TER General Board

How many of yall gots teh AIDZ?
suck_muh_ballz 1532 reads

but seriously I know alot of yallz got some form of STD's based on the fact that you muthafuckaz dont all practice safe sex. BBBJ's and DATY WTF???!!? YALL IS CRAZY YO!


I am wondering how this poster has not been banned yet???

He obviously has much to add to the conversation her on the boards. NOT

1-GO away
2-Take bonehead english
3-once you learn it, don't come back.

May be much easier to obtain if you could learn to construct a complete sentence in proper ENGLISH rather than the punk-ass slang language of barbarians and losers who never made it through grade school.

Obviously your I.Q. is as low as your sex appeal and your penis is even smaller. You have no class what-so-ever, Mr. "Sproat Gobshite".

Perhaps another board is more your style. May I recommend buttcrustedpunksunite dot com?

Now, go away little boy...

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