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Good Sales Pitch, Maddy.
hott_brie See my TER Reviews 239 reads

Your pimp would be proud.

Hookers and their boyfriends/Husbands:

From what I’ve seen 90% of the hookers you see have boyfriends or husbands.  This is seldom mentioned and most will deny it since they don’t want to spoil the fantasies of certain starry eyed tricks.

Personally I don’t care since it’s not my girlfriend sucking the cocks of strangers and getting strange ball snot in their mouth.  

One of the funniest things that happened to me was when I asked what a hooker had been doing in the few months since I had seen her.

I asked her what she had been doing the past few months. She said she had gotten married. I asked her if her husband knew about this. She said no. Then she asked me if my wife knew about this. I said No and we both laughed.

From what I’ve seen a few do this behind their boyfriend’s back. In most cases the boyfriend knows but puts up with it because it brings a lot of money into the house. Others seem to be turned on by the idea that their girl is a hooker. Some live off and manage their girl sort of like a pimp.

From what I’ve seen many have grungy loser boyfriends who are often unemployable or are artists types. Few were what most people would consider handsome.

Are hookers capable of finding successful boyfriends/husbands or must they choose from the dregs of society?  

Do you guys care if the hooker has a boyfriend? Does it make you laugh that some other guy is a cuckold?

Joss2112453 reads

I had a long time thing (once a month for 2.5 years) with a girl who was married and the husband knew about it. He was totally a pot head who sponged off and blew the wife's money.  The only reason she stuck with him was because they had kids together.  Now he liked the cuckold thing as well.  I would be fucking her silly and she would pull out her phone, shoot a short video clip, text it to him and tell him "he's fucking me better than you ever could..." so that one worked for them...

I met a camgirl on a cam site who is in a completely stable relationship with a boyfriend who likes seeing her with other guys. I convinced her to try P4P and she flew out, we met had dinner took her back to a hotel room and banged her silly while the boyfriend watched via skype. This has been repeated a couple times and THE BOYFRIEND keep bugging her to come see me more.... She's like, he can't wait to watch us more...

To be honest it's kind of an ego stroke for me.


She got in my car and her husband stayed in their car.  He was parked a few spaces over while she did me BBBJ.  
They had been married many years, and probably still are.

I'm still married to the woman who stopped giving me BJs 13 years ago.  Started hobbying one month after she stopped doing me.  Had not touched any other woman for 25 years prior to that...because the wife gave such good head.  In fact, that is why I married her.  I tell you no lie.

It is interesting to see somewhat taboo subjects getting brought up.  On this note, I've actually had a few "touring couples" -- basically a married couple (guy & girl) PM me and ask me if I was interested in seeing them.  Quite frankly, I'm definitely not there and find that odd.  Maybe other people are into that stuff, but I couldn't imagine doing that.  

There are quite a few in some "open marriage" situation. I prefer when they do it behind their boyfriend's back. We can exchange cheating techniques.

Wonky_Portals311 reads

She and her husband have a part time live in girlfriend that they both play with. They have a fairly successful other legitimate business.  
She does this for the extra funds and she loves having more sex.  
I always send a thank you message to her husband for sharing her. She's so much fun, I go back pretty regularly.  
Others I know don't have boyfriends or husbands because not that many people know how to be open to the challenges of jealousy or theist dogma crap.  
It takes all kinds. I don't think you can generalize the people involved in this.  
There is a big cross section of humanity involved in p4p.

JakeFromStateFarm485 reads

She met her husband at the strip club where she worked and turned tricks.  He knows she's continued to fuck for money since their marriage.  I don't know if he cares or not.  He's wealthy so she doesn't need the money and blows it on lavish parties and cruises she takes her family on.  One time after we were done fucking she brought her boyfriend in to meet me.  I saw him again with her at a party she threw.  Takes all kinds, I guess, but people like her are one reason why I love this world.

but very few of the gals I see have steady boyfriends or husbands.  Some of these gals I have known for decades.  They do date someone on occasion, but it never lasts long.

They are always asking me how to meet a guy for a LTR.  I'm not sure what to tell them.

Same here.  I have a totally different observation.  I have never met a lady who told me she is married.  They are either single or divorced.  And I have never met a lady who told me she has a steady boyfriend either.   Few said they want a relationship and they stopped providing, and returned back once they broke up with their boyfriends.  I think ladies who are married or have steady boyfriends are minorities.  I might be wrong because I never know if they told me truth or not.    Fabrication is very very common in this field.

JakeFromStateFarm308 reads

You are that dorky guy that hot girls LOVE. But I know you've found your dream girl.

I think that greatly reduces the chance of expanding the relationship beyond p4p.

Now that I think of it, the top 3 providers I've met are married or are in a committed relationship.  

Aren't you in control of whether it expands beyond p4p?  

Do you mean it reduces the odds of her falling for you and going BSC when you turn her down? Or do you mean it reduces the odds that you'll get too attached?

Although there may be no BSC behavior, it could mean I'd have to stop seeing a great provider.

Plus if I were tempted to get too attached (which is unlikely, but the probability isn't zero) the SO relationship would halt any such thoughts in their tracks. One thing I'll never do is intentionally do something to break up someone's committed relationship.  

-- Modified on 4/23/2017 7:13:26 AM

When I visit a hooker there are no thoughts of other guys. Not her husband, boyfriend, or other clients. They don't exist, only me and her.  

Only time I had any thoughts about a hubby was in Kansas City one day when I was in the saddle and the gals hubby/boyfriend charged into the room screaming at her! Pucker factor briefly hit the HOLY SHIT level. Fuck that!

I have don't ask don't tell policy.  I could careless and don't ask.  None of my business

whatever she does after or did before, or on any other day, doesn't matter.

That's a pretty high number considering most providers I know including myself are single.  I would say it's more like 40-60%

I never said 90% were married. I only said 90% had a boyfriend. You can be single and have a boyfriend.

I don't think you are single if you have a boyfriend...

You're not married but still in a relationship, no?

Single to me is not in a relationship.

Well, I always thought single meant "unmarried." From my observation only 25-33% are actually married or living with a guy but that does not mean they don't have relationships outside of hookering.  

Do guys actually believe that some hooker who has been doing this for years never has a boyfriend? Only in a dumb tricks silly fantasies. Yes, I know most girls won't admit it publicly because heaven help us if we upset a few starry eyed tricks who think they have a chance to be a sexworker's boyfriend.

It's no different than when losers stand outside of a strip club with flowers in their hand hoping to see a girl after the shift and don't realize she was escorted out a separate exit where a boyfriend waits to take her home.  

Several girls inboxed me about how on target my post was so I don't think I'm far off in my assessment.

I was including those with boyfriends in my guestimation.  Yeah we go out and date and might have a fling for a few months but that's completely different than a long term relationship.  Who the fuck is going to quit for someone they've only been dating for a couple of months?  Been there, done that and you're damned if you're honest and you're damned if you lie.  Much better to remain single in this biz.

Posted By: breannabreeze
Re: 90%???
I was including those with boyfriends in my guestimation.  Yeah we go out and date and might have a fling for a few months but that's completely different than a long term relationship.  Who the fuck is going to quit for someone they've only been dating for a couple of months?  Been there, done that and you're damned if you're honest and you're damned if you lie.  Much better to remain single in this biz.
You are splitting hairs.

 During the fling you DO have a boyfriend. Many girls who are low volume do NOT tell the guy they are having a fling with about their hooking. If you do fall in love with him and want to get married and committed then you just disappear from the hooking business. There is no need to tell him about this life.

A fling only becomes a boyfriend when the relationship turns into a long term one.  A fling is pretty much a fuck buddy you hang out with.

GaGambler214 reads

If you re-read his OP he plainly included both "husbands AND boyfriends"  

He might be, ok scratch that, he IS a troll, a misogynist and a guy who clearly has zero respect for the hookers he fucks, but that doesn't mean he is wrong about everything, and while I too dispute his 90% number, it's indisputable that at least "most" hookers have  "someone" in their lives. You can argue all day long I suppose about just how high that percentage is, but just like you undoubtedly know more johns than I do by the nature of your job, you need to concede that most likely I have known a lot more hookers than you, and I have to concede to OTM, the vast majority of them had "someone" in their lives, even if that someone was only a short term BF.

Hell, maybe it's 87.6%. This group sure likes to hold people to a legal standard. At least we agree that it's the vast majority.

You really should knock off the name calling Gag. It's starting to sound like projection.

GaGambler145 reads

So no projection here. I freely admit to being an asshole, just not a misogynistic asshole.  

And even you have to admit, many of your OP's are made strictly to get a rise out of the ubersensitive posters here, one of the true definitions of a troll. Hirogen, Jack_Schitt, Ridgetucky. BBFS4ever, and you are/were all trolls, there is no shame in admitting it.

I like to post satire. Satire includes posting sarcasm about the dupes who believe everything a hooker tells them. It includes posting about guys who believe in things from the Masters degrees to the 14 orgasms they believe hookers have per session.  

I don't just poke fun at the girls. I noticed you did not mention hobbyist-truth in your post. She posted satire from a female perspective. I miss her pithy comments. She was funny.

GaGambler161 reads

I had almost forgotten about H+T, I like her "most of the time" she was really starting to show all the signs of burnout before she left. Just like it's painfully obvious you neither like, nor respect the hookers you see, it was just as obvious that was how she was feeling about the johns she was seeing.

At one point she posted "satire" from the female perspective, but at some point it stopped being both satire or humorous. Her last couple of months here, she MEANT every single harsh word she said about her tricks.

It's plain you don't like hookers and you don't respect the idiot johns who believe EVERYTHING that comes out of a hookers mouth. I agree with you about the dumb johns, but I disagree with you about not respecting hookers. I don't consider hookers any better or any worse than any other group of women, and they are a hell of a lot more fun than most. I LIKE hookers and it's plain that you don't. That's where we differ.

I must have missed her last posts.

I like hookers for their primary purpose. Boobs, ass and blowjobs. I like them to be my personal fucktoy during session. I am married and look at them as acquaintances but not personal friends. They have lives and I don't expect OTC time.  

Just because I don't become close friends with them does not mean I dislike them.  

JakeFromStateFarm312 reads

Also, while I disagree a LOT with OTM, I don't think he's a troll in the same way as the guys you cite were.  OTM is just a cranky, jaded old fuck. Yes, he does say some things to get a rise out of people but so do I.

You have a good point but he questioned if boyfriends/husbands would be considered to be cuckolds if they have us for an SO.  I don't really think that includes casual dating when both partners are likely to not be monogamous anyways.  I personally haven't dated someone for longer than a couple of months while being in this profession and there was never an agreement on being exclusive.

Agree Breanna!

Count me in.... SINGLE for life!!! 😀


I've been the "boyfriend" on several occasions, and other than an occasional gift from my hooker-girlfriend du jour, I have never seen a dime of the money they brought in.  They always kept it separate and me in the dark about how much it was.  On the other hand, I rarely pay for anything I wouldn't pay for if I had a civvie girlfriend instead, so maybe I'm still doing it a little bit right?

Why ask?  Why create any unnecessary drama?

...about their relationship status, whether they have one with an SO or not.

When the subject might come up, they tell me they don't have one (haven't come across a provider yet who tells me they have an SO or are in a relationship). I choose to believe what they tell me, since it's part of the "willing suspension of disbelief" that is essential for me to get into the encounter.

richardsharpe299 reads

and I'm not grungy, a loser, unemployable, or an artist,  and not that bad looking I'm told, LOL.  Nor am I a cuckhold, however she wanted me to participate in a threesome with her cuckhold client on one occasion.  I was willing, but it never panned out.

Overall,  it was a great experience. In addition to being in a relationship with a wonderful lady who actually cared about me,  I was  getting hooker quality sex for free  with the added dimension of true intimacy.  Priceless!

souls_harbor178 reads

I much prefer to bang civies with husbands or boyfriends, especially if the husbands or boyfriends DON'T know about it.  I never had the experience of a cuck husband, but I think that would lessen the spicey aspect of it, back to the same as a single gal.

That's why in the escort world it doesn't matter as much, since I assume husbands or boyfriends are roughly aware of what she is doing with her spare time.

Also usually I don't find out about any external relationships with an escort until the end of the session when the small talk mostly occurs.  So it is too late, cuz so far I haven't had a chance to repeat.

However, if I found out she had a husband who she was hiding it from, I'd probably stop seeing her.  I'm big on consent.

As for myself, I would prefer a hooker girlfriend over a civie girlfriend.

I call them pimps.  Pimp = anyone who collects or lives off the earnings of a prostitute.  Doesn't matter how you do it.  

GaGambler261 reads

I have been the boyfriend of several different hookers over the years, and unless you include letting them buy dinner every once in a while, I never profited a penny off of their hard work, and neither has Scoed, Fish, CDL or any of the many other mongers here I know  who have had or do have a hooker GF/Wife, so you might want to put away that broad brush you are painting with.

Even clients I saw regularly before, during and later. No offence but it's not of your damn business. I don't ask clients about their private lives. They sometimes tell me if they choose to but I have some things I am comfortbale sharing with a client and some I will lie/not discuss with gents, even regulars.  
I wouldn't ordinarily even openly say I HAVE been married except that some of the comments on the thread make me bloody sick and angry.
This is my JOB. No one expects to poke their noses into the private business of their accountant or even a hairdresser yet it's open season on us.
I'd just like to say bugger off. Whether aim married or not, or have a boyfriend or not is not any clients business just because he books to see me for one hour or ten.....

For Christ's Sakes lady, they usually tell me and much of what I saw was my own observation long before I was mongering.  I'm in the USA so you say Fuck off not bugger off.

Here_I_Go208 reads

... was with a married provider.  Something strange was going on in her life, and I was the victim or the fortunate guy, depending on how you look at it.

She comes blasting into my room, and wants to know if there is anything to drink.  This was supposed to be a two hour meeting.  After a while, with  us talking and her getting buzzed, I figured we were never going to have sex.  Then she proceeds to tell me she is married, and that her husband knows where she is, and the room number.  Which entirely freaks me out, and she tells me to relax.

I eventually tell her that she is free to go, cause I had an early meeting the next day.  She says 'fuck your meeting, I'm having a good time.'   I'm not sure what would have happened if I forced the issue.  She then starts telling me how she was sleeping with her college prof, and what a disaster that was turning out to be.  This was an entertaining girl.  This was one story among many.  

Then around midnight, after a seven start, she calls up hubby and says she is spending the night.  Then after all that time, she essentially attacked me.   This was years ago, and I have never been DFK'd like this ever.  Still maybe the wildest sex I have ever had,  but it took five hours to start.    

When we were done, she goes to sleep beside me.  Then at about four in the morning, I hear her moving around, and I turn on the light to see what is going on.  She has decided to go home, but in the dark she had MY shirt on.

I guess I fulfilled some kind of purpose that night.  We kept in touch for a while, and then she disappeared.

Overall, married women are not something I seek out after that experience.  

Dick_Enormis98 reads

Did you let her keep the shirt?

I am personally not married or dating at all right now in my personal life; however, in the past I did work this job while married with my husband's knowledge and consent. He was by no means bad looking, unemployable, artistic, grungy, a dreg of society, nor a cuckold!  My husband and I at the time enjoyed a swinging lifestyle and had a lot of fun doing it.  This job just let me bring extra money into our home in a similar and fun fashion.

Some of my favorite clients are cuckolds and we have a lot of fun together.

Everyone has different beliefs, feelings, outlooks etc …. this industry is somewhere that I get to see and experience a lot of differences and embrace the beauty of those differences.

I threw my usual sarcasm into the OP but some of the best hookers I've known were in "open marriages." Even the ones who did it behind their SO's back did just fine.

Having previously been in "the lifestyle", many husbands don't mind letting their life/girlfriend play around as long as they reap the benefits.  Met many CEO's and what not.  It happens at all levels of society and yes some wives of wealthy people do it.

We see it on TV/ Dateline/60 Minutes where this simple mom or ex-Olympic medalist or childhood TV star now is an escort.  

Which is hilarious coming from the sources. I'd say married, cheaters aren't the ones who should be saying anything about our private lives. Lol. It is entirely possible to be in this business and have a happy, healthy marriage.  Personally, not at all sure how one could be in this business and hide it from their spouse....for me honesty is the best policy in any relationship. I am a non monogamous and there are men who can totally handle that, love it and be sexy, intelligent and have a career. Not every man who dates or marries an escort is a Pimp or  a cuckold. That is huge generalization ...sad one at that. A a good relationship no matter what careers one has...should lift each other up and help one succeed not take away from. Some are just super kinky and tabboo compared to traditional sense so others have no way of understanding.  
One thing I've noticed is I don't ever discuss my [romatic]personal life but it's surprising how many clients ask about mine.

-- Modified on 4/25/2017 2:16:23 PM

My primary partner and I started off with a polyamorous relationship so we already had the openness, less jealousy, and communication that comes with being poly. And he was supportive of me finally doing this after months of us talking it over.  

He'll be a doctor next year so I'm very comfortable wining and dining with my money until he starts bringing home a salary too. I couldn't go very long in a relationship where I had to hide my job from him. He's so supportive and helpful.  

And I've been with a few guys who were completely okay with me being an escort but that's because they were polyamorous or poly curious. I don't think it's quite as easy to come to terms with in a monogamous relationship.

That's awesome! I agree poly relationships make so much more sense in most cases. Always thought I was a kinkster until I learned more about poly and that fits me better. I think it is great you found someone who makes you happy and supports you. Feels good right!?

Posted By: chloemercier
My primary partner and I started off with a polyamorous relationship so we already had the openness, less jealousy, and communication that comes with being poly. And he was supportive of me finally doing this after months of us talking it over.  
 He'll be a doctor next year so I'm very comfortable wining and dining with my money until he starts bringing home a salary too. I couldn't go very long in a relationship where I had to hide my job from him. He's so supportive and helpful.  
 And I've been with a few guys who were completely okay with me being an escort but that's because they were polyamorous or poly curious. I don't think it's quite as easy to come to terms with in a monogamous relationship.

Posted By: Oldtimemonger

Hookers and their boyfriends/Husbands:  
 From what I’ve seen 90% of the hookers you see have boyfriends or husbands.  This is seldom mentioned and most will deny it since they don’t want to spoil the fantasies of certain starry eyed tricks.  
 Personally I don’t care since it’s not my girlfriend sucking the cocks of strangers and getting strange ball snot in their mouth.  
 One of the funniest things that happened to me was when I asked what a hooker had been doing in the few months since I had seen her.  
 I asked her what she had been doing the past few months. She said she had gotten married. I asked her if her husband knew about this. She said no. Then she asked me if my wife knew about this. I said No and we both laughed.  
 From what I’ve seen a few do this behind their boyfriend’s back. In most cases the boyfriend knows but puts up with it because it brings a lot of money into the house. Others seem to be turned on by the idea that their girl is a hooker. Some live off and manage their girl sort of like a pimp.  
 From what I’ve seen many have grungy loser boyfriends who are often unemployable or are artists types. Few were what most people would consider handsome.  
 Are hookers capable of finding successful boyfriends/husbands or must they choose from the dregs of society?  
 Do you guys care if the hooker has a boyfriend? Does it make you laugh that some other guy is a cuckold?

cuppajoe233 reads

I don't think you describe a good marriage with that last paragraph.  A good marriage is a partnership, with roles that change over time, give and takes, etc.  

GaGambler167 reads

It's the same as a guy looking at marriage as being a "trick"  

No wonder I have no desire to ever marry again.

Actually although I fell "out of love" with my ex wife and it was my choice to end the marriage not hers, I NEVER felt as if I were a john and she were a hooker, and I seriously doubt she ever did either.

I also can't imagine being with a woman long term (or even short term) who only had sex with me because she felt it was her "duty". News flash, a LOT of women like sex every bit as much as men, and that is the ONLY kind of woman I would ever consider being with for more than an hour or two at a time. It's simply something that can NOT be faked long term, well at least not with someone paying attention.

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