TER General Board

Have to admit...
hljockey 2 Reviews 1422 reads
1 / 25

Apparently many of the ladies have discovered the fountain of youth. Been in the hobby about 10 years and it's amazing how some of the ladies who have been advertising from day one never seem to age. Some are the same age they were 10 years ago. 39 seems to be an especially common year when the aging process stops. Lots of 35-year-olds too.

Dr Who revived 605 reads
2 / 25
anavictoria See my TER Reviews 570 reads
3 / 25
Sandra Alexander See my TER Reviews 540 reads
4 / 25

Posted age + seven years = actual ag

Senator.Blutarsky 529 reads
5 / 25

...they keep me perpetually young too!

AHappyCamper 9 Reviews 555 reads
6 / 25
mrfisher 108 Reviews 453 reads
7 / 25
WildJimmy! 400 reads
8 / 25

Apparently having youth in your old age is much more profitable.

hey mikey 8 Reviews 469 reads
9 / 25

I would guess that about +10 to 15% is average.

MiMi See my TER Reviews 466 reads
10 / 25

...but it would have been more awkward to lie and fear facing your disappointment at the door!

Now P411 spares me the trauma of adjusting my own age each year by updating it automatically on my behalf

Alexandra Kole See my TER Reviews 503 reads
11 / 25

Fuck it. I embrace 37. I'm happy as hell I look the way I do at 37, so yes, I own it.  

I guarantee I look a lot better and perform better now than I did 10 or 15 years ago ; )

I don't agree with the ladies that subtract from nature, but I completely understand why they do it. There's too much pressure to be younger than you really are here for fear of no work. I've found though, not even coming into this until I had just turned 36, my age actually worked to my advantage.

I never even gave a blow job the entire 15 years I was married, lol...I've learned a lot : )))

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 520 reads
13 / 25
Stickythong 394 reads
14 / 25

Add five years and ten pounds to her stats. That way you won't be disappointed and you may have a pleasant surprise when she opens the door.

To be fair, since the TER age is set by the first reviewer, she may not be trying to misrepresent.

Posted By: Sandra Alexander
Posted age + seven years = actual age  

badger50 3 Reviews 402 reads
15 / 25

I'm admittedly a bit of an old fart.  But, some of my best experiences have been with gals 35 and up, and two of my favorites are will into their 40's.  Seems to me gals lie about their age when they get to late 30's or 40s for primarily two reasons:

1) They're in great shape, take care of themselves, are maybe genetically blessed too, and can credibly pass for 5 or 10 or more years younger than they really are; and

2) They are not in great shape, look at least their age or older, and it looks like they were hard years, and if they were honest about their age and appearance they wouldn't be much business or would have to drastically cut their rates.  I'm not totally sure how some of these gals still get decent reviews, but that's a different subject.

The big challenge for any gal who is 35 and over and is truthful about her age is convincing guys the pictures are accurate.  Assuming accurate pictures and realistic reviews, I'd MUCH rather see you than someone younger.  You're actually at the low end of the age range I like best.

skarphedin 519 reads
16 / 25
RRO2610 51 Reviews 361 reads
17 / 25

who simply fucks for the the enjoyment of it has a certain sexiness above and beyond the nubile, hyper-fertile aged female whose desires are as much from her subconscious reproductive clock as they are carnal lust.
I guess a 25yo barren nymphomaniac would also have a similar libidinous draw on my subconscious. :D

MasterZen 33 Reviews 397 reads
18 / 25

What matters to me is whether I am attracted, we get along and have chemistry, etc..  

A friend is a friend, no matter what age. Beautiful is beautiful, no matter what age. Sexy is sexy, no matter what age. And so on.

Maybe those profiles should ask "How Old Do You Feel"?

LOL. I'll bet some gals would have a similar gripe about the guys if our verification site profiles asked "What is your income or net worth"?

That being said, I'd rather see no response to the "age question" than a lie

FutureProof 408 reads
19 / 25

When I first started, I told the truth about my age. But people routinely assumed I was five years older, so I took five years off my profile. I figure it's truth in advertising, in a backwards kind of way.

Posted By: Stickythong
 Add five years and ten pounds to her stats. That way you won't be disappointed and you may have a pleasant surprise when she opens the door.  
 To be fair, since the TER age is set by the first reviewer, she may not be trying to misrepresent.  
Posted By: Sandra Alexander
Posted age + seven years = actual age  

anavictoria See my TER Reviews 320 reads
20 / 25

Suitors that approach me as a wife find exactly that. Dating me is an entirely different ball game!

VOO-doo 459 reads
21 / 25

I'll probably be perpetually in the 25-28 range, at least for a while.  

If I put my true age on my ads, a guy would probably ASSume that I'm 5-15 years older. I'm not, and I don't look or act like a mature woman. I call dudes 'dudes' and wear flip-flops and hoodies. So in a weird way, I feel that it's more 'honest' to state an age slightly (less than 4 years) below my true age.  

I'm in shape and take good care of myself. Most guys think I'm in my early 20's.  

However, I honestly look forward to the days when I can advertise in the Mature category. I feel that those women are on the very top of their game, in multiple ways. They have a great time, and know better than to put up with sh** from a**holes. They get awesome clients, and are treated really well.  

Since I'm younger, (some) clients seem to think that I can be manipulated more easily, or that my lifetime goal is to buy out the mall (barf! unless I can sell it on ebay for a good amount of $$). I doubt that any 45-year-old escort has some client who thinks that she spends her days watching TV...or, that if he buys her some logo-emblazoned purse, she will fall in love and marry him (or give him oodles of free time). Men who book mature escorts seem to embrace the fact that they are hiring a SERVICE PROVIDER with a LIFE...not just a 'girl' they 'see every so often' to 'help her out'

russbbj 89 Reviews 425 reads
22 / 25

I agree though that being honest and upfront is always better than deception. I wish more providers would think this way.  

I'll ask you a question that I already know the answer to, because of "who" I think you are based upon the glimpse of "you" that you've given us. Would you want a client who is stuck on an age parameter, just to get a donation?

I think not. As I've commented on about provider's restrictions on clients (no AA men, or age restrictions). If I fall into the restriction, I am glad that she posts the restriction. When I show up at the door, or she shows up, I want her to be totally and completely engaged in the session for the 2or 3 hours we are together. If I am something that she finds off putting for any reason then I will most assuredly not have the engagement I am looking and paying for. I cannot imagine why I would want that.

You darlin, are an incredibly sexy woman, and based upon your reviews you are among the best of the best. There are plenty of us that will go out of our way to visit with a woman like you. I know for sure that I'll be a little less wise when I do visit you this summer, damn useless wisdom teeth anyway.

Rock on gorgeous!

russbbj 89 Reviews 324 reads
23 / 25

Your ex went 15 years without a blow job???

I can't hardly go 15 days without getting my cock sucked. If I could suck my own cock, I'd never leave the fucking house

TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 425 reads
24 / 25

... is slowly incorporating a much better (healthier) diet. I will probably look my age of 25 years until i'm at least 35 (maybe longer lol). YAY!
I want to find out this one civvie co-worker's secret (also black) who is 46 and actually doesn't look much older than me. I thought she was 27ish until she mentioned "grand-kids" in one of the first conversations we ever had.

MiMi See my TER Reviews 353 reads
25 / 25

Truth be told, I feel f*ing fabulous - which is not to say that I think I look fabulous, exactly, but that being in this body feels awesome most of the time.  Whatever I thought 40 would look and feel like was all wrong!  

I look forward to enjoying your unwise self soon... :-)

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