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Always, usually something inexpensive but for special occasions with my ATF the gift may be pricey.

I do if it's someone I've seen a few times or more. I do longer appointments where I end up getting to know the girl really well.

I often buy 1 rose for less than $5.

JackDunphy1113 reads

I like to do longer sessions where I get to know the girl really well.

-- Modified on 7/25/2015 12:43:29 AM

I see girls for lengthy sessions, typically 4 hours, sometimes longer. A client doesn't gift a service in my world.

I find it very odd that a dude would she'll out $800, 900 or over a K to a broad and then be that insecure he felt the need to gift on top of that. Bizarre...

The girls I see give ME gifts. They will bake for me, get me tix to my fav sports teams, buy me a nice gift on my b-day.

The manginas in this world have turned common sense upside down.

I find it pathetic but to each his own

JoelGoodsen647 reads

At one point I did stuff gift cards into the envelope.  But eventually I asked myself what was the point, as yes, I'm the client.  Gifts seem to confuse the business model that is drilled into a monger's head, and if people want to look at the hobby as a series of business transactions then the more traditional approach is for the business to give the really good customer the benefit of the gifts.

And funny what happened, after I started paying only the fee, I started getting the gifts given to me.   I have no idea why, and I really don't want them as it makes me feel a little awkward, but I get what you're saying as much as it surprises me.  I've gotten to the point where the extra time I give as OTC time is my gift, and the only gift I really would ever want in return is the same - two people who enjoy each other's company no longer starring as hooker and john. But that's a gift we give to each other and those are the best kind

It is my impression that the majority of johns here give gifts to make THEM feel better about themselves, not for the gals benefit. P4p has fked with a lot of guys heads and they have totally reversed the client/business dynamic.

And girls have cashed in on this bizarre notion with their "Pamper Me" link on their sites. And why not? If I could get away with it, I would do the same fkin thing. Girls wouldn't do it if johns didn't want to. And from the stories I hear from my stable, BOY do some johns want to! LOL

I appreciate the gifts I receive very, very much. Some of these girls go out of there way, spend some serious money and make a real effort. No, this isn't a regular thing. Holidays and my birthday mainly, but other times as well based on how much I line their coffers in a given year. It's all good.

Bob.Sugar665 reads

These are wonderful gifts that I get to share with my gal pals.  The gals don't like the excessive calories...well, some of them anyhow  ;)  

Thanks guys...much appreciated.

Maybe I should add some other stuff I like as well?  Oh...and the flowers some tools bring.  They generally are given to hotel staff...or Waste Management employees.

L.Guapo719 reads

That way, it feels more like a real date.  In other words, the gift helps them trick themselves into believing the whole GFE thing.
When I was new I used to bring something small.  A book, a bottle of wine, etc.   But no more.  If you're gifting her you might just be a ...........

That Caitlyn cut it off! LOL

Now, he/she can keep  that PC award from ESPN with his/her head held up high! :D

GaGambler709 reads

I bring wine every once in a while, but of course I drink at least two thirds of it myself. I guess it's more of a gift to myself if we are going to be completely honest about it.

Flowers, chocolates, cars, jewelry, etc. I rarely bring real GF's that type of crap. Flowers die, chocolates make her fat, and cars and jewelry should be self explanatory, except to the guy in your pic and all of his BSU friends we find ourselves surrounded by.

Posted By: L.Guapo
That way, it feels more like a real date.  In other words, the gift helps them trick themselves into believing the whole GFE thing.  
 When I was new I used to bring something small.  A book, a bottle of wine, etc.   But no more.  If you're gifting her you might just be a ...........

L.Guapo636 reads

But the maids appreciate the chocolate and wine.  So do their SOs.

GaGambler841 reads

but having been one of the SO's you are talking about, I can say that there were many of times MY gf told me not to bother to stop at the store to pick up wine for the evening as she had "plenty" left over from her day at work.

To all the johns that leave wine, on behalf of all of the husbands and Boy friends of the hookers you patronize,  we thank you.

You don't give a gift to make someone happy, though that is hopefully one outcome of doing so.

You give a gift to make yourself happy.

If giving gifts does not make you happy, then do not do so.  Women are very intuitive, and will know the difference immediately, and will get upset if your gift is really just a tip

If you know the lady well enough, you'll know when it's appropriate...

for giving the gift. Those are the conditions the realtionship is built upon... and I already paid.

Depends on how busy I am before a session, also my mood and if I think there's potential to see her again.  

Posted By: CyrilFiggis
I do if it's someone I've seen a few times or more. I do longer appointments where I end up getting to know the girl really well.

Never anything big but a bottle of wine to share if later in the day or something small like K-cups for coffee.
They always seem appreciated/

As the girl i like pay attention to what she talks about and what hobbies shes into and bring a few things like that, as well as wine, i love to make up goodie bags....huddy says i have more fun shopping for our providers than i do him!!!! Lol  

Posted By: CyrilFiggis
I do if it's someone I've seen a few times or more. I do longer appointments where I end up getting to know the girl really well.

'The' gift is always in the 100s, or way beyond. And that goes for ladies I've never even met before. Oh wait! You mean bring them a gift on top of 'the' gift. Well, that depends on the connection. Sometimes I'll connect with a lady even before the first session, and I'll bring a gift. Sometimes it'll happen later in the connection. It all depends on the conversations. I'll try to pay attention, and bring gifts related to what we talk about. Kind of like being married. The gifts are always some small, but thoughtful appreciation of said connection

Do you continue paying a fee upon your visit?...

That connection you are feeling, is her hand on your wallet. If you appreciate that connection so much to the point you feel it warrants a gift, good for her.

No no, not a fee. It's 'the' gift. A gentleman always tells himself it's 'a' gift so he can feel it's 'real'.  

As for her hand on my wallet, isn't that part of gfe? When I feel the appreciation of connection, that means 'the' gift, and gifts are reciprocated. This might be the hobby, but it's not always a one way street.

Always, usually something inexpensive but for special occasions with my ATF the gift may be pricey.

Asked and answered, Asked and answered, Asked and answered, Asked and answered, Asked and answered, Asked and answered, Asked and answered, Asked and answered, Asked and answered, Asked and answered, Asked and answered, Asked and answered, Asked and answered, Asked and answered, Asked and answered, Asked and answered, Asked and answered, Asked and answered.

For example, the other day I was strolling along with a provider and a really nice Ferrari passed by.  She remarked how much she'd love to have a car like that.  So, I caught up to the car at a stop light, went over to the driver and opened up the door, dragged the driver out, and put the gal in the car.

She really appreciated it

for providers I've seen before, but it's usually small stuff, thigh highs, toys, etc. I get one provider a $90 bottle of Single Malt, but it was a Xmas/thank you gift for her being just-one-hell-of-a-good-person.

Posted By: CyrilFiggis
I do if it's someone I've seen a few times or more. I do longer appointments where I end up getting to know the girl really well.

I have a regular that lives right around the corner of a MacDonalds. I always stop there to take a last minute piss. While I'm there,Ill pick up a MacDouble/no onions for her, she loves that shit...Does that count???

Maybe wine or champagne if she likee. Even brought Tequila once. An what girl can't resist chocolate or better yet chocolate covered strawberries. Once I was shopping an found paper plates with her nickname on them. She loved them. Just little thoughtful things.  

Posted By: CyrilFiggis
I do if it's someone I've seen a few times or more. I do longer appointments where I end up getting to know the girl really well.

Yes, I've brought gifts, food, cigs and other stuff to a date with my ATF.  I remember when she asked me to pick up cigs even though she has been doing a great job cutting back.  I jokingly told her it would cost her (15min of extra time, lol) but I  
picked them up anyways.  I've also brought her some food, toiletries, more thoughtful little gifts and then even little fun things to enhance our date (those edible gummy cock rings, etc are fun).


Posted By: CyrilFiggis
I do if it's someone I've seen a few times or more. I do longer appointments where I end up getting to know the girl really well.

To be with and to trust her with your deeper fantasies and needs?   How many of women feel as they would like gave HIM present? It os so much fun to think what kind present he would enjoy  

It is interesting to know how many of you gentleman would take gift form HER? As let's say some classy Brief case for business? Man s jewelry? A tie?  
I found it incredibly rewarding to look for him for him myself then to receive ..
Love myself and want him myself then be just loved and wanted by him - want him myself - gifts to woman by the way - made in advance - make her want you more - social study confirmed that woman s love starts from feeling of appreciation... while man love starts if he likes her with his eyes first - it is why I took now new pic and posted just two - yet there be more :)  
Can be her picture a present to him?  
I think so much that it can be - very special gift to man with no expectations anything in return..
So any way back to gifts - I always ask my date what he feel comfortable take home - no perfume for man! Yes sexy boxers?   So he always feel my love THERE? May be other women would benefit as well from me keeping his always aroused :)  
In my experience - gentleman passing roses on paypall before date take place - from amount I can see what I can do - buy toys for us satisfy his lingerie requests and buy gift for him.  

One other meaningful gift and token of appreciation - it is find unexpected 1000 in pocket when come back from date  
THEN I will gift him all over on next date :y  
Was thinking I need to share what kind of woman I am :) Proud and happy be a woman - the most expensive adrenaline boosting thing man desire..  
Elixir of energy for you...  
See my new pic and follow me for more new once  

-- Modified on 7/25/2015 1:31:02 PM

PussyLipGloss744 reads

Each provider (separately) bought me a tie as a surprise gift. One tie was either Ferragamo or Hermes; had a pattern with a special meaning to us; it was beautiful. The other tie was not a name brand and, frankly, was ugly. That was a particular disappointment given her civilian job in the high fashion industry. Once I lost touch with the providers, I lost touch with the ties.

I've given gifts (Lush bath products, jewelry, pricey sex toys) to providers in the past. The pleasure was truly in the giving, because I certainly was not repaid or given special treatment afterwards. I might gift again in the future, but no time soon. The best show of appreciation in The Hobby is either heavy repeating or OTC. This is a business, not a relationship. We are all fungible.

It was years ago, but so well made that I still wear it and get compliments on it.  You gals have excellent taste, generally speaking.

The best gift, from a practical perspective, was a gorgeous black leather overnight bag with which to tote my hobby essentials around with when at a hotel, etc.  I got it around 30 years ago and is so well made that it is still in excellent shape despite a lot of miles on it.

The least practical was a shaving kit consisting of an old fashion double blade safety razor, some old shaving lather soap in a ceramic cup, and a shaving brush.  Not sure exactly what she was trying to tell me with that set up.  This was also about 30 years ago when I didn't look like Father Time

JoelGoodsen857 reads

seriously... not to be pissy, but this conversation gets me thinking: for those of you who don't give your clients gifts yet put up a wishlist for yourself, why is that?  

Of course gifts to mongers are never required (and I'm sure always appreciated) but say someone brings you $800 for a couple of hours, but if you have a gift list why do you not give a client say a little $10 box of chocolates or a sandwich or even a gift card as a token of your appreciation?    

From a business standpoint it would probably go a long way in generating a return visit (the reason businesses bestow gifts on clients), though if you are thinking that your time and companionship are sufficient as holding up your part of the bargain, then you have made Jack's point.

-- Modified on 7/25/2015 4:52:38 PM

I will "gift" them with a bit more time...AT MY SUGGESTION and I end the extra time when I am done. If they begin to expect it, I will sit them down and let them know that it is a form of appreciation and not part of the regular service and if they don't get it, they then become "difficult" johns and are dismissed.

JoelGoodsen734 reads

I like that and I agree as time is the one thing we can both give that's personal and comparable.   That's the best gift of all in my opinion.

Bob.Sugar709 reads

You claim you only do 60 minutes...and then usher the trick out.

Is your idea of extra time so the trick can get dressed in the room and not the hall or elevator?  And since you only have the fat ugly tricks...why in the world would you extend?  Odd to say the least.

I still like mint meltaways...do you ever get those as a gift from a trick?

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
I will "gift" them with a bit more time...AT MY SUGGESTION and I end the extra time when I am done. If they begin to expect it, I will sit them down and let them know that it is a form of appreciation and not part of the regular service and if they don't get it, they then become "difficult" johns and are dismissed.

nom_de_plume523 reads

... a provider can give a client, IMO. I never expect it and am grateful when it's offered.  

Just today I received such a gift. I was reaching the end of my time with one of my favs (she has a huge clock on the wall--a great idea) so I suggested we do something other than what we were doing, as I knew that would take more time than we had.  She said, "I thought you'd like to hang out here until your meeting at XX:00. So don't worry about the time."  So I didn't.  We finished what we were doing, then spent the rest of the extra time taking some pics of her for her ads and my giving her a therapeutic massage... my gift to her.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
I will "gift" them with a bit more time...AT MY SUGGESTION and I end the extra time when I am done. If they begin to expect it, I will sit them down and let them know that it is a form of appreciation and not part of the regular service and if they don't get it, they then become "difficult" johns and are dismissed.

Here is what one former provider who is now very near and dear to me told me about them:

When she started out, she eschewed said lists as they struck her as tacky at best.  However in time she came to the opinion that the list was a necessary evil because guys were giving her gifts anyways consisting of some of the most horrendous brick-a-brack you can image.  (Think Chia Pets if you can believe that.)  Sorry guys, but as group, our gifting sensibilities are, let's say, sub-par.

Sometimes circumstances dictate a practical solution, like a bridal gift registry

bigguy30640 reads

When we hit it off and I see her more than once.


Posted By: CyrilFiggis
I do if it's someone I've seen a few times or more. I do longer appointments where I end up getting to know the girl really well.

and I LOVE your handle...I've seen Archer all the way through at least twice ;)

She said she is hungry, and I was at a nearby gas station before going to see her

I was the odd guy going into the hotel holding a yogurt and a plastic spoon

However, I do prefer to tip rather than sending gifts (same for my barber, massage therapist, etc).  It is much easier for them to decide what to get.

joecarter415 reads

On occasion I will bring a gift (wine, perfume . . . ) to my favorite UTR friend.  I have seen her for 3 hour visits every 2-3 weeks or so for a couple of years.  I also tip well.

I like the girl and she takes care of me like no other.  I am blessed

Roses, wine, perfume, lingerie. Got my ATF a pair of heels for Xmas once. Just something to show my appreciation. My ATF actually bought me roses on one of our sessions. Very sweet. I think it adds something to the experience. ~~~~Rob

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