TER General Board

Hell yes she is!! Charlize Theron too! eom
randyram 3 Reviews 3432 reads
1 / 64

Esquire says it's Penelope Cruz.....who do you say?

GhostWriteroftheDamned 1456 reads
2 / 64

as many TER Top-10 provider's reviewers are.  

Posted By: randyram
Esquire says it's Penelope Cruz.....who do you say?

AliquippaJones 12 Reviews 1086 reads
3 / 64
JohnyComeAlready 1273 reads
4 / 64

I doubt if I would give any woman such a title, as the title it self is subjective to taste/preference.

I do find Penelope's appearance rather attractive I would associate that with my attraction to Spanish women in general.

Zangari 1124 reads
6 / 64
Senator.Blutarsky 1265 reads
8 / 64
SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1093 reads
9 / 64

NATalie Portman.  

Having first three letters of the name N-A-T doesn't hurt either.. :D

-- Modified on 10/13/2014 4:39:48 PM

ANaturalBeauty See my TER Reviews 1115 reads
10 / 64

YES Charlize Theron. I was watching one of her Dior commercials the other day and I don't think I blinked once. My god that woman is attractive!

bonordonor 1017 reads
12 / 64
earthshined 1221 reads
14 / 64

dressed up in a photo shoot, maybe. certainly not in movies.

Salma Hayek is sexier.

klumberg 6 Reviews 941 reads
15 / 64

I don't care about super models, I don't care about movie stars, I don't care about music stars and I don't care about porn stars. There is no doubt in my mind who the sexiest woman in the world is.

Her name is......... PORTIA EDEN and she beats them all   :)

GaGambler 1227 reads
16 / 64

I really can't imagine that the "sexiest woman alive" would be a woman in her forties. Not that women in their forties can't be sexy, but the "sexiest" woman alive? In the entire fucking world? Sorry, but not even close in my book.

I think maybe they solicited the opinions of all the BSU candidates here, and every reviewer with a ratio of over 50% 10/10 reviews.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 914 reads
17 / 64

and I'll take a pass on gals who get picked just because they are celebs of some sort. For every hot celeb, there are 1000 even hotter everyday gals.  

Not that I wouldn't bone Penelope Cruz, of course.  

Or maybe I already did... :D

-- Modified on 10/13/2014 7:27:56 PM

ANaturalBeauty See my TER Reviews 1437 reads
18 / 64

You there...you are a silly one! Not gonna lie, I kind of have to wish I was the guy in that photo.

But I totally agree, and we people in general are a lot hotter than some of us are even capable of realizing.

Skyfyre 1346 reads
19 / 64

I say who gives a flying rat's arse...

Just the personal opinion of a magazine editor that's all. This was not even a vote. Every men has different ideas.

Nothing more than hype to sell a few extra copies.

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1490 reads
20 / 64

In case y'all were wondering why I have such a crush on Rasha (aside from that sexy brain of hers)...

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1162 reads
22 / 64

Posted By: earthshined
dressed up in a photo shoot, maybe. certainly not in movies.  
 Salma Hayek is sexier.
Gotta love them short girls! ;)

jc316 87 Reviews 1218 reads
24 / 64
MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 1180 reads
25 / 64

And yes I know her head was photoshopped onto that body, lol.



Dr Who revived 1229 reads
27 / 64

Speaking multiple languages is simply a given in most of Europe.

In this country however...laziness seems pervasive in refusing to accept other languages.

Being "smart" has nothing to do with speaking multiple languages....for many it's simply a way of life.

V is for.......Vagina?

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 983 reads
28 / 64

Not saying that speaking multiple languages was the criteria for being smart.. That being said, the girl is smart..

-- Modified on 10/13/2014 9:08:50 PM

Dr Who revived 1034 reads
29 / 64

It's not what you know...but who you know  LOL

The criteria to get in there is a not so well kept secret.  Just ask anyone who graduated from Yale, or Cornell, or Columbia  ;)

I'm sure she's a nice gal.  And perhaps is smart as well.  Who knows.

However, speaking multiple languages is far from a criteria as to intelligence.

I have liked all of her work....what's not to like  ;)

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 804 reads
30 / 64

I watched some of her interviews at one time and she came across as very well read person and could articulate herself very well..

Must be slow for you today. Your hawks not playing?

JohnyComeAlready 1081 reads
31 / 64

She looks like what westerners would want Indian women to look like.

I prefer a more authentic look.

rembrnad0284 12 Reviews 989 reads
32 / 64

... if they did I would have told them Kate Beckinsale

(all present company excluded of course)

JohnyComeAlready 1211 reads
33 / 64
Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 993 reads
35 / 64

So many nice choices.
I don't know if she's THE sexiest woman alive, but I've always loved the seductive bedroom eyes of Thandie Newton.
I think she's pretty damn sexy.

-- Modified on 10/13/2014 7:09:47 PM

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1221 reads
36 / 64

I write all of Rasha's posts.. She just comes up with fancy words and puts them in sentences.. :D

inicky46 61 Reviews 1330 reads
37 / 64

Rai is very Western looking and looks like no Indian woman I've ever seen.  Rasha is exotic as hell with a very different look.  She looks Indian, just way better looking than any other Indian woman I've seen.

JohnyComeAlready 793 reads
38 / 64
SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 809 reads
39 / 64

very fair complexion, and look very western. However, she doesn't have any European ancestry.

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1199 reads
40 / 64

...but since you have zero grasp of the language, it's futile.

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1043 reads
42 / 64

You know how much I love the curry flavored sexiness, boo. :D

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1148 reads
43 / 64

Posted By: Jstgttnstrtd
So many nice choices.  
 I don't know if she's THE sexiest woman alive, but I've always loved the seductive bedroom eyes of Thandie Newton.  
 I think she's pretty damn sexy.

-- Modified on 10/13/2014 7:09:47 PM

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 826 reads
44 / 64

Very feminine... You are nuts.. Have you considered picking up Hindi.. Since you like that stuff so much... Perhaps you be able to enjoy movies and stuff..

JohnyComeAlready 1133 reads
46 / 64

Are you Natalie Portman... or who ever Curly was talking about?

JackDunphy 847 reads
47 / 64

I don't think it is laziness at all as to the reason why Americans do not speak other languages. I think it is a question of "need" for Europeans to do so. I assume you have been there and travelled.  

In two hours, you can go from Paris to London by train. Roughly the same time to the Netherlands and Belgium. A little longer of a ride and you are in Germany. You get the picture.

For a variety of reasons (economic, social, governmental,  familial, leisure/vacation,) the need is just so much greater there. So many languages intermingled into a small area, in comparison to the U.S.

I do agree that speaking several languages is not a sign of higher intelligence, but not speaking more than one, and living in the U.S., is not a sign of laziness.

As American continues to "brown", I think you will see the need for Americans to be bilingual, at the very least. I always believed that "necessity is the motherhood of invention." I think this topic is/will be a prime example of that.

JackDunphy 887 reads
48 / 64

You work out a threesome with me, her and you and I won't negotiate your rate down. Deal? :D

Fridays117 27 Reviews 1011 reads
49 / 64

-- Modified on 10/13/2014 11:00:32 PM

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1294 reads
50 / 64

It's on my to-do list, though Om Shanti Om needs no translation to be enjoyed. :)

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
Very feminine... You are nuts.. Have you considered picking up Hindi.. Since you like that stuff so much... Perhaps you be able to enjoy movies and stuff..

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 1072 reads
51 / 64

I'm with you on Miss Portman. Beauty, brains, and talent. Rare combination! I still don't know if I would call her the sexiest woman alive though. Really tough to single out one woman. She is definitely in my Top 10! :)

Arovet 62 Reviews 860 reads
53 / 64

My tastes in women are just too varied; short, tall, big tits, small tits, athletic, thin, age 18, 35+, blonde, brunette, redhead, white, black, Asian, Latina, etc, etc, etc. I used to feel frustrated that I couldn't nail down my "type," then I realized I simpy don't have one.

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 1003 reads
56 / 64

actually VERY much remind me of one of my favorite providers...

dontknowanymore 4 Reviews 1514 reads
57 / 64


I'm the same way.  So many beautiful women..why limit yourself to a type?  Tends to become a self-fulfilling thing.  You never know what you miss out on because you had a type.  I also think the GND crowd has so much to offer.  So many gorgeous and interesting every-day-women out there.  The celeb crowd, while fun to ogle every now and then...is on average too self-involved for me.

Posted By: thehumanist
My tastes in women are just too varied; short, tall, big tits, small tits, athletic, thin, age 18, 35+, blonde, brunette, redhead, white, black, Asian, Latina, etc, etc, etc. I used to feel frustrated that I couldn't nail down my "type," then I realized I simpy don't have one.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 842 reads
58 / 64
hbyist+truth=;( 904 reads
60 / 64
hbyist+truth=;( 872 reads
61 / 64
russbbj 89 Reviews 961 reads
62 / 64

I voted for her to win SI swim suit model of the year. It's difficult to argue against the winner (Kate Upton) but  Hanna Davis is toe curling beautiful, with the absolute sexiest eyes I think I've ever seen. For those of you that don't know, Hanna Davis is Derek Jeter's latest main squeeze, lucky guy.

earthshined 963 reads
63 / 64

that ethnicity.

Walking in downtown DC one day, she literally stopped me in my tracks when I looked up and saw her.  

Never happened before or since

sophiaLA See my TER Reviews 1258 reads
64 / 64

If you were referring to someone else than I apologize (sorry, not sorry) for taking her thunder and doing weird things to myself with the bolt :D

You really are so effing cool, If we meet again I'm a tiny bit afraid for you...

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