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Hobbiest busted, may have spent 1 Million dollars on providers. Anyone see gcinla lately?
FearlessLeader2727 reads

I guess LE in Montana has solved all the murders, rapes and armed robberies. Drug trafficking must be non-existent. It is only under these circumstances that I could justify using LE's resources in this matter.
  However, should too many of these matters arise; I would argue that this is a law enforcement agency sorely in need of a budget cut.

that I have not yet spent a million US dollars on pure donations.

Happy hobbying to all.

-- Modified on 2/12/2004 8:50:34 PM

Truella Joy2581 reads

I'm guessing that being a Republican and a staunch Bush supporter, you naturally want to minimize the taxes you pay the US government. That way you can spend the mega bucks saved on providers and escort agencies who will most likely not pay the full taxable amount on the "donations."

Wouldn't that mean that some other citizen will have to shoulder the tax burden you thereby create? Isn't that every man for himself? ... "I want my piece of the pie and if someone else goes hungry too bad" ?  

In fact, you want these tax cuts SO bad that you're willing to vote for people who will eventually hunt down and prosecute this hobby, thus drive it further underground and make it even more dangerous, no?

Speaking hypothetically of course!

-- Modified on 2/12/2004 10:22:16 PM

my money in this country.  Those tax cuts don't really benefit me.

Don't know why the way I spent my money in this hobby has anything to do with my politics.  It is not like the democratics are openly advocating decriminization of this hobby.  In fact, even though Los Angeles has been under the control of democratics, it just recently increased their LE activities and slowly turning the city and surrounding areas into hostile territories for hobbying.

New York City and Los Angeles have the highest donation rates in this country.  Many hobbyists in those cities are domocrates.  Many of them made their fortunes in this country.  So applying your logic, they are also guilty of the charges you made.  It is just plain silly.

I can tell you that those who met me in person are really surprised I am a Republican at all.  I was an independent before.  I had donated money to Barbara Boxer in '92 against Bruce Herchison.  I had voted for Diana Feinstein.  However I slowly changed my political affiliations largely due to people like you who blanketly distorted other people's views just because they supported the opposing parties.  Just because I am a Bush supporter doesn't mean that I am a hardcore Republican or supporters of the religious right.  You don't even take the time to check my past posts before leaping into conclusions you can't support.

At least I have the guts to state my unpopular belief using my TER handle/alias all these times instead of hiding behind a new unknown alias questioning other's motives.  (In fact, for unknown reasons, you have to change your newly created alias from Cruella Joy to Truella Joy. )

-- Modified on 2/12/2004 11:04:29 PM

Truella Joy3142 reads

Obviously you took all this too personally. My fault. It was directed (in a blanket way) at a HYPOTHETICAL Republican pro-Bush big-spender hobbyist, which I clearly said I'm GUESSING you are.

Your personal excuses aside (where you made your money and who you voted for and how "liberal" your friends think you are) you didn't really refute my point, but never mind. Others will no doubt try, perhaps Megapig or Bribite or another one of their like-minded friends (those who are as equally sure they're right as they accuse others to be). I will let them have the last word.

As for Truella, Cruella, whatever. As a long-time TER member I have as good an idea who you are as anyone else. In fact you have an equally good idea who I am. I'm not using my TER handle because if I did an entire mob of rabid right-wingers who "have it in for me" would descend on this thread like a plague of locusts and evidently people are already sick of this partisan BS.

For my part, I tried to tie in the politics to the hobby (to be topical) and I've never heard a conservative give a convincing response to the argument that their vote dooms the hobby and all types of adult entertainment and freedoms (via the Christian Right which is such an integral part of this or the next Republican adminstration).


and presented a panoramic view of my own political philosophy.  As you should see in my new thread above, those days are long gone.  There are other things that are more important.  (BTW, JMHO, in the political realm, somethings are more important that this hobby and the adult entertainment.  There are other battlegrounds for those topics.  Things are not necessary irreversible since those are largely domestic issues.)

You have your say and I have my say.  That's all.

p.s. Not that it makes much difference.  Just to illustrate that people are usually more complicate that the stereo types.  I had partially financed a friend's short film makings in recent months.  One of his project was an entry on MoveOn.org's Bush in 30 seconds contest.  For me, politics should never come between friendships.  Maybe it is an old idea in the 70s and 80s that had lost its currency in the 90s and onward.  Too bad indeed :-(

Bush was actually given an ultimatum to put Ashcroft into his adminsistration by many leaders of the Religious right.  It's quite clear that he did so at their behest, because being the politician he was, he certainly would have been well served to choose a moderate in that position, taking office as he did with such a questionable margin of victory, and no MANDATE whatsoever for extremist policies.  

There can really be no question to the degree to which this wing of Party now does the steering.  The Republicans couldn't get a secular moderate like McCain or Dole elected.  So they are now wholly in the grip of the Ashcroft fanatic contingent.

It would be interesting to have some information filter out on how this guy got taken down.  Was he caught soliciting on a street?  Or, did a provider turn him in for some reason.  Was he the victim of a weak verification process by a provider or agency? Was he embezzling money and had that investigation lead to his hobbying activities?  He obviously kept good records, or so the article implies.  Do I hear the sound of paper shredders going off all over the good ole USA?

PrettyBoyFloyd2948 reads

I've never heard of Kalispell.  What major city and state is this in? Sounds pretty involved for cops to do complex sting on a guy paying hookers.  isn't that just a misdemeanor?

I think that the town is in Montana.  I have heard of it before.

Yes... it seems they spent a lot of time and money to target a client.  I would think that's just like spending all the effort to target a drug abuser instead of a dealer... you don't often hear of that.

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