TER General Board

Going Beyond Market Price: What makes you want to spend $700+ p/h on a provider?
TotalLifeForever 1499 reads
1 / 29

Before starting this discussion, if any of you feel like you'd NEVER spend that much on a provider, this does not concern you; therefore if you'd like to comment, please do not derail from the main topic. Even better, don't comment at all. :-)
Also, Pornstars do not count. So if you'd only spend $700+ p/h on a XXX star, the same rule above applies to you.  

Now that we have the "formalities" out of the way, I'll give you more details about this seemingly simplistic question.

Below are categories that may influence your decision during your "selection process" of providers with donations of $700+ p/h. You are free to add to the list; and most importantly, feel free to give as many details as you'd like!

1. Body type: Does she need to be skinny, fit, curvy, have a big butt? Since our views on body types may differ individually, please use the lovely infographic all the way at the bottom of my post as a reference.  

2. Breasts: Do they need to be natural, or enhanced? Or should they be a B cup and above?  

3. Photos: Do you expect them to look like they're straight out of Vogue, Playboy, Sports Illustrated or a La Perla editorial?  
What about the content of the pictures? Would you prefer them to display tasteful nudity or/and have the lady wear a beautiful dress or fashionable outfit? What type of pictures would interest you the most?

4. Ethnic background: Would you prefer her to be an All American GND, European, African, Asian? Fair skinned, darker skinned?Or perhaps, it doesn't matter?  

5. Height: Does she need to be a certain height? Is 5'5 and below a no-no? What about 5'3" and below? Do you expect her to have a typical "runway model" height?

6. Experience: What kind of experience would you expect from her compared to the ladies charging less? Is it a 5 stars incall? Being a better conversationalist and more attentive to you? Being completely uninhibited with a menu that includes everything from CIM to greek? Should she be more GFE or PSE?  

7. Review scores: Should they be all 9's and 10's with as few 9's as possible? Or will an average of 8 and above be acceptable?

8. Presentation: Does her website and web copy matter? If yes, what do you expect from them?

Finally, PLEASE be as honest as possible! You don't need to be Politically Correct. (as long as you don't break TER rules of course.)

OnlyLiveTwice 25 Reviews 363 reads
2 / 29

Nah, never happens....

Honestly,  I would seriously consider it for a 6' redhead that looks like photos 8 or 9....

YI812 447 reads
3 / 29

A couple of girls in that range are on my bucket list.  In order to see them though would mean airfare to get to their area.
With that being said, your description chart's accuracy is a big shallow and inaccurate, although it should be pointed out that everyone has their own opinions lol.

In regards to what you're saying at the beginning of the post, there are certain members here who will go ahead and post ANYWAY.  They do it simply to hear/see themselves in print and to possibly annoy others ( while thinking they are innocent and helping).

jelloman42 10 Reviews 424 reads
5 / 29

Which precludes me from even considering that kind of price level...although there is one very special lady (and she knows who she is) that I would dearly like to spend time with and may sometime in the future...gotta save those nickels and dimes for awhile first...

FatVern 341 reads
6 / 29

Body type I like petite, athletic, and curvy ladies.

I'm not going by the chart you posted either, as I feel it is inaccurate.

Ethnicity I like latina, native american, eastern european, I like other ethnicities as well those three are my preference.

Height not important, I prefer women shorter than me tall women kind of turn me off.

Experience not important.

Review stats even less important.

While typing this I did think of one lady I'd be willing to spend $700time on, Manuela, from that daytime game show.

Website even less important than review stats, it's a website for crying out loud.

ponyman49 15 Reviews 287 reads
7 / 29

Good to hear i'm not the only one that has to budget to play and I have a level that I play with.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 413 reads
8 / 29

The first time is was a combo of very seductive photos revealing a very svelt and pretty gal along with a great website that led me to suspect she would be charming company.
When we met, it was a bust on both scores.  Lesson learned.

The second time was on recommendation from a trusted friend.  It was a homerun.

If and when I ever am able to ante up, I'll stick with the latter as my guide

Zak0326 33 Reviews 408 reads
9 / 29

I have had one session over $700.00 because I wanted to meet the girl and I thought she stood out. To put it bluntly I know $300.00 providers where the sex was 100 times better.  Yes she was beautiful but the problem was everyone was giving her 10's because she squirted. If she was ever going to relate to a client it would have been me. I was a few years older and my opinion and flame me if you will a provider needs to be over 30 to charge over 700.00. I have not met a 20 year old who I thought was going to be worth that type of money.  

I'm thinking about doing an $900.00 session with a top 10 NYC girl but I'm very hesitant. It's not a money issue but I think in the back of my mind I would rather have 3 sessions where i know the performance is going to be perfect with girl's who will charge $300.00 who I have seen more than once.  

1. As far as type goes in the pictures above I would only pay for 2,3, or 8.
2. Boobs I don't care I like B on a natural brunette just as much as DD on a blond
4. I have seen every nationality isn't hobbying about learning about diverse ethnicity and experiencing everything out on the open market?  
5. Height doesn't matter seen 4 11 to 6 2
7. I'm not paying over 700 for someone who rates 7 and below. I'm looking for the provider who wants to rock my world.  
8. Website I want to read something worldly about them example. been to Ketucky Dirby the last 3 years. Where have they traveled do they seem worldly.  

I will end with this out of the 20 or so providers I have seen 18 of the sessions were with girl's I really clicked with. I'm picky but I know the key words I look for when seeking out an ad.

Best line a provider gave me prior to meeting was you read my reviews you know I am going to rock my world. What a session. That was with a girl I paid $600.00 which happened to be my last session

escalade1964 65 Reviews 318 reads
10 / 29

In that order

Hmmmm, I often wondered WTF who would pay such a donation!

I find as I am getting older and in the hobby longer I continue to  
see providers with higher donation requests. So I will probably get there. LOL

Really depends on my mood. There are some really good providers that charge 200.00. No shit!

Other parts of the country (MidWest) I have seen providers at 250.00 that were better
than providers charging twice that.  

I would imagine looks and age are the biggest criteria. I honestly could not tell you
OMG, this providers skills are SOOOOOO amazing? If they were I would not see others.  

Good Post!

FatVern 310 reads
11 / 29

I'd like to know why website content is important to you?  

Personally I think they are just words on a screen, usually not written by the lady you meet behind closed doors. Long winded web content, makes me think who ever wrote it was inebriated while doing so.  

What does going to the Kentucky Derby have to do with being a provider, or being worldly?

... and how does any of that effect a one hour session where the gal rocked your world?

GaGambler 344 reads
12 / 29

Keep in mind of course that I have seen hundreds of hookers who could have been commanding those kind of rates if I had seen them in the US instead of in their home countries where they were lucky to be getting a hundred bucks an hour.

Unless I am drunk and gambling where hundreds, or even a couple of thousand dollars are only a single hand of cards, in which case I will occasionally pay the HDH rates as I simply don't care at that point. other than that I simply have no desire to pay anything more than maybe $300 hour. I have just never seen where the experience an HDH provided was worth any more than what a more modestly priced woman can provide. Five star accommodations and silk sheets are of little importance to me if I am only going to be there for an hour or so, and that is the only real difference between a $300-400 gal and one who charges twice as much.

Like you, I have had some GREAT experiences at $200 and I am not talking about in some third world country, but right here at home.

I will allow that if I lived in NYC, LA or LV, I most likely would be moving my acceptable price range up to about $500 hour, but here in Texas, $300 goes a long ways.

donbecker54 19 Reviews 335 reads
13 / 29

If I'm paying anything at all, I'll pay more to get just what I want.

The $600 provider had just three photos on her site and, even then, they didn't show much. Her reviews, though, were incredible. One reviewer said she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. I looked at the providers he'd seen, and they were all ones I'd like, so his comments meant a lot. She was one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. I would have paid $700.

As for body type, I prefer #3, the curvy type. I used to be happy with B cup or above, but I'm now spoiled and prefer at least D. I don't care if they're real or fake, as long as they look and feel good.

I like all sorts of ethnicities and skin colors, and I like short and tall women. I do really like long legs, though.

I like professional photos, as selfies are usually too pixelized and/or poorly lit to tell what she looks like. One or two selfies to show the pro photos are real are helpful, though.

As for experience, I go by the reviews to see if it sounds like we'd be a match.

It's been my experience that anything less than a TER 9 will be disappointing. There still is some merit to the scores, although I've had disappointing 9's before.

I expect the website to be straightforward. No gimmicks. A video is nice if it shows her body so I know it's real. Artsy photos and videos are useless

Critter137 7 Reviews 336 reads
14 / 29

If we have the extra funds then yes 700 bucks for an hour would be fine, if we didn we would stick with 3 to 400......the wife like pretty, with boobs and curves, so what makes her happy makes me happy!!!!!  

Posted By: TotalLifeForever
Before starting this discussion, if any of you feel like you'd NEVER spend that much on a provider, this does not concern you; therefore if you'd like to comment, please do not derail from the main topic. Even better, don't comment at all. :-)  
 Also, Pornstars do not count. So if you'd only spend $700+ p/h on a XXX star, the same rule above applies to you.  
 Now that we have the "formalities" out of the way, I'll give you more details about this seemingly simplistic question.  
 Below are categories that may influence your decision during your "selection process" of providers with donations of $700+ p/h. You are free to add to the list; and most importantly, feel free to give as many details as you'd like!  
 1. Body type: Does she need to be skinny, fit, curvy, have a big butt? Since our views on body types may differ individually, please use the lovely infographic all the way at the bottom of my post as a reference.  
 2. Breasts: Do they need to be natural, or enhanced? Or should they be a B cup and above?  
 3. Photos: Do you expect them to look like they're straight out of Vogue, Playboy, Sports Illustrated or a La Perla editorial?  
 What about the content of the pictures? Would you prefer them to display tasteful nudity or/and have the lady wear a beautiful dress or fashionable outfit? What type of pictures would interest you the most?  
 4. Ethnic background: Would you prefer her to be an All American GND, European, African, Asian? Fair skinned, darker skinned?Or perhaps, it doesn't matter?  
 5. Height: Does she need to be a certain height? Is 5'5 and below a no-no? What about 5'3" and below? Do you expect her to have a typical "runway model" height?  
 6. Experience: What kind of experience would you expect from her compared to the ladies charging less? Is it a 5 stars incall? Being a better conversationalist and more attentive to you? Being completely uninhibited with a menu that includes everything from CIM to greek? Should she be more GFE or PSE?  
 7. Review scores: Should they be all 9's and 10's with as few 9's as possible? Or will an average of 8 and above be acceptable?  
 8. Presentation: Does her website and web copy matter? If yes, what do you expect from them?  
 Finally, PLEASE be as honest as possible! You don't need to be Politically Correct. (as long as you don't break TER rules of course.)

Zak0326 33 Reviews 291 reads
15 / 29

I'm looking for something that is going to make you stand out. I find the content on the website gives me an idea of the personality behind the pictures.

FatVern 285 reads
16 / 29

I find it appealing that you know what you like.

Personally, I find that the persona behind the picture is usually an act, but that is who we meet behind closed doors the performance actress. I can see your point, I guess I have more fun with less professional gals, who appear to be more themselves behind closed doors.

FatVern 290 reads
17 / 29

If I weren't cheap I'd spend the higher rates. Two ladies off the top off my head would be  
Mia Martel, and Kennedy Decorous, since they look pretty good in their photos. I wouldn't expect a more stellar performance than that of a provider charging less. I'd pay those rates because I find them attractive.

If I had money to waste on gambling, I'd simply waste it on seeing more providers.

impposter 49 Reviews 289 reads
18 / 29

The OPs #8 "Experience" was too general, so I pulled this out as #10 to be specific.

There are a couple of things that I know I like. The quickest way to know if those things are available is via the Profile. No, no and no means that I will pass. Some guys call their list of essentials "deal breakers" or "deal makers." Except for extraordinary reasons, I would not plunk down 7 to see someone I know (from her Profile) will not be able to make me correspondingly happy. And I am actually surprised by the number of such high end Profiles with so many Nos, and those nos are confirmed in the reviews, too. Not for me, thank you.

I have made a big mi$take before it was a huge disappointment, amplified not just by the amount paid, but by the extra planning, prepping and exaggerated expectations.  

I know that I can be very, very, VERY happy with many of the ladies I have seen at a lower price point. They are beautiful, funny, pleasant, we "click" and hit the marks with my favorite yes, yes and yes. I hardly ever have a bad time and when it's with someone I know, even an occasional lesser experience has context and isn't quite so bad. (A bad FIRST time experience means disappointment and I will not return.) Does 2x mean that my hostess will be twice as beautiful, twice as funny, twice as everything else? No, it does not.  

For the convenience of last minute scheduling, Plan B and other reasons, I often visit hostesses who do NOT provide every Yes I'm looking for (eg, non-GFE FS AMPs) but I still have a great time at their lower price point. I go in with a corresponding expectations and I rarely leave disappointed. I love the K-girls.

Back to the Subject Q: "What makes you want to spend $700+ p/h on a provider?" - It would have to be something very, very extraordinary and pretty much guaranteed to make me happy and not leave me disappointed. I am inclined to say "Never again." but I'll leave the door open, just a crack

generalnyc 139 Reviews 314 reads
19 / 29

Have done this price range many times.  

1.  Fit or curvy.  
2. Looking for c/d or larger.  Prefer natural but could go either way.  
3.  Pics are very impt.  Like to see lingerie.  
4.  Depends what mood i am in that day
5.  Not super tall.   I usually wont go over 5'10" since i like stiletto heels and i am that height so i dont want the woman way taller than me
6.  Experience is impt.  Must do cim.  Enjoy rimming but not mandatory.  
7.  9-10's is what i look for.   Will toss out 1-2 outlier scores.  
8.  Website really matters.  I get turned on by the pics.   That is the catalyst for me to pull the trigger on a date.  Having more pics is good.  Lingerie pics are the best.  Videos are good too.

TotalLifeForever 291 reads
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I see that a lot of claimed to have better experiences with providers at lower price ranges, what do you mean by that?
Did she have a more permissive menu? Was the experience less rushed? She enjoyed the action more? she was in a better mood? She took more time to know you?

Since many of you would not repeat with a higher priced provider, what turned you off during the appointment?

emsjhs2009 299 reads
21 / 29

on the right occasion I have gone higher. spent $1k a couple of times for  bonafide porn star (like the big tits) didn't regret it as the money was gambling winnings in Vegas

GaGambler 290 reads
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It's just that there is only so much a woman, any woman at any price can do to please a man.

Besides a nicer environment, which I really don't care about in a one hour visit, what can a $700, or even a $7,000 dollar woman do for you that a $400 cannot?

Now if you want to compare a $50 SW or BP Hooker to one of the highly rated women you find here everyday for a several hundred dollars an hour, well now there is a huge difference,  and in a market like Dallas where I live there is even a big difference between what you can expect for two hundred as opposed to three. But when you get up over about $400 in a market like Dallas or around $500 in some of the more expensive markets there just is no difference at all. So unless money is completely meaningless to you, why pay extra and receive nothing more in return?

I like cognac, and if you were to pour me a Hennessy VS and ask me to compare it to a Martell XO, I guarantee you I could tell the difference even if you made me eat a jalapeno pepper before tasting them, but now have me taste that same $150 bottle XO and have me compare it to a Louis XIII that goes for $150 a shot and I doubt I could tell the two apart on a bet. There just is no real difference to me at a certain point. Truth be told I probably like the Martell XO better and I can buy a dozen bottles for the same price as the Louis XIII. So unless my motivation were to impress the bartender, I will stick with my XO TYVM.

Zak0326 33 Reviews 281 reads
23 / 29

I learned how to read body language and facial expression when I was dating a Broadway Actress. I know a performance from who actually enjoys the sex filled sessions. My experiences have been off the chart but with that being said I didn't get that experience from the 700 girl I got that from a 300 girl. Which is why I usually stick in the 300 to 450 range. Granted every interaction is going to be different.  

I see a girl monthly who charges 300 and every session is better than the last. She soaks the sheets and is definitely into the sessions with me. Why would i spend 700 dollars for a girl it will take months if not longer to get the same service and develop the same trust level that we have.  Some girls are into this and some girls are not.T he 700 girl i saw wasn't into it. I look for the ones who enjoy the sex. I'm researching a girl in NYC who has 3 reviews but the reviews are so steamy that I can picture the way the session will go with me based off what others have said. She is 700 at the moment but I get the feeling it will be a hell of a session why am I hesitant to pull the trigger because she is 700 and is over 40.  

I find the 300 sessions with a tip goes a lot farther than a 700 girl with a tip  

I'm sure half of you will disagree with what i wrote but that's my thoughts on the matter

mojojo 1 Reviews 299 reads
24 / 29

five bills, and that was for two hours. It was a splurge for a once in a lifetime milestone party. Now you're asking about spending seven big ones? I haven't won the lottery yet, and only have so much for discretionary activities, so it's a long shot. Besides, I have an old hobby axiom that goes way back. Even now it applies. Seven big ones is two or three parties. And with highly reviewed ladies, I'd much rather play more than only once with a similar lady who simply happens to set her price point higher.

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 307 reads
25 / 29

The girls that price themselves in the 1k range have there own set of clientele and them dudes ain't here.

londonguy 18 Reviews 274 reads
26 / 29

It seems to me when I check reviews of the providers that charge 7 bills or more that all the reviews are 10/10 for looks and performance but when I look at some of the photos on their website I don't get the sense that they are all 10/10 at least in looks. I know that looks are subjective but they don't seem that much better looking than providers charging 4 bills or so. I am wondering whether the reviews are overinflated because anyone spending that much may not want to admit that they would spend that much for a 8/10 for example. I do hope that performance would be a 10/10 for this much dough. Just curious. I have been thinking of trying it sometime.

earthshined 250 reads
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SoapMactavish 10 Reviews 254 reads
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There's too many options out there to ever drop 700+.  In relatively short time in the game I've seen a few knockout, out of this world gorgeous woman, with body types between #3 and #8 that are in the 400 range.  They exist, they are out there, so they have spoiled me.

But hypothetically speaking she would have to be highly impressive in every faucet of the experience.  On another level  Physically a #3 or #8 or somewhere in between.  

But thing is, according to the market, 700+ is inflated.  The experience isn't going to be significantly better where it merits 100%+ mark up.  If I was rich, sure, then it wouldn't "matter" but even if I was rich I would still know it wasn't 400+ dollars better of an experience then some of knock out beauties I've been with before.

The 700+ price tag is a "weed out" process by the providers (which they have every right to do).

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