TER General Board

How would some random dude see a "noticeable amount of guys"...
Dr Who revived 1341 reads

That would be weird...although I know there are some stalkers out there and maybe are just watching?  Yeah...they're creepy  LOL

I'm a whore....and can be had for the right price.

I even negotiate....yep, just that kind of whore!

But I am low volume...whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean.
Posted By: Courtney.Ova
Low volume to me would mean not a noticeable amount of guys rotating in and out the door, which means less people will notice or care.  
 Even low volume means high volume IRL.  
 I have a steady flow of one per day, then a few days off based on demand. But it's because of demand based on rate structure and categories. I don't fit into many categories, really. Which isn't a bad thing, but it doesn't really give many perks in advertising.  
 But if rent, taxes, car, bills are due, or my ads are expiring, I'll see a couple in a day. I have no problem with that, and quite frankly, my sex life is only someone's business if they're paying me for the time. So first customer of the day requests already has a $2,000 minimum. If he's going to ask me who I've seen and when that day, he pays for the day.  
 Never works, but it gets the point across lol.

I'd say 8-10 sessions per month max, most likely a third of them are regulars.  

1 per day would be low for a lady that continually advertises and is in demand, but at 30 guys per month I wouldn't consider that low volume. Just my opinion.

BTW My thoughts on volume has changed over the years. I once thought low volume is good. But if your goals are to get in and get out then volume is your best friend

One problem with low volume providers who don't work out of their  homes,  how would a girl justify her in call costs if she's working out of a hotel 3 4 a week.

My 1hr incall rate is 450 and my 1hr outcall rate is 350.  
I don't work out of my home and set my biz up to be low volume, so this helps me out a lot. Even when my 1hr incall was 400 I'd get 1request per day which is not really profitable if I don't have other appts booked. I noticed that the 1hr incall, being most popular, was the one thing I had to get control of in order to profit so raising it up helped. Most of my biz has always been multi-hour so this helped out so much.  

Oh! It also helped with minimizing last minute requests for the 1hr incall. I find now that guys who want the 1hr incall often book earlier.  

When someone pre-books I can easily shoot an email to guys I grandfathered at a lower rate in that area to let them know I will be there in case they want to see me.  

These small changes made me a happy woman and also helped me keep more profit per day. Sure I'm likely missing quite a bit of money by my 1hr incall being higher, but I don't burn out like I used to from being on my computer all the time and what not so it balances out. This helps me justify costs. Of course with multihours you get more income so at that point getting a hotel doesn't hurt as bad.  

Note: I live in a city where cost of living is high. As long as I can keep my hotel incall costs lower than what I'd be paying if I rented an apartment for an incall, I don't feel like I'm losing out. I'd never ever work out of my own home again. A reviewer described the inside of my condo, the building and the location in a review within the first 30 days of me doing appts from home so I learned my lesson fast! I'm too scary for it lol.

As a hobbyist I only see someone about once a month, sometimes twice a month.  To me, that makes ME a low volume hobbyist.  

 A provider who is low volume may either:

A. Only work a few times a month but be high volume for those times.  (Ie pack in a bunch of guys per day for a short period of time)
B. Work all month (excepting flow days perhaps) but just one or two tricks per day.
C. Be a "exclusive" sort who only works once in a while and concentrates on one guy for that day and no one else and only work a few days a month. (These girls are usually higher end gals who charge way more and whom I probably will never sleep with)
D. Any combination of the above plus some other combinations I haven't thought of because this is a silly question.  It's a marketing term that can mean anything to anyone.  It's meant to make you think you are "special" because as a low volume girl, YOU are the guy she chose to see.  See what I mean

I figure it to be one or two a week.  Seems common among the ladies that a full time day job.

If I have 1-2 "hobby" clients but have my FWB's fuck me 5x in a week, is that low? LOL!  
I mean, if someone is already having sex, and then she advertises low volume, you have no idea what that means! Here is a better question, what if she put put how many sexual partners she has had in her ad? Would that change your idea of "low volume"? If she makes you feel like you are the only one in the world for the time you are with her and is real and passionate when she is with you when the reality is she really is banging 20+ guys in the week, then to you, she is low volume, and IMO on top of her game.

Exactly.  Low-volume is just another marketing term.  As long as uts a giod experience, who gives a flying fuck?

I've never fucked while flying, so I don't think anybody gives one.

We should try that lol.

Posted By: Fridays117
Exactly.  Low-volume is just another marketing term.  As long as uts a giod experience, who gives a flying fuck?

I know lots of high volume "low volume" providers LOL.
It's all marketing for some.

I get it.  Some guys don't want to think about putting their face where another guy's dick just was.  At the extreme, they like to be her first customer of the day.  And all that means is they're sucking the jizz that her SO left there when he boned her before she left for her incall.
Also, if she says she's "low volume," how, exactly, do you know she's telling the truth?
Get over it.

Don't you just love it when someone has heated up the car for you first?


That is, if they ever let me leave.

Believe you me, they'll be plenty warmed up by then.


I ran into you, and you just wouldn't leave. I fucked her in front of you, and I heard you whisper to yourself under your breath..."Boy !!! This kid has got some game.. He is like Harper of mongering.." To which, our co-hooker screamed..."Big Papi, Big Papi.."

Thank goodness Mr. Fisher is a merciful man and sees me even though he's my only date on our special evenings.



As a provider, I say come in this business and take on as much volume as you can! Have goals and a plan. That way if and when you are ready to move on to other endeavors that may consume your time (college, have a baby, get married, start a new career), you can.

Remember we are selling time here, afterall. We all worry with wear and tear, which is cute and classy. But this is a business of selling time :) Why spread it out so much that you end up relying on hooking for 20yrs. I look back on my past and get upset with myself sometimes. Some months I'd only saw 5 guys just to stay low volume. Thats dumb as hell... I could've got them done in 3 days.  However that 2 months where I only saw one guy because I was booked for a week straight, that was a good low volume lol but no day, week or month is the same in this biz so I say volume volume volume until you hit that golden number called "I'm going to just delete everything today and move on."

After his girls last appointment of the day?  

I doubt if any girl is BB her clients - how, do you know she's telling the truth? Get over it.

Posted By: inicky46
I get it.  Some guys don't want to think about putting their face where another guy's dick just was.  At the extreme, they like to be her first customer of the day.  And all that means is they're sucking the jizz that her SO left there when he boned her before she left for her incall.  
 Also, if she says she's "low volume," how, exactly, do you know she's telling the truth?  
 Get over it.

Like I need another reason not to petrform oral on a lady!

Not that they're complaining.

Posted By: RRO2610
Posted By: inicky46
I get it.  Some guys don't want to think about putting their face where another guy's dick just was.  At the extreme, they like to be her first customer of the day.  And all that means is they're sucking the jizz that her SO left there when he boned her before she left for her incall.  
  Also, if she says she's "low volume," how, exactly, do you know she's telling the truth?  
  Get over it.

Skyfyre1355 reads

EXACTLY! As a high-volume hobbyist who sees high-volume (maybe?) affordable providers I live by the axiom "IT'S MIND OVER MATTER. IF YOU DON'T MIND IT DOESN'T MATTER". LOL.

As long as the lady and her snatch are clean and fresh I don't see reason to pound my head over thinking how many guys she saw before me

To me "low volume" means a woman who is not to loud.

There is a difference to being "low volume."  Just like playing the lottery, you have a better chance of winning the more tickets you buy.  Sure, odds are you won't win, but if you buy 100 different number combinations your chances  of winning are slightly better than if you bought one ticket - Same with STDs.

Statistics show that the chance of catching a STD in this industry is actually lower than in the civie world.  That is because most providers are extra cautious due to this being their livelihood.  However, the more men you have sex with, the higher your rate of possible exposure.

I am extremely "low volume" as I only see 1-3 men in a month.  If, God forbid, I ever did catch anything, I would know exactly who I caught it from and would only have to inform one or possibly two others to get tested.  I don't see how someone who sees multiple men in a day or even a week could pin point with such accuracy.  

So, for one, the exposure to possible STD is increased.  

Secondly, you have a longer "recovery" time if you are low volume.  If you spend three hours fucking a man hung like a horse and then see Mr. Tiny Dick, well all the kegel exercises in the world won't shrink you back in time.  But, have a week or two without sex before Mr. Tiny and you'll have a better chance that he will be able to experience your sugar walls...

Man your logic is crazily skewed. Pussy go back. ie: childbirth Friction has nothing to do with being stretched by a big cock earlier and then having a small cocked guy bang you later. Do you use tampons? Do you masturbate? With what you are saying then OMG then it's like throwing a pea down a hallway!!! LMAO!!!

As far as STD transmission, having a sex industry job and being a civvie with a big dance card are no different. You want to reduce transimssion of anyting, be monogomous with a virgin only if you are a virgin first. It's up to the individual to take necessary precautions and prevent STD by being responsible, knowing and owning their risks, and getting tested. But there are no guarantees. So knowing who gave you what is ridiculous. Incubation periods and dormancies can take months if not years!!! Wow, your post makes your pussy sound so pristine and immaculate. Why would you rent it in the first place? Are you not in the same sex worker boat as the rest of us?

I'm sorry you are limiting your sexual experiences and sexuality to 1-3 men a month. I guess that leaves more yummy cocks for me to sample!!! Thanks!!!

Yes, pussy snaps back after childbirth etc, but not within minute.  You can easily put your fist up a woman minutes after she gives birth.  I'm sorry, but I know I'd be a little sore and walking funny after fucking a horse-man for 3 hours.

-- Modified on 9/13/2014 10:49:22 AM

JackDunphy1560 reads

There is NO way to tell if p4p girls are more or less likely to catch/pass on an STD than a civie girl as NO one knows what goes on bcd with either group.  

Yes, I know, other p4p girls like to pass off this as "fact" as some hookers here like to bullshit the johns to benefit their biz. Please stop with your pseudo science and passing along things you know nothing about!

It is part of my job (and all the other providers here job) to know the risks of STDs.  I have studied this in depth and it is something I DO KNOW ABOUT.  

If you look at stats across this nation (USA) you will find that teenagers lead in STDs followed by elderly.  The board of health and the center for disease control constantly update these statistics.  And civvies don't worry about STDs as much and in general (based on documentation) don't use protection like providers.

We, as providers, need to be able to recognize what different diseases look like, smell like, and different ways to transmit.  

We have to keep current on new diseases, like the new strain of antibiotic-resistant Treponema pallidum ( syphilis) as well as, consider the risks involved with different services we offer.

JackDunphy1119 reads

You can ONLY speak for yourself, nobody else here. You look incredibly foolish by saying "we". Maybe you have been hanging out with Paloma recently?

Many girls in this biz do BBFS or haven't you heard? Are they the "we" you are referring to?

Stop speaking for "civies" as if they are some monolithic group and stop this bullshit that hookers are somehow better at protecting themselves. Maybe you are, maybe you aren't but to state it as a categorical fact is asinine and completely non scientific.

There is simply no way to prove it either way

I can only speak for myself and my experiences.  I play safe and all the girls on here that I know personally play safe.  

Although, I do believe a girl (civvie) that meets you in a bar and goes to bed with you after a few drinks probably won't have condoms and won't complain if you don't - especially if you've bought her enough drinks and her judgement is poor.

But, otherwise you are spot on.

But any guy I've done it with outside of this looked at my condom like a foreign object when I pulled one out. Here guys know the drill.

I then look at them like they're a foreign object and proceed to give them a lecture on safe sex and STD risk. Lol.

The majority of guys I've seen here know exactly what it is and wait for me to grab one. But I don't doubt for a second bare back isn't done here. Kind of scary.

Which is why it's important to do things like make sure no open cuts, (razor, a bit cheek, cuts from brushing teeth, or anything open,) touches bodily fluids.

Knowing what is going on with our bodies on both sides is super important. Anything funny going on should be checked, check a cock before putting it in your mouth, (this can be disguised and even used to tease the guy by lightly breathing up and down the cock and balls while checking,) when all is good, slop it up and go for it.

Regular check ups, etc etc.

I don't really believe the stats due to people lying to cover their ass.

-- Modified on 9/13/2014 6:09:35 PM

Actually, the lottery example, IMMHO, is erroneous. If you buy 100 tickets and win on one of them, it means you bought 99 losing tickets. Buying one ticket gives you the same odds. It's just as likely to be the winning ticket as that one of the hundred you bought will be the winner.

I think advertising LV is kind of like advertising that you give the best service of any provider. You can claim that, and it means whatever it means. And for others who claim LV, it means whatever it means in regards to them. Meaningless? No. You have to say SOMETHING good when you hawk your fish. So LV seems as good as anything else?

Posted By: DateJessicaK
There is a difference to being "low volume."  Just like playing the lottery, you have a better chance of winning the more tickets you buy.  Sure, odds are you won't win, but if you buy 100 different number combinations your chances  of winning are slightly better than if you bought one ticket - Same with STDs.  
 Statistics show that the chance of catching a STD in this industry is actually lower than in the civie world.  That is because most providers are extra cautious due to this being their livelihood.  However, the more men you have sex with, the higher your rate of possible exposure.  
 I am extremely "low volume" as I only see 1-3 men in a month.  If, God forbid, I ever did catch anything, I would know exactly who I caught it from and would only have to inform one or possibly two others to get tested.  I don't see how someone who sees multiple men in a day or even a week could pin point with such accuracy.    
 So, for one, the exposure to possible STD is increased.    
 Secondly, you have a longer "recovery" time if you are low volume.  If you spend three hours fucking a man hung like a horse and then see Mr. Tiny Dick, well all the kegel exercises in the world won't shrink you back in time.  But, have a week or two without sex before Mr. Tiny and you'll have a better chance that he will be able to experience your sugar walls...

cashorcredit1067 reads

So there's not really much for me to add to the thread except, low volume means absolutely nothing to me just a marketing ploy to attract suckers.

and certainly some ladies prefer to provide on a low volume basis - usually they are pricing themselves higher because you are supposed to feel that "low volume" is exclusive somehow or leads to better service....  - you are supposed to be willing to pay a premium for the illusion that you are more "special"   since she has not done a few other guys before you get there :p

in reality,  I don't think it makes much of a difference and I don't care who or how many she's been seeing as long as she takes good care of me -

and, in my market area,  many if not a majority of the highest rated providers for performance are high volume girls.....

"that "low volume" is exclusive somehow or leads to better service....  - you are supposed to be willing to pay a premium for the illusion that you are more "special"   since she has not done a few other guys before you get there :p "

I'm not sure it's "usually". I think a lot of us choose the rate that meets our comfort level with frequency and the types of meetings we prefer. I give a lot both emotionally and physically during my engagements, and that's just not sustainable for me with a lot of meetings in a week. I prefer to make a connection with the gents I see, and it's hard to do that with an hour here and an hour there. I prefer longer engagements, and my rates reflect that. I would hope that my friends feel special, but that's not why I am low volume. It's for my own pleasure.

I have my own reasons for not seeing multiple guys on the same day, and the gentleman I do see on any given day gets the best of me and it seems to work for me so far.

I used to be able to see maybe 3 guys max spaced out when touring (not when home based) pre 2012 but not now. It is what it is.



I may have my preferences and may enter some conversations to express an opinion or counter point that frankly many other hobbyists agree with but are intimidated to state -

but I have the highest respect for the various choices and preferences of both providers and their clientele -  and I am a very open and reasonable person  

but I think that gentlemen should  "shop" by reviews and not by slogans....

a lot of claims of "low volume" don't mean much when it comes to the actual reviews and performance scores....

I don't expect you to get it because you think so highly of yourself you refuse to acknowledge it. Thus the brick wall thing.

If you are so "reasonable" then why do both providers and some guys make the comments they do?

All this talk about choreographed date by GFEs, ect prove otherwise.

Let's see, I'm not a HDH, market myself slightly below that and those that see me seem to REALLY enjoy their time with me, WOW what gives?

And NO you don't have the highest respect for those various choices. That's obvious by your condescending posts here.

So what happened Marcus, you were SOOOO different under your old handle?

-- Modified on 9/13/2014 11:06:03 AM

earthshined1352 reads

his "GFE choreography" is on point.  

IME, it happens often.

The ladies that post on TER on are not necessarily representative of the whole lot.

Oh I competely get that...   I know providers who are truly low volume and truly exceptional......in part because of the amount of preparation they put into sessions and because they are not over working themselves either

however -

when a provider trumpets that she is "low volume" - what does that really mean?

there is no objective definition of this -

and in many cases and especially for the type of hobbying that some of us prefer, it's irrelevant and maybe especially so if there is a markup attached to it...    

so instead of keywords like "low volume"  being taken to mean anything I consider it better for each "consumer" to search for ladies based on actual reviews and not business slogans.....

They slow down the email/phone calls, and compensate her if she wants to put more into her business, (which includes her looks.)

I get a kick out of guys who will only pay $200 for an hour, then complain that the girl isn't hosting at the Ritz. Lol.  

Premium rates do help accommodate last minute requests to get a nice hotel too. ;)

-- Modified on 9/13/2014 3:16:43 PM

if you do you will find that in the DC market area -

at 200-250 performance by numbers is meh and you are right you will find a lot of low rent providers

at 260-300  performance is the highest average in this market.   May agencies fall in here and are using very nice incalls or business class hotels as a rule.  

at 300-350  performance is pretty much equal to the 260-300 level but there are more lower scoring outliers ie less consistency

at 350+ the performance falls off with the exception of a handful of "review managers" whose profiles are full of 10s -  many of these gals are notorious for the lengths they will go to in order to coerce high review numbers and many of them are the most dramatic and flaky in the biz.....

Have you seen a significant amount of ladies in the range(s) you feel don't provide the best service? I'm all for people doing what works best for them, but just wondering.

Btw my regular Incall is super cozy and great for shorter dates. I provably invest too much in this place lol.

I only know what I do really, so I can only speak for me. I'm at $400 in Chicago and DC. I definitely put my all into it and provide a nice, clean, upscale place there. I'm sure many others in my price point do as well...

-- Modified on 9/13/2014 11:41:40 PM

and falls within the range of highest value  -based on a cursory glance at your profile I'd say you are doing very well -

but a lot does depend on whether a client is a good fit for your approach -

there are plenty of guys who want what I call the "courtesan" experience -   the hospitality, the comfortable incall, the charm, the sense of entertainment - and value this enough to pay a little premium over "just" appearance and performance factors....

I myself enjoy the 'courtesan experience'  on occasion - my favorite indie ever has rates comparable to yours (just a smidge higher) and provides this....

but there are a lot of us as well who either sometimes or normally are just looking for appearance and performance and not terribly interested in the full blown 'courtesan experience' and so do not feel the need to pay a bit of a premium for it....

you appear to have found a successful and satisfying niche in terms of your preferred way of going about things and a rate that supports it -

some of my posts have been interpreted by some ladies as "downing" them -   that is not my intention at all.  Their business approach is irrelevant to me altogether unless I were to decide to book them :

Don’t think about the guy who rented them before you – just focus on your game.

But sometimes there's just too many distractions

In twenty years they will look like bowling pins. Nature can be unkind.

Might look a bit odd.

Oops..looks like Nick forgot to get out of frame quick enough.  Or is that Sir Dickie?  I get confused too easily.

And neither of us would be seen with creatures like that.  We could just stay home with our wives.

Not if she gets them done. Though they may look like bowling balls. Lol ;)

Posted By: rrasha88
In twenty years they will look like bowling pins. Nature can be unkind.

-- Modified on 9/13/2014 11:53:47 AM

Damn you're good lol

Posted By: rrasha88
Don’t think about the guy who rented them before you – just focus on your game.

I'll treat you like the king you are, I enjoy what I do, and all the other meaningless phrases that get repeated.  Her volume means absolutely nothing to me.....   all I care about is the way she treats me during my time with her.

Come on, I get to work in my underwear and naked. Lol. Also, what jobs do you go to dressed like a diva and be called gorgeous every day? Brilliant.

Sure, there are clients I've seen where I'm thinking, "I wanna quit right now." Lol. But that soon goes away. It's w hen the guy is way too rough and starts to scare me. Or rips me off. Or tries to manipulate me into doing things I don't want to do, which forces me to get tough. But that very rarely happens, and I can usually catch that by email etiquette. Or I don't feel like he was happy.

Most of the time I leave feeling like a sex bomb or diva. Lol

Low volume to me would mean not a noticeable amount of guys rotating in and out the door, which means less people will notice or care.

Even low volume means high volume IRL.  

I have a steady flow of one per day, then a few days off based on demand. But it's because of demand based on rate structure and categories. I don't fit into many categories, really. Which isn't a bad thing, but it doesn't really give many perks in advertising.  

But if rent, taxes, car, bills are due, or my ads are expiring, I'll see a couple in a day. I have no problem with that, and quite frankly, my sex life is only someone's business if they're paying me for the time. So first customer of the day requests already has a $2,000 minimum. If he's going to ask me who I've seen and when that day, he pays for the day.

Never works, but it gets the point across lol.

That would be weird...although I know there are some stalkers out there and maybe are just watching?  Yeah...they're creepy  LOL

I'm a whore....and can be had for the right price.

I even negotiate....yep, just that kind of whore!

But I am low volume...whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean.

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
Low volume to me would mean not a noticeable amount of guys rotating in and out the door, which means less people will notice or care.  
 Even low volume means high volume IRL.  
 I have a steady flow of one per day, then a few days off based on demand. But it's because of demand based on rate structure and categories. I don't fit into many categories, really. Which isn't a bad thing, but it doesn't really give many perks in advertising.  
 But if rent, taxes, car, bills are due, or my ads are expiring, I'll see a couple in a day. I have no problem with that, and quite frankly, my sex life is only someone's business if they're paying me for the time. So first customer of the day requests already has a $2,000 minimum. If he's going to ask me who I've seen and when that day, he pays for the day.  
 Never works, but it gets the point across lol.

this is what you're talking about?

Posted By: Dr Who revived
That would be weird...although I know there are some stalkers out there and maybe are just watching?  Yeah...they're creepy  LOL  
 I'm a whore....and can be had for the right price.  
 I even negotiate....yep, just that kind of whore!  
 But I am low volume...whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean.  
Posted By: Courtney.Ova
Low volume to me would mean not a noticeable amount of guys rotating in and out the door, which means less people will notice or care.  
  Even low volume means high volume IRL.    
  I have a steady flow of one per day, then a few days off based on demand. But it's because of demand based on rate structure and categories. I don't fit into many categories, really. Which isn't a bad thing, but it doesn't really give many perks in advertising.    
  But if rent, taxes, car, bills are due, or my ads are expiring, I'll see a couple in a day. I have no problem with that, and quite frankly, my sex life is only someone's business if they're paying me for the time. So first customer of the day requests already has a $2,000 minimum. If he's going to ask me who I've seen and when that day, he pays for the day.  
  Never works, but it gets the point across lol.

earthshined1347 reads

makes sense.

 nobody should care who you see on a particular day.

the only thing I don't like about multiple clients is if it affects performance.I've had providers break out the lube which is a sign to me of that. don't like being "squeezed" in (to her schedule) either.

Over my month I have times when a rock will make me wet as a jelly fish. Other times I could have ten chip n dale dancers around me and I wouldn't get wet. (I'm not into those guys anyway lol.)

Someone can be superb at eating pussy and it's still hard to get wet.

If they book first thing in the morning, good luck. If they book while I'm ovulating, better be ready for a river of slippery hot mess.  

I go from being dry and needing lube one week to needing to stuff kleenex in my crotch all day afterwards because I can't stop leaking.  

one day one sheet will do. another day I need plastic wrap around my mattress and two sheets on top.

One week a guy can't jam his finger in, another day his whole face is wet.

Gete the drift? lol. It's all about cycle, how thick or thin, runny or dry it is.

Also - if someone doesn't know when to stick the finger in, (i.e. the second we get naked it will make me cringe and I'll be dry the entire appointment.) if he works me up, talks to me, touches my skin, kisses my neck, nibbles my ears while running his hands down my back, I'll probably get wet within five minutes... if it's not during my dry time (which I never know when that will be) or if it's not 8am.

Also - I'm tight. Not as tight as pencil pussy, lol, but if he's anything bigger than average, that lube is getting slapped on and we're starting with missionary.

Just a little day in vaginal secretion paradise.

earthshined1201 reads

good info. lol

but IME it's more common with ladies I've seen at the end or last day of their tour.  I suppose the latex condom doesnt help either.

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
Over my month I have times when a rock will make me wet as a jelly fish. Other times I could have ten chip n dale dancers around me and I wouldn't get wet. (I'm not into those guys anyway lol.)  
 Someone can be superb at eating pussy and it's still hard to get wet.  
 If they book first thing in the morning, good luck. If they book while I'm ovulating, better be ready for a river of slippery hot mess.  
 I go from being dry and needing lube one week to needing to stuff kleenex in my crotch all day afterwards because I can't stop leaking.  
 one day one sheet will do. another day I need plastic wrap around my mattress and two sheets on top.  
 One week a guy can't jam his finger in, another day his whole face is wet.  
 Gete the drift? lol. It's all about cycle, how thick or thin, runny or dry it is.  
 Also - if someone doesn't know when to stick the finger in, (i.e. the second we get naked it will make me cringe and I'll be dry the entire appointment.) if he works me up, talks to me, touches my skin, kisses my neck, nibbles my ears while running his hands down my back, I'll probably get wet within five minutes... if it's not during my dry time (which I never know when that will be) or if it's not 8am.  
 Also - I'm tight. Not as tight as pencil pussy, lol, but if he's anything bigger than average, that lube is getting slapped on and we're starting with missionary.  
 Just a little day in vaginal secretion paradise.

Multiply half the diameter of her waist by 3.14 then multiply that product by her height.

skarphedin1269 reads

-- Modified on 9/13/2014 1:31:30 PM

89Springer1439 reads

The calculation is as follows:

Where V = volume (men per week)
P = pi
X = number of uses of the term "low volume" on her website

V = ((X+2)*P)/3.14159265

Volume measures the capacity of a receptacle – not what is actually inserted.

89Springer1547 reads

That's going to be a difficult one to quantify, as I would imagine the volume would vary from woman to woman.

But, wait. If we're talking "high volume vs. low volume" providers, does that mean we're talking about the interior sizes of their vagina's, and not the number of customers they see? If so, this thread is a mess.

Anyone in the mood for a rousing game of “Pythagoras and the naughty slave girl?”

Those that can take horse dick are high volume and those that can only take a cocktail wiener are low volume.

Don't confuse volume with capacity. Two different things to measure/calculate/calibrate.

Posted By: 89Springer
That's going to be a difficult one to quantify, as I would imagine the volume would vary from woman to woman.  
 But, wait. If we're talking "high volume vs. low volume" providers, does that mean we're talking about the interior sizes of their vagina's, and not the number of customers they see? If so, this thread is a mess.

End of message.  

Posted By: rrasha88
Volume measures the capacity of a receptacle – not what is actually inserted.

Cocks Per Day - CPD

Unless she's exhausted or sore from all the exercise, then you may not be getting her best performance, but I think the ladies know when to say when

I never brag about being low volume. I hate it when a week passes without a date. I suspect that if a girl only sees 3 guys a month it is not because she turned down a hundred offers. It is because only 3 guys, ok maybe 4, asked for a date. Most of us who see 1 or 2 guys a week would gladly double that amount if we had the chance. Instead we brag that we are low volume. I am embarrassed to say I am low volume. PUMP UP THE VOLUME!  

Maybe we should start a thread about what percentage of qualified legitimate hobbyist we turn down for dates to maintain our "low volume" status. Not counting the bad apples, just the super nice guys with great references. When a cherry client comes along do you say, "no, I'm sorry, I have already seen a date this week or month. I want to stay low volume so I am going to have to pass. If you would like to try for next month you can get on the waiting list.

And then there are the "low volume" ones that jack their rates WAY up, double or triple their actual worth as further "evidence" they've joined the elite group. I guess it's a nice business model if they can make it work for them. Now, don't be getting any ideas Heather

I choose to be low volume for MYSELF, not for the friends I see. lol I literally turn down work all the time. (The Good, bad or indifferent) I'm very fortunate to have most all of my clients schedule for several hours at a time and that allows me to take several days off per week completely by choice.  

I often have a waiting list too.  

Just sayin'


Skyfyre1367 reads

While there are probably exception I too always suspected MOST who declared themselves low-volume are not low volume by choice. It's called making lemonade out of lemon! LOL

My life is great because I don't get a million inquiries per day. If I did I'd be charging even more lol. If I wanted to see zero, I'd be $1,000/hour, which would get me one client per year lol.

I do turn guys down, but it's usually if they don't pass screening, or their online communication seems like we wouldn't be a good match, I can't accommodate them, or they sound flaky from the get go. About 50% don't work out for one reason or another! but they can always book another time if pre screened.

I definitely see what you are saying, but really, some ladies are in a lot of demand, which allows them to raise their rates to slow down the email. Though many want to see her, they can't, (or understandably aren't willing,) to make the money appear.

It really works.

While I don't say low volume on my ads or site, I'm pretty happy with 4 - 5 clients in a week if some book longer dates. And that's about what I get. I don't advertise it as my 'style', because I'm willing to see more - the timing just doesn't work out. There would be more if I could make it feel safe and comfortable.

I also, again, don't want to be accountable to a stranger about my sex life. If they're not paying to know, then they simply will never know how many I've seen. ;)

-- Modified on 9/14/2014 7:24:05 AM

But, don't you think your service would suffer if you were seeing 10 -12 men in a day?  I once heard a spa owner brag about one of his girls seeing over a dozen a day.  That kind of volume would take it's toll, imho.

I know you give great service and to double your business is one thing, but to times it by 20 would be something else.  

Low volume may be 3-4 a month, but High volume could be 3-4 an hour.  I see a big difference there.  

Like the Jay-Z lyrics "Mommy took a bus trip, now she got her bust out
Everybody ride her, just like a bus route"

I personally couldn't do it.  Sure I won't be turning down great guys anytime soon, but if my business doubled or tripled I would have to raise my rates

I guess it means he would be a pssy snob, if he were to base his selection on such criteria.  

Posted By: spoilerT
one per day? more? less?

If a woman I'm already seeing says she's low volume I take it to mean that she has another, demanding career or spending time and energy on some other activity not related to the hobby

From a consumer standpoint low volume isn't relevant to my purchasing decision because it isn't anything I can measure or value.

IF you think about the economics - if you are doing this full time, one or two guys a week in the two-three-four hundred/hour rate seems like a good way to starve even with more than one hour minimums.  So - either low volume means part time - or it means a lot more than one or two guys a week.... or it means a lot higher rate than a girl who advertises on TER.

Different folks have different ideas as to how much is enough or too much.  Obviously depends on the person - from my point of view, the only thing that matters is how well she treats me.   Can't imagine how I would cope with five or ten guys a week and still be civil to them much less be as nice and attentive as some of the girls I have seen - but I am not doing this for a living.

Seems like it would get old pretty quick...  I really have to admire some of the professionals I have seen - I have no idea how they seem to keep it new.  Yes - on occasion you do run into a schtick but hey - any professional has a set of things that they do with a customer. It can't be new every time - making it seem like it's new to me is a heck of a talent.

Of course - my expert opinion on this subject isn't worth what you just paid for it.... all I can reasonably opine on is what I think low volume means - basically nothing

RokkKrinn1300 reads

There are a couple of women whom I see when our schedules (happily) intersect.

Usually the relative low frequency of intersection has to do with her traveling for her other work or business interests--whether that means modeling gigs, some job/career/business that has nothing whatever to do with adult entertainment, etc.

I kind of like seeing this sort of provider sometimes.  They're a little less jaded, don't "need" to see clients they don't want to, generally more attractive than the average "full-time" TER indy, etc.  And you usually hear a whole lot less industry chatter and gossip (no badmouthing other providers not in that particular provider's particular clique of girlfriends, etc).  The chance of drama, or that she'll turn out to be BSC are practically zero.

That's my take on low volume.  YMMV

I never visit with more than one gent a day and for the most part, it's one gent or two a week.  
I rarely entertain new visitors, and seldom tour because the logistics of touring and profit mean a revolving door.
That is just not my bag baby!  
I am very thankful for my regulars and my donation price point keeps things exactly the way I want my business to run.


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