TER General Board

I agree with the others, but disagree that the
SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 223 reads

client with his wife knew that the woman you were with was on a date. For all he knew, she could have been with her SO, brother, father, cousin- you get the idea. His approaching the table was bad enough, but calling her by her working name is cringe worthy!!! I wold never see someone like that ever again. Grounds for immediate dismissal!! What an idiot.

I took a beautiful woman I have seen many times in "this world" to lunch Friday, we had a four hour date with a meal at a very nice restaurant in the middle. We just sat down and no more than 3 minutes later another beautiful woman I have seen many times in "this world" was seated right next to us. Neither of us noticed immediately but in a minute or two we made eye contact.

I don't know why but I immediately felt incredibly awkward, no clue how she felt. I decided to go to the bathroom right after we ordered our drinks. As I came out of the bathroom her timing was perfect, she gave me about a 20 second passionate kiss while she squeezed and held me firmly down below. Not a word was spoken, after our kiss, she simply removed her hand, smiled and walked into the ladies room. The restrooms were away from the dining room and nobody to my knowledge walked by us or even seen us during that 20 seconds.

Simply put something I figured that would be very awkward for me turned into something wonderful and memorable. We each had our lunch and never made eye contact again, I did not look at another woman in the place except for my date. We went back to her hotel and had an amazing two hour finish to our date.  

I got a text Friday evening from my hallway buddy and we set up a date for Monday night. We all came out winners. Talk about going from not knowing to a beautiful thing and all by a simple kiss.

the usual protocol when bumping into a provider/client we know while out with someone else, is non-interaction lest some breach cause a problem.

A simple wink is often the only acknowledgement that is needed, and even that needs to be done very discreetly

Completely agree Mr. Fisher, I only had that happen once before and it was in a different environment and that is exactly what happened, a simple wink and smile. My intention coming out of the bathroom was to hopefully make eye contact as I sat down, then smile and nod. I honestly in my mind wanted that to happen from second one, the problem is I have seen both ladies over two dozen times so we know each other very well.  

I am sure it was me thinking it would be awkward and not her, she was the consummate professional.

Posted By: mrfisher
the usual protocol when bumping into a provider/client we know while out with someone else, is non-interaction lest some breach cause a problem.  
 A simple wink is often the only acknowledgement that is needed, and even that needs to be done very discreetly.  

but mr. fisher it's not like the op made the move... you should be scolding the provider who grabbed his junk!

personally imo it sounds like a dear penthouse letter...

Mscurious547 reads

What is your question?

There is no question, I simply shared something that I wanted to share. I was unaware that I was unable to do so without a question, therefor I will ask a question. Why do you feel the need to reply to the thread anonymously?

GaGambler393 reads

Why is Mscurious such a disagreeable cunt?

and is "she" even a she? Not that her sex really matters, there are plenty of cunts on this board who are technically male.

I was at dinner OTC with one of my regulars.  A man came in with his wife and when she got up to go to the restroom, he walked over to our table and said, "Hi X (her working name). I told him if he was a friend of X, he and his lady were welcome to join us. He declined and when his wife came back he had the maitre d move them as far away as possible. They actually finished before us and left in a hurry.  

My lady asked why I invited him to join us. I said I could tell she was uncomfortable, so I shifted the discomfort to him.

not what you or your lady did, what the other guy did.  he obviously knew who she was and what she did, so he obviously knew you were on a date.  pretty f'in nervy of him to butt in on your date.

however imo the op of this thread did nothing wrong, and neither did either provider friends of his.  i'll bet  you dollars to donuts the second lady knew the first and knew exactly what was going on (ie, a "date") and only added to the sensuality of the evening.

dear penthouse you will never believe what happened at dinner last night...

I agree that was very rude of him coming over to said hi while you were present.  We the hobbyist and the provider know that the un-spoken rule is that we are trying to be discrete as possible when we are in our private life, and that guy just broken that rule by approaching you regardless if his wife is with him or not.

client with his wife knew that the woman you were with was on a date. For all he knew, she could have been with her SO, brother, father, cousin- you get the idea. His approaching the table was bad enough, but calling her by her working name is cringe worthy!!! I wold never see someone like that ever again. Grounds for immediate dismissal!! What an idiot.

Posted By: coach618925
I took a beautiful woman I have seen many times in "this world" to lunch Friday, we had a four hour date with a meal at a very nice restaurant in the middle. We just sat down and no more than 3 minutes later another beautiful woman I have seen many times in "this world" was seated right next to us. Neither of us noticed immediately but in a minute or two we made eye contact.  
 I don't know why but I immediately felt incredibly awkward, no clue how she felt. I decided to go to the bathroom right after we ordered our drinks. As I came out of the bathroom her timing was perfect, she gave me about a 20 second passionate kiss while she squeezed and held me firmly down below. Not a word was spoken, after our kiss, she simply removed her hand, smiled and walked into the ladies room. The restrooms were away from the dining room and nobody to my knowledge walked by us or even seen us during that 20 seconds.  
 Simply put something I figured that would be very awkward for me turned into something wonderful and memorable. We each had our lunch and never made eye contact again, I did not look at another woman in the place except for my date. We went back to her hotel and had an amazing two hour finish to our date.  
 I got a text Friday evening from my hallway buddy and we set up a date for Monday night. We all came out winners. Talk about going from not knowing to a beautiful thing and all by a simple kiss.

I was just about to say something similar.  I am sure we are all so attractive that beautiful, bright, charming women would be so devoted to us that the kind of thing described above would happen all the time, except that when this has happened to me out side the hobby, it was quite different.  (Long and boring story made shorter:.  Between marriages, dating a lot, I came into a restaurant with a date, someone else I was dating was there with another person of the male persuasion who had been chasing her for years and in-home she had little interest. She saw me and my date and became very upset, insisted she and her companion leave immediately.  You can imagine the rest.)  
In the context of the hobby, we are all James Bond and surrounded by beautiful and very interested women.  God, the hobby is money well spent.

In 10+ years, I've never crossed paths with a provider in publi

This was only the second time for me and frankly if I had not seen each of them so many times I would have simply smiled if we made eye contact but this was a different feel. I also when I am in public with a "date" I treat her just as I would if we were on a real date. She is the only one I look at and dote over but this had a different feel.  

Looking back now two days later I am pretty sure that 20 second kiss and grab was closer to 10+ seconds but it was awesome nonetheless. As one commented, it was great for business. Yes it was but since I have seen her so often that did nothing to get me to have another date with her but if that were not the case.......... exactly right I would have absolutely scheduled another date because of that. We are all in this for our own reasons and business is still business.  

Maybe I am a chicken and as much as I loved it and can still feel it two days later, I will be perfectly fine if I never experience it again.  

Posted By: nothrofboston
In 10+ years, I've never crossed paths with a provider in public  

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