TER General Board

Girl Next Door 2556 reads

Two of the providers you mention retired and had themselves de-listed, and only one of the men is moderated.  I checked.

The first message I could find on this board has 5751 reads.  That was five years ago, when there were only a handful of people on this board, so many older posts have accumulated reads over time.

Over the years, as lots of new people have found their way to these boards, there have always been a few "old-timers" (anyone who's been around here longer than the newest interloper) who have complained that the boards no longer are up to their standards.  I miss the participation of a lot of the people who have come and gone (or are keeping a low profile), but I understand that what suits a person one year doesn't always suit them the next.  {shrug}

How can I help make these discussion boards better for you, GlammasBitch?  I welcome your suggestions.

-- Modified on 7/9/2005 7:18:37 AM

GlammasBitch6426 reads

I guess you'd have to be a longtime TER addict to know or care about this but over the last 3 years the average "reads" to individual posts has droped from often several thousand to a few hundred or less per post. Now granted an 18 month old post has had a lot of time to accumulate some residual hits from a few archive searches but certainly not 1500 or more.
  I can't imagine the quest for pussy has become passe? Over time I have sadly watched many opinionated but articulate and erudite contributors either moderated into obscurity or simply vanish leaving these boards the crumbling domain of a precious few literates trying to run herd on an onslaught of precocious newbies, latent misogynists and emotionally challenged misanthropes.
  Jackvance, greywolf, orthodx, Fort', laprovider, 8easepmpn, danavancouver, singleton, Sedona, Lover of Women, papercup,  HotOffLoad, jacksonlips, BigPapasan  etc etc etc.  You all are sorely missed.

-- Modified on 7/8/2005 11:18:19 PM

-- Modified on 7/9/2005 7:35:20 AM

When I joined around one and one half years ago, there were people that started some amazing threads. And the threads were well thought out and well written. There was exceptional participation from members like Mr. SelfDestruct and Truthspeaker, in addition to the names that you posted. It was great to post in threads that they participated in.
Now, many posts are made by people that seem to be incapable of grasping the basics of proper sentence construction.
What goes around comes around. The day will come when those that can think and write clearly will move from the sideline and once again actively participate on the general board. When that day come, we will again have posts that provoke deep thought instead of uncontrollable rage. And there will be fewer people that make posts like "I thought this board was about p*****" in response to thought provoking posts on the general discussion board.
BTW. I will remind my self not to meet you in a darkened library isle.

blues traveler2466 reads

I do not miss truthspeaker's unsolicitated ramblings on the relationship between fathers and daughters. He should have been discussing the subject w/Dr. Phil on Oprah.

It amazed me how many hobbyists and several providers viciously attacked Truthspeaker. Most of what he wrote was reasonably well thoughtout and focused on issues that people that want to be good parents should focus on when dealing with their kids. But for that some insinuated that he was a closet pedophile.  How disgraceful and ignorant is that?

blues traveler1785 reads

I chose not to read his ramblings. The name of the board is The Erotic Review not The Family Review.

IMO he should've recommended visiting qualified professionals instead of posting opinions about family relationships on a message board with the tag line "Setting new standards for the adult on-line hobbyist and provider".

I did not accuse truthspeaker of anything except wasting bandwidth.

Two of my favorite posters and dear friends:


I miss them.

If you are at all curious, do a search on these authors.

I still think this is one of the most thoughtful postings I've seen:

KamulRogue2485 reads

Many people are busy having fun and reading reviews. In the dc area there are many more providers in the market both local and visiting. I know that my participation in the physical aspects of the hobby has gone up.

In April I saw 4 different providers. May 3 different ones, and in June 6 different providers for 8 different appointments from 2-4 hours each.

For about 2.5 years I did not participate because of my job situation. My industry hit some serious pay deflation. I sat out and waited until the salaries went back up. I have also seen this happen with providers rates and providers doing the same thing. Everyday for the past 9 months I have seen some higher quality providers come back into the market. As the economy improves you will see the participation rate go back up.

Two of the providers you mention retired and had themselves de-listed, and only one of the men is moderated.  I checked.

The first message I could find on this board has 5751 reads.  That was five years ago, when there were only a handful of people on this board, so many older posts have accumulated reads over time.

Over the years, as lots of new people have found their way to these boards, there have always been a few "old-timers" (anyone who's been around here longer than the newest interloper) who have complained that the boards no longer are up to their standards.  I miss the participation of a lot of the people who have come and gone (or are keeping a low profile), but I understand that what suits a person one year doesn't always suit them the next.  {shrug}

How can I help make these discussion boards better for you, GlammasBitch?  I welcome your suggestions.

-- Modified on 7/9/2005 7:18:37 AM

GlammasBitch4439 reads

GND; There is nothing that I could pinpoint where any particular effort on your part would or could improve things. Overall I think you do a fine job at an otherwise Herculean task. Perhaps I'm just being overly morose due to being recently underemployed leaving too much time on my hands. As such I might tend to lament the departure of old friends and critically fixate on the shallow and banal more than I should.

P.S. GND; I'm confident that you possess the technical acumen to place my alias to my username. I'm not to proud to ask you to PM me with any possible recommendations to alleviate the mentioned "Under"-employed situation.


-- Modified on 7/9/2005 5:21:02 PM

ellobo692135 reads

"a precious few literates trying to run heard [sic] on an onslaught of precocious newbies, latent misogynists and emotionally challenged misanthropes."

GlammasBitch5983 reads

Thank you for bringing my attention to my egregious spelling oversite. It has been properly edited.

Perhaps we are too busy getting laid to participate>  That could be considred good.

anonnon2102 reads

i'm new. but that's what i heard.

i've noticed that weekly announcement posts from not very popular providers on my regional board went from getting 1500 hits to 150.

-- Modified on 7/9/2005 7:23:14 AM

...it's often mind-numbingly repetitive -- to the extent that I can sometimes remember the response I wrote to particular question the last time it was asked. When I see the "wedding ring" post for the 10th time in 10 months, I tend to skip over not only the post, but the thread as well. Sometimes there's just nothing to say that hasn't been said...serious, humorous, or otherwise.

Of course this attitude isn't fair to the new posters who want "fresh" answers to their questions, rather than reading some months-old thread. They have the same right to *interactive* fun we all enjoyed when we were new to TER (nothing irks me more than to see someone sent packing to the newbie board with their question only to be like-wise "flamed" over there with a condescending "look it up" response)...

...but for those of us who've been here a little while, even only a year, it sometimes gets old.

And then there are those of us who have accepted the fact that we will be moderated forever and because of that are disinclined to post.

I've only been posting since March and so many threads topics are repeated that just as it goes to page 2 or 3, a new post on the same topic pops up again on page 1.  Posts are rarely thought out and most of them could be answered using some common sense and a little research.  There's few that genuinely warrant a thoughtful response, IMHO.

It's hard to imagine anyone maintaining enthusiasm for posting substantial responses to many of the repetitive threads on this board.  It makes complete sense to me that posters would get bored and move on.  Now, most of the time, my likelihood of reading or posting to a thread is based on how bored I am, not how interesting I find the topic.

On starting a topic, again, most intelligent posters who've been around have already seen fifteen variations on the questions,  know the responses, and don't feel like starting it up again.  

Amazing at it may seem, there's only so many things you can talk about when it comes to sex.

So, you're saying that I shouldn't ask a question about the safety of DATY, or bring up feeling guilty for F-ing around on my wife?  How about bareback providers?  If that's the case, then I'm leaving, because what's left to know???

...(I'm still sort of a newbie) to notice what you've noticed.  Most of those people you mentioned I've never seen, except for BigPapasan (still active), jacksonlips (still active in the hobby, not so much on the boards) and Sedona (only by her impeccable reputation).  I don't know what to suggest, except that the subject matter of most posts IS pretty trivial, and that that comes inescapably from the nature of the website.  We're talking pussy, not plasma physics here.  And, yes, the questions DO recur with regularity.  "How do you ask your ATF for Greek?" "Do the girls mind seeing married guys?"  My guess is that people just burn out over time, and the old stalwarts are replaced by new participants, and there's nothing you can do about it.
By the way, which category do I fall into: precocious, latent or emotionally challenged? :)

-- Modified on 7/9/2005 10:04:48 AM

GlammasBitch3559 reads

However; "unremitting Satyr" does comes to mind. (take it as a compliment).
Interesting on how you chose to address me in the pejorative "Bitch" from my pseudonym rather than the benign Glamma. I pray you suffer no "latent" anti-social, pathological neuroses.


-- Modified on 7/9/2005 12:10:33 PM

...is awfully clever of you.  I used "Bitch" for a cheap laugh, and because I didn't quite get the "s" on the end of "Glammas."  Still don't, actually.  Also because my anti-social tendencies aren't so latent.... LOL.

the boards are so heavily moderated?  I've posted several times and maybe 50% are actually posted.  I have followed the rules and regulations and have chosen my words very carefully -- I don't swear, talk about sex (not even acronyms), or anything that might be questionable.  Generally I post and nothing ever shows up nor do I receive a message telling me why, which leaves me to guessing, and then eventually giving up.  

I always knew about reviews on TER, but was not aware of the boards.  In any case, until recently I was living in a city that was not supported by TER.  When I moved I was excited about participating.  In the past two months, I've gone from trying to post unique posts about once per week, to now only replying to posts about once a week, if that.  

Unfortunately, when you can only read and cannot participate, it takes some of the fun out of it and you slowly but surely cease to stop by and check out the site.

That's my two cents.

I sent you TER Personal Mail, but I take it you're not a VIP member.  

I noticed that your new website is not complete (no contact info or anything), so I cannot approve your link.  

You posted a question about rewards for reviews, which is a good question that has not been discussed here in about a year.  But, I deferred it because I was in a hurry and wanted to answer it and find a link for you.  Unfortunately, by the time I got back to it, it was already pretty stale.  So, you may re-post it, if you like.  I can send you a copy of it, if you become a VIP member and can PM me (I do not currently have an email address at TER), or I can post it here in this thread for you to copy and re-submit.

Once you get a good link, I can un-moderate you.  I look forward to your participation on the boards.  :-)

Girl Next Door

Sedona was one of my favorites--both as a poster and a very accomodating lady.  Had I lived in SD, I may have gone broke.  NetMichelle is missed here as well.  

Anneke, Carrie of London, and Ciara have been more prevelent in the past few months.  Glad to have them aboard.  No offense to the other wonderful ladies whom I did not mention.  Be safe.

  this whole thread, and I feel that there were some really good responses overall. I've been on the boards for about a year, and although I spend most of my time on the NY board, I follow the National as well. I have made some good friends here. Most notably Lex,( My evil twin), and MSD. I have to hardily agree with Lex and GirlinDC vis-a-vis the redundancy of many posts. You can only talk about Viagra, "What happens when I fall in love with my ATF", " Do woman prefer circumsized men", "Ad Nauseam."

 That being said, I would point out a few things to Glammasbitch. I too, enjoy a well spoken and erudite individual. However, I welcome anyone who has a worthy point of view, albeit, they may lack the vocabulary or grammatical skills to express their point succinctly. No reason to be snobs in this forum!

 That being said, as to the decline in participation on the board, I can only reiterate what everyone else has already pointed out. New and interesting posts will generate responses. Old issues will not.

 As to newbie's. I welcome you, but it would behoove you to spend a few weeks on the Newbie Board, before jumping into the fray.

 Everyone have a great Sunday!!!

bank25162 reads

I agree. My life has been like seasons lately, some are hot and active and some are cold and dormant.

I try when I can.

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