TER General Board

The bored wife experience
numbnuts11 4840 reads

I've been seeing a provider for about 4yrs and the sessions just don't excite me anymore. The  s#x has become unexciting and boring. Intially it was great and I used to see her every other week. Now I hardly see her unless she calls to see how I'm doing. I'd like to just end this fantasy relationship but I think she'll really get upset.

-- Modified on 5/6/2005 9:56:46 AM

jpd19613820 reads

I hate to tell you this, but you sound like a woamn who ants to switch hair stylists. Regardless of how long you've been at this, it's still a professional relationship. If the services aren't worth paying for anymore, you have to move on. IMHO

Patooie!3288 reads

What an appropriate alias you chose to use! Geez! Get over it already! 4 years, bored and worried? Are you sure this isn't your wife? You could also sign is as "whipped"... Patooie!

Who cares if she gets upset, you are the one paying the bills.  Every guy here wants and expects variety and the Ladies are well awae of it.

tokai3860 reads

I can only imagine an escort advertising WFE - Wife Experience.

Patooie!2208 reads

Had 2 WFE, now will only lease or rent. No more buying!!! Patooie!

tokai3095 reads

... "you don't call me anymore. Don't you like me?"

I know, you're name is not Shirley. Yet, by virture of your weaning her off over a period of 4 years, you now think she may be upset should you tell her your moving on? Hello! She's a "Provider", not your girlfriend, right? I suspect she moved on a long time ago, especially based on her supposed performance in your eyes. This is truly a YMMV situation if there ever was one. We are all in this for the variety. Otherwise maybe I need to take up woodworking or something, except I value my fingers. I need them for my other hobbies.

Skip a session.  Use the money you save to buy yourself a set of balls.

YourKarmaSuitsYa2637 reads

Your fix'n to take away some regular income that she has grown accustomed to. It is her job  description however to keep you interested and satisfied. If she isn't then you have the right to take your business elsewhere. I somehow think however that after 4 years there is more going on here than sex for.......


Get Out Of Dodge5481 reads

Tell her adios but take into consideration what you
may have built up with her over four years.  Then,
go to a chiropractor to get your backbone realigned.

First, get an asian provider.  They are just sexier.  Then, make sure you get one who will evolve with you in a sexual relationship.  Next, be certain she is bisexual, loves greek, is into toys, is witty, smart, aggressive (but not too aggressive), submissive (but not too submissive), has a great body, a great face, great boobs, great nipples and a great ass.  Then, have her cut her hair really differently every 2-4 months, sometimes dying it platinum blond.   Then, have some threesomes and foursomes.....  Oh, and plenty of porn.  And viagra.  See?  Simple!  LOL  MA

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