TER General Board

Go to the bank...
MrATM 4620 reads
1 / 18

I know this sounds crazy, but I just don't feel comfortable going to the bank at once to make a large withdrawl, lets $1000 to participate in this hobby. What I would do is make 3 seperate trips to the ATM machine. My bank restricts the withdrawls to $400/day. I might get $400 before I go on travel. $400 2 days later then another $200-$400 a third day.

Fellow hobbists how do you withdrawl $1000 ? DO you use the ATM or do you go to the bank ?

I have been on trips walking around with $800 dollars in my pocket hoping not to get robbed. One provider told me to cut her a check to her corporation if I wanted to (that is a big no no because of tracing).

Gravels 10 Reviews 3614 reads
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What I hate about ATMs is all the 20s you wind up with. I wish I lived in Vegas where "Quick Cash" means you get a C note.

hueyfan 40 Reviews 4300 reads
3 / 18

It will save you on trips and probably bank fees.

Don't worry...the $1,000 could be for anything.  Please don't know or really pay attention.

Salty Dog 2522 reads
4 / 18

Why make three separate trips to the bank just to avoid seeing the teller? First of all, it's none of their business and large withdrawals happen all the time. Secondly, if someone happens to ask, just say you have big weekend plans or going to Vegas, some shit like that. I know money is money, but to carry $1,000 in twenties is a large wad. Imagine the poor girl if everyone paid her in twenties.

I only use an ATM if the bank is closed. My bank allows withdrawals of $500 and if I also use my credit card, I can get $1,000 in one trip.

ifeveri 2399 reads
5 / 18

I play poker as a part-time job, and I regularly withdraw $1k-$2k all the time, and as far as I can tell nobody even notices. Don't sweat it.

little phil 37 Reviews 3861 reads
6 / 18

I usually just take $1k in cash back when cashing my paycheck.  The people at the bank inquire only to what denomination I want it in.  People bring and get money from them all day long.  Unless you have a phobia of banks, or tellers, it's not worth the extra trips to an ATM.

mustachemike 8 Reviews 2832 reads
7 / 18

I know a provider who asks for a "reload" card (she has a charge card that is paid up front with cash; with the ##s from a reload she can call in and the $$ is put on her card, quick and easy.  You buy the reload cards in the local supermarket and can pay cash or ATM or charge it; extra expoense of $3. This method requires trust, of course, since the reload card is blank and does not state the amount of $$ purchased.  But it works for this provider!

Avsfan04 10 Reviews 5374 reads
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I went right to the teller and had no problem.  They asked me if I was going to Vegas and I said yes (wasn't a lie) and, left it at that.

bhavinfun 27 Reviews 3232 reads
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Multiple bank account's

SirPrize 5347 reads
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zinaval 7 Reviews 2282 reads
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The travelling with cash is where 70 percent of the danger come in.  However, I've never once been robbed in my life.  I guess I still don't look like a rewarding target; I still look like a geek. :) If my shirt has one button on it, I'm dressing up.  

You've got to somehow forget that you have $800 until it's important to remember, don't look like you have anything to protect.  It's the perfect camoflage.  


little phil 37 Reviews 2852 reads
12 / 18

Sometimes after a particularly good night in the casino, I walk carefully to the car, pockets full of hundreds.

You're correct though, looking like you have nothing is not a bad defense.

someguynamedp 2 Reviews 3027 reads
13 / 18

Having been a bank teller for 3 years, I can tell you that the tellers won't even notice.  For the most part, tellers don't care how much your withdrawal is for, unless it's for some ungodly large amount.  Trust me, people make large cash withdrawals all the time and tellers won't even think about it.

Landem 3287 reads
14 / 18

Yeah, all twenties is a pain - I used to yearn for those Vegas ATMs.

But life did get easier when I found the one and only (to my knowledge) bank in NYC whose ATMs do fifties - and no access fees to boot - nirvana!

stilltryin25 16 Reviews 2814 reads
15 / 18

If it is $1000. I try to get half in large bills like %100 or $50. Then I withdraw the rest from the ATM, $100-200 before I leave for the airport and $300-400 when I arrive in the destination city. My bank restricts based upon balance, so I normally can withdraw what I like, short of totally outrageous amounts.

lickerguy 5 Reviews 4318 reads
17 / 18

I'll cash a paycheck now and then instead of depositing it.  I cash it at the bank upon which it's drawn instead of my own bank, so there is no record of it on my account.

Like the others said, the tellers don't think anything about you getting a bunch of cash.  

If I don't have enough cash when I need it, I'll use an ATM.

The only thing I do is try to do is get the cash a while before an appointment, not the very day.

robsul2004 123 Reviews 2202 reads
18 / 18

Every time you buy something at grocery store, drug store, use a debit card, then when they ask if you want any cash back, get $40-$60,  save it between visits; when you get expense reimbursement checks from work, cash some so money never hits/shows in your bank accoount, also keep 100-200 each time you deposit your paycheck..collectivley you can build up enough without anything ever appearing unusual.  Course if you spend more than $500 -800 a month this might be hard.

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