in my system. It makes finishing very difficult. Look it up it's a scientific fun fact.

Gee, your version now is WORLDS different than what you wrote.

So, since you had no problem rolling with what you did until I called you out on it, I am going to say your behavior was exactly as you wrote it.

You were fine with writing it.  You were fine with it standing.  You commented you were a little upset and wanted to ruin her business.  You wrote 5 paragraphs of bs about how you were upset, but she contacted you to discuss her drinking problem and apologize.  You acted like an entitled dick.
I call you out on the obvious fact of what YOU did as a human being by harassing, fucking, and coming on a barely conscious woman.  Then the tone changes,  

Also, I am a published author, so you can throw that excuse out the window.  Your a bad person, is what it is.  

What she did was bad business, what you did was morally bankrupt

Posted By: Ellesolo
Gee, your version now is WORLDS different than what you wrote.  
 So, since you had no problem rolling with what you did until I called you out on it, I am going to say your behavior was exactly as you wrote it.  
 You were fine with writing it.  You were fine with it standing.  You commented you were a little upset and wanted to ruin her business.  You wrote 5 paragraphs of bs about how you were upset, but she contacted you to discuss her drinking problem and apologize.  You acted like an entitled dick.  
 I call you out on the obvious fact of what YOU did as a human being by harassing, fucking, and coming on a barely conscious woman.  Then the tone changes,  
 Also, I am a published author, so you can throw that excuse out the window.  Your a bad person, is what it is.    
 What she did was bad business, what you did was morally bankrupt.  
Yes, I agree. I made a mistake and all I can do is try to learn from it. I've tried resubmitting the review and score and I have been emailing the provider constantly to reassure her I'll do my best to make it right.  

I've always struggled with anger and in this case I clearly let it win over. It's the classic fable of the Fence of Nails. You can drive nails into a wooden fence in anger, and then remove them in peace, but the damage I did is permanently scarred into the fence. I can only hope the next time the opportunity comes to lash out in anger I remember what it cost to the people around me the last time I did it.  

We're all at war with ourselves. Fighting war means losses.

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