TER General Board

She's pregnant! She's pregnant! Our little miracle's being delivered in June...
Tom Cruise 3978 reads

...by Federal Express!

Katie Holmes2240 reads

-- Modified on 10/5/2005 11:42:49 PM

MainlineGuy1871 reads

she develops post-partum depression!

There's a site called www.bitterwaitress.com

It has stories of waiters, waitresses, store clerks and the others who've met or served celebraties and they tell about how the celebs treated them and whether they tipped...things like that

I haven't read through the whole site but the stories about Tom Cruise that I have seen all seem to say he's genuinely a nice guy(Katie too)...good tipper also

Speaking as someone who in my past worked a job where I depended on tips to survive that means a heck of a lot more than whether he acted the fool bouncing around on Oprah's couch for a few minutes

BTW There were some celebs that I personally have always liked who according to story after story on that site seem to be kind of jerks

Oh in case you get lost on the site the stories about movie stars are here


I love some of the stories.  Of course, it could all be BS, but reading some of them, I doubt most are.  Love the ones about Harrison Ford, John Wayne, Ron Jeremy (!), and especially Tara Reid.  Classic.  Having worked in or around food service for 15 years of my life, I can totally relate.

Thanks for the post.  I myself am not even going to begin to discuss TC here, given the trouble I got into doing it a previous time. :P

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