TER General Board

How about "date-seekers" ?
some-guy 6 Reviews 110 reads

I mean ... that's what a hobbyist is, right?

I loath this word Hobby!  Used to describe what we do here. The word is a tired term, old, and antiquated.  It's mocked and scorned by many, yet it's still used on this board.  Let's modernize, change, and begin to use terms that reflect a positive message.

Hobbyists imply repetitive actions, collecting and cataloging.  When meeting an Escort or Sex Worker, it should not be the "same old" thing, one more blond or spinner or fantasy to be pasted into our scrapbook of life. No I say BAN the H-word forever!

In my opinion, I would suggest, using "Explorers" or "Adventures!"  These are terms that imply doing something new, challenging, going above and beyond the ordinary!  Each sexual Adventure should imply that we are doing something new, perhaps edgy, outside our normal routines.  We Explore new sexual fantasies, go places, see women we have never met before, or delve into an experience that we have not had before.  Even with our Regulars or ATF's we should always Explore how to make it new or else the banality would become common place, and guess what?  We would move on to Explore something new!

Surely there are a few here that might think these words describe conquering, taming a wilderness, or perhaps dominating our surroundings!  Or even imply misogyny!  Clearly women have conquered mountains, dove to new depths, or won races as well. It's a mutual set of words that both of us can use to reflect our love of this Adventure.

So please join me in forever banning the H-word, and begin to Explore and live the Adventure!!!!

Whatever PC word you come up with won't make my 8 seconds of jizz any more or less enjoyable.

Take your suggestion to "The View" and get back to me with Joy Behar's opinion. Not.

GaGambler217 reads

I have always hated the term "hobbyist", but compared to your idea I love it.

I am all for doing away with the H-word, but quite frankly your suggestion sucks balls.

Hobbyist is a better word than Whore Monger, but after your suggestions, I think we should take GaGa's favorite term into consideration as well, huh?

Let's take a vote, shall we?

I'm an "adventurer" in the deep depths of pussy and hookers.... it's a jungle out there, let me tell you.  

I'm a whore monger and I don't care who knows it!  

I'm a hobbyist, and no- I'm not talking knitting needles and stamp collections.

I vote Whore Monger. Who's with me

GaGambler150 reads

but it doesn't roll off the tongue quite as well as "whore monger" does it?

and although I don't like the term hobbyist either, I disagree about hobbies only being activities like stamp collecting, Golf is a "hobby" to many, myself included, along with my other hobbies such as drinking, gambling and fucking hookers.

Lastly "adventurer" just sounds so fucking gay, so until someone comes up with a better term, I too am sticking with Whore Monger.

I refer to myself as such often, even in polite company ;)

Afro-desiac137 reads

So a whoremonger would be correct for a pimp, not a John.  Still, I prefer it to hobbyist, which is totally lame.  Mr. Storm may be correct that this business qualifies as a hobby for guys, but the term is stupid and I try not to use it.

* especially one that is undesirable or discreditable *

to the outsiders looking in this is an appropriate definition

Afro-desiac116 reads

The primary definition is "a broker or dealer."

GaGambler130 reads

The English language is complex, a fish monger sells fish, a whore monger buys/rents whores.

I agree that fucking hookers does qualify as a hobby, but I also agree the term is stupid and I too try to avoid it, along with other sugarcoated, politically corrects terms like courtesan et al.

Afro-desiac110 reads

What I was discussing with Brittney was simply that the term "monger," when used by itself, meant seller, not buyer, thus rendering "whoremonger" an oxymoron.  But  I suppose when a word like whoremonger is used often enough, the definition can change.
For example, you refer to yourself proudly as an asshole, which is not something one would normally be proud of.  Yet you have repeated it often enough that (in your mind at least) the term has become a badge of honor. In fact, I have been known to answer to "asshole" myself.  LULZ!

GaGambler142 reads

I also take it you didn't read my link.

It's pretty self explanatory.

We don't got no badges...we don't need no badges...we're not going to cho you no steengkeeng badges!!!!

Hobby doesn't bother me but I've never liked Provider.  I mean both terms are better than Johns and Hookers.  Provider seems so generic or from the medical field.  Although I do consider some woman as my primary health care specialist!

While we're at it can we find a way to stop the misspelling of "message" and the overused term "Paramour?" lol

Paramour? I think that's the only time I've seen that word used in years. I'm not really sure what it means ...

I intend on continuing to hobby, and my hobbying shouldn't concern you much as the Hobby is a personal thing which we all enjoy, no matter what each of us may call it.

So, by all means, call yourself an Explorer or an Adventurer and have fun. I'll call myself whatever the hell I want to call myself, and I don't believe in hell.

"A Rose by any other name would smell the same", not sure who said that so I can't pass credit, nor do I take credit.

From Romeo and Juliet...

"Romeo, Romeo, why for art thou Romeo?
A rose, by any other name, would smell as sweet."

First:  It is "wherefore" not "why for", though the meaning of wherefore is why, so at least you got the spirit right.

Here's the whole passage:

-- Modified on 3/18/2016 11:22:45 AM

Friday brain lock...

-- Modified on 3/18/2016 11:28:20 AM

Maybe League of Degenerate Bastards is still available. We could call ourselves Freethinking Republicans, that would be fun. Or, if that's too extreme, simply Weird Pussy Lickers! That leaves the question open: Is it the pussies we lick weird? Or are the clients who lick them weird? The ambiguity seems intriguing.

Posted By: bpj078
I loath this word Hobby!  Used to describe what we do here. The word is a tired term, old, and antiquated.  It's mocked and scorned by many, yet it's still used on this board.  Let's modernize, change, and begin to use terms that reflect a positive message.  
 Hobbyists imply repetitive actions, collecting and cataloging.  When meeting an Escort or Sex Worker, it should not be the "same old" thing, one more blond or spinner or fantasy to be pasted into our scrapbook of life. No I say BAN the H-word forever!  
 In my opinion, I would suggest, using "Explorers" or "Adventures!"  These are terms that imply doing something new, challenging, going above and beyond the ordinary!  Each sexual Adventure should imply that we are doing something new, perhaps edgy, outside our normal routines.  We Explore new sexual fantasies, go places, see women we have never met before, or delve into an experience that we have not had before.  Even with our Regulars or ATF's we should always Explore how to make it new or else the banality would become common place, and guess what?  We would move on to Explore something new!  
 Surely there are a few here that might think these words describe conquering, taming a wilderness, or perhaps dominating our surroundings!  Or even imply misogyny!  Clearly women have conquered mountains, dove to new depths, or won races as well. It's a mutual set of words that both of us can use to reflect our love of this Adventure.  
 So please join me in forever banning the H-word, and begin to Explore and live the Adventure!!!!

PRS2005137 reads

from now on I will refer to myself as a "blow job-ee".

Please refrain from trying to steal Big Peter Johnson's name.  Be original.  Also, you are overthinking all this terminology.  Please get a life.



but there's already some other guy with the handle "PeterJohnson" on these boards and he's new too.

what can you do.  

the ladies know there's only one BigPeterJohnson!

ask for him by name!

(or by numbers...7 and 3/4!)

obby:  [hob-ee] noun, plural hobbies.
1. An activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation:

Hobbyist:  [hob-ee-ist] noun, plural hobbyists.
1.  A person who pursues a particular hobby

pay for players?

Buy-onic men?



Feel free to add.

I don't quite get the last one but maybe we should use it.  :-)

I mean ... that's what a hobbyist is, right?

I think others here have characterized it quite differently.

ea, I think it's more fitting. Cuts right to the chase

1) i've always called it "this endeavor."

2) with 6 reviews under your belt, you are definitely the expert to talk about antiquated terms.

Number of reviews are not a great indicator of how long you have been in the game BPJ...

Personally I have never liked "hobby" and it really annoys me when a provider uses the term "In Real Life"

"This" is real money, real actions, real consequences and real life...

My 2 cents as a "hobbyist" with 3 reviews...

bonordonor117 reads

to think you could fuck her IRL.

bonordonor123 reads

This is exactly what we are all about: "a person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of money to good causes." Is there a better cause? I think not! I love helping the ladies!

and may be we would not call ladies  

any more?

It is more as male responsibility to provide

May be we all will be  


and Philanthropists will be choosing  own muse to promote and support for good case.

[email protected]

I heard the term "hobby" I thought of golf. It just sounded so silly. Collecting stamps is a hobby. This is more of a lifestyle, but "in the lifestyle" has already been claimed by swingers.  I don't know about "explorers" either. I thought "secret decoder ring" when I heard that one. I've heard a few people call guys, "tricks" or "Johns" and that sounds so streetwalkerish that I wonder about the user of the term. I'm ok with "monger", but I wonder how many people realize that it is just a shortened version,and less offensive version (to most) of "whore monger". I doubt many would be ok with the original version. It sounds too much like a soon-to-be ex wife term.

Meetings would be called social engagements.

Participants are grouped as socialites.

Gender specific participants would be Maidens, and perhaps Envoys.

Agencies or assistants could be Chargé d'affaires.

With only 6 review, you are pretty bold to try and re-define the hobby.  


Posted By: bpj078
I loath this word Hobby!  Used to describe what we do here. The word is a tired term, old, and antiquated.  It's mocked and scorned by many, yet it's still used on this board.  Let's modernize, change, and begin to use terms that reflect a positive message.  
 Hobbyists imply repetitive actions, collecting and cataloging.  When meeting an Escort or Sex Worker, it should not be the "same old" thing, one more blond or spinner or fantasy to be pasted into our scrapbook of life. No I say BAN the H-word forever!  
 In my opinion, I would suggest, using "Explorers" or "Adventures!"  These are terms that imply doing something new, challenging, going above and beyond the ordinary!  Each sexual Adventure should imply that we are doing something new, perhaps edgy, outside our normal routines.  We Explore new sexual fantasies, go places, see women we have never met before, or delve into an experience that we have not had before.  Even with our Regulars or ATF's we should always Explore how to make it new or else the banality would become common place, and guess what?  We would move on to Explore something new!  
 Surely there are a few here that might think these words describe conquering, taming a wilderness, or perhaps dominating our surroundings!  Or even imply misogyny!  Clearly women have conquered mountains, dove to new depths, or won races as well. It's a mutual set of words that both of us can use to reflect our love of this Adventure.  
 So please join me in forever banning the H-word, and begin to Explore and live the Adventure!!!!

I hate the term hobby, but I have no interest in banning anything. I'm a guy, who likes to have sex with beautiful women, and is willing to do anything to make that happen. I believe the technical term for that is "heterosexual male"

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