TER General Board

How do you know it's even her profile?
harborview 10 Reviews 403 reads

Not some scam site with stolen picts?

I made a deposit with a well known provider who is does xxx films. Now the assistant tells me the date is off and my deposit is lost. I did not even cancel the date on my end. I looked on this providers sites and see no written disclaimer of forefitting my deposit in cancelation from either end. I have already PM the provider here on TER not knowing if she was the one actually reading it or the assistant. I would totally understand if I canceled the date, though it was her assistant who canceled the date. Any guidance would be helpful on this matter. Thank yo

John_Laroche668 reads

if your description of events is accurate and complete, give her a week to provide a refund or reschedule and if she doesn't, expose this ROB's actions on every board where she does business.

Now if you did something stupid via text/email/PM and scared her off, then learn from your mistake.

Posted By: John_Laroche
if your description of events is accurate and complete, give her a week to provide a refund or reschedule and if she doesn't, expose this ROB's actions on every board where she does business.  
 Now if you did something stupid via text/email/PM and scared her off, then learn from your mistake.
Something stupid like what? Even if he did and she doesn't want to see him she owes him his deposit back. It would be the best especially if she wants to completely wash her hands of this guy and just want him to go away. Keeping his money for a date that he didn't cancelled doesn't seem a wise thing to do if you want a guy to go away and leave you alone. I would love to hear her story.

John_Laroche635 reads

If he creeped her out an hour before the date, it's also her lost time.

Just playing devil's advocate here. I agree that we're only hearing half the story.

I disagree. She should still return the money. I don't know if he told who she is or not but maybe it would help. It certainly can't hurt!

Posted By: John_Laroche
If he creeped her out an hour before the date, it's also her lost time.  
 Just playing devil's advocate here. I agree that we're only hearing half the story.

I would never send a deposit.All the risk is on the sender. Just not a smart business practice in this type of business where you have very little recourse.  Just my opinion.

Over the years, I have heard stories like yours dozens of times.  You were ripped off.  There is no such thing as a provider cancelling on the client and then being entitled to keep the money anyway.  If they want to re-schedule, that is up to you if you want it, if not, they are really under an obligation to return your money.  

Try reasoning with the assistant in a firm polite manner about who canceled on who, and if she doesn't give you your money back, go to your local board, out the provider right there, say what happened to you and start a shit storm.  You will then have maybe a 50% probability of getting your money back.

By the way, I am now stating the obvious, but don't ever give deposits.

Have been countless post like yours.
And twice as many warning of the risk of deposits.

Sorry this happened to you but there is absolutely nothing you can do to recover your money.
But there is something of value you can offer to the board.
I notice you have no reviews. Perhaps this is because you are new to TER. Or perhaps you've just never bothered to share your hobby experiences with others.

At any rate you now reach out for guidance. And I think you've received it. The deposit is lost. The only thing left at this point for you to do is name the lady so other's can avoid losing their hard earned $$$ !

The op hasn't written any reviews  and doesn't qualify for the board  

Posted By: LasVegan

best if she has the chance to justify and explain her actions. There are two sides to every story.

Why do it there? Do it on every board of the places that she visits. Reviewer's Only Board is only used by a certain group of people and not everyone has access to it.  

Posted By: LasVegan

Posted By: JJLLRRKK1971
I made a deposit with a well known provider who is does xxx films.
The guys on the PS board seem to know the agencies and reputations. Maybe someone there will have some advice for you.

Too late for you, but others have posted to PS about the reputable agencies to whom they have advanced their deposits. However, those agencies do refund or credit the deposit to another appointment if the Provider cancels or flakes

but life is not always fair.  Different providers treat deposits differently and sometimes it depends on the situation.  Porn stars are in high demand and charge premium prices, so they frequently require deposits just for a standard 1-2 hour incall visit.  Many non-porn-star girls also require deposits for things like travel-to-you or extended visits.  In my view, the closest thing to a prevailing view or industry norm is probably that if you cancel, she keeps the deposit, but if she cancels, then the deposit either rolls over to a reschedule or gets refunded (preferably a full refund).  Many girls have exceptions for things like travel costs, which may be non-refundable no matter who cancels.  (I can't tell from the OP whether she was traveling to you, so I don't know if that even applies here.)  

Unfortunately, not every girl is clear with her policies on deposits.  Here, it looks like she does not have a clear written policy stating that she keeps the deposit if she cancels.  (You may want to double check her website and any written communications with her, including any fine print.)  However, she also does not have a clear written policy stating that she will refund the deposit if she cancels.  So you would have to rely on the "industry norm" theory.  Which is not the strongest position, even in a court of law.  And of course, it is highly unlikely you would take this case to court for obvious reasons.  In this game, possession is 9/10s of the law.

So what's your remedy here?  There's only a couple of things you can do.  First, try to negotiate with the porn star / assistant.  Be firm but reasonable.  No guarantee it will work but it is worth a shot.  Personally, I would give that a shot for about a week or so before moving on to other self-help remedies.  If you don't get satisfaction - at least a partial refund or a rollover to another appointment if you're willing to do that - then you can either give up or use the few tools you have to protect yourself and others from future rip-offs.  1.) Never see her again.  Plenty of incredible girls out there have fair business practices and they should be getting your repeat business, not her.  2.) Expose her bad business practices on the Boards.  You can't write a bad review, but you can spread the word.  (Warning: this does risk drama.)  With every appointment, we risk losing money on a bad experience.  Often our only remedy is to cut our losses and help out other guys by preventing their future losses.  

There are a lot of providers out there that are consummate professionals.  Some of them never cease to impress me.  But sometimes the bad business practices of a few bad apples spoils the bunch.  Every savvy provider knows that we can't review someone we haven't seen.  The bad apples abuse this soft spot in the system with things like NSNCs and deposit abuses.  I'm all for cutting people some slack now and again, but I'm also all for weeding out the bad apples with the few tools we have to do so.  

FYI, it is highly likely that her assistant manages her TER account and TER PMs.  Most porn stars have assistants take care of all of that stuff for them.

GOOD LUCK!!!  (If you can, please let us know how it turns out.

JakeFromStateFarm493 reads

But thanks for repeating what others already said, while taking several times more verbiage to say it.

Am I missing something here? In my region I dealt with secretaries and assistance most of the time, maybe just my choices of ladies, most have their other professional day jobs and providing is a hobby or just an additional incomes for them..and sometimes one secretaries/assistants works for a group of multiple providers, who organized and schedules and most of the logistic. I have a few incidents that I've been cancelled for legit reasons(ie, children and emergencies) and also cancelled some on my side... and those advanced deposit that I've made was somewhat refunded or recovered by honoring it by rescheduling..,I'm not really sure about a well known professional provider will tarnish her reputation a few hundred dollars, mostly unlikely.. My question is, did you asked the reason of the cancellations and try to reschedule in the future date? Just wondered, but if that's the case of no disclaimers, no refunds, I'm sorry dude, sometime shit happens and all of it is part of the game...




Posted By: JJLLRRKK1971
I made a deposit with a well known provider who is does xxx films. Now the assistant tells me the date is off and my deposit is lost. I did not even cancel the date on my end. I looked on this providers sites and see no written disclaimer of forefitting my deposit in cancelation from either end. I have already PM the provider here on TER not knowing if she was the one actually reading it or the assistant. I would totally understand if I canceled the date, though it was her assistant who canceled the date. Any guidance would be helpful on this matter. Thank you  
-- Modified on 9/13/2016 12:57:11 PM

However, I have to ask:  why did the assistant cancel your date?

If the provider is no longer available, for whatever reason, then the deposit should be returned.  If she simply decided she doesn't like you? Ditto.  

So, we're all agog with wonder here: WHY was the date cancelled?  What reason was given?

Inquiring minds want to know! :-)

Posted By: JJLLRRKK1971
I made a deposit with a well known provider who is does xxx films. Now the assistant tells me the date is off and my deposit is lost. I did not even cancel the date on my end. I looked on this providers sites and see no written disclaimer of forefitting my deposit in cancelation from either end. I have already PM the provider here on TER not knowing if she was the one actually reading it or the assistant. I would totally understand if I canceled the date, though it was her assistant who canceled the date. Any guidance would be helpful on this matter. Thank you  

Not much different than if you meet her in her in call lobby and she says she need money for the room and runs.

May a ter admen can clearfied this rule for ripoffs.

Posted By: keystonekid

NoYellowEnvelope361 reads

If money has exchanged hands, a rip-off review is allowed.

I used to think you actually had to see the provider to write a rip-off review, but I know from a recent case that all that's required is for money to have been exchanged.

This could of course be risky for the OP due to the possibility of retribution, eg blacklisting.  I mean, if they keep his deposit for a session cancelled by the assistant (and I'm assuming the OP was blameless), what else might they do? The review could be written under an alias, but the provider and her assistant might be able to figure it out unless they do this kind of thing all the time.  Maybe wait awhile before submitting the review--it can be done as much as 90 days in arrears.  

-- Modified on 9/13/2016 10:55:59 PM

I should not even to post here  about that as it is less of my concern  
 Yet I am just  may to advice - sending deposits to women you do trust and know is not bad idea at all.

Bu many reasons.
 And the most vital is - you are not in the business of buying sex.. you just  have an adult date.
 Same and for your passion.

How many here are real men with brains  to understand that?  

No .. johns still would  go to date with cash
 and hookers still would prefer cash?
What make me wonder - that here actually way more wise women then wise men -
 most women would take deposits exactly by this reason - not to be involved in illegal activities.  

Yet men still insisting on the cash.Is it a fun to be dirty and illegal? And meet like kind women. Why then to complain

LasVegan517 reads

this post, have the slightest idea what she is talking about?  Ran it through google translate and came up with nothing.  Apparently the text represents no known language.

Anyone care to help on the translation of this?  Could this be an "emerging" language?

Thank you in advance for any assistance you are able to provide.

JakeFromStateFarm496 reads

Oh, and you don't have sex for money.  Right.

Honest hookers jobs harder!!!  

Stop ripping people off bitches!!! I require deposits & you're making my job harder!!! 😡😡😡😡

Say_Whhhaaaat488 reads

And post the truth? Were you or were you not able to move forward with your commitment with Veronica? YES or NO? Real simple.

NewYork_NewYork455 reads

I think there is usually something they are trying to hide. Guilty consciences are always accusatory. I think on the cheater who accuses his SO of cheating so nobody will think he is cheating. Kind of the same scenario with a different plot.

This is the gentleman who got ripped off. To fill in some of the blanks for one wishing to know. That date was booked for Oct. 14 a Friday. I am not a lier and if others think so than I am ok with it, we all have the free will to chose our opinions. I made every amicable effort to get a win win for both sides. I did not cancel nor did I ever state in my correspondence that I wanted to cancel. I understand why providers have deposits and do not have a problem with it. The problem is due to past people ruining things for others down road. The assistant ruined it for the triple xxx provider in my opinion.

So....... for anyone still playing along, let's have a little hypothetical situation:

Dave schedules a booking with a provider many weeks in advance, and gives her a deposit.

That deposit is not refundable if Dave doesn't keep his date, but the deposit will be applied toward any date in the future.

A month prior to the scheduled date, Dave is no longer able to keep it due to unforseeable circumstances.  
He asks for most of it back, suggesting the provider may keep 15% of that towards a future booking, although he does not yet know when that will be.

So.... Dave can no longer keep the originally scheduled date and is not able to set a new date at this time.

Do you think Dave cancelled?   Yes or No

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