TER General Board

Ficticious Reviews That Slam a Provider and TER Won't Removesad_smile
Just-a-lookin 4509 reads

Anybody had this experience?  What can the provider do?  How can she straighten out this mess...perhaps even find out who the bozo really is and why he did such a thing?

Staff3776 reads

A couple of things you need to address.  Is it really a fictitions reviews?  Just because the provider does not agree, does not make it ficticious. Email me at [email protected] and I will look into it.

-- Staff

Yes, it's really ficticious (see my latest problem report).  A few reviewers slammed this provider last year, and the writing style and verbiage were too similar for coincidence, even though the reviewers were different.  I'll email you separately.
Thanks for your response.

i also had one about four weeks ago; i reported it and got no response.
Maybe it is confusing that all my reviews are just under roxy and I am roxypet when I post (because roxy was not available as a name here on TER, the first few reviews went up before I knew TER existed.) But, i worry that is because i do not pay TER the 20 bucks a month (under my "provider name") I am sorry that is too dam risky and i am not about to have my name, home address and credit card numbers on file here or anywhere else. But i have "contributed to the cause" sense the beginning of 02 (i may not take credit for it, but my conscience is clear)
The review was not all that bad, i guess, if someone thinks i am "plain" what can i say. But when he reports my attitude as "workhorse" and my 3 1/2 star hotel room as cheep and messy, it pisses me off. Not to mention he says i talked in ways i just do not talk. Maybe i should have brought up (when reporting a problem) that another roxy visits the PDX area who also has a Sept birthday (which he mentioned) but i do not want to see her slammed in such away either.

In the past there have been details included that were just not true, i.e. i answered the door nude, or that i asked for id (Which i would NEVER do) but for the most part the other 32 reviews here are fair and honest.

I seem to have 2 strings of reviews going and i have asked that they be joined but that has not happened either.
All in all, i decided that gents reading the reviews will see that the latest guy is not in consensus with the rest of them and will be over looked.
Although i NEVER ask for reviews, they are what drive my business and i have to take the good with the bad.
I am not sure I would want to be the one who had to sift through which are real and which are fake.

if you want VIP you can also pay by money order and submit problem reports.  TER is very good about crediting those of us who take the time to submit problem reports with 2 days of VIP for each one.
Now that may not sound like a lot but I presently have over 400 days in the bank.  When I get too lazy or busy to submit them I send in a money order for $50.  Totally anonymous, no paper trail.
So if you do want to have VIP access you needn't risk 'exposure'

As for the topic of this thread on fake reviews....
it's been estimated that about 20% of the reviews on TER are falsely posted by guys wanting free VIP days or ladies trying to mess with the system or agencies promoting their girls.  If we keep this in mind when reading a girl's reviews and also learn a little about the review writer, we can spot the false reviews fairly easily.   Any lady I see with a string of 10-10 only reviews is either a robot or carefully chooses who she sees to get the consistent numbers.  I'm sorry, there is just no way to get only 10/10's without artificially influencing the system.

or as a contemporary sports figure recently said:

"a once in a lifetime opportunity only comes along so often"



BILL183561379 reads

ML brings up some very good points and although I'm relatively new to using providers its something I have always been suspicious of since I started reading reviews.

First of all too many "Model Material" and "Once in a Lifetime" should send a red flag up right away. For me if I saw this provider my expectations would be far too high and I would be setting myself up for disapointment. It wouldn't and shouldn't be the providers fault if guys aren't honest and just tell the truth about their experience. Not sure that its a scam or people that are just afarid to admit they were misled and bought into it and then exhaserbated the problem by writing a review that followed suit of the others in front of him.

After speaking to a number of people on both sides of the review it seems the system although well intentioned has some flaws that only doing the proper homework can resolve.

#1 never buy into the pictures on a website you're setting yourself up for disapointment

#2 see if you can develop a little rapor with the provider either through, IM, email, chat, phone etc prior to meeting, it can only enhance the experience. If they don't want to take a little time prior to meeting, move on and find someone that will.

#3 Talk to some of the people in TER chat that have met the providers you might be interested in, if you do it discreetly and don't ask ridiculously stupid questions most will level with you

#4 Many of the providers are just as upset with higher reviews that lead to the possibility of disapointment of hobbyists. What she may be willing to do with one hobbyist may not be the case for all and you aren't doing her any favors by putting it in a review.

#5 Everyones taste is different so keep that in mind when you're reading a review. Some guys like Tattoos and Piercings some don't, some like them Petite and some like them Large. There's no way to account for this in a review so keep it in mind and in perspective

For me , I have to get to know them first and then I'll decide whether I'll pursue it or not.She can be a flat out 10 in looks but if I don't like the personality its not going to be worth my time


Thanks, ML, i do know about the money order option, but i like most people, would have a hell of a time remembering to send it off every quarter.
I sure agree with the "once in a lifetime" and 10's, but i take a bit of issue with the comment on photos, most of us who run an honest business would never touch up our photos and over 90% of the time the gent on the other side of the door says
"WOW you are even better looking than your photos."
Now some gents may want to take a clue from what we choose to highlight on our web pages. Take mine, there is a reason i do not showcase my behind, i do not like my behind, and i do not consider it one of my better features. Thus if you are a "backside" kind of guy, trust me, i am not the one to visit.
i try to make sure there is a good selection of photos that make sure to show my age as it truly is. I have nothing to be ashamed of .  
But all in all beauty is far too "in the eye of the beholder" to accept someone else's opinion of yourself or anyone.
I assure the world, there is no one more critical of my "beauty" than i.  (ok well now there is one, if he actually saw me)

love and light

-- Modified on 10/21/2004 12:43:01 PM

BILL183562847 reads


The comment on the pictures wasn't inferring "you" don't look like your pictures or that anyone does try to mislead hobbyists intentionally. Sorry you take issue with this but from my "very limited" eaxperience it seems to hold true.

Now I'm not a prodessional photograher by any means but I can easily pick out an air brushed picture from a regular one. I don't find fault with anyone wanting to look their best but please don't call them accuarate portraits if in fact they are touched up.

From a consumer perspective only here is my take

Providers want to market themselves in the best way possible,
that includes posting pictures of themselves that highlight their best features and "perhaps" leave out or hide what is not their best assets. "This is not deception , it's marketing to get the best possible response to their advertisement"

I just had one last week and after going through the proper channels, a problem report usually works, if you dont hear any thing in 48 hrs and its still up pm staff. If that doesnt work make a post, my review wast blatently (sp?) fake though.

I also have 2 other reviews that are fake, (the 4's I got in july and aug) but the staff sees (my guess) that they have been reviewing for a while. What needs to be understood is that there are guys who will pick one lady a month to keep their vip membership, if your his pick of the month and maybe you have a bad e-mail or phone call with him he'll  slam you for the hell of it and he writes a bad review you must prove it. How do we do that ?
Well do a search on who did the review see who else they have reviewed, if they are someone that gives low marks to everyone chances are he is just a hard person to please and is very particular in the looks rating. I can deal with that. Thing is
I HATE knowing there are 2 fake reviews up that are remaining.
   Thats life in this biz and all part of the benefits of TER as well as the things us providers especially the better known ones have to deal with. There is one in July and one in Aug I'm sure you can guess which ones I protested too, plus they both said the same exact thing. Staff left them up because they have been reviewing for a while, but many guys and providers keep ter fake profiles for this exact reason, I'm sure staff knows this , I'm sure there are more fake reviews from interenet cafe's than anywhere since kinkos wont ley you log onto sexual sites. Just my take on it.
   I will say this if it is a blatent fake review it will be removed sometimes staff investigates thats why it takes longer than 48hrs I'm assuming. If your can prove you have not even been in the area the guy said you were in then fight it. For the most part staff has been very fair with me and I understand one of the fake reviews remaining because the guy gave all the girls low larks he reviewed but the other is a blatent lie i dont think he even saw me, not to mention all you have to do is read my 80 reviews to sound like you (the fake reviewer) have seen me before just put in some info like i'm chatty,(look at the length of my posts lol) i am. But the rest I'll protest till I retire.
Staff for the most part does what they can to keep the integrity in TER sometimes they drop the ball as we all do but most times they know what they are talking about, remember they see and know alot more than us re this board, on the other hand we see and know alot of who and why someone would want to try to ruin our reputations.
Thanks staff for doing the best job you can, I know the amount of mail you get and its a thankless job, mostkly with complaints.

Samantha Summers of NY on Vacation till Dec 1

Thanks for your detailed reply...good advice.

Just-a-lookin2760 reads

Staff graciously took care of it.  Thank you all!

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