TER General Board

Good trolls, can troll within the rules.
scoed 8 Reviews 418 reads

Please try harder.

What is the point of a troll other than to amuse the masses and incite contravention? Yet lately the subjects used by the trolls have been done to death and not presented in a funny manor. I am utterly annoyed at the lack of creativity of our trolls lately. Things meed to change.

How can TER trade our current batch with funnier and more entertaining trolls to bash? Or can we improve our current lot? I mean these trolls we have now can hardly get a proper train wreck going. RIP tries but he just isn't fun any more and the rest are even sadder.  

Here is my challenge to our local trolls. Hijack this thread into something fun. If not as a board we will have to find new talent as you are spent.  

Maybe we can find a troll man hating provider combo, that would be fun. I think the troll woman hating client thing has gotten stale. Anyway what do you all think? Can the trolls do their job and make this thread entertaining? Is there hope for our local trolls or do we need new ones? Can we find better trolls? Do you wish this board was troll free? I miss the trolls of a few years back, do you? Can we get them back?  

By the way, GaGambler, who is winning the SPOTY leader at this point? After this post is it me? This is my entry after all.

But I like staying under bridges I like seeing provider that stay under bridges too.  
I but this thread will be pull in a few hours.

Posted By: scoed
What is the point of a troll other than to amuse the masses and incite contravention? Yet lately the subjects used by the trolls have been done to death and not presented in a funny manor. I am utterly annoyed at the lack of creativity of our trolls lately. Things meed to change.  
 How can TER trade our current batch with funnier and more entertaining trolls to bash? Or can we improve our current lot? I mean these trolls we have now can hardly get a proper train wreck going. RIP tries but he just isn't fun any more and the rest are even sadder.  
 Here is my challenge to our local trolls. Hijack this thread into something fun. If not as a board we will have to find new talent as you are spent.  
 Maybe we can find a troll man hating provider combo, that would be fun. I think the troll woman hating client thing has gotten stale. Anyway what do you all think? Can the trolls do their job and make this thread entertaining? Is there hope for our local trolls or do we need new ones? Can we find better trolls? Do you wish this board was troll free? I miss the trolls of a few years back, do you? Can we get them back?  
 By the way, GaGambler, who is winning the SPOTY leader at this point? After this post is it me? This is my entry after all.

GaGambler340 reads

especially after this post pointing out just how pathetic a crop of trolls we currently have living under the TER bridge.

Where are the Udo's and RTucky's of the board?  

I do agree that at least Rip and BBFS do "try", but BBFS is fresh out of new material and Rip simply sucks at being a troll, especially when he occasionally drops out of character, I am sorry Droopy, but I think we need to simply clear the slate and start all over again with a new crop of trolls and hope for the best.

BTW you know it's a sad state of affairs when a troll is so fucking lame I don't even bother to open his posts. I am every bit as likely to read every word of a BBBBB post as I am to even open a Rip post. Now THAT is sad.

Actually, after fatvern tried to convince the board you can loose your business because you simply hired an ex sex worker, I knew I had no shot in hell. So tell me is fatvern the odds on favorite at this point for the SPOTY? I hope so I really hope no one approaches his level extra special level of special.  

And I agree we need new trolls. This was my last ditch effort to redeem our current class. Where do we find ourselves some new trolls? I checked Target and I found troll dolls but no actual trolls for sale. Same for Walmart, but there I found a few folks who could give fatvern a run for his money for the SPOTY.

GaGambler430 reads

Actually it's fatgirl who is firmly in first place to repeat as SPOTY, but since he is known to get several "vacations" from posting during the course of any year, it's possible he could disqualify himself. BTW, that's exactly why FatVern has never won the title despite being the odds on favorite to win most years.

shaved one side of her pussy and let the other side go natural?  It seems that would increase her business to include the guys that like it smooth and the guys that like it bushy.  If she buys an eye-patch and asks which they like, and then covers the opposite eye, it should all be good.  Ladies, anyone ever try this?  Gents, does it sound appealing?



(Cut me some slack, this is my first attempt at trolling)

Posted By: scoed
What is the point of a troll other than to amuse the masses and incite contravention? Yet lately the subjects used by the trolls have been done to death and not presented in a funny manor. I am utterly annoyed at the lack of creativity of our trolls lately. Things meed to change.  
 How can TER trade our current batch with funnier and more entertaining trolls to bash? Or can we improve our current lot? I mean these trolls we have now can hardly get a proper train wreck going. RIP tries but he just isn't fun any more and the rest are even sadder.  
 Here is my challenge to our local trolls. Hijack this thread into something fun. If not as a board we will have to find new talent as you are spent.  
 Maybe we can find a troll man hating provider combo, that would be fun. I think the troll woman hating client thing has gotten stale. Anyway what do you all think? Can the trolls do their job and make this thread entertaining? Is there hope for our local trolls or do we need new ones? Can we find better trolls? Do you wish this board was troll free? I miss the trolls of a few years back, do you? Can we get them back?  
 By the way, GaGambler, who is winning the SPOTY leader at this point? After this post is it me? This is my entry after all.
-- Modified on 8/23/2016 9:56:25 AM

GaGambler I got a vote for SPOTY! Thanks for the vote of confidence.

GaGambler280 reads

Who knows, you might crack top 100 by the end of the week.

Getting that SPOTY would mean so much to me. People remember SOTY winners. I mean who could forget Lungman. He was the only poster I would have punched if we were face to face. He also was a hell of a troll. He had it all, no measurable intelligence, creepy as can be, total ignorance, a bad reputation with the ladies, multiple black l8sts, an arrogant attitude, thought he knew it all, and more. But as entertaining as he was, I wouldn't want to make the women deal with him. He really was a world class creap. What was my point again? I forgot.

As I recall, the last real train wreck here was the Boston controversy.  Ripmany and BBFSforever aren't really trolls...they just post periodically looking to just keep things going.   GaG isn't, either, since he has been here forever, and usually responds to the various posts here, rather than agitating.  

A true troll is someone who is paid to post things that are deliberately provocative, meant to sow the seeds of discord, and responds almost instantly with personal attacks and name calling to all responses with opposing viewpoints. These types are usually transient, found mostly on political boards, and are easy to spot and put down.  But, don't worry, one or more will eventually resurface.

Posted By: scoed
What is the point of a troll other than to amuse the masses and incite contravention? Yet lately the subjects used by the trolls have been done to death and not presented in a funny manor. I am utterly annoyed at the lack of creativity of our trolls lately. Things meed to change.  
 How can TER trade our current batch with funnier and more entertaining trolls to bash? Or can we improve our current lot? I mean these trolls we have now can hardly get a proper train wreck going. RIP tries but he just isn't fun any more and the rest are even sadder.  
 Here is my challenge to our local trolls. Hijack this thread into something fun. If not as a board we will have to find new talent as you are spent.  
 Maybe we can find a troll man hating provider combo, that would be fun. I think the troll woman hating client thing has gotten stale. Anyway what do you all think? Can the trolls do their job and make this thread entertaining? Is there hope for our local trolls or do we need new ones? Can we find better trolls? Do you wish this board was troll free? I miss the trolls of a few years back, do you? Can we get them back?  
 By the way, GaGambler, who is winning the SPOTY leader at this point? After this post is it me? This is my entry after all.

I think all troll posts should be in the form of a palindrome.

I have the 26 book series and you promised 7 more books in that series. Each a great read. A must for any mrfisher fan. My favorite was "I Love Me, volume 17" It deals with his wonderful lasagna. A true must read it. My only complaint is it is only 2591 pages long. That is no where near long enough. PM mrfisher for detail on how get each exciting book.

GaGambler251 reads

Don't you realize you have a reputation to uphold?

I was under the influence of pussy. That shit can make any straight male smile. It really should have a warning label. something like: "Warning: This shit is mind altering. May cause joy, shit eating grins, leaking of bodily fluids, pleasure, and excitement. This shit has been known to even make scoed joke." I mean really it does need a damn warning sign. I just hope I haven't done too much damage to my reputation.  

Damn it I posted under the influence again. :(

;)   :D

-- Modified on 8/24/2016 11:19:46 AM

You'll have to try mine... Masterpiece 😁
Me, you and scoed lasagna party?? Could be fun! 😜

It is a bit far to go for lasagna. But it does sound fun.

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