TER General Board

He be trolling - only this time seems to be justifying the sicko by putting someone else at fault. Econfused_smile
Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 1269 reads


is this the ideal man

This is a good time to point out.  
That no matter who may hate on each other here...  
Make fun of, and just plain shit on each other..  
It's important to know that the vast majority are here to look out for, and protect each other from the real dangers out there first...  

There are a few usernames here that stick, and can be trusted. Sometimes a bad apple gets through, and you guys kick it out quick.
Respect for that.  



-- Modified on 11/3/2014 7:05:23 PM

yes he looks perfect from head to toe lips the hair

chicks somehow. So there's hope for you, Andrewww!

Posted By: andrewww12
is this the ideal man?  

!_!1213 reads

I'm on your side for a change. He's a low life loser who plays dirty. Why is it that he's not banned yet for posting private messages? May Gandy forgive him for his sins.

And for the record, everyone, TER admins are aware of the situation and I'm sure they'll deal with it accordingly.  

Posted By: !_!
I'm on your side for a change. He's a low life loser who plays dirty. Why is it that he's not banned yet for posting private messages? May Gandy forgive him for his sins.

jojo131322 reads

I made the mistake of googling his posts there and he is definitely one sick puppy. He is a sampling of some of his posts:

Post by whatislife » Mon Oct 20, 2014 11:27 pm  
do whatever you can to get back at people

even the smallest things can help punish people that have better lives than you. there are ways to do this without getting caught or having to be confrontational if you're high inhib. for example i've probably keyed a half dozen cars in the past 2 months. i could be doing a lot more if i felt like it but i only do it when i see a hot girl or young, attractive couple exiting a car and only if there is an opportunity for me to do it very stealthily with no major risks of being seen by people or recorded by surveillance cameras.

earlier this evening i got trace amounts of feces on a girl's hand and phone. as i was checking out at vons i saw a hot brunette (solid 8/10) leaving the store ahead of me so i speedwalked behind her outside and made sure no one was looking, quickly shoved my right hand in my pants and rubbed it up and down my asshole area (i even squished a dingleberry between my fingers) and then went up to the girl and said "hey do you have a phone i could use real quick? i was supposed to meet my sister here and my battery just died". she said "sorry what was that?" halfway thru my question so i had to repeat it a 2nd time. apparently i was so nervous and excited about approaching a random hot girl (and the reason behind me doing so) that my words just came out as a quiet, mumbled beta mess. she lets me use her phone (i made sure to get lots of contact with my hands) so i call a random number and then say "mm she's not answering. thanks tho" when it just rings, she smiles and says "yeah it's no problem" and then i shake her hand before leaving LOL. felt very good knowing she probably smelt my shit the next time she put her phone up to her ear or she probably got shit in her mouth from shaking my hand if she touched her hips or face at all tonight.

Post by whatislife » Fri Oct 03, 2014 10:28 pm  

i actually wanna see a woman get beheaded. not trying to be edgy. there's no good gore vids of women getting beheaded or shot afaik

It literally must suck to be him.  I'd almost feel sorry for him but he's so toxic and potentially dangerous I need to ask Gambler for some extra rope.
Even if he's not banned I doubt he has the balls to stick around here.

Which makes you appear desperate for attention... so it's hard to believe you'd be upset over him circulating your brand.


What I wanted to touch on is sharing PMs else where in the world outside of this forum.

I'm fairly certain people are free to do so.

!_!1253 reads

I can't quite see the connection there. Then again almost every post from you hardly make any sense. At least you're not a mentally ill pervert like OP though.

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Which makes you appear desperate for attention... so it's hard to believe you'd be upset over him circulating your brand.  
 What I wanted to touch on is sharing PMs else where in the world outside of this forum.  
 I'm fairly certain people are free to do so.
Please test out that theory for us. Let us know how it goes.

But I suppose since most people here shit on you, it has become your form of conversation.

No real offense but stfu. If a person interested in murdering women posts your pics and fabricates a dialogue it's not funny. She's not looking for attention. She gets plenty, especially from you.
Try to not be like Andy and use your common sense and humanity on this one. No girl wants to be on a site called sluthate about killing women… (the fact that I had to say that is so ridiculous).

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Which makes you appear desperate for attention... so it's hard to believe you'd be upset over him circulating your brand.  
 What I wanted to touch on is sharing PMs else where in the world outside of this forum.  
 I'm fairly certain people are free to do so.

Come into sight; become visible or noticeable, especially without apparent cause:


There is no cause for any one including the OP to discuss conversations from other sites on this site.

...that it is indeed only talk.
Guy needs serious mental help.

!_!1534 reads

You know how much I dislike BSC people who do BSC things. That goes for both women, and men. The Gandy worshipping moron needs a psych evaluation ASAP, IMO.

I never thought I would say this before, but I'm seriously considering getting a CCW after seeing that shit. Scary.  

Posted By: !_!
You know how much I dislike BSC people who do BSC things. That goes for both women, and men. The Gandy worshipping moron needs a psych evaluation ASAP, IMO.

jojo131489 reads

If you look in the "Low test/high test Brother demonstration" thread from August 30th, CruiseControl posted a side by side original and photo shopped  pictures of ANDREWWW12/whatislife. You may want to print it out so you can be on the lookout for that nutjob. He also recently posted about getting an AK47 and that smoking weed every day is the only thing keeping him from going on a killing spree. He needs to on every blacklist in the country.

Posted By: Tobi Telford
I never thought I would say this before, but I'm seriously considering getting a CCW after seeing that shit. Scary.  
Posted By: !_!
You know how much I dislike BSC people who do BSC things. That goes for both women, and men. The Gandy worshipping moron needs a psych evaluation ASAP, IMO.

This is a great CCW I was looking at

!_!1247 reads

Threats about killing spree? AK47? Shit stain handshakes?Scratching cars simply because the driver is dating a young hot girl? Someone needs to report this guy to the authorities. He's too unstable and clearly a troubled kid who has mental issues.

I agree. Something is seriously wrong. His behavior seems to be escalating too, quite similarly to that Eliot Rodger kid.  

Posted By: !_!
Threats about killing spree? AK47? Shit stain handshakes?Scratching cars simply because the driver is dating a young hot girl? Someone needs to report this guy to the authorities. He's too unstable and clearly a troubled kid who has mental issues.

jojo131290 reads

Did you se his post on the "All you need are the two Cs" thread on October 14th. Here is his quote:

"weed + casual sex (at least from escorts) and my hobbies are the only things keeping me from visiting Gandy or going ER" On that site "ER" refers to Elliot Rodger - going on a killing spree. Since scheduling with escorts should be tougher for him now, he may really be dangerous.

Posted By: Tobi Telford
I agree. Something is seriously wrong. His behavior seems to be escalating too, quite similarly to that Eliot Rodger kid.  
Posted By: !_!
Threats about killing spree? AK47? Shit stain handshakes?Scratching cars simply because the driver is dating a young hot girl? Someone needs to report this guy to the authorities. He's too unstable and clearly a troubled kid who has mental issues.

!_!1397 reads

Makes me laugh how those kids are still trying to get laid for the first time and are so depressed about life. ROFLMAO

Very few things shock me. I dick around on Reddit enough to occasionally just say "okay, that's enough internet for me today," but that site actually worries me. It's nothing but a cesspool of awkward, socially inept, insecure, spoiled nerds with delusions of grandeur and violent fantasies to unite from their respective parents' basements. That in and of itself wouldn't be that bad if it weren't for the fact that these guys are encouraging each other's antisocial thoughts and behaviors. Read the Isla Vista shooter's manifesto if you can stomach it. He pretty much credits that website with giving him the extra push to go full-on BSC.

On Saturday Night Live last week Chris Rock said that he spoke out in favor of reasonable gun control regulations.

The internet then exploded with hate mail and death threats.

Said it made him realize he needed a gun.

sounds to me like he is escalating and it's a matter of time before he hurts someone

-- Modified on 11/3/2014 3:05:53 PM

Omfg!!! What a sick fuck!! Why is he still here???? Maybe he needs some karma and a Fucking industrial mop handle up his ass! Wtf? I can not believe what I just read :(

He's hunky but I'm not really into the baby face look.

every time you post. Makes me want to vomit.

Wasn't so bad when I thought you were merely a struggling homosexual. But now, with your psychotic fantasies to harm women, desire for necrophilia and "Master Race" board posts exposed it seems we all can see a different and more disgusting intent behind your posts.  

Some would say you should be banned. I disagree. I prefer that you keep as high a profile here and everywhere else as possible. All the better for people to be able to find your ass and take you down should you ever act out your sicko little fantasies. The more clues and clearer trail you leave, the better.

I hope that everyone in this community makes it a part of their mission to share every bit of info about you with one another as possible, passes the warning along and bans you not from this board but from any contact with anyone you may potentially victimize or harm.

This is so fucking crazy!!!!  A bunch of idiots talking out of their ass.

has a different meaning for this guy. Here are his words about "talking out of his ass":

do whatever you can to get back at people
Postby whatislife » Mon Oct 20, 2014 11:27 pm
even the smallest things can help punish people that have better lives than you... earlier this evening i got trace amounts of feces on a girl's hand and phone. as i was checking out at vons i saw a hot brunette (solid 8/10) leaving the store ahead of me so i speedwalked behind her outside and made sure no one was looking, quickly shoved my right hand in my pants and rubbed it up and down my asshole area (i even squished a dingleberry between my fingers) and then went up to the girl and said "hey do you have a phone i could use real quick? i was supposed to meet my sister here and my battery just died". she said "sorry what was that?" halfway thru my question so i had to repeat it a 2nd time. apparently i was so nervous and excited about approaching a random hot girl (and the reason behind me doing so) that my words just came out as a quiet, mumbled beta mess. she lets me use her phone (i made sure to get lots of contact with my hands) so i call a random number and then say "mm she's not answering. thanks tho" when it just rings, she smiles and says "yeah it's no problem" and then i shake her hand before leaving LOL. felt very good knowing she probably smelt my shit the next time she put her phone up to her ear or she probably got shit in her mouth from shaking my hand if she touched her hips or face at all tonight.

First off he looks way to young for me n he probably has a little weenie lol um no thanks!
I like mature gentlemen that like to take their time n pleasure me as well as themselves ;)

CubaGoodingJRsMama1291 reads

Eliot Rodgers??? And YES that site downgrades Blacks and Jews.  You have a handle there, you post here so NO I don't have it all wrong about you!

"Handsome white boy crew"
"Behead all Neanderthals crew"

And in your own words if you could get away with it you'd rape and kill a minimum of a 7/10 girl or higher.

Nah I had you pegged dude.

Genetically gifted with 50% "master race". Guess that makes him 50% "primitive" mongrel? And 100% coocoo.

Re: dutch quadruplets - them chins fuarrrk
by whatislife » Sun Nov 02, 2014 11:28 am
dutch people are amazing. so glad i'm 50% dutch master race genetic

I was just able to send him a PM.  Can you do that to a banned member? Paging PS!

CubaGoodingJRsMama1115 reads

This way we can WATCH his ass. If he gets banned, he won't stop seeing escorts.

And I've warned the folks on the LA Board BTW! See he's one of those quiet and polite guys on the outside-read his reviews.

But underneath is a sick twisted, dangerous person.

But remember, I had him all wrong-NOT!

If what he's done isn't ban-able, what is?

He's too small for the average condom.

As well as non VIP members, dead members, etc. If you have VIP, you can send a PM to any TER handle or alias. Non VIPs, banned members, and such just can't read them or reply.  If sickfuckandy replied to you then you know he is not banned. If he didn't reply then he might be banned or possibly just ignoring you.  

I'm pretty sure what he did was a bannable offense. TER does not take kindly to folks posting their copywrited content on other boards. They also don't take kindly to people publicly posting PMs. I'm sure that includes posting them on other sites.
In any case, TER is aware of this sicko and what he did, and whether they actually ban him or not is their decision and you know they never announce if they banned someone, so we have no real way of knowing. Of course if he keeps posting or PMing then we know he wasn't banned.

My personal opinion even though he broke TER rules is keep him around so we can watch him and let everyone be aware of the sicko. On the the other hand what I really wish happens is he gets caught keying the wrong person's car.

PS. Just to verify I wasn't spewing bullshit, I sent PMs to 2 banned members and 2 dead members before posting this.

Panthera121175 reads

BTW, did you notice that his only white list had disappeared?

I hadn't noticed the whitelist disappearing. Hopefully his whitelist saw all this shit and withdrew her whitelist and stuck him on a blacklist.

Posted By: Panthera12
BTW, did you notice that his only white list had disappeared?
I sent her a link to this shit. Clearly she was also unsettled by it.

I've heard people say this exact thing IRL, minus the breaking of TER rules.  

Posted By: perfectstorm

 My personal opinion even though he broke TER rules is keep him around so we can watch him and let everyone be aware of the sicko.
My observation was, their actions didn't support their expressed clamation of motive.

Epsilon_Eridani941 reads

this whole thread turned into a major train wreck because a few whined about this original poster.  

guess what? you asked for by even acknowledging the original poster in the first place.  

who gives a shit that he posted your postings and messages all over the place?  

if you wanted privacy, being in TER isn't the right place for you.

if you knuckleheads were thinking straight, you wouldn't have responded to his stupid post in the first place.

way to go, knuckleheads!!

First of all, what's wrong with a good train wreck?  I guess because you've been the butt of so many you're a tad sensitive about it.  And if that's the case, why come in at the end whining about it?
Also, what could possibly be OK with posting a girl's stage name and photos on a site devoted to hating women, rape fantasies and murder?  Maybe you didn't check that place out.  Or maybe, underneath, you sympathize with sickos like that.
I'd call you a knucklehead, but that would be an insult to knuckleheads.

!_!1141 reads

What's funny is, he goes to length implying we were dumb to have posted replies yet he posted a reply too. Woody boy should just stick to talking to the wall, I mean trees.

ismellturkey1063 reads

Is this what this post is about?

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