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February is National Anal Sex Month
Greek Gourmand 5714 reads

National Anal Sex Month Marked By Anal Sex

New York (DPI) - February marks the 75th anniversary of "Anal Sex Month," a month-long promotion of rectal intercourse for both men and women created and promoted by the non-profit Colon Brotherhood. Originally created in 1927, this year's celebration of all things anal features a retrospective of public service announcements from the early years of the campaign.

Launched in 1927 with the slogan of "Give in to Haste and Remain Chaste", Anal Sex Month has had a rich history of reflecting and driving pop culture. From the catchy "It's Better Out Back" campaign of 1934 that provided distraction from the Depression to the "Free Love All Over" campaign of the 1960s, Anal Sex Month has been pushing the boundaries of conventional thinking in society.

Not that Anal Sex Month has been without controversy as well. President Richard M. Nixon oversaw the controversial elimination of Bung Balm in the standard field kit for soldiers, destroying the system of paired soldiering created by President Kennedy. Without the emotional bond created by rough, vigorous anal sex, soldiers in Vietnam suffered higher casualty rates and emotional trauma than those in Korea or World War II. Additionally, feminist movements in the 1960s focused America's attention on the diminishment of the vagina brought about by Anal Sex Month and launched the "Pump a Feminist in the Ass for Equality" campaign.

America soon recovered in the 1970s, when disco brought anal sex back into the spotlight with Shake your Booty, Back Door Man and How Deep is Your Love. R&B responded to the exposure disco brought with the cult classic Get It Up (And Stick It In) by James Brown and everything ever recorded by Barry White.

In celebration of 75 ass-pounding years, Americans are encouraged to get close to loved ones and get that bung-tastic feeling that only comes from deep rectal thrusting.

Reverend Mudbutt2733 reads

Can I get a Hallelujah !!!!

I be preachin the glory of anal sex at my parish for many years. I'm happy to see that wees Americans are celebratin dis glorious alternative to da same ol .. same ol.

Now here's a site that I likes to promote and can I ax us all to take da pledge !!!!!!

Freak For Greek4231 reads

I don't know why so many providers are averse to it. I can understand reluctance if the guy is hung like mule, but otherwise I don't get it.

I guess they are worried that if they do, it would be a feature of every encounter.  My experience is that it's very much an acquired taste and whilst many men profess to be interested, surprisingly few would put it that highly on their sexual wish list. It's not that they don't want it, it's just that there are other acts with higher priority.  And time and physiology stop them from working down their list.

As for my personal tastes, well I suggest you start by reading my reviews.  The one by Shaft is a particularly 'nice' ;)


It amazes me that guys ask why some women don't want to do this.  Until a guy has his partner do it to him everytime they have sex for a year, I don't think it is really fair to ask that.

Nice response BTW, Em...is this a "kinder, gentler" you? :)

Freak For Greek4176 reads

were on the menu 24/7 by ALL providers?  BTW, Emma, your pooper looks particularly appetizing.

Lex Luethor4473 reads

Is there any sort of downside to you? Other than the fact there's only 1 of you and 3 billion of us, I have yet to see one.

Have you, perhaps, a life-long aversion to bald men of questionable character? How about pudgy losers with negligible ambition?

SweetTina2377 reads

Because many of them can't get into it. It doesn't turn them on, they don't like it, it could be messy and it can hurt. There are many reasons why providers don't get into it. Personally I love it in both my provider life and personal life but it's definitely not for everyone. BTW from my experiences it doesn't matter if a guy is hung like a mule.

Lex Luethor3915 reads

"BTW from my experiences it doesn't matter if a guy is hung like a mule."

That's good to know, Tina.


luvtofuck3475 reads

for many woemen it is extremely painful and most definitately not enjoyable at all.
Why don't you get that?

Chill.  I'm sure he does get it. It was just a playful, whimsical request.  I understand your frustration about guys just not 'getting' that it can be intensely unpleasant and painful.  But equally I get annoyed by those who state, with absolutely no authority or experience, that it is always a painful, unpleasant practice that women tolerate to please men.

There are no nerve endings inside the vaginal canal.  The anus is packed with them.  Is it so surprising that, stimulated the right way, this produces extreme pleasure?

azariaforu2966 reads

Emma, I see chic's in porn that can do anal so well and it just makes me hurt!  I dont know why but it doesnt matter the size or shape, to me it feels well "to tell the truth its hard to explain how it feels, it just hurts like hell".  There have been times when i have said okay i'll try it because the guy was small, but made him pull out cause i couldnt stand the pain.  I'll even try to relax and i'll be damed if she wont let anything in there...lol  I tried analease once and it seemed to work a little but the guy i was dating at the time said he couldnt feel his penis, so that was the last time i ever tried that.  I just think that some people were not ment to do anal and then there are those that really really seem to enjoy it, and i say more power to ya...

Personally, Greek never appealed to me, nor do I fantasize about. I say, whatever works for each individual :) I have felt pressure to offer it, but I am glad to have not let that pressure overule my head, so to speak. But I do say, if whatever feels good to the provider, keep doing it!

Mel :)

could not agree more. I just do not see the draw to it. I am always concerned that she is not getting hurt (I'm a very big boy) and under no set of instance...do I want anyone hurt for anything. One of my rules...no pain just good ol both enjoying it sex.............


Ass_Pumpman2321 reads

Anal works when the man treats the woman as if she is giving him her most important treasure in life. The guy needs to be patient and lube the lady up well. He also has to use gloved fingers to loosen her up, starting with the second smallest finger first and slowly working it deeper and laterally into the anus of the woman. Once the first finger has lossened the lady up then a second finger can be brought into the mix. Ultimately a third finger can be brought in and the lady can ge loosened and lubed deeper. Only when the three fingers are moving freely in the lady's anus should a covered, heavily lubricated penis be slowly inserted and slowly worked deeper into the lady. The penis should be very slowly worked deeper until it is up to near the testicles, at that point the strokes can become faster and longer.

There is no sex like anal sex that is done right, for the woman and the man.

In my experience, that's way more work than was necessay.  I've been there with a few special ladies in my civvie life, and they've asked for it again and again.  I'm not advocating surprising her with reckless abandon, but her interest in the activity goes a long way to her pleasure.

I should have started preparing for this weeks ago! Damnit!

No wonder you are a civvie! :)

I am sure, though, that there are many seasoned TER gents in your neighborhood who would be happy to assist you in your preparations.

Ready...EXERCISE!  One, two...one, two...one, two...

It's just that I usually host a party to celebrate, and this year it snuck up on me.

Ass_Pumpman2287 reads

But of course, you are a civvy and deserve protection from us perverts :-))

I like perverts... And what is the 40 mins. for?

Arizona Angel2721 reads

Did I mention I love Greek! I love hopping on the sausage wagon and taking it for a real cowgirl experience. HMMMM memories are a wonderful thing. I want you all to know I will do everything in my power to support the Greek... LOL

So you didn't include a link...why?  Arizona isn't that far away for a special sausage ride.

nawtee Sue3099 reads

RIGHT ON!  I'll have to keep this in mind, cum February.  Thanks for the info, think nawtee!
XOXO-- nawtee Sue

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