TER General Board

huh? how would a couple of bucks get around what
Blowing Chunks 405 reads

you lost me there...

When I read some of my reviews at a later time, I want to be able to experience almost exactly what it felt like. So a fair amount of thought goes into it.  I'd rather spend the time screwing around on the boards if it isn't thoughtfully written. So I got myself into the mood, reliving that moment again in my mind, and wrote exactly 2 sentences. After that, it's been sitting in my draft folder for almost 4 months cuz I completely forgot. rofl

The girl emailed me to tell me she's visiting... along with a "So, where's that review you were gonna write me? xoxo" That's when I remembered the time for review submission is up and I technically can't write one. I did tell her that she is well-deserving of "D.A's Coveted Seal of Approval". She didn't coerce it out of me at gun point or anything because she's already DDG and smokin' with or without my review.

I didn't know this, but she claims the stamp of approval from the Great Hobbyist (not the blue one that looks like he's a bit deprived of oxygen, but the one with the 9 week old stained underwear with skid marks and toilet paper sticking out of his butt) is a sought after & coveted stamp of approval in the hobby community.

But if I submit one now, I will have to fudge the date. Can an honest guy like me lie? Hell no. I must be a Great TER-Law Abiding Citizen and set a great example to all my minions, lemmings, and underlings. I must be a responsible TER Law Abiding Hobbyist!  After all, there are rules in life.  

Fortunately, a girl like that, I don't mind seeing again til what ever is left of my dick falls off. I'm seeing her again in a few days. I'll prolly write that review when I can find the time to write a thoughtful one.

How many of you are man enough to admit to a little "date fudging" every now and then? Especially if the provider is ok with it too?  After all, what's wrong with a little fudging in America? Many lenders did that during the real estate boom and we're doing just fine. :D

I very seldom review. Lately I've been using an alias for privacy reasons. Had a bad experience with the board handjob.

Anyway, if the subject of a review comes up, I tell the lady that I don't like to review on the first encounter. Which is true generally. There are a few reasons why I might and have, but I don't tell them that.

That way, unless THEY ASK ME for a review, the issue is avoided. Whether they ask or not, if I want to write one I will, if I don't want to I won't. That's really the only way any of this, well, anything at all, is comfortable for me.

Drunk, why do you feel compelled to write a review? Haven't you ever had an encounter and just savored the afterglow privately? Obviously, you weren't inspired to do a review. So tell her you weren't inspired. If you think she'd like a little sugar on it, tell her it meant so much to you that you want to hold the memory only to your own heart. That' sugar--molasses even--and a cup-n'-a-half of sugar ALWAYS helps the meds go down.

I forgot about it.  Lol  

But yeah,  sometimes I do want to savor the after glow privately but then it's the hobby...  About a hundred other guys probably feel same and you realize it isn't all that special if you really think about it. Well,  it is special in the hobby, not enough to call it sacred lol the two are different.

Civvies/providers = apples/oranges.

There are very good apples.

And there are... Very good, very special oranges.

most of the time I just want to have fun.  no shortage of hot young  babes no matter how special.  if she is all that special then I may consider keeping her all to myself by locking her up in my room for a few hours lol but at the end of the session I usually wake up and come back to reality.  She's an escort and she's good at what she does...  I hire her by the hour and let her go when time is up.  

It wouldn't really matter to me if a review is written or not,  she's not my girl friend no matter how special she is.  I have also written reviews for providers I was dating as well so I write a special review instead of trying to keep them to myself.  Its good to keep things simple and try to get perspective when mongering.

Guys who've been around a while can find out how many total reviews a dude has posted. :)

they will take your word for being in a "Drunken Stupor" the last few months and unable to throw 2 sentences together more less a review. That way you can write the girl her well deserved and long overdue review while keeping your so called integrity intact.

Lastly I feel compelled to inform both you and Blue that no "Hobbyist", "Great" or not can compare to myself the "Purveyor Of Love" as the Ladies Love me and I Love The Ladies! And unlike the both of you I was born for this "Greatness"!!!!!

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