TER General Board

Good pussy is good pussy this is more b&w for men
PenleyDuke See my TER Reviews 522 reads

There is no way on God's green earth that you are going to lower your rates and the men are going to run away from you if the tail is good. That is a true story!  It always has been and it always will be. I am  creeping up on 14 years in this business and I have never run a special or lowered rates for whatever reason and had a slow in business. The only time things slow down is mid December to mid January. Not stop just a wee bit slower. That being said do not fret. Always do what is best for YOU. Never second guess yourself. I promise you that your intuition is 99.9% spot on.

I started a special this week and have really been enjoying myself in regards to meeting and talking to new, fresh faces. I'm thinking about changing my normal rates to the current special rates, but I just raised them back in February. I don't want people to think I'm crazy lol. Would love to hear opinions from providers and clients. Thanks!  

I'm new here and haven't even jumped in yet, but I think you answered your own question.  Of course you can and should change rates as you see fit.  Go with the ebb and flow - most goods and markets change all the time!

whollysh!!631 reads

You run those specials....just make they really are a special and not yesterday's old bread.

I also just turned 24 and think all guys over 55 get a special rate ... lol. You old fucks can thank me later

Running a "special" for a limited time will spur people to act quickly so they don't miss out on a deal.   But unless your rates are significantly lower than the average going rate in your area, the lower one usually won't keep that busy streak going for very long.

At least, that's been my experience.   Oh, and I'm continually playing with my own rates: up & down, different rates for different cities, different rate depending on when they book, and so on and so forth.    
I've yet to find my own "sweet spot" rate-wise.  ;-)
And until I do, people can just go ahead and think I'm crazy..... there are worse things! LOL.


increase your base of regulars, but if you leave them down permanently, guys (and lopaw) will think you're desperate and losing customers, which is not a good sign.  A winning strategy is to run your "special," attract a dozen or two new customers at the special rate, and raise your rates on your website, while grandfathering in the new customers at the special rate.  They will stay because they are getting a rate that is now below your published rate.  Otherwise, the special becomes permanent and the new customers will no longer feel the need to take advantage of the "value" they are getting and will drift away.  Just my take as a marketing guru.  Others may disagree.

leaving your rates at the lower level can lead to the perception that your services are worth less, when they are exactly the same.

Ive changed my rates as often as I change my underwear

It can be a good thing short term but you might find long term it's not so good  
I still get clients though who im happy to see on my old special rates
All you can do is try it and if it makes you happy why not

But the problem you might find is when it goes quite again do you drop your rates again .It can be a bit of a race to the bottom

Posted By: RachaelLee
I started a special this week and have really been enjoying myself in regards to meeting and talking to new, fresh faces. I'm thinking about changing my normal rates to the current special rates, but I just raised them back in February. I don't want people to think I'm crazy lol. Would love to hear opinions from providers and clients. Thanks!  
If he doesn't like the number, he might say, "I'd like to spin again, Pat.

It's a difficult juggle to find your sweet spot. Charge too low and you risk getting not very good clients who are bargain hunters and not very respectful, offer too many specials and no one will pay your going rate as they'll be waiting for another special. Charge too high and you risk sitting on your butt waiting for the phone to ring when for a little less you could be flat out - literally.  
I think set your rate where you feel confident that you offer value for money to the kind of clients you have fun seeing, and where you feel happy you're earning what you believe you are worth and making enough to live comfortably.
I know for a fact that while I may be worth $800 an hour I don't think I could cope with the perceived expectations I think clients would expect of me at that level. I don't want the stress of pretending I'm into bloody opera or art galleries, or that I only sip Krystal when I'm actually happier slurping a good red, eating a big juicy steak and going shopping in H&M not Prada!!
I set my rate at a level where I see nice clients, generally in their 50's who want an intimate experience with a real woman who laughs at dirty jokes, travels in economy, and wears nice lingerie but bought in the half price sale at Nordstroms :))

You sound like my kind of girl, Claire!

Posted By: clairecavendish
It's a difficult juggle to find your sweet spot. Charge too low and you risk getting not very good clients who are bargain hunters and not very respectful, offer too many specials and no one will pay your going rate as they'll be waiting for another special. Charge too high and you risk sitting on your butt waiting for the phone to ring when for a little less you could be flat out - literally.  
 I think set your rate where you feel confident that you offer value for money to the kind of clients you have fun seeing, and where you feel happy you're earning what you believe you are worth and making enough to live comfortably.  
 I know for a fact that while I may be worth $800 an hour I don't think I could cope with the perceived expectations I think clients would expect of me at that level. I don't want the stress of pretending I'm into bloody opera or art galleries, or that I only sip Krystal when I'm actually happier slurping a good red, eating a big juicy steak and going shopping in H&M not Prada!!  
 I set my rate at a level where I see nice clients, generally in their 50's who want an intimate experience with a real woman who laughs at dirty jokes, travels in economy, and wears nice lingerie but bought in the half price sale at Nordstroms :))

I really wish there were a "Rating" system to know how "Hard" a guy is.
I know I miss out on some really lovely ""Creampuff" guys because of my rates.
Yes, I say "Creampuff" because I would eat you all day

you rate (+ looks + service) determines the number of people you are seeing. If at the current rate you are happy with the number of times your phone rings and the number of people you see per day/week, keep maintaining it.

If the phone rings more than you would like, increase rates. If phone rings less than you would like, than decrease.

The key is not offering specials, but finding the right price for you service+looks+preferred volume

As Claire suggests, it's not a simple supply and demand case. There's always been more providers than clients and I don't know any that are routinely turning away good clients for lack of time. I mean, my hair stylist works full time and has no availability for 6 or 8 weeks. I doubt there's a single provider that books that far out. I agree that it's all about maximizing revenue, but price is also used to select for desirable (e.g., rich respectful regular) clients. It's not a good tool for reaching out to those clients, though, and that's the marketing challenge. TER and the web are good to have but, within a given tier, all the reviews and websites are essentially the same and not very effective at connecting the right client to the right provider.  

Posted By: vjlovesbj
you rate (+ looks + service) determines the number of people you are seeing. If at the current rate you are happy with the number of times your phone rings and the number of people you see per day/week, keep maintaining it.  
 If the phone rings more than you would like, increase rates. If phone rings less than you would like, than decrease.  
 The key is not offering specials, but finding the right price for you service+looks+preferred volume.  

Posted By: RachaelLee
I started a special this week and have really been enjoying myself in regards to meeting and talking to new, fresh faces. I'm thinking about changing my normal rates to the current special rates, but I just raised them back in February. I don't want people to think I'm crazy lol. Would love to hear opinions from providers and clients. Thanks!  

And send me what's on ur menu  

I'll tell u flat out what you should be charging  


I set aside $20 per week for my hobbying...it's the only way I can afford to do this.  For that reason, I also seek out providers whose rates are a little lower than average for my area.  My ATF grandfathers my rates, even thought she's doubled them.  What's that tell you?

me with a special !  And if we hit it off. I would become a regular even if you raised your rates I would stay , as long as the fucking was worth it.

and do what works best for that in all things, rates included. If you look too much like the competition, you wind up getting lost in the competition!  

Every business (I'd say every person) struggles to differentiate itself and stand out in some significant way. Rates are definitely a part of that equation

There is no way on God's green earth that you are going to lower your rates and the men are going to run away from you if the tail is good. That is a true story!  It always has been and it always will be. I am  creeping up on 14 years in this business and I have never run a special or lowered rates for whatever reason and had a slow in business. The only time things slow down is mid December to mid January. Not stop just a wee bit slower. That being said do not fret. Always do what is best for YOU. Never second guess yourself. I promise you that your intuition is 99.9% spot on.

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