TER General Board

Farewell and goodbye, y'allsad_smile
MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 5220 reads

I have decided to leave the TER boards.  

Something has happened to me in the past few days, and I found out that because of my naivete and indiscretion, a person who I sincerely respected and cared for on here has been hurt because of it. This is not acceptable to me.

I have had to look hard at myself and realize that I need to step away from things, restrict my communication more, be more positive with my posts, and be more careful with people, both in terms of what I share about people I care about and in terms of the people I confide in.  I take full responsibility for having done the wrong things here, and all I can say is that I never meant to hurt anyone, and those who truly know me understand this.  I am an idealst, and my idealism sometimes does not work in all environments, and, as I said in a recent post, people need to lead by example.  As such, I am stepping away, and I want to say thank you to all the good people I have met on here.

I will still be a VIP, so I can be PM'd if anyone has anything to say to me about this.  Otherwise, there is no need to post anything to this...I just want people to know why I will not be around anymore, and I want to apologize again for any hurts that my poor judgement might have caused.

Take care, folks.

-- Modified on 5/4/2004 11:49:46 PM

Dirk Bogard4171 reads

One must not self destruct over a few misguided(in your mind)
words on an Erotic review board.

Afterall...we are not all Saints here, although I'm positively sure there are no sinners.(that's why we all throw stones)


Cynicalman3624 reads

   So you opened your mouth(or fingers as it were) and didn't have your brain in gear. B F D!! I'm sure the person you hurt doesn't want you to disappear from the boards for your insensitivity. You in fact have rattled MY chains a couple of times in your defense of hypocritical mercenary civilian skank, but this only adds to a lively and provocative discussion board.
   You may have f**ked up MSD but self imposed banishment doesn't pardon your sin. I know it sounds trite but "winners never quit" So keep posting on the board(s) and accept the occasional flamethrower attacks as an avocational hazzard.

 Now get typing and piss me off again goddamnit!


Stop feeling sorry for yourself.  You pissed me off many times too.  BFD!  That doesn't mean I want to see you remove yourself from this board.  Come back and stop licking your wounds...it is not becoming.

Try harder to not p*ss people off!  Don't be Mr. Self-Dissappear.

Strap the helmet on, be sure to be well grounded (lightning bolts), and bring an extinguisher (Flames).

Flex the fingers (& brains) and write away!


Just when your trying to get ahold of me was getting me ready to hobby again!

You're too funny a poster- we need you

Ci Ci4106 reads

I enjoyed being sexually harrassed by you (just kidding). Please, please, please don't leave the board. I know you'll keep PMing me, but I enjoy your contributions so much.


Stempy2889 reads

With you gone, who will be Mr. Polictically Correct around here? The whole place will now be off-balanced and could fall into utter chaos!

I'll bet you found yourself a wonderful woman with fake boobs and are just kickin'out in style! But you'll come back...they all come back sooner or later!

I personally love and follow your post, it would be a great loss if we lost you.

MissAnonymous4660 reads

I've found out the hard way that private correspondence does not always stay private. Some posters (women more so than men) can get jealous and petty, play those stupid mind games, and then things spiral out of control.

I think we can become much too friendly too soon on the internet...cliques can form....plus people not always who they seem....you open up too easily to that "friendly" person and then they take your private words and hurt someone else.

It's probably a good thing that you take some time away from TER. A time of reflection about TER and the hobby is good for all of us from time to time.

I do think you are a decent guy, though, and I do hope you will come back to post when you are ready.

If I had a part of my digit removed for every time I offended someone here, I would not be able to to post either, let alone masturbate. Being eccentric is a lifetime achievement, so enough of the introspect. don't make me jump on the train and pound some sense into you RCG style, you leave this board it is going to become too vanilla around here and you know it. Now go down to your local dive bar and have a few margaritas, and celebrate Cinco with a lovely latina.

I have PM MSD with some words and we have talked.
I hope he works out his issue and comes back.
but, if not, we all need to wish him well, and be there if he needs anything...

Just my opinion...

Dont you just love it when she sweet talks you like that?....

Hear Hear-  If NetM can't get your head right- no-one can!

Cuz she gets head right!

Do it- Cinco your buddy in a latina and then talk to us...

Cynicalman2637 reads

"Being eccentric is a lifetime achievement"

  Gee'z Michelle that is CLASSIC!
I truly hope dear lady that YOU never censure or stop posting yourself.


The guys are right. This is NOT the answer, leaving the boards.
My advice for everyone is to strive for 'balance' and take necessary 'breaks' so that your life is not all about one thing.

Our social lives need to have many variables - involving community, family, friends, work, hobbies, fellowship, etc. and I think that sometimes 'this community' is too easy to 'drown' ourselves into and become totally absorbed.

Our conversations, between personally YOU and ME will remain that - PERSONAL - and nothing too much needs to be said publicly.

I DO however, want to take this time to make a point about discretion. EVERYTHING we say or do amongst us all must be private and NEVER shared. NO ONE learns how best to do that all at once, and I do believe we continually learn how to. I've made mistakes. Things I thought were 'nothing' or harmless have been very upsetting to a 'sister' of mine. I learned. I understood her point. And it can be relative to the individual. Things that bother one person may not bother the next, therefore, the best rule is to KEEP QUIET.

I strive very hard to have a reputation of trust. My sisters' privacy and the privacy of my clients is of utmost importance and it is important to me that they find me worthy.

Continue to post.

-- Modified on 5/5/2004 12:57:20 PM

snowcloud2448 reads

if MSD really wanted to go, he would have done so, the only purpose of his post is to see people saying "please don't go".  I, for one, won't miss his ultra politically correct posts.

Ultra PC?  How so?  I always thought him a little more bad boy than that...

Or are you one of the Sieg Heilers- shocked that people might actually want to be progressive?

Oh Well- it takes all kinds...

Naturally, when someone has something vile to say (i.e., snowcloud), they hide behind an alias. Thus, I say "kudo's" to Mr.SD for not only using his real handle and not hinding behind an alias even if it may have eventually brought him down. At least we can all say that he went out in an honest fashion and did not hide behind an alias. As they said, "he put his balls on the line each time he posted here."  

I encourage our compatriot, Mr. SD, not to leave but to remain with us and keep posting. We desperately need his humour, intellegence, wit and outlook added to the mix. Just learn from your past mistakes and move forward...Stay, my friend.

A VIP well respected and liked by MANY established members and wishes to leave should just pack up without telling those that care about him?  Now that's a real good idea.  Try that with your family, maybe they'll appreciate it...unbelievable.


Damn!  I obviously don't spend enough time here.  Now I have to go scrounge his old posts to find out why/how he pissed off so many people, he feels the need to pull the ripcord.

does one not make mistakes.  Ooops, even then, one could over sleep.

I know I said take a break but I wish I hadn't.  Boards already don't seem like the boards without you.  Everyone worth a shit doesn't want you to go.  :)

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