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get back on your bike and ride. :o)teeth_smile
VonRyan 15 Reviews 2304 reads


Cheers brother!

Btw...Who knows?...after the Red Sox won maybe it's time for the Cubbies...Amen again?...time to have a Novena...lol

BummedOutGuy5169 reads

...I had a meeting with a provider the other day...one I'd been trying to hook up with for months. We finally got together and she was everything I'd hoped for! Fit, sexy, friendly, just a little bit "country"...

...but something was amiss. Something just didn't click. I had this "gut" feeling from the get-go that she just didn't want to be there... "Am I that awful?" I wondered.

...so, of course, I never "responded". :(  I paid for the hours I spent talking with her -- after all, I'm paying for time, nothing else -- but now I'm depressed. I'm even thinking giving up hobbying.

Has this ever happened to any of you?

... get on the next horse. You were out to get a little nookie not have your head shrunk. I say pass on this experience. Many providers are not up for the job and can't throw the "on" switch when you walk in the door. I am sorry for the experience you had, but $$$/per is a little steep for just conversation unless it was a dinner date. GFs and wives are just as expensive as providers, and most are not worth the wait. Find yourself in the arms of a great provider tonight and forget about it.

Jadie4871 reads

Yes a couple of times. Many times it is a result of the extrme nervous of a first meeting, especially if you past the half-century mark.  Usually I try to book a second meeting to see if things work out better.  Some ladies may not understand this and refuse to see you again for numerous reasons.  Fortunately there are also ladies who will work with you to get you by this problem.  If all else fails there is this blue pill.

SweetTina2468 reads

All this because it seems she wasn't into you? What exactly made you feel this way? If she wasn't into you (or seems she wasn't) it could have been many things. Were you probably bathed? Was your breath bad? Were you being overly aggressive or rude? Did you want to indulge in risky behavior or do something that she wasn't into? Did you try to get a discount or barter with her rates? I am asking all of this because these could be possible reasons. One client I had had the worst breath I have ever smelled and he told me afterwards I seemed distant and not into it but had he not smelled like he had been licking a skunk it would have been different. There are some providers who are in this for money and are not into any sessions. Perhaps she is one of them. There are many reasons of why she wasn't into it. It could have even been that she was into it but you got a different impression. I don't know, just trying to help.

Dude, chill.

No, this hasn't happened to me with anybody that I spent time researching, etc.

But, maybe this provider wasn't all that, and she just doesn't have that personal touch.

Maybe she was just in a bad mood and she should have canceled instead.

Above all, your sense of self must come from inside of YOU and not as a reflection of how others see you in any particular moment or situation.  If you rely on your sense of well-being to come from the reaction you get from people you encounter, you are bound to experience repeated disapointment and self-doubt.

We are all special in our own way and deep down we all have great power and beauty.  You just need to find your sense of what makes you special, even if that can't be communicated to others.  That way, when encountering negative responses from others, it'll wash off you and seem more a reflection of the other person's limitations.  Stay cool and go watch your favorite movie.

Alantra5097 reads

Sounds like you and I have read the same book(s).  One of the 4 aggreements in a recent one is to NEVER TAKE THINGS PERSONALLY, and it couldn't be said better!  It's not about you, and once we learn that, life just gets easier.  More enjoyable.  Less of a "bummer".  Do you agree?

diaperman3094 reads

look if she didn't want to be there. She would of been out there waiting tables or driving cabs. US providers are so greedy its sick. Send some of them to the middle east to work and let them  see how good they have it here

Alantra2405 reads

I think I'll choose to continue with a day that, when I retire at the end of it, I can say it was a good one.  Hope you and I can meet some day, just to let you become aware that there are providers out here that are genuinely caring, giving, generous, and most of all, REAL!

It was like a date with a robot that didn't know how to add.
Mechanical in nature...and in the bedroom!
All that was missing was an oil can.(there was no lube around either...lol)

A Stepford provider on bad ludes...

the list can go on and on

So my friend...

Chalk it up to a RMMV experience(reverse mileage may vary)

It wasn't you.It was her...her loss and not yours(outside of a few Benjamins)
She couldn't bring out your friendly passion evidenced
in your above verse.There have been others before that have done so and there will others again.So feel good about yourself!
Get back on your high horse again and gallop!


CubFan252887 reads

Hi Von Ryan,

It has happened to me once. This beautiful provider said we would not click. I happen to be disabled and ugly as sin. So, I said no problem, took my money and found another beautiful provider, who rocks my socks!!! I've seen her for 5 sessions!!! As you stated a person has to get back on his bike and ride. :o)


Cheers brother!

Btw...Who knows?...after the Red Sox won maybe it's time for the Cubbies...Amen again?...time to have a Novena...lol

CubFan252335 reads

Btw...Who knows?...after the Red Sox won maybe it's time for the Cubbies...Amen again?...time to have a Novena...lol

LOL!!!!!  I hear ya!!!! It's been 96 looooong years!!! ;o(

your alias here2491 reads


I was quite worried by it at first, but then realised that like any date there are some that work and some that don't.

$$$ or no $$$

SirPrize2697 reads

It is impossible for them to bring their A game evreytime. Life often gets in the way.

If it happens frequently to you, then you have a problem. If it is just an ocassional happening, that is just par for the course.

Not all sessions are great sessions, even with favorites.

BummedOutGuy3337 reads

What a GREAT bunch of folk you are. Thank you for your words of support. (I wish we were all neighbors)

Coming out of it now.

Moral of the story: spend time with a goddess and you'll doubtless feel "unworthy".

Time to start saving the pennies again.

It happened to me too.

And it was not a bit her fault. She was everything I could have hoped for -- sweet, sexy and very smart. The atmosphere was great too.

The day after, I somewhat had a nervous breakdown of sorts; I guess I kinda fell apart. I was literally a heap on the floor in my apartment. I was really depressed, but I couldn't figure out why. After all the drama, I spent some time re-evaluating WHY I am a hobbyist.

The day after, I recovered; but every day since has been an incremental struggle. I did date 'her' again (and her company was very enjoyable!), but I'm far less frequent than I was in the past. Getting old? slowing down? perhaps... but I'm pacing myself. This isn't a sprint -- it's a marathon. The point is not the destination -- it's the journey!!

In my long winded way, I guess that I'm trying to say is that it's TOTALLY OK to stop the hobby, but just don't let the hobby stop you!

What helped me? Take long hot showers and get some good rest for a few nights. Take yourself out to special dinners. Buy yourself a new toy. Smell good and smell good stuff. Enjoy the view -- and most important; and this is hard at first, but it will come -- feel better!

Cynicalman4851 reads

They have good days and bad days.
It is unfortunate that she couldn't have been more professional and give you a better time no matter what her current mood.

  The hobby is much like conventional dating. Some work out great and some don't. At least in the hobby you will never hear "can't we just be friends?" after dropping $$ or more on the date.


Fistfuck2679 reads

need therapy. Are you telling us that you PAID for HOURS of just talking???????   This gal wishes all her clients were like you. Was the problem that you couldn't get it up???? Or was the problem psychological???  You either need to lay down on a couch with a shrink, or see a urologist for your impotence!!!!

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