TER General Board

Here's a chance to practice the art of disagreeing without being disagreeable....
mrfisher 108 Reviews 444 reads

So often sought, but so seldom seen.

I'm surprised that as a client, so often I find my political tendencies to the left of many providers.  You'd think it would be the other way around.

But, nevertheless, I try to find a common denominator in our beliefs, and grow from there.

What's the matter?  Are you afraid you might learn something?

And besides, what the worse that can happen?  You'd have a big tiff and someone would go off angry, then you could get back together and have make up sex, the best sex there is by far

You've finished fucking and are laying there, and then she starts commenting on her political interests.  And she is diametrically opposite of yours.  And nothing you can say will shut her up.

It seems to me that just putting your cock back in her mouth is the solution.

One is to do just exactly what you eluded to.  The other choices that come to thought quickly are: learn how to change the conversation topic, get dressed and leave or do nothing and just listen.

I think that would mean you REALLY suck in bed.  

My girls are VERY relaxed after coitus and bathing in the afterglow of their 9th orgasm so tax policy rarely comes up. :)

ncgent49491 reads

We sometimes debate politics and then fuck....it's kinda fun to notice her "holding back" in her opinions so as not to piss me off...lol

Out for a night on the town with more of my cash and her GF's if it were evening hours. Daytime I'd just send her to the spa or the beach for a bit.

If the sex was good enough to convert me to her beliefs, then I would just go along.  Otherwise, you are correct.  Cock in mouth is the best solution.

A decent lay and a healthy political debate? Sounds fun.

If she would know? How THAT would be better? Then opposite views on politics  
I rather lick your ass literally then fugarally to "licks" ass and and agree on all with red neck  
Only intelligent people would enjoy debates  
How many of you do think that OP is just low life man - how he did finish his complain - nothing will shut her up and may be I need put cock in her mouth?  
It is a language and actions of gentleman?

Just ask the other cock that was in the room! LOL.

Now there was this sex worker  who wanted to know how my wife would feel if she knew. Sad thing is she was talking about it mid bedding. So I figured if she really wanted to know she should ask her. My phone was in reach so I called my wife and gave the phone to the lady I was balls deep in. The look on her face was priceless when she realized my wife was really on the line. My wife and I enjoy a semi open relationship. She knows what I do and with whom. She even joins me.

Now us red necks aren't that bad. They are the stock from which I come. You can take the boy out of the trailer park but you can't take the trailer park out of the boy.

But I agree it is best if one speaks ones mind and disagree politely. I too would rather lick ass than not speak my mind. If my ideals and ideas are so shallow they can stand up to a little friendly debate I really shouldn't have them should I? Friendly debate not mindless argument is how we come together on common ground.  

By the way, I never claimed to be a gentleman. Pure unadulterated red neck here. How did you know?

So often sought, but so seldom seen.

I'm surprised that as a client, so often I find my political tendencies to the left of many providers.  You'd think it would be the other way around.

But, nevertheless, I try to find a common denominator in our beliefs, and grow from there.

What's the matter?  Are you afraid you might learn something?

And besides, what the worse that can happen?  You'd have a big tiff and someone would go off angry, then you could get back together and have make up sex, the best sex there is by far

JakeFromStateFarm494 reads

While you're right that it's possible to disagree without being disagreeable, I find it hard to respect someone who takes certain political views.  This is not always the case because there are two folks I do respect whose political views I find impossible to accept.  But with most people I might just write them off.  OTOH, if she was hot enough I'd paraphrase an old saying and posit that " a stiff prick knows no politics."

JakeFromStateFarm502 reads

Except for the ones I know as friends.  And they know we can fight about politics and still be pals.  Even though I think they're dumb.  LOL!

Since when did men start listening to women!!? :D  (Ladies, I kid - I kid! :P

NoYellowEnvelope461 reads

... on whether she wants to have a respectful dialogue based on logic and facts, or simply wants to rant and woe to anyone who disagrees with her.  If the latter, I try to use humor, eg smile and say "I never mix sex and politics", and she usually gets the hint. If not... I'll cover her mouth with mine and steer things in a different direction.  

I'm lucky that my ATF is of the former type.  When we get into lengthy discussions/debates about politics or other subjects, it's usually during OTC time, but sometimes while we're catching our breaths and cuddling we'll talk about politics or religion or science or whatever.  I find intelligent discussion/debate with a woman very stimulating... especially when our naked bodies are pressed together as we debate. :)

That nicer than you house. Her dog or viper insurance when you drive a minivan.

PRS2005326 reads

and I just told the provider that I have very strong political views, but my blood pressure soars even when talking with people I agree with. I asked that we change the subject.

If I provider wouldn't stop talking politics, even if I agreed with her, I'd never see her again. I go to relax, not boil.

This very situation happened to me. It was when Obama was running for the first time. We had finished and was smiling and relaxing. Then he started talking about our current chief and broke up with that N word this and N word that. I was totally stunned. I guess he hadn't noticed that I was black.  

I now post on my website to refrain from political and religious discussions. I do not need any more very awkward situations like that arising. At the conclusion of our date he let me know that he wanted to see me again. We never met again.

PRS2005451 reads

"I guess he hadn't noticed that I was black."

Vitamin D deficiency? ;)

souls_harbor412 reads

I don't discuss politics in a professional setting and I think poorly of people who do.  That includes people like entertainers who take advantage of their being in front of a captive audience to launch into a political diatribe.

That said, I rarely meet anyone who can coherently state their own position, let alone defeat someone else's.

The result of most such abortive attempts is first their lies then their insults, then their vulgarity.  I'll never get those three minutes of my life back

make sympathetic grunts, ask questions, and listen some more.
I have patients who have views very different from mine, but I am trying to establish a relationship, so without agreeing I ask and listen and make the odd comment.
i am almost always interested in the provider I am with and whether during breaks or at the end with still some time left, I am interested in listening to her thoughts or experiences if she is willing to share. (If she ever became offensive i.e. went on a racist or homophobic rant, I would not be interested, but I have really not met any providers the I can remember who have done that.)

My specialty is changing topics. I have a whole barrage of questions I can ask to get someone thinking about another topic. Try to develop this art, and you'll be amazed how you can get individuals talking about something that you have a common interest in.

My specialty is changing topics. I have a whole barrage of questions I can ask to get someone thinking about another topic. Try to develop this art, and you'll be amazed how you can get individuals talking about something that you have a common interest in.

NumNumMan549 reads

On a related topic, I have found providers are generally Dem and hobbyists Rep. While the topics rarely come up in my session, I am quick to change the topic.  

My theory is that clients have more money than the average Joe. This is why they can afford the hobby. They got this money via hard work and the capitalist system. They work hard, produce wealth and spend it on luxury goods (the great women in the hobby). This makes them more likely to be Rep.  

Providers are young, beautiful, education varies, and much more likely to have a background akin to the Dems view of the world. I will stop defining it there, so as to prevent the wrath of the girls. The more mature providers tend to be more split.  

Do you agree with this general observation

As a trans provider in Washington, DC maybe I'm in an interesting position. Talking about politics can be interesting, especially in this town, and especially when screening information can often lead you to conclusions about political inclinations. (Or at least, publicly stated political positions.)  

Even without that information, there are certainly ways in which a conversation about politics can be interesting, respectful, and not annoying and blood-pressure-raising. I'd hope that a good provider would know the difference between interesting versus annoying conversations.

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