TER General Board

He books 3-4hrs already... -e-
skarphedin 1117 reads


89Springer3190 reads

Recently I had a provider cancel on me a few days in advance. I mentioned this to another forum member in a PM, and he was of the opinion that I was probably bumped for a better offer, whatever that might be.

His suggestion was to offer to pay double her usual rate. He said he's had success in doing this, especially with really  hot providers, as guys will try to outbid each other to get time with those providers.

I can't imagine how this would work. If a provider is "awarding" her time to the highest bidder, how could you ever make an appointment? How would you know that you're not going to be outbid at the last minute? Is there a bell or something that signals that bidding is about to end?  

Also, if she's available to the highest bidder, then what would be her published rate? Would it just be a starting rate, a floor from which to start the bidding? A suggested bid? MSRP?  

I'm new to all this, so for all I know this could be common practice, although I haven't seen it mentioned here before. Has anyone else heard of this? Or is this forum member just pushing my leg? (See Gibson, Mel: "Get the Gringo")

If you got bumped, that's more likely what went down. You wanted to schedule an hour, and she thought that was fine, but then somebody wanted to book three, and she thought she couldn't do both, so...she went with the longer session. Or, this close to the holidays, it might have been something to do with that. That's why I never bet on women or horses. They're both too unpredictable.

Her rate is her rate. If she cancels she cancels. I'm not about to offer more money for her to un cancel!

GaGambler1237 reads

If I have an appointment and am "bumped" I don't really want to reschedule at any rate, much less double her usual rate.

I guess some guys buy into the hype of all the 10-10 reviews and think to themselves "I have to have THIS woman" personally I don't think that way, and I to quote a wise man "I will pay for pussy, I will beg for pussy, but I will NOT beg to pay for pussy"

GaGambler1352 reads

The ABSOLUTE worst thing he can do is offer her more money. She already knows she has him wrapped around her finger. If he offers her more money there is no limit to the hoops she might start asking him to jump through.

I have revised my opinion, and my advice now is DUMP THE BITCH!!! No pussy is worth the crap he is putting himself through, and notice I put the blame on him, not her. He is bringing this all upon himself, and this has devolved into a thread every bit as pitiful as a "I've fallen for a hooker" thread.

skarphedin1249 reads

She does this to everybody. It is her business model (albeit shortsighted). She even has to run around behind her assistant!!! I think she is a flake and not a con artist.  

That is the only reason I suggested that he even consider seeing her again.  

And, if he does contact her again and she asks too much, he can bail.  

And if at some point down the line she asks for too much he can say no.  

If he still wants her pussy, he needs to cut through all the bullshit and get everything out in the open.  

That being: her price and her availability are negotiable.

FWIW I've never gotten a "better offer" and if I did, I would probably think he was LE and I'd add him to my DNS list lmao. If I cancel, it's because something came up that was important in my life. Not because I got a better offer.  



Totally agree.   In my line of work I've never fired a client (although it was tempting), nor would I dream of doing so just because a better paying client came along.  And somehow I managed to pay my bills :) Besides, how does someone sell a girlfriend experience on the one hand and then bump the 'boyfriend' when a better opportunity comes along?... uh, wait a minute - ok, maybe that is more like the girlfriend experience than I... hmmm

Posted By: GaGambler
If I have an appointment and am "bumped" I don't really want to reschedule at any rate, much less double her usual rate.

I guess some guys buy into the hype of all the 10-10 reviews and think to themselves "I have to have THIS woman" personally I don't think that way, and I to quote a wise man "I will pay for pussy, I will beg for pussy, but I will NOT beg to pay for pussy"

But I'm not sure if the guy who said it was a wise man, or just a wiseguy. :D

skarphedin1602 reads

The information I had was:

1) Bomb-ass body beautiful face girl
2) Beyond great at sex
3) Enjoyable just to spend time with  
4) Particularly floats this guy's boat more so than anyone else
5) Rates typical for her market
6) NCNS with very high frequency and absurd and laughable excuses
7) Does this with other guys as well  
8) It is a logistical nightmare to see her: travel, time off work, pay someone to take care of daily things...
9) Guy likes 3+ hours

My conclusion about her was, short term thinking flake who isn't leading this guy on or trying to scam him but just goes with the most money on offer. In other words, her business model is type of auction.

Therefore, I offered the following unsolicited advice: if you are going to all that logistical trouble, pay what it actually takes to make sure you see her. The additional expense (2x was the example I gave which was too much for first offer but might be what she gets to bump someone) will not be anything close to the rest of your outlays in time etc...  

Basically, I said that if he wants to see her (this specific girl) he has to be the asshole bumping the others out of line and not the guy getting bumped.  

I have done this with one escort and too many times with strippers. It is not my usual practice and I do not think it should be anyone's usual practice... But, the women had guys who would call them and say I am in Vegas and I will pay more than the chump you have a date with and they would take it. And they were impossibly attractive to me. So, if i wanted to see them I would call right before the appointment and just say "how much to bump whoever is in line?" and they would say and it was usually 1.5 times what they advertised. They were worth it.  

Were they worth 3x? No. 2.5x? No. 2x? Thank God I have never had to make that decision.  

Now we might disagree with her business model but we ain't her and she is bomb ass hot and lives Wu Tang's CREAM: Cash Rules Everything Around Me. That is the reality on the ground: hookerland.  

AGAIN, THIS IS NOT HOW I DO THINGS. Slightly less than 100% of the time I would never contact someone who acted this way... Buuuuuuuut, some women are so god damn much my type that I will...  

-- Modified on 12/20/2014 7:14:27 AM

VOO-doo1142 reads

It's kind of discouraging to me that you give NO weight to character when making a choice :/ And will even compensate EXTRA to reward bad character. Not trying to moralize, but as someone who doesn't behave in this way, it's really just discouraging to see those types of antics constantly being rewarded around here. And they are constantly rewarded.

These are girls who are willing to basically leave the other guy w/blue balls. WHY resort to paying EXTRA to deal with someone with that type of mentality? Really???

I'm personally sure you can find an equally alluring ass...for equal or lesser price...and hopefully she'd be more considerate of her clients...but you have seemingly convinced yourself that THIS PARTICULAR ass is different from all other asses out there. Because she's so hot and fucks you so GOOOOOOD that nobody else can possibly do the same?? Why? Let me guess....she has a zillion hot Aldo photos and pages of 10-10's? LOL.  

I'm reminded of something Mr. Fisher said a while ago. 'The trick is to get the customer to fool himself.

skarphedin1345 reads

And I can't believe it but I am actually pissed you would insult the women I see. I like them as people and they really turn me on and don't lump them in with anyone else. If I see a woman again it is because I like being around them and not just their hotness. And I wouldn't consider seeing someone new who had a reputation for bullshit or drama.  

My position is that ONCE there was an escort who I had seen before and who had an incredible effect on ME because of her looks and attitude. She was not a bad actor in any way. However, she was a flake and would NCNS for more $$$$. At that point, I had a decision to make... And for that ONE ESCORT I paid more than the listed hourly rate.  

Oh god was she a flake, but she was ultimately my type physically and sweet and fun to be around (at least I had a lot of fun) and i didn't take her business model personally... That was just the way things were... She was a goofy girl who didn't really get that she could just raise her prices until she hit the sweet spot of rate and number of clients...  

What I am saying is, there are exceptions to every rule and I was trying to point out that maybe the OP had found his.  

I also think that this was an inefficient way to conduct business on her part and not something that should be common practice in the industry.  

And on a scale of 1-10 as to the bad things people do to each other, this kind of thing is a 2.  


-- Modified on 12/20/2014 10:02:05 AM

VOO-doo1215 reads

First of all, you never said you only did this ONCE, and you were essentially positing it as a reasonable (or at least common) business practice, that some guy (dumb and desperate enough) might think is a good idea.  

No matter what the reason - flightiness, greed - to hear of a guy agreeing to do business in this way just makes me wonder....WHY?  

A lot of guys would just stay far away from a girl who did business that way, just on principle. Whether it's greed or flightiness, what difference does it make?

We are actually VERY fungible. My clients might say that they like certain things in particular about me...they might prefer me over others, for now. But when I'm gone, they'll move on and find someone they like just as much, for different reasons... I am NOT and never will be irreplaceable in this hobby. That's not the point, though. The point is that...and I mean this in the nicest way possible...I AM a hooker...but no paid sexual encounter is worth doing what you described, when there are so many women out there who offer fantastic service and are RELIABLE. Maybe you live in the sticks and don't have as many options. But it just amazes me that a guy would actually resort to doing that. I know that many guys would, and that many guys have done even dumber things...and it always just makes me shake my head. That's all.  

-- Modified on 12/20/2014 7:47:07 AM

skarphedin1102 reads

Also, I wrote this in the post you first responded to.  

"I have done this with one escort and too many times with strippers. It is not my usual practice and I do not think it should be anyone's usual practice..."

We differ in that, to me, there actually are a very few sexual encounters that are worth it.  

And in the end, how much dumber is it than paying how much we already pay anyway

GaGambler1537 reads

Alex, can I continue in the category of "Dumb things desperate johns do" for $800 please?

skarphedin1308 reads

Me: Hey, I want to see you tonight!

Her: Sorry baby. I have a date set up.  

Me: Fuck him. How much?  

Her: This many dollars (less than 2x)

Me: Sure.  

Where is the dumb?

GaGambler1254 reads

His was a matter of getting canceled on, and you being proactive is a HUGE difference from him being reactive.

I can see being the "bumper" rather than the "bumpee" but once that ship has sailed and she has disrespected you by cancelling, you simply can't undo that action and do this while keeping your balls intact.

What you advise "can" work given the situation you now describe, but as a reaction to being cancelled on, it only makes you a sucker deserving nothing better than to be further shat upon, as you have proven that you will not only accept bad behavior, but that you will actually reward it.

skarphedin1143 reads

That IF HE WANTED TO SEE HER AGAIN, that the best way to do it was: call her right before and bump the chump in front of him in line.  

Or, at least find out what amount it would take to make it happen and decide if it was still worth it...  

I wasn't saying that he should have responded to her cancellation that way...

client_number_91154 reads


A hustler can be of good character, and have morals, but at the end of the day she's still a hustler. I think that's all he's trying to say.

And you can't blame a hustler for being a hustler.

In general a good paying regular will beat a new bee because she know he will show and and now to down bid.

Earlier in my hobby life I was frustrated with so many cancellations and NCNS's. This was especially problematic when I was traveling.  Back then when I was visiting a city for a few days I tended to want company every evening and only booked 1 hr appts. Providers that I already knew were never a prob but,  the rate of cancellations with ladies I had yet to meet was alarmingly high.  It finally dawned on me that I was compeating with gents requesting multi hr appts.   Cancellations and NS for this reason suck , but I get it.

I started booking 2 hr appts for all of my outcall inquiries and never had a cancellation since. I also discovered that ladies seemed to be more relaxed and less attentive to the clock with a 2 hr rendezvous. Actually our evenings often ended up with knocking down a few drinks in the hotel bar.

It seems to me it makes much more sense and everyone has much more fun if you book a couple hours rather than offer a " show up" bonus.

But OP does claim to be new to the hobby. Whoever suggested offering to double the rate gave poor advice.

And yes, she canceled appointments to accommodate my request. You can call me a sucker, but that's what I wanted and I'm not losing any sleep over it. I do believe that there are other fish in the sea, but if you gauge her to be a true "once in a lifetime," then go for it and ask her what would make it worth her while. Maybe you were the only appointment and she didn't feel the trip was worth it. Maybe she got an offer for an overnight. You just have to determine what you're willing to pay for, and if the price tag stresses you out, then definitely don't because all you'll be thinking about during the appointment is getting your money's worth.  

The fact remains that for most ladies, this is not a career but merely a means to an end. As much handwringing as there is over standards and practices, this is a black market - if it pays to be mercenary, so be it.

Panthera121206 reads

While I don't agree that there are a lot of hobbyists saying they will pay more for a time slot, but it is more prevalent that a hobbyist will pay for more hours thus bumping a one hour session. I don't think there are many hookers who would turn down a 3 hour session on a Friday when there is only a single one hour booking that would overlap. Common sense dictates that

VOO-doo1245 reads

If a girl relies upon repeat clientele, she'll have a lot invested in being reliable and not cancelling her appointments on a whim.  

If I'm 100% reliable all time time, for instance, it's much more likely that 1-hour guy will call upon me again and again, making it very worth my while to keep the shorter date.  

I can always just tell 3-hour guy that I'm busy that day, but would another day work?  

Once an appointment's booked, I'll keep it. That's just me and I realize that not every girl works that way. I've personally never had a guy try to 'outbid' me if I said I wasn't available on a certain day.

Panthera121209 reads

If you had a one hour session booked by a first time hobbyist, and along came another first time hobbyist who wants a 3 hour session and they overlap, what would you do? Take the 1 hour and hope the 3 hour books again?

VOO-doo1368 reads

I haven't had that particular thing happen, but in the past, I refused a new 3-hour guy for a grandfathered 1-hour guy I ended up firing anyway, lol.  

My feeling is, if I cancel on 1-hour guy, he'll NEVER call again. If I tell 3-hour guy that I'm already committed Tuesday night, but Wed, Thurs, and Fri will work, then that's reasonable, and if he's interested enough, he might book when our schedules mesh. If he can only do Tuesday, then oh well!  

This is why I HAVE a lot of regulars. When I say I can do Tuesday, I'm there Tuesday. If it's 6PM, I'm there at 6PM. I'm easy to schedule with, RELIABLE, and attentive to their needs. So in a larger sense, I DO profit from keeping my appointments and not shoving clients to the wayside. I have seen 1 new client this entire MONTH.  

I actually don't do 1-hours at this time, tho, so most of my dates are multihour and there isn't a lot of disparity between offers. But I have done them in the past, and that was generally the way I ran my business...I had a ton of 1-hour guys, and would occasionally get competing offers....but once something was booked I'd honor it

Panthera121118 reads

If that is your business model, then I applaud you. However, I don't think that most providers are driven by such practices, especially when money is involved.

I have received request from guys who want to see me at a time that I'm already booked, for a longer appoitment, and it never once crossed my mind to cancel on my existing date. That's just bad business. Besides, I've usually built up a rapport with my  guys and to cancel on them for a "better offer", would be kinda cruel, IMO. Time is money, and I've already invested in my existing appointments. And one thing I hate more than anyting, is having my time wasted, whether it is my fault or somebody else's.  

But I haven't ever had a guy, that I turned away due to unavailability, come back in and start bidding on me. IF anything, I'll try to see him at another time. Maybe I'm missing out on a lot of money, but I sleep pretty well at night.

89Springer1244 reads

Let's reverse it to reflect the real situation. I'm an 8-time repeat who does 3-4 hours each time. If I was bumped, what was I bumped for? An overnight?

Panthera121175 reads

Ever think of that? Just because you throw wads of cash at her could mean that she loves the money but merely tolerates you.

GaGambler1210 reads

and I agree with Panthera, what's she is trying to tell you is that you are not "all that" in her book.

Actions speak louder than words, the fact that you would even consider giving her ANY money at this point, much less more money, necessitates me revoking your man card until further notice.

Dude, I don't want to be harsh, but you really need to grow a set. She is dissing you repeatedly no matter how much money you throw at her, how much more are you going to take before you get the hint?

Don't be a Debbie Desperate.  

Posted By: GaGambler
and I agree with Panthera, what's she is trying to tell you is that you are not "all that" in her book.

Actions speak louder than words, the fact that you would even consider giving her ANY money at this point, much less more money, necessitates me revoking your man card until further notice.  

Dude, I don't want to be harsh, but you really need to grow a set. She is dissing you repeatedly no matter how much money you throw at her, how much more are you going to take before you get the hint?

You have more to agree with the "guys" than the gals..

Get a rubber one already...lol

Mostly because I just want to jerk off on things and pee standing up.

GaGambler1115 reads

The BSU candidates should really be embarrassed that "mere" girls like you, Steph, H+T and many others can hang with the "boys" as full equals, while there are grown ass men sniveling like little girls about how "mean" we are.

I will give Admin credit for having come a long ways over the last couple of years where it comes to "getting it" but that post from last night proves that they have a LONG ways to go.

BTW, don't ever trade in your vajayjay for a dick. You can always trade pussy for almost anything in life that you will ever need, being able to pee standing up will never compare to that. lol

Posted By: GaGambler
The BSU candidates should really be embarrassed that "mere" girls like you, Steph, H+T and many others can hang with the "boys" as full equals, while there are grown ass men sniveling like little girls about how "mean" we are.

I will give Admin credit for having come a long ways over the last couple of years where it comes to "getting it" but that post from last night proves that they have a LONG ways to go.

BTW, don't ever trade in your vajayjay for a dick. You can always trade pussy for almost anything in life that you will ever need, being able to pee standing up will never compare to that. lol

89Springer1359 reads

I'm not the one who's willing to pay more. I'm also not the one who's willing to put up with this. I'm done with it.

GaGambler1088 reads

It appears that skarpy is trying to put words in your mouth. I am glad that you aren't going to play this silly little game that she is playing with you.

Check your mailbox, your man card should be returned to you shortly. It will be sent "postage due" of course though. lol

seems everyone is in one of two camps on this, the viscerally opposed or the more sanguine "it is what it is, cash rules" crowd. The reason I would never do it is simple, I want the monetary part of this to be as far in the background and ideally not discussed or even mentioned. I'm a far cry from delusional about this little recreational activity but I enjoy preserving, as much as possible, the fantasy that I showed up at a hot girl's door and she invited me in to fuck my brains out. A bidding war just chucks a grenade right into that, no thanks.

skarphedin1190 reads

You have a ton of reviews and are very savvy but you seem to have started in 2012? Not knocking you just pointing it out because I started before the internet had anything to do with hookers. And let me tell you it was very different: just utter total chaos and word of mouth... I love TER etc but I wonder if you would feel the same way if you had started in the early 90's or 80's or 70's...  

I think that is why I have no fantasies like you described.  

That, and my being cold and dead inside.  

From all the Mt Dew and D&D in my youth.

Many ways to approach this sport, I've simply found that more often than not I get the most satisfaction when it feels like I happened upon a horny girl who just had to have me right then and there. I experienced that IRL in my 20s a few times so I guess I try to replicate that in this arena. That, and I've met a few girls doing this that I genuinely enjoy being around because they are genuine people. As to whether I'd feel the same way if I started earlier, that strikes me as being rather like assign a teenager if he'd feel the same way about Instagram if he grew up taking Polaroids, how can one answer that?

I didn't take any offense at all, in fact I think generational differences of any kind are interesting but ultimately not very explainable as different generations tend to have such vastly different contexts for their experiences.

when she retires and is gone forever will you find another lady to take her place?  

the answer is yes because it has happened with every provider who has retired or left the business. That is, hobbyists who used to see these ladies have found other escorts to enjoy.

The idea that any lady is so unique and desirable that if she cancels on me the correct response is to offer her more money to meet is crazy. Let me count the ways:

- She ain't all that. If money is not an object, there are more than enough very expensive providers willing to take my money.
- She made a date and canceled it, i.e. she jerked me around (assuming it really was not something beyond her control). I am supposed to reward her for doing that? How does that make sense? I want to discourage her doing that, and the message I am sending, loud and clear, is that she should do the same thing to me again.
- And if something beyond her control really did come up, my new offer is basically calling her a liar when she is not one.

To be clear, I do not have a big issue with a lady who cancels one date for a better one, any more than I have a big issue with a guy who makes a date and then cancels because someone he wants to see more became available. Yes, it is inconsiderate, sort of rude. But it happens all the time, so I am not going to get upset about it. It is just part of the game. But to suggest I would bid more to see that lady is sort of like suggesting that if I cancel a date with a lady she should offer to cut her price in half to make me honor the date - makes no sense at all.

I understand that at times we need to figure out ways to be good enough clients to be sure we get as much of a lady's time as we want when she is in demand, but trying to do that by paying her extra after she cancels on us is not how to do it, IMO.


I think giving (too much) more than said rate is only asking to be taken advantage of in the future. I'm more talking about taking a longer date over a shorter date above.  

When someone offers me more than my rate, I call those guys big fat liars lol. It smells fishy, and the fish goes in the trash.

I agree totally. I guess I'm fortunate in that I have 3 ATF's, all awesome ladies that I adore and totally click with in the sack. I would just as happily see one as the other, and at least one of them is always available when I feel like some company. So I've never found myself in the situation the OP'er described. If I was him, I would shop around. No one lady has a monopoly on great sex. Hell, he might find someone he likes better! ~~~~~Rob

to me her "bread and butter" so to speak are two other clients - not me - who she sees every time she's in town. they are priority when she determines availability. that's cool with me. I'm not always available for her when she asks either so, no big deal.

Posted By: ziggy440
The idea that any lady is so unique and desirable that if she cancels on me the correct response is to offer her more money to meet is crazy. Let me count the ways:  
 - She ain't all that. If money is not an object, there are more than enough very expensive providers willing to take my money.  
 - She made a date and canceled it, i.e. she jerked me around (assuming it really was not something beyond her control). I am supposed to reward her for doing that? How does that make sense? I want to discourage her doing that, and the message I am sending, loud and clear, is that she should do the same thing to me again.  
 - And if something beyond her control really did come up, my new offer is basically calling her a liar when she is not one.  
 To be clear, I do not have a big issue with a lady who cancels one date for a better one, any more than I have a big issue with a guy who makes a date and then cancels because someone he wants to see more became available. Yes, it is inconsiderate, sort of rude. But it happens all the time, so I am not going to get upset about it. It is just part of the game. But to suggest I would bid more to see that lady is sort of like suggesting that if I cancel a date with a lady she should offer to cut her price in half to make me honor the date - makes no sense at all.  
 I understand that at times we need to figure out ways to be good enough clients to be sure we get as much of a lady's time as we want when she is in demand, but trying to do that by paying her extra after she cancels on us is not how to do it, IMO.  

I've seen her several times. So the day before we meet she texts me an says she has to change locations due to security issues (nosy neighbors). I get  the new location a few hours later. The next morning I have an email from her assistant saying she has to cancel due to a bad location. The assistant is not aware that i contact the provider directly and already heard this story yesterday. So I text the provider assuming her assistant was incorrect about canceling. She said no. She had been contacted for an overnighter and didn't think she would be able to make it for our appointment. I was actually happy. Saved me a lot of money. I've been playing too much anyway and wasn't really feeling it. So I give her credit for being honest and saving me some bucks.

Back_In_Black1212 reads

Posted By: 89Springer
Recently I had a provider cancel on me a few days in advance. I mentioned this to another forum member in a PM, and he was of the opinion that I was probably bumped for a better offer, whatever that might be.  
 His suggestion was to offer to pay double her usual rate. He said he's had success in doing this, especially with really  hot providers, as guys will try to outbid each other to get time with those providers.  
 I can't imagine how this would work. If a provider is "awarding" her time to the highest bidder, how could you ever make an appointment? How would you know that you're not going to be outbid at the last minute? Is there a bell or something that signals that bidding is about to end?  
 Also, if she's available to the highest bidder, then what would be her published rate? Would it just be a starting rate, a floor from which to start the bidding? A suggested bid? MSRP?  
 I'm new to all this, so for all I know this could be common practice, although I haven't seen it mentioned here before. Has anyone else heard of this? Or is this forum member just pushing my leg? (See Gibson, Mel: "Get the Gringo")

There are a million reasons ladies and gentlemen have to cancel a session. The vast majority of them are legitimate reasons. Whether you're the lady or the gentleman you can't jump to any conclusions. If you don't believe, or even if you don't know the reason for canceling, you shouldn't take the low road. If either takes the low road, then she'll be losing a client, or you'll be losing a lady. Most people don't want that to happen, so you take the high road.  

But let's say, hypothetically, that she did bump you for a better offer. The thing I always tell my provider girlfriends is that if they get a better offer, take it. I'm serious. All I ask is that the lady communicate with me, and not leave me hanging somewhere. What happens by taking the high road is the lady will be extremely appreciative you did so. This might sound kind of funny, but when that happens to me, and it has a couple of times, I'm happy. That's because the ladies I see are so highly professional, the next session goes so far above and beyond it's unbelievable. That's also why, when I plan a session, I usually make three or four alternate real life plans, so if she does cancel, I can just slip into one of those, and dream about what that make up session is going to be like. Of course I'm talking more last minute cancellations, because a cancellation several days in advance is both good etiquette, and courteous. Even so, she'll be appreciative you took the high road, and didn't make some ridiculous offer just to see if she's telling the truth.

89Springer1455 reads

I won't debate whether the excuse is true or not. I have no idea. My problem is that, to get to the best metro area for providers, I have to leave on Saturday morning, get a hotel, meet with the lady on Sunday early afternoon, then get home late Sunday night.

I start getting things in order for the trip usually around Wednesday, booking hotels, arranging for a sitter, etc. If I find out late Friday that it's off, I've already wasted a fair amount of time. Even getting a bottle of wine for the date is a hassle, as this is a dry county, and the nearest place with good wine is a 90 mile round trip, which I usually do the weekend before.

you need to relocate! lol

-- Modified on 12/21/2014 12:00:33 AM

Wow! That's quite an elaborate set up just to have a little fun. My suggestion is to do what I do. Plan a variety of other activities just in case she doesn't work out. In fact, it wouldn't be a bad idea to be pre screened for several different ladies in your metro area. If one bails, call another. Back in the day, we used to have a list of ten numbers we carried around with us, just in case we got excited at work. But also, in case we got stood up. I remember one time after I got stood up, I called all ten numbers and struck out. But another time, after a no show, the second number on my list turned out to be a long time atf. Or, you might consider scheduling two different ladies in one day, a few hours apart. I'll do that occasionally just for fun. You might want to make it your norm, if it's feasible. Good luck!

89Springer1296 reads

It is a ridiculous amount of work for a little fun. What's available in my area, though, makes Backpage look like Playboy. Plus, this being the "buckle of the Bible Belt", LE is much more interested in prostitution than they are in most other locales. That's probably why very few touring providers come here.

I'm already pre-screened with an agency in the "big city", but I hate to spend $1200+ on a second-tier provider just because a first-tier flaked on me. I'd rather have things nailed down before I leave. I'm pre-screened with the agency just in case I get to the city and I get canceled at the very last minute on Day Two (which has happened).

GaGambler1195 reads

Considering that for you to hobby, it takes a few thousand and a couple of days to leave your "bible belt home in the sticks" to head to the big city, which has also seemed to be hit or miss for you. With that in mind, why don't you just budget a little more money, and just a little more time and hop a plane to somewhere like Costa Rica or the DR where you are literally guaranteed a good time.

Just for the record, I am sure you can catch a round trip flight for less than a grand. It's a 3 1/2 hours round trip flight from Atlanta on Delta who has two non stop flights a day, plus connecting flight of course. Once you get there, a hundred bucks a night for a hotel, a couple of hundred for eats, drinks and cabs. You can have see as many ticas as you could possibly ever want for another five hundred bucks a day. By "all you want" I mean two hour long sessions and a third chica that you keep all night, and the best thing is, you will NEVER have to worry about being stood up again.

89Springer1078 reads

GaG, I've thought about that a lot, and have done some research, although no research would be complete without peppering you with questions. ;)

One thing I've given a ton of thought to is pursuing my #1 fantasy, which is a gorgeous 100% Italian woman who speaks at least some English. For about $5000, I can go to Italy for five days and, from what I can tell, get about two three to four-hour sessions with some pretty beautiful (in the ads) women. That's airfare, hotel, car, and donations.

When's the next time you're going to CR

GaGambler1154 reads

Either tomorrow or Tuesday most likely. lol

Wednesday at the very latest. I have a bit of business I have to attend to before I can leave, if I can get it done in the morning I will try to catch an afternoon flight tomorrow. If not, I might get stuck here and extra day or so.

Don't worry, It's never more than about a month in between trips, usually just a couple of weeks.

As for Italy, if you go make a note to yourself that Lugano Switzerland is only a short hop away. It is an international smorgasbord of talent. You will find women from virtually every country in the world there, AND it is perfectly legal. Just one more feather to keep in your hat. lol

Back_In_Black1372 reads

HAS THE " COOTIES " LMAO @ BIDDING ..hope shes not colored ya know we did away that years ago ..lol .who the fuck are you bidding against ?? this is ridiculous , they should pay us I mean we are helping these girls out since they cant get a date ..and they have no clothes and answer the door in underwear .. its kinda sad , really it is .. and then we have to feed them and write about it so our friends chip in too.  a hell of a lot of work for a girl we really don't even know ..

Posted By: 89Springer
Recently I had a provider cancel on me a few days in advance. I mentioned this to another forum member in a PM, and he was of the opinion that I was probably bumped for a better offer, whatever that might be.  
 His suggestion was to offer to pay double her usual rate. He said he's had success in doing this, especially with really  hot providers, as guys will try to outbid each other to get time with those providers.  
 I can't imagine how this would work. If a provider is "awarding" her time to the highest bidder, how could you ever make an appointment? How would you know that you're not going to be outbid at the last minute? Is there a bell or something that signals that bidding is about to end?  
 Also, if she's available to the highest bidder, then what would be her published rate? Would it just be a starting rate, a floor from which to start the bidding? A suggested bid? MSRP?  
 I'm new to all this, so for all I know this could be common practice, although I haven't seen it mentioned here before. Has anyone else heard of this? Or is this forum member just pushing my leg? (See Gibson, Mel: "Get the Gringo")

skarphedin1401 reads

I said that since this girl is running an auction, do you want sealed bids? That was it on the bidding.  

I stand by my advice: IF HE WANTS TO SEE THIS GIRL AGAIN (no judgment zone!), he should be the one doing the bumping and not being bumped. He should only call her as close to the date as possible (that day) and get a number as to what it will take to get her to abandon her current plans. If that number is doable, fuck her. If not, walk.  

I in no way ever came anywhere near justifying his actions up to this point. That is useless. The past is the past, if he still wants to see her he should do as I said

89Springer1150 reads

You're the one who proposed the bidding. You were going to start this thread, but I beat you to it.  

How is it that the suggestion of bidding got turned into a discussion about how I go about dealing with providers? You're the one who was supposed to be on the grill. ;)

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