TER General Board

Here's a good cautionary tale....
Apache50 1891 reads
1 / 30

Should a man Shave his chest, (ouch later), Trim Very short (maybe to prickly?), or trim to a certain length? Leave alone?  

Same question to other areas as well.  

What are Providers, (Ladies), preferences and thoughts?

breannabreeze See my TER Reviews 565 reads
2 / 30

I've gotten rug burn from guys who shave their chests.

NaughtyMaddy See my TER Reviews 477 reads
3 / 30
Sidney Starr See my TER Reviews 632 reads
4 / 30

If you have a chest full of hair like Alec Baldwin, Tom Select or Burt Reynolds leave it be! If you don't have any, just as well. Chest hair is a manly trait and some women love it, others not so much. The guys who shave their chest need to really keep it up and be careful not to have prickly chest. That doesn't feel great.

  Just be you and enjoy what GOD gave you. Do what pleases you. If you are happy with yourself so am I. I had one boyfriend who would shave his chest and it was such a chore. He even asked me to do it once and I told him next time go pay someone to do it. It took too kong of a time with a little Gillette razor.  

  I say leave it alone.

Shiksa 384 reads
5 / 30


jaydalee See my TER Reviews 516 reads
6 / 30

taco meat on your chest you should be fine.lol
But for down below yes I would recommend trimming or if you shave please use the proper shaver.
Recently,I experienced a guy who had shaved but I don't know if it was the same day he saw me or not.
But when I got on top of him due to his shaving it felt like sandpaper and was quite painful.
Asian cowgirl it is.lol
Also leave the back hair alone if it is not too bad/long.
Just my .02

-- Modified on 3/22/2017 8:34:50 AM

valentinavip See my TER Reviews 245 reads
7 / 30
mrfisher 108 Reviews 389 reads
8 / 30

courtesy of that font of knowledge on how to live:  Seinfeld

LadyOpium See my TER Reviews 388 reads
10 / 30

I personally hate the way a chest feels after being shaven, its super rough on my tits
and I really don't enjoy fresh stubble rubbing against my nether regions... feels like I'm being harmed with sandpaper

Bendadick.Cuminsnatch 478 reads
11 / 30

i also pluck the stray hairs on my shaft, so no stubble

Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 296 reads
12 / 30

Posted By: Apache50
Should a man Shave his chest, (ouch later), Trim Very short (maybe to prickly?), or trim to a certain length? Leave alone?  
 Same question to other areas as well.  
 What are Providers, (Ladies), preferences and thoughts?

chloemercier See my TER Reviews 294 reads
14 / 30

Leave it or trim it just a tad

MassMan 200 Reviews 297 reads
15 / 30

... I enjoy BLS and nipple play. I have had my chest waxed several times and my ATF likes it. When I see her, I am bare from my collarbone down to my privates. I like the look. It looks clean and my sessions have been off the charts.

Apache50 287 reads
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Well yes, kind of.  
Yet mine is Very Coarse! Drives Me nuts! It's Soft, or I don't think so.  

I've only Shaved it Once in my life and swore I'd never do it again. Was painful returning. My Brother does it without that problem, yet we are different in that regards even though both of us Body Build, gym, etc... It doesn't seem to hurt him, but he does have to do it everyday, or every other day.  

My solution so far has been to use Hair Clippers on a set number. That can be a tricky issue as well selecting which number of guard to use. 1/2 or a 1 and I feel great, but while not stubble as shaving, can still be somewhat stiff for a couple of weeks. Even more so if I go lower. Especially dead center, middle of chest. It will poke through very thin shirts I like to wear like some Perry Ellis no zip V neck polo's I like. Within 2 weeks it seems to hit a happy medium.  

Down below I usually just keep it trimmed nice and neat. The boys though stay bare with a proper shaver. Not the same issue as above. They will stay that way for awhile.

Apache50 457 reads
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I bet so. See my other reply down below.  

Only did it once and vowed to never again. Painful when returning.  

I normally will use Clippers and try and find a length that is suitable. Mine is Very Course so it drives Me nuts if not at least trimmed down some. To low and it's similar problem to shaving. Not as bad, but still will poke through Thin shirts like a form thin Tee or extremely thin dress polo's. So I try and find a happy medium setting with the clippers.  

Below, just neat and trimmed. Boys, I will use a proper shaver and it's not the same problem. They will stay smooth a good while before a repeat is even needed. Normally don't even need it that much anyway, but I like it and try to stay as smooth as can for ladies.  

I read an article once that polled Women on this issue and while mixed, it seemed that most agree with the answers here. However too much, most all agreed to trim it to 3/4, but no lower. Thought I would see how that poll stacked up myself with the question here. It's not like I'm the kind that has so much it grows Up and Over shirts and tee's. Not at all. But I do have a lot and for some reason I wasn't blessed with Softness.

Apache50 392 reads
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The Trim is what I have been doing. Mine is just too coarse natural. Trim at the Right length seems to be the happy medium. I also workout, body build a lot so it helps in that regard as well. My Brother can do anything, but we are very different people. I only shaved once, won't do it again. I learned that lesson the hard way.  

Trick seems to be Clipper length.

Apache50 309 reads
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Typo... meant to say Not Soft.

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 368 reads
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Stubble, when it grows back, hurts both you and I.  Too much hair or really long sucks.  

Best to use a trimmer and keep it shorter so not in the way (down below). I don't like a overly hair chested/or on the back man but it can work. Some look good like that, others don't. That isn't all that important unless you shaved it and now it is growing rough. Then it is an issue.  

I like it when they shave below but if you let it grow to point where it is rough, it is not so nice. As an all over down there licker/sucker.... clean and bald is best way to go. If you can't keep it groomed, then at least trim so not getting stuck in my mouth or teeth. Rule: If I can't find your balls or dick under the bush.... time to trim it up!

SensualShai See my TER Reviews 375 reads
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trex44 9 Reviews 251 reads
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...exothermic and hairy, as well!

If I don't trim the body hair, it gets in the way of my life, so I trim it down. The chest hair I leave so there's enough for her to enjoy and it's not scratchy or irritating. The shoulders, upper arms and core get shaved with a body trimmer so I don't look like a wet dog coming out of the shower ;)

Down below, the shaft, balls and the perineum (taint or grundle area) are shaved smooth the day before an appointment, enough time to recover from any micro cuts but not long enough for it to be stubbly. Maintaining a clean "play area" pays HUGE dividends with most providers that I've seen in the last 25+ years. I went with waxing in the early to mid 90s but that's just too much work to go through now.

LillianWest See my TER Reviews 340 reads
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Not into prickly trim jobs. I love the feeling of the hair on my body. It's so masculine. Nothing against smooth guys. It's a different kind of appeal.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 321 reads
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Providers like chest hair because they can't keep their fingers out of it. I do run a body trimmer below the belt because I think pubic hair is kinda gross.

zorah See my TER Reviews 234 reads
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Chest hair isn't an issue for me, but hair in some other parts can be.

I personally like to do some exploring with my mouth and tongue, and that's hard to do on a face with stubble - ouch! - or on nether regions that were not shaved or at least trimmed. Unlike a lady's parts, where you can get the hair out of the way to dive in on the fun, hair does get in the way when it's all over the place down there.

I always make it a point to tell my beaus I appreciate them grooming for me when they do. I see it as a sign of their dedication to doing their part to make our moments together the best possible.

SensualShai See my TER Reviews 246 reads
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In porn guys shave themselves bare, I am told, to make their dicks look bigger because the horse dicks they have with hair just isn't enough (smh!) I honestly do not see a problem with pubic hair. Ok trim it if you must because yeah it can be a pain getting it caught in our throats or whatever but I like hair down there. A lot!!!!!

Apache50 299 reads
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Just as split in Some instances, as many articles and polls also indicate.  

Well as fate would have it, lol..., I have to have a minor surgical procedure in the morning. They asked if I would participate in an ongoing clinical trial regarding a new sedation drug. I was game and agreed. I will/did have an ECG hooked up and she said she had to shave the spots where they 100% need it to stick without a doubt, plus tape as well.  

So, she did some small shaving. :(  But when I actually felt and looked at the sites, it's not to bad at all. Meaning, mostly she didn't scalp me. A small Trim with clippers or body groomer and it's not that noticeable. Only one spot seems to feel prickly. So all is not lost.  

Like I said, I'm not That hairy. Not coming up out the collar hairy at all. Just not that soft. Trimming to me has been a better option, not shaving. Actually never would have again. I think it presents me in a more fashionable favor. Groomed and great hygiene. Same as Below. Either shave or trim. Boys mostly always shaved smooth properly.  

It was interesting to read the replies here. I've read numerous articles on this, (Just Search online), and as said above the answers varied. Most seemed to lean between keep it or only Trim and at least leave it a certain length. Some answers varied with age it seemed as well.  

Thought I would bring the question Here, because in reality I usually trust a providers opinion More than a random poll by a magazine. Most don't BS and get to the point, don't hold back. I like that.  

(I really don't like to say Providers, SW's, or other things included. Though Providers and SW's seem to be the norm on the boards so I will use it. I Prefer to say, Ladies... That's what you are. This profession doesn't change that.)

Thanks for replies!

Apache50 360 reads
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On second thought, after a Better observation in My bright bathroom lights, She did scalp me more in spots than thought. lol... Geesh. Only about 1/4th below and around nipples and above to the sides.  

The irony that is life, I post this thread, I have this happen today. I'm the poster child of odd things happening like this. lol... Gotta laugh. And also irony that the next 2 1/2 to 3 weeks is on schedule to Really Play a whole lot. Already set with my favorite late next week, though she will likely get a kick about it. Very cool person, understanding and funny. Yet also had been searching this site And boards to begin booking with others I've never seen, especially in NC areas.  

Grow baby grow! lol...  
Thanks again everyone.

HollyDream See my TER Reviews 243 reads
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I agree, I'd rather see a chest full of hair then get burned by prickly hairs.

Cassidy See my TER Reviews 224 reads
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IMO body hair, not including pubes, should be left alone. I do appreciate a man trimming his area of interest tho, especially if it is a wild forest down there. I never appreciate a full shave tho - ALWAYS causes irritation on my end from chaffing, prickling, etc. I am not sure if I find it to look extremely unappealing just bc of how it feels but when a man razor shaves his pubes it's also looks really bad, regardless of what he has done with his body hair. It can look really strange if the pubes are the ONLY area trimmed too.

Many preferences out there tho!!!


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