TER General Board

Hmmmm, I woinder if I should respond to this . . . . .
Chub_K 6 Reviews 3940 reads
1 / 47

Just Curious ? Anybody else get "instant wood" at the
site of Madonna and Britney Spears kissing on stage like
they did at the MTV awards ? They looked way too comfortable
as if they had some practice backsage. I would not mind
being the salami in that sandwich.

VonRyan 15 Reviews 3760 reads
2 / 47

Sexy indeed! tongue action too...for those who need more details:

NEW YORK (AP) - Twenty years after the first MTV Video Music Awards, not much has changed - Madonna still makes jaws drop and cheeks blush. Just like her first time, the superstar upstaged everyone at the 20th annual MTV Video Music Awards, only she had help Thursday night from the latest generation of video divas, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera.

Proving they've come a long way from their Mouseketeer days, the young pop tarts gave a gyrating, writhing tribute to Madonna to open the show. Dressed in the same kind of white bustier wedding dress Madonna wore while performing ``Like a Virgin'' during MTV's inaugural awards broadcast in 1984, Spears and Aguilera sang a cover of the not-so-innocent tune.

Then, while Madonna sang her new ``Hollywood'' in a masculine, all-black groom's outfit, she shared an openmouthed kiss with both Aguilera and Spears. The two smooches rivaled the Michael Jackson-Lisa Marie Presley kiss at the awards in 1994 on the shock meter.

danno 24 Reviews 3877 reads
3 / 47
singleton 5 Reviews 4717 reads
4 / 47

one's a bubblegum nitwit, the other an aging bubblegum nitwit

am i the only one that's bothered by vacuous braindead celebrities who think reading the Kabbalah and Pablo Neruda (inbetween their Pilates and Aroma-threapy) automagically makes them "intellectuals" ?  

of course, physically neither one does it for me ... Madonna never did and Britney is, well ... Britney   ;-)

[sigh] ... the humanity!  LOL

MfSD 39 Reviews 5160 reads
5 / 47

The shock factor, designed to stir up controversy and attention, has never escaped any of these three artists.

The reality is, Madonna has a tremendous range of talent, and the other two are the Bobby Shermans(who is B Sherman you ask, which is exactly my point)of their era......

nipplelicker 4599 reads
6 / 47

I hear you dude,  that was hott!!!!!
It was nice to see a fantasy played out on screen, Justin loooked pretty pissed off...

funtime69 6 Reviews 4777 reads
7 / 47

I most likely have a different view than most. Absolutly disgusting!! What kind of role models are they? An MTV?? AHHHH!!
I am a 35 year old man who has seen MTV tear apart any form of moral fabric in this country. Teaching the kids of America that life is all about song and dance. Keeping a beat is much more important than school, encouraging interracial dating, rap, and the black rappers with there filth are such pillars of society.
Children who saw this crap are being led to believe that it's OK to make out with other women, & that any way to draw attention to yourself is acceptable. That school is about making a fashion statement, not education. See how sexy i am dressed? Yeah thats right , I am wearing a short skirt with my mid-drift showing, and I look great!! Never mind that I'm only 13!
In my opinion, the producers & owners of MTV should be removed from this country for undermining the decency of America. For doing their best to create a ghetto sensationlist atmospere.
Was it really that important to make out on stage? What kind of message were they trying to send? What statement were they making? If you really have that much desire for each other wait till you get off the stage and away from the public eye.

bribite 20 Reviews 3647 reads
11 / 47

Unbelievably, I agree wholeheartedly with  you!  It especially irritates me when I am subjected to the geopolitical wisdom of the likes of Cher with her 9th grade education.

singleton 5 Reviews 3021 reads
12 / 47

or Aahnold with his Hollywood education!  ;-)

(J/K ... let's not go there again)

Ask Dr. Laura 5833 reads
13 / 47

I'm so over Madonna and Britney, in spite of the hot bod, is not far behind.  Madonna is not going away, but I suspect miss B is fading along with the dirrty girl Christina.  This couldn't give me a woody if I'd been in solitary for a year.

Watch Britney start taking off more in public until she hits the wall then starts trying to go back to nice nice with interviews in Womens Day and articles in TV Guide.

Give me Morgan Ashley instead any day.  Now that is sex appeal!

jammers 6 Reviews 3235 reads
14 / 47

Nitwit braindead celebrities who are admired by millions of people means to you that people who admire and like their performances are nitwit braindead individuals themselves.  Sorry but thats what is sticking to my head right now after reading your reply.  

Bet if they were on the board and selling themselves for sex that by "reading the Kabbalah and Pablo Neruda (inbetween their Pilates and Aroma-therapy)," are some of the things that makes them intellectuals.

No i'm not attacking you, it's just an observation.  Lots of negativity, drink some wine, eat some cheese and catch a few rays.  Somethng like that, line is from kelly's heros.

That was wild though due to a lot of underage children were watching that.

Mission Uranus 4270 reads
15 / 47

this is a case where the sum is greater than the hole (sic). Two otherwise unerotic women are rendered instantly Super-Erotic when their body's touch. I have to agree with Chubb, the picture of those two gals FK-ing is really hot. I'm usually the first to smirk at the mention of either Brittany or Madonna, but, despite myself, when I saw that kissing scene my heart rate quickened and rigor mortis began to set in below the belt.

singleton 5 Reviews 5208 reads
17 / 47

you might say it was a mild exaggeration (dramatization?) of my views ... folks shouldn't take everything i say too seriously

or should they?   ;-)

to be purrfectly honest with you, if Madonna & Britney were selling themselves on TER i wouldn't even bother to approach them (though i'd probably flirt with them just the same). the thing is, there are providers here who i think are infinitely better looking than Madonna (easy!) but if someone doesn't "do it for me" personally it just ain't gonna happen ... you might say it's a matter of personal tastes, not *necessarily* a dig at them, is my point

megapig 3221 reads
18 / 47

The meter has not yet been invented that can measure my indifference to Madonna, Britney, Christina or any of them

Always Lie 3495 reads
19 / 47

With public figures we respond to their image, and that image may not even be close to what they're really like. Admittedly, Madonna strikes me as a bit dim, but hell, she's made the most of the little talent she has. She has more money than God, lives well, celibrates sexuality (always attractive in a woman!), and has enjoyed a lot more than 15 minutes of fame.

I'm not saying I'm a fan, but I wouldn't pass up the opportunity to have dinner with her; and if we were hitting it off, were enjoying the wine, and she suggested we should continue our conversation in bed, so we could f*** our brains out, well, I bet that would be a memorable night - at least for me.

Sorry, I got distracted; what were we talking about?

RedHeadMN See my TER Reviews 5700 reads
20 / 47

If it does that makes me the anti-Christ because Bobby Sherman was my first crush :)

hr8675309 1 Reviews 2423 reads
21 / 47

As in, how does she get away without paying income tax for two years? And being a hypocrite - SUVs for the masses are Evil but it's ok that she drive around in a limo and flies private jets.

She's another wealthy person who wants to 'do good things' with our money. And another woman who married her way into the public arena.

Funny you left Condoleeza Rice off your list. And Jodie Foster.

Grand mal Orgasm 4414 reads
22 / 47

Disgusting to see two girls kissing? Man, there aren't many things more beautiful in my book!

Tearing apart the moral fabric of society?  I can't think of a  more worthwhile goal!

The "moral" fabric of America is so fouled up, hypocritical, and capricious that we should all make it our mission to tear it apart.  Give me two beautiful women kissing over dead bodies in Iraq any day.

villageguy 6067 reads
23 / 47

Hey singleton, believe it or not, I couldn't agree with you more.  I wish the two of them would just disappear, although that's not about to happen anytime soon.

TAXDOG 32 Reviews 2716 reads
24 / 47

That's not intriguing at all. Those guys know how and where to invest and know the loopholes.

TAXDOG 32 Reviews 3261 reads
25 / 47

All in one fine package. I can't agree with everything that you say, especially Lucy Lui. She is one hot lady. What you say is very thoughtful. I'm way too old for Brittany or Christina, but do enjoy the looking. NOSC, have a very great day. What a woman!!!!!

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 3012 reads
27 / 47

Jeez, people...whatEVER!  Do people have a chip on their shoulder about Madonna or what?  She may be "out there", but she is not unattractive, unless you judge her on more than her body.  As for Britney and Christina...they may be vacuous (like any of us really know them), but they are in pretty good shape themselves.  Of course it was for the (GASP!) "controversy", and of course they all pander to the system that has made all three of them rich.  However, I would rather see two women/people/babes/weirdos...whoever you may think they are...kissing ANY DAY...even if it is only for shock value...before watching Ahnold blow up $20 million in special effects in some movie that reinforces only fear and violence and machismo.

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 3638 reads
28 / 47

your first crush was Alvin, Simon and Theodore...
especially Alvin! (Ooo KAY!!!!)

Oops...guess I blew my cover. :P

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 5347 reads
29 / 47

you think it would be a memorable night if you had dinner with Madonna, were hitting it off with her and enjoying the wine, and she suggested you and Singleton continue your conversation in bed so you could fuck your brains out...I mean, damn!

Wait a minute...what were we talking about?

akitanuki 1 Reviews 4168 reads
30 / 47

Did I read correctly? Did you really mean that one of the evils of MTV is it encourages inter-racial dating? If so that has got to be the most offense sentiments I've seen on TER.Probably the mindset produced with inbreeding.

jammers 6 Reviews 3692 reads
31 / 47

still hard though not choose either if they both advertised as escorts.  Pics would show a blonde female who works out and the face would probably be blurred out anyway lol.  The only thing that would probably not want anyone to choose either would be their price range would be lets say a down payment on a nice 4 bedroom house in Palos verdes lol.  Have a great holiday weekend everyone and be safe.

MfSD 39 Reviews 3486 reads
32 / 47
razman13 17 Reviews 4290 reads
33 / 47
funtime69 6 Reviews 2960 reads
34 / 47

Yes you read my statement correctly. MTV is an evil product. It doesn't promote interracial dating as much as it promotes the ghetto-gangster -the be a rebelous uneducated person. Song, dance, and style is greater than intellect and substance. By portraying these "performers" as heroes and role models we have created a generation of "wanna be" black white kids. More are on the way as this continues. Radio show dj's are talking with a "street" style. Example yesterday the  the AM dj says it's; 8:52. The other dj quickly steps in and corrects him, no it's "eight fidy two". Oh the laughs. The next 4 updates were all presented with the ghetto style of time telling.
Yes this is dumming down our society. It's producing an overwhelming acceptance, and immitation of the black lifestyle. This is bad for us as a country.
Yes akitanuki sometimes the truth can be offensive. That doesn't mean it shouldn't be told.
No inbreeding in my family. I won't resort to insulting you back. It's pointless. You can keep your narrow minded and denial arrogance thinking to yourself. but there is a large and evergrowing populace that has seen the destruction of this great nation, and will be starting to do something about it. With you in agreement or not.

akitanuki 1 Reviews 5386 reads
35 / 47

You have a right to voice your opinon. Have you ever considered that MTV may be reflecting changes in our society and not causeing them? I do hope that some day you realize that race means nothing, and cannot even be scientificly defined. There is more DNA variation betweeen members of the same race then between diffrent races. Wish I could remember where I heard that I think it was on the PBS program Frontline.

singleton 5 Reviews 3873 reads
36 / 47



Quick Facts (from the PBS show)

1. Race is a modern idea
2. Race has no genetic basis
3. Slavery predates Race
4. Race and Freedom were born together
5. Race justifies social inequalities as "natural"
6. Human subspecies do not exist
7. Skin color is only skin deep
8. Most variation is within - not between - races   (------------ your point
9. Race is not biological, but Racism is still real


10. Colorblindness will not end Racism

JoeyTheBoy 28 Reviews 4218 reads
37 / 47

I think american music has always been a vehicle "our youth" has used to expose the hypocrisy of out society.  If you want to get a critique on how we are doing as a nation (from the prespective of the youth) take a look at MTV!  Personally, I don't think Sport Figures and Rap Artist make good role models, but if you want a mirror to our society, MTV is the right place!

-- Modified on 9/1/2003 3:32:38 AM

JoeyTheBoy 28 Reviews 4237 reads
38 / 47

I get the feeling that some of the users here are on the wrong site.  The Young Republicans this is not!....



-- Modified on 9/1/2003 3:33:23 AM

JoeyTheBoy 28 Reviews 4491 reads
39 / 47

I don't think you're getting the right message from MTV (seeing how it's been many years since Woodstock), but I'd bet the Rap Atrists would love your reaction to their music.  I haven't read such well placed words of bigotry and racism since the last flyer I read by the aryan brotherhood--just before using it to wipe my dog's ass--you are reacting exactly how the Artists want.  

There are problems with Rap music but one of the benefits is seeing the reactions of people like you to it.  More importantly, the artists really enjoy how you express yourself to your kids--looks like they are doing a good job.  


-- Modified on 9/1/2003 4:29:33 AM

JoeyTheBoy 28 Reviews 4342 reads
40 / 47

.......But may be way over the heads _______!


JoeyTheBoy 28 Reviews 4163 reads
41 / 47

But they are celebrities for a reason!  Just a fact our america society!


JoeyTheBoy 28 Reviews 3549 reads
42 / 47

With my hand rised, if Madonna where a provider here on TER, I'd buy it (and would pay more then a dollar)!


funtime69 6 Reviews 3736 reads
43 / 47

Your full of shit.

akitanuki 1 Reviews 3632 reads
44 / 47

Such a well thouhgt out and intelligent reply. It must be difficult to concentrate when you're full of hate.

funtime69 6 Reviews 4129 reads
45 / 47

Listen Akitanuki you insulted me first with your inbreeding comment.
Joey boy insulted me first with his reference that the site posted by Singleton was "over my head".
He also insults  by refering to me as a "young republican" which I am not.
He failed to add any substance to the debate. Only insults. I responded to his insults with how I felt at the moment; that he was acting like a punk, & making inaccurate statements that were full of shit.
Don't confuse HATE with wanting what I feel is best for America. I may be wrong as you feel, but that is all. No hatred, just wanting a change. No hatred just awareness of one of the things wrong with this country.
I gave some thought to your statement that MTV is just a reflection of our soceity. it's accurate at this moment. I think we will disagree on the ways that we came to this moment though.
Finally Akitanuki, I called Joeyboy a punk, not you. Please let him fight his own battles. No I didn't care for your inbreeding comment, but you at least put some substance in your message, hence me not insulting you back. Joey just flamed. That is what brought such a simple put down in return from me.
I can think freely and quickly thank you.

akitanuki 1 Reviews 4479 reads
46 / 47

Beleive it or not I don't care for MTV, or most rap music either. And the attitude of gangsta rappers often disgusts me. I also think that surburban white kids speaking eubonics just sounds stupid. My issue with you stems mainly from your comment on inter-racial dating. I know that nothing I say will change the way you think, but I just couldn't let it go. I was born and raised in Hawaii where mixing races is the norm. When I lived in the mainland it blew me away how seperated the races are, It's so crazy. Unfortunately year by year I see Hawaii's culture disappearing. We are becomming more and more like the rest of America, but I digress. When I see negative comments on inter-racial dating, I can read the hate between the lines.

funtime69 6 Reviews 3595 reads
47 / 47

Akita, It's been a pleasure exchanging our thoughts. Yes there is some hatred (or strong beliefs) on my part involving inter-racial dating. I just feel it's wrong. People should mate with their own kind. I also know that most black women don't want their men with white women. Most latino's also feel this way. That their women should stay with their own men.
I apologize if this is insulting to you. I also feel that you may be a product of, or are currently involved with someone outside your own race.( This may be complicated if you are a product of a interracial relationship, who do I feel you should date?)
Cultures are broken down by the emergence of other races in that cultures homeland. This is happening now in California (my state) with the onslaught of mexicans both legal and illegal. They don't want to assimulate to our culture. We have a push for spanish to be our 2nd language. They proudly waive their Mexican flag and are loyal to Mexico than to America. I feel this is wrong. I won't even get into how many tax dollars are being spent on children born buy illegals.
Yes most people will call me a hater for feeling like I do about immigration. These thoughts brought on by the political correctness group. If your country is being invaded , you better not speak up or the "racist" "hater" and other cliche's come up. So much for pride in your country.
Anyways I'm off the subject. Again it is a pleasure to debate with you. I do wish you the best in all your ventures. Sorry that my opinions come off as hateful. yes, as I stated up top, I do have some hatred toward certain things. I take comfort in the fact that others in my race, as well as other races agree with me. There are also people in my race & others that strongly disagree with my opinion. Who is right? Who knows. Time will tell if this makes America stronger or aids to it's downfall. ( see Roman empire)
Good day.

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