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For many it isn't an option to exit
Oldtimemonger 1620 reads
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With the obvious exception of trafficked girls or girls coerced into the trade by vicious pimps I've always thought that  whores who stay in the trade for years were born not made. thoughts?

HidingBehindMyAlias 633 reads
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Human beings, men and women alike, come in too many molds.  I believe if the economic opportunities with the same pay were available, most of the women who sell their bodies would gladly give it up to work in a more socially accepted occupation.

Of course there are exceptions to that as well.  Nymphomaniacs may be into hooking for the thrill more so than the pay.

Alyssa Marie See my TER Reviews 877 reads
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being an escort is not the same as being addicted to a drug.

i choose to live a wanderlust life and the rest of my family is anything but that. i am definitely the different one.  

i think everyone somehow is effected by their upbringing, but that doesn't mean that they are do as they are taught. many rebel. maybe just dont want to be the same. as for being born this way? no. my mother was not an escort. i was not abused. i have an awesome family.

bigguy30 533 reads
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Posted By: Alyssa Marie
being an escort is not the same as being addicted to a drug.  
 i choose to live a wanderlust life and the rest of my family is anything but that. i am definitely the different one.  
 i think everyone somehow is effected by their upbringing, but that doesn't mean that they are do as they are taught. many rebel. maybe just dont want to be the same. as for being born this way? no. my mother was not an escort. i was not abused. i have an awesome family.

Arovet 62 Reviews 541 reads
6 / 34

I'm going to go with made, i.e. forged in a sad cauldron of years of misbegotten attempts to foster real relationships with other humans. Rather like the one ring was forged in the fires of Mordor, and equally indestructible, but way, way more pathetic

Oldtimemonger 716 reads
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Calling somebody a troll is like a kid saying Fuck You. It means you have no argument and no means of answering the question.

Arovet 62 Reviews 604 reads
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to questions asked, not for the purpose of illumination, but merely to elicit vitriolic responses, upon reading which the troll who asks said questions becomes jizzmodic. Clear enough?

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
Calling somebody a troll is like a kid saying Fuck You. It means you have no argument and no means of answering the question.

noagenosage 493 reads
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What we have so far on this thread is ignorant posts, articulately presented.  The bottom line is that no one of us knows, but we all bring aggressive opinions, ideology, puritanical morals, and more to the table and come up with doctrinaire answers, all sadly lacking.  For me, evolutionary psychology/biology points the most plausible way toward sound explanations.  I've met quite a few play for pay women in my years but they run the gamut and defy generalization.  Some would say that that long history makes me a monger, but I'm not.  Anyway, for the time being, let providers who say they are happy in their work enjoy their fun and prosperity without making them feel they are the dregs.  Let others who scorn providers some day recognize that it takes special talent to be really good at it, and that is neither inborn nor made.  For the good ones, it is a conscious choice with a fairly realistic grasp of the downsides, and long may they prosper.

Alexandra Kole See my TER Reviews 600 reads
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I think the word you were going for was asshole and somehow you were kind enough to say troll.

Posted By: Arovet
I'm going to go with made, i.e. forged in a sad cauldron of years of misbegotten attempts to foster real relationships with other humans. Rather like the one ring was forged in the fires of Mordor, and equally indestructible, but way, way more pathetic.  

STPhomer 176 Reviews 502 reads
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The OP s post is a reflection of his miserable life.
What a waste of space

ragnar27 623 reads
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I don't believe that any prostitute decided at age XX that this was their life's goal.  However as you are aware, perhaps more than many here, prostitution becomes the vehicle so a woman can survive.

The inability to leave seems to increase the longer any woman stays in prostitution.  In most cases the prostitute can make more doing this than working at a retail position, but not by much.  So it is easier to work less hours and make enough to have a fairly decent life for many it seems.  The issue that many face is eventually they do want out, and often the gaps in employment preclude them opportunity.  As well, many have a very limited educational background to fall back on.  And rarely does a prostitute have anything built up to tide them over in a transition.

However that story isn't all that different than anyone working in a dead end job either.  However, working in this arena is a social stigma, illegal and as many prostitutes have posted here, disgusting to have to deal with fat, old and smelly tricks.

Arovet 62 Reviews 570 reads
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never a word in anger, I just calls 'em as I see 'em. ;-)

Skyfyre 588 reads
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Not so hard to post a coherent mature response to a post rather than immature adolescent name-calling just because one doesn't like the personality of the poster, is it?

I'm sorta disagree with this argument. This is a glass half-empty argument. I see it more of a glass half-full. I disagree that prostitutes are generally dissatisfied with this "profession" and would just love to leave it.

Au contraire I believe those who are leaving or left it because they can longer be competitive in it. As long as they are still young, slim and pretty what's NOT to like about making shitload of money without much labor involved. Neither does the profession requires too much education either. Who in this world does NOT like to be pleasured while being paid? This profession is the exact equivalent of professional athletes in men. Only reason to leave it is because one just cannot cut it anymore due to mostly age.

Social stigma? nah if there's no problem getting started in the profession obviously they never CARED much about social stigma in the first place.

Dealing with fat, old and smelly tricks? BFD, I doubt there are THAT many. Maybe 10-20% of the clientes fit the description but then so what. It still beasts working in the sewer line, digging ditches, picking lettuce knee deep in fertilizer or roofworking under the hot sun and over the hot asphalt... Cry me a river over it!

See this is a typical naive guy's POV. If the guy thinks about it all the provider does is spread her legs. OK so she has to suck on a condom-covered dick that may or maynot be that pleasant smelling. But that's about it. The deal does NOT requires her to embrace, caress, kiss, lick... or any other kind of close contacts if she doesn't feel like it

Alexandra Kole See my TER Reviews 679 reads
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Because, SF, there is no reasoning with OTM. He cannot comprehend mature, rational, composed thought, etc. When have you ever seen him post anything worthwhile? He does enough name calling to earn a bit back.

I surpringly agree with much of what you wrote, but here's where I have the experience that you don't. Would love to know where you got your 10-20% with smelly balls stats...hate to break it, but the actuality of random funk is a lot higher. And the reasoning behind that? They feel they are paying you not to care. If you don't think it's so bad then why don't you go see a morbidly obese lady with yeast rashes in her rolls and a blue waffle for a vagina that smells like Bigfoot's dick and then tell me to cry a river...; )

And if I want to make decent money there's far more involved than laying there with my legs spread.
Posted By: Skyfyre
Not so hard to post a coherent mature response to a post rather than immature adolescent name-calling just because one doesn't like the personality of the poster, is it?  
 I'm sorta disagree with this argument. This is a glass half-empty argument. I see it more of a glass half-full. I disagree that prostitutes are generally dissatisfied with this "profession" and would just love to leave it.  
 Au contraire I believe those who are leaving or left it because they can longer be competitive in it. As long as they are still young, slim and pretty what's NOT to like about making shitload of money without much labor involved. Neither does the profession requires too much education either. Who in this world does NOT like to be pleasured while being paid? This profession is the exact equivalent of professional athletes in men. Only reason to leave it is because one just cannot cut it anymore due to mostly age.  
 Social stigma? nah if there's no problem getting started in the profession obviously they never CARED much about social stigma in the first place.  
 Dealing with fat, old and smelly tricks? BFD, I doubt there are THAT many. Maybe 10-20% of the clientes fit the description but then so what. It still beasts working in the sewer line, digging ditches, picking lettuce knee deep in fertilizer or roofworking under the hot sun and over the hot asphalt... Cry me a river over it!  
 See this is a typical naive guy's POV. If the guy thinks about it all the provider does is spread her legs. OK so she has to suck on a condom-covered dick that may or maynot be that pleasant smelling. But that's about it. The deal does NOT requires her to embrace, caress, kiss, lick... or any other kind of close contacts if she doesn't feel like it.  

GaGambler 540 reads
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and you wouldn't want to insult your friends, now would you?

Arovet 62 Reviews 433 reads
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perfectstorm 19 Reviews 392 reads
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Carpenters? Plumbers? Drywall hangers? Morticians? Bankers? Mechanics? Attorneys? Accountants? Stockbrokers? Realtors? Salespeople? Doctors? Teachers? Truck drivers?......

GaGambler 531 reads
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Although I am hardly in a position to know any of what you just said first hand. I was about to set him straight on those very same points.

I have admitted on many occasions that I would make a horrible hooker, no way in hell would I put up with a tenth of the crap you ladies put up with. Now that doesn't mean that as a customer I plan on putting up with any crap, or jumping through excessive hoops either, but I can see why being a hooker is such a high paying job. I wouldn't fuck, much less eat some OTHFB for any amount of money.

Fuck it, If you and I are going to keep agreeing with each other tonight. I might as well call it a night. Maybe we can go back to disagreeing on shit tomorrow? Or I suppose we could gang up on Rangar instead, either way it's more entertaining than constantly agreeing with each other. lol

Alexandra Kole See my TER Reviews 725 reads
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Nor should you put up with any crap you don't want to, afterall, it is your money and you expect to get what you pay for, nothing wrong with that. And if you can get what you want and need without hoops, go for it! My only contention will always be the guys that have jumped through my hoops were glad they did. But, maybe you're like Frank the Tank in Old School when he tries to jump through the fiery hoop in the cat costume and just ended up burned so you avoid hoops like the plague : )))

I really do like what I do though, baldies, fatties and all. Smelly balls, never. That fromunda cheese is real : (

Nothing wrong with making a friend!
Posted By: GaGambler
Although I am hardly in a position to know any of what you just said first hand. I was about to set him straight on those very same points.  
 I have admitted on many occasions that I would make a horrible hooker, no way in hell would I put up with a tenth of the crap you ladies put up with. Now that doesn't mean that as a customer I plan on putting up with any crap, or jumping through excessive hoops either, but I can see why being a hooker is such a high paying job. I wouldn't fuck, much less eat some OTHFB for any amount of money.  
 Fuck it, If you and I are going to keep agreeing with each other tonight. I might as well call it a night. Maybe we can go back to disagreeing on shit tomorrow? Or I suppose we could gang up on Rangar instead, either way it's more entertaining than constantly agreeing with each other. lol

Clrw_guy06 420 reads
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Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 734 reads
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Street-walking babies have become a major problem in this country. Hell, just last week I tripped over a little pimp who couldn't have been more than three months old. He had a bunch of hooker toddlers leaning on his Power Wheels Cadillac.

EmmaBlairDC See my TER Reviews 502 reads
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vantheman666 10 Reviews 510 reads
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Why is an old timer listening to Lady Gaga?!

octovert 444 reads
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As with the other professions, I think they are made. I think a girl's relationship to her father will determine whether she could endure all that male physical contact without an Ick Factor getting in the way

Spiderman84 19 Reviews 485 reads
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Great comment. I think what would be the hardest for a provider is keeping this work a secret from people they are friends with and family. As a hobbyist, I have to keep it a secret too. I try not to have much shame because I choose to do this hobby and aware of stigma it has even as a hobbyist. In a way we are just like homosexuals before the 1970s when it was not only criminal but an abomination. So we have to remain "in the closet" about it. The fact is there is exploitation in every profession legal and illegal. Most of the time people aren't born a certain profession.

Alan_Nimm 366 reads
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about the high incidence of Mr. Smelly Balls, in your experience.  

Isn't that exactly the kind of thing that screening (which includes references from other providers) should help you avoid... if you want it to?  I know if I were in your shoes, I'd be sure to ask references about hygiene.  

And if it doesn't screen Mr. SB out, there's always "Hey, whaddya say we hop in the shower first and I'll even scrub your balls!"  :)

rrasha88 See my TER Reviews 477 reads
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I started as a whore intern until I was old enough to become an apprentice whore. I worked my way up to journeymen whore, and hope to make master whore before I retire.

 I am a proud member of SHTUP – Sisterhood of Harlots Tarts and United Prostitutes.

Oldtimemonger 284 reads
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I must admit that your post raised my consciousness. It's probably the most thoughtful post I've seen on this subject. I noticed at the end of your post that you mentioned working in the adult industry all of your adult life. I remember when some jokingly referred to it as "The Playpen of The Damned."  

Over the years I've noticed a few are "lifers" in the industry. The lifers seem to be better adjusted than the people who are constantly looking for a way out and talking about their exit strategies

Oldtimemonger 585 reads
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The reason the returning sex worker is usually looked down on is obvious. It's an illegal underground lifestyle with an enormous cost for the woman who gets caught/outed in the business. How would getting caught affect your standing in the community? Your non-sex worker social circle? How does this type of work affect future relationships and future job prospects?

It's like escaping a war zone and running back in because the war zone is the only place you can survive. Sure men are in the same cesspool but men are less likely to get caught. If a man gets caught it's easier to land on your feet. If a woman gets caught, she is forever labelled with the scarlet letter.

Even though my "born or made " title to the thread was somewhat tongue in cheek, I've always thought that a sex worker has some type of an emotional makeup that no other woman has.

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