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Get her involved in planning it
MintyFreshness 49 Reviews 1775 reads
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I have a business trip coming up in the city where one of my favorite ladies is based.  I've seen her a couple of times for an hour each time, and we get along great.  I booked her for an overnight at my hotel.  This is my first overnight, and I'm excited/nervous.  For those who have done overnights, what tips or advice do you have?

mrfisher 108 Reviews 33 reads
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Such as dinner, a play or movie, or visit a museum; all depending on what your interests are.

This can build a strong relationship.

Be well rested before hand, and well hydrated.

Let us know how it goes.

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 36 reads
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Many providers don’t share a bed & clearly state on their website they need their own room, 6+ hrs of uninterrupted sleep, and personal time alone to do whatever the fuk they choose to do. Snoring, sleeping habits vary. I would communicate to discover the limits & possibilities. If you want to play a certain number of times you should address your needs AsAP, but have fun & don’t sweat the small stuff!

georgebensen 101 Reviews 44 reads
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You need to get 2 rooms.  So she has her own space.  Just meet to have sex a bunch of times.  Also so you don’t have to see each other freshen up in the morning.  I know I’m not comfortable going to the bathroom etc in the morning around an escort.   Really kills the sexy mood.  

girlfan1959 48 Reviews 41 reads
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I love overnights where you actually sleep together, although one gal and I ended up talking in bed until dawn so there wasn't much sleep. I have never had an overnight partner ask for a separate room, and that would probably be a deal-breaker for me. I also love just hanging out and talking in the bed, the bathtub (a lot of gals like bubble baths together), or out in public.  

My best advice advice is to get her involved in the planning to pick out restaurants; shows, concert, or ballet performances together. It will draw her closer to you permanently, and the gal might have good ideas for things to do together that you will both love, especially if you are in her city. You will probably end up having sex several times, but there will be plenty of time for other things.

Kitty76 See my TER Reviews 32 reads
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Listen to what is being said on here.  

1)  Know what you want to do with the Provider that you choose and let her know.
2)  Don't be nervous.

OlympicGold 28 reads
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This should be self explanatory

jpj 16 Reviews 30 reads
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That determines everything.
I’ve done overnights ( some were multi day vacations) with a couple ladies over the years.  All have been fantastic… I think because I knew the ladies very well, and we discussed arrangements and activities in advance to avoid any “misunderstandings”.
I strongly disagree with the comment “the lady needs her own room to sleep”…. if 2 adults can’t easily discuss and agree how many hours of sleep they need, and sleep together, then you’ve chosen the wrong partner.  You’re paying for her time (as every escort ad I’ve ever read states)…  so discuss this as adults.  I do strongly encourage a king bed… or 2 doubles.   I’ve never had a problem sharing a king.
My partners all agreed that I shouldn’t pay for them to sleep… so I was always able to work out a reduced rate to accommodate their sleep time that we both felt was very fair and worked great. (I did feel a little guilty one night when the lady got horny in the middle of the and initiated a very intense fucking session… but it was her choice).  

The keys are comms and knowing each other.   Trying to do this as a 2nd date might be too soon.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 30 reads
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always SHOWTIME!!!  If that is all you have done so far, before doing an overnight, I recommend an extended session of 2-3 hours where you have a little more time for the social aspect.  If you get stuck with a provider for an overnight that is not a good match for you socially, it can seem excruciatingly  like two nights.  Your choice is to endure the disconnect or leave early, which wastes your money.  It's hard for a provider to maintain that one-hour intensity for more than that, and you may not like her as much when she is laid back and relaxing, which is how some of your time will be spent on an overnight.  You can get a feel for what she is like when she is in a lower gear during a 3-hour meeting.  

1980STT 53 Reviews 46 reads
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I've done three overnights with independents and it was amazing.  I enjoy overnights because everyone is way more relaxed due to time not being an issue.  A few things to keep in mind.

1. Only do them with ladies you know well.  All three ladies I saw at least 3-4 times before asking them for an overnight.  Make sure both of you can talk and discuss stuff as if you're friends.  You don't want it to be odd because with an overnight you can't leave!!!

2. Pull her into the planning for the evening.  Most of the time it starts late evening into mid morning.  You know you're having a ton of sex so do some stuff beforehand.  Ask her what she wants to do.  It could be eating out (if going in public is okay) or even a movie, or something else fun.

3. Some providers say they require another room.  I would never do an overnight that required that.  Also, it's just posted it doesn't mean she'll require it. This goes back to how comfortable she is with you.  All of mine we slept together until morning.  

4.  Expect to have a lot of sex so get A TON OF WATER OR DRINKS.  I mean it.  I last a long time anyway, but during my overnights we were having sex for 3-4 hours.  3am?  Still awake fucking under the sheets.  So, save your energy.  Eat your Wheaties and hydrate.  If she's into you even a little she will rock your world with nonstop sex all night.  It's easy money for them to just fuck one man for thousands of dollars. They want you to do it again.

5. Make sure you make the room and evening comfortable for her.  Happy wife happy life is a saying, so is Happy provider happy client because if she's comfortable and happy she will make you VERY happy!  This goes back to pulling her into what she wants.  This also includes food (drinks, water, snacks, breakfast, etc).

6. Be honest about what you want to do and what you expect.  It's better to be open and it really makes the night way more fun.  Music is also a huge plus to set the mood.

The best overnight I did was during a business trip where one of my ATF was touring.  I asked her if she wanted to join me in my hotel for the night.  She agreed and we talked about what we could do for fun in the hotel room because since it was a business trip there were a lot of people who knew me (couldn't go out with her).  We came up with a list of games and movies/shows to watch.  Then we made a list of drinks and snacks to have in the room.  We also talked about going to the bathroom and our morning routine, etc.  We never talked about how much sleep she was going to get but she didn't get much and didn't have an issue with it.  We fucked all over the hotel room including one of my bucket list items of fucking a girl up against the glass at night.  That was HOT.  I think we fell asleep around 4am while spooning.  That morning around 10am she woke me up with a BBBJ!  I loved it!  I laughed because she was starring at me waiting for me to wake up seeing my dick in her mouth.  I remember getting up and brushing my teeth then returning to bed for morning sex.

Again, best way to enjoy an overnight is to be 100% open and honest so there are no surprises.  But, 100% make sure you click with the lady.  And this includes politics because it may/will come up.  Or, fake it.  

MintyFreshness 49 Reviews 34 reads
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Thank you all for these wonderful tips.   I will report back how it went.  I'm looking forward to it very much.

Coolcat23andme 38 reads
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Its okay to stay in the same room.  Why pay for overnight if you have two rooms that isn't a overnight.

MintyFreshness 49 Reviews 31 reads
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My overnight is done, and I had a blast.  The lady was wonderful, and we had a great time.  It was a great GFE experience.  The only downside was that I found out she snored....Oh well.  I don't get the chance to do overnights often, but I do look forward to trying it again.

CamilleUK See my TER Reviews 40 reads
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I felt the same about sharing a bed.
For me, an overnight meant sharing a bed with someone through the night. This is why I was extremely picky about who I would do an overnight with.  
A) I’m falling asleep with you - this makes me vulnerable  
B) I don’t snore but if you do, we need to have open conversation about this and how we manage it  

There are various things but most important is my comfort level. Sleeping with someone all night is an intimate act…it was never going to happen with first time clients. If it happened at all, I knew you well. Very well  

C x

1980STT 53 Reviews 37 reads
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Glad to hear it went well.  If she snores maybe next time fall sleep first :). Hope it was as enjoyable as you thought.

Discc 14 Reviews 31 reads
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I can only hope my first overnight goes as well. I’ve arranged to meet a provider im familiar with overnight at my residence this week— but this thread gives me a little less anxiety about it.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 40 reads
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you do an overnight, there is usually a dose of reality along with the fantasy for no extra charge.  Snoring is an example.  Farting is another.   Lol

1980STT 53 Reviews 33 reads
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Brining a provider to your home is very risky.  Actually, extremely risky.  Be careful with all you personal information and documents.  Been doing this for almost nine years now.  Would never bring them to my home even the ones I've been seeing for six plus years and have their personal contact info.  

Enjoy the evening.  Make it fun instead of just about sex.

Discc 14 Reviews 34 reads
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I hear ya. I’ve only ever brought this particular provider to my residence, but nevertheless the risk remains. I agree with your thinking about making the evening not just about sex— we’ve had 2-3 hour visits in the past and the time constraint always made the social time feel pretty limited.

Discc 14 Reviews 27 reads
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Just to follow up: the evening went so well. The provider is so respectful of my home too; always asking if I need help cleaning up, helping tidy up the bed in the morning etc. And yes, the evening was about so much more than just sex as we spent much of it sharing a drink and a pizza. I think all the concerns around a private residence outcall session is completely valid— and I most likely wouldn’t test it again. But with my all time favorite, I feel so at ease inviting them, and even sharing a bed for the night.

LONGFELLA4YOU 3 Reviews 28 reads
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Why bother paying somebody to sleep elsewhere or with you?   Have company at night and schedule another for a wake up call .  

Discc 14 Reviews 27 reads
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I mean I see what you’re saying. But it’s with a regular and the price difference is literally so small because I know them decently well. With any random provider, I wouldn’t have a reason to necessarily want them to spend the night— but it can be fun with a regular you click with.

I already had the overnight and it was a fun experience.

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