TER General Board

Gentleman u rather agency or independent ladies?
LauraSoliz 1593 reads


Has always been with indy women. With the agencies it just seems too much of a revolving door of women and they are a little too mechanical and business like. Proper research yields much better results with women who are indy and the service being much less transaction feeling.

May she RIP, she was awesome!  

Have always gone with Indy ladies ever since. Just feels so much better making that connection.

A.Pismo.Clam539 reads

Mostly see Indys but know some good agencys to.  Depends on whose around.  Agencys R a good fallbak.

jeandeaux394 reads

It irks me to think that a provider has to hand over a portion of her income to an agency. I say this realizing that the agency does incur costs on behalf of the provider. Still, they are making a profit on top of their expenses.

A.Pismo.Clam363 reads

U R forgetting agencys have expensez.  Bookers, screenerz, web site adds.  And thatz Y many girls who R starting out go with and agensy.  Then, when they figure out there shit, they go indy.  Lots of hot indys got there start @ an agensy.

I am very busy and travel the continental. Sometimes I see Indy's but because of my travel demands, and past cancellations, ( usually the provider), agencies work out so much better.  In general it is not the crap shot it was 10-15 years ago.  Most agencies I have encountered are reputable!  And you are able to select an attractive lady within a reasonable timeframe without the hassle of last minute cancellations.

Not because I didn't want to, but there aren't any in my area.  But, I'd have to say, I think I prefer indies.  I know whether they are high volume or not, and I prefer lower volume gals.


A.Pismo.Clam367 reads

If you rilly kno they R, U R the only 1.  Congradulashuns.

I would like to see only low volume girls too but didnt know there was a method in determining this.

Utah lacks a good agency and even if there was one, I would worry how the ladies are treated. Utah once had an agency I thought was legitimate, turned out the owner threatened his ladies maybe more. Independent ladies for me.

-- Modified on 2/9/2015 9:03:59 AM

Scoed just wondering do you find that it is easier to research a woman who is Independent or are there less questions regarding screening and fewer gatekeepers to discuss relevant items of interest with?

As for screening, screening is screening. Lack of screening equals trouble so it should be the same.

But as of late, I seem to meet most gals from these TER discussion boards, and they are all invariably independent gals.

I do have a concern about my personal info being at an agency.  Agencies tend to attract LE busts, and that make me leery of giving them my info.

bigguy30464 reads

The independent providers are the only way for me now.

So dealing with the ladies directly is always easier and more enjoyable!

-- Modified on 2/9/2015 11:41:18 AM

My experience with independents has been very satisfactory and I would recommend each and every one of them for a good time.  And they have all been VERY different.  My feeling is that special requests are much easier for an independent to accommodate.  And I ask for special requests on a regular basis...  Just as an example, I know an independent that hosts orgies on a semi regular basis.  My opinion is that independents do require a lot of research - but it's fun research to do.

Swimtrekr made a point above that the independents seem to be low volume - and I think that they certainly give that appearance.  Whether or not they actually are or do is completely besides the point.  I think they do give less of an assembly line/cookie cutter vibe to the session.  I want to feel special even if I am not.  We are, in the end, buying the illusion, not the reality.

I can think of circumstances where an agency might be a good idea for me.  As an example, if I am visiting another city and want an outcall to a hotel room.   Lot more fun than cranking up my ipad and whacking off to whatever internet porn is available...

but my luck with agencies hasn't been so bad that I would avoid them.

browneyes_316 reads

Young homeless ladies mostly have pimps but not mature providers.  
Mature providers usually have their own places, part time job so they don't need no one protection.

Independent ladies only. I'm sure there are some agencies out there that do right, but I've heard a story or two about an agency publicly outing a lady for "not towing the line." I just don't want to support that. Besides, independent women are sexy!

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