TER General Board

Fake reviews and lack of time limit?
shad0wwalker 1119 reads

Over the course of my career, I have had the misfortune of several fake reviews. In the past I have been successful in having them taken down because the reviewer in question could never provide proof that we met.  

I recently got a fake review and again, followed the protocol. I PM'd the reviewer, waited 72 hours and contacted TER to let them know. Over the course of two weeks, I was asked to check back because they were waiting because the gentleman in question hasn't logged back in. My last "check back" with TER was met with "there is no time frame, we will pull the review if he has not logged back in after a significant period of time.  

My question is this- what time frame should be sufficient/expected for a gentleman to respond to a PM requesting proof of his review? He wrote it so the onus is on him. I think there should be a disclaimer that if your review is questioned and you evade the provider and TER admin for more than 2 weeks, the review will be pulled. Does that seem fair or should it be longer?

First, to answer your question, yes there should be a time frame for the complaint to be addressed.  Really, you should have a little more control over your reviews to help keep them up to date and accurate.

Only somewhat related, but I recently found a review on a girl that I've met but never spent BCD time with.  The review was clearly not about her, the city was wrong, nothing matched up.  I checked the reviewer and found that of the 8 or so reviews he had posted, there were only two variations.  He would just copy/paste his review onto some random girls profile.  I sent in a problem report and was told that unless the lady made a complaint the powers that be would let the reviews stand.  It has given me a whole new outlook and perspective on the reviews here, and how the site is run.

LasVegan237 reads

I found the same issue with a hobbyist.  After alerting TER admin..........they deleted all 20 of his reviews and banned him.

I think if there is anything consistent with the TER admins, it's only that they are completely inconsistent in how they run this place.  I don't know if it's favoritism, incompetence or disregard, but it seems to be a free-for-all.  

Posted By: LasVegan
I found the same issue with a hobbyist.  After alerting TER admin..........they deleted all 20 of his reviews and banned him.

Then the chances of him responding are zero. So have you attempted to contact this person using the same method he contacted you?

shad0wwalker269 reads

I have never met this person so I have no contact information other than his TER handle. I PM'd him and he never responded. He used me to get free VIP and when he was caught, he ran off.

Your original post didn't mention that you didn't have any other contact info.  Maybe I re-read it?  I completely overlooked the fact that a review gets you 15 days of VIP status.  I don't generally write reviews unless I believe it's worth doing so for various reasons.  I have one review that I'm the fence about writing, especially due to the circumstances surrounding it.

To be honest, I have a few PMs sitting in my inbox and don't know who they are from or the subject of them.

shad0wwalker180 reads

This review randomly showed up and is very generic, it doesn't even mention my name or any physical characteristics. I PM'd him per the protocol because I had no way of knowing who this person is. It's not a bad review but it isn't consistent with my other reviews or scores.  

It seems like after two weeks of him responding, he isn't going to and now this thing is sitting there indefinitely.

Keep this in mind, many read more than one review and sometimes we disregard a review for various reasons.  Sometimes the vibe isn't there between two people, other times its not consistent with what others may have stated.  So while it may be bothersome to you, I wouldn't get overly concerned

GaGambler271 reads

So it's a pretty good bet he at least had VIP at the time she tried to contact him.

The issue seems to be that he has not logged back in to his TER account at all, so your advice actually is sound for her to try to reach him by the same method as their previous interaction, that is IF there ever was a previous interaction. She claims the meeting never took place, she may also be saying she never even had contact with this guy who reviewed her in which case she may have no other way of contacting him.

For only the investigative period. That way, if it is fake, it doesn't hurt the girl.

The guy would have a set period of time to contact TER and if he doesn't respond or doesn't provide proof he saw her, the review would stay down. Of course, if the proof is provided, it would be reinstated to her profile.

The current system sounds like the guy benefits from not logging in to his account, and maybe doing so on purpose to thwart the efforts of the girl getting the bogus review removed.

it is a nice idea, but they are not going to change their policies with only a few questioning them...it will probably take many other hobbyists to contact them about it to even make them consider policy change...another idea that was floated around was that the provider had to approve if they had an appointment with the reviewer before the review was posted...only yes or no to meeting but not what the review had said

Many guys make a determination to see a girl, at least in part, on her most recent reviews.  

So if a fake reviewer states the girl does CIM and anal now, when she didn't do it in past reviews, it could lead many to believe she has recently opened up her menu options.

Clearly this doesn't help the guy in pursuit of what he really wants and could only lead to a more frustrating experience. The fake review protocol does need to be tweaked imo for everyone's sake, not just the women.

I have had a guy cancel because of the fake Dec 2015 review because he "don't want the whole hour oral only".. I'm like WTF! :( I told him the review was fake and he never responded. There goes that. :/

I'm going through this pain in the butt process right now and it's really, really frustrating. I've PM'ed my fake reviewer nicely  as soon as I saw the review and asked him about details of our date and/or to email me since he claims we communicated via email... and nothing. I guess the guy realized the jig was up and vanished.

Also, isn't there a period after which you cannot dispute a review to be removed? I'm a bit paranoid that this guy will never log on and/or will make a new account and I'll be stuck with the review.

This thread is full of very helpful suggestions and I hope TER Staff consider them to avoid providers clogging their inbox with the same problem over and over. I also wish that writing fake reviews were a bannable offense to make men that want to take advantage of TER's system think twice.

Sorry for the long post.. this is just very stressful.

Squeezetheorem192 reads

I had a case where it was not even a fake review but a guy who had seen me and, to ensure my performance score wouldn't be downgraded, mentioned Greek in the review.  He didn't say it happened during the session or anything, but rather suggested that it *may* be on my menu.  

He may have had good intentions, but I would have much preferred a possible downgrade to 9 to the misleading implication and 10 for that review. The agency owner did get it straightened out, but word of new potential Greek spreads like wildfire. I had weeks of guys asking and getting disappointed. Or assuming that  I did it with some guys, but was just rejecting them. (I'm somewhat YMMV, but not about that.) Several wondered if I disliked them.  

-- Modified on 2/6/2016 1:49:30 PM

shad0wwalker207 reads

Well I can see the problem with providers saying 'yes' or 'no' to the appointment but it seems unfair that a review could sit up for 3, 6, 9 months just because the guy abandoned his handle after he got caught posting fakes. The time limit seems especially necessary considering the free VIP for reviews.

Senator.Blutarsky233 reads

the default should be that the review would come down during the investigation. If the reviewer responds with his proof that the meeting took place, then it would go back up. If he cannot or chooses not to provide any proof, then it would stay down.  

Now, if a gal consistently disputes her reviews and is proven false, then I would keep the policy as is for her. This could be managed on an exception basis.  

Of course, I have no idea how many of these TER has to deal with daily. That is definitely a factor as well.  

...and this gal doesn't need to dispute any of her reviews. 😎

If all she has is his TER handle, then high probability the review is fake.  But then again,  I've meet a few whose only screening method was by my TER handle.

LasVegan206 reads

you are implying TER could create a perfect system...........ain't gonna happen!  Anytime human beings are involved..........human flaws emerge.  Chances are...........TER has no consistent rules on this, so it is in their "too difficult to solve" pile...........and keeps getting minimal attention.

Agree with you completely.........if the situation is as you state it...........the review should be pulled but since you use an alias, difficult to see this review in context.

and in this case I think the onus is on the reviewer to justify the review. I agree that the review should come down until the reviewer responds adequately. For goodness' sake, TER holds new reviews for new reviewers and providers until they can be verified... this is somewhat similar IMHO

Posted By: shad0wwalker
Over the course of my career, I have had the misfortune of several fake reviews. In the past I have been successful in having them taken down because the reviewer in question could never provide proof that we met.  
 I recently got a fake review and again, followed the protocol. I PM'd the reviewer, waited 72 hours and contacted TER to let them know. Over the course of two weeks, I was asked to check back because they were waiting because the gentleman in question hasn't logged back in. My last "check back" with TER was met with "there is no time frame, we will pull the review if he has not logged back in after a significant period of time.  
 My question is this- what time frame should be sufficient/expected for a gentleman to respond to a PM requesting proof of his review? He wrote it so the onus is on him. I think there should be a disclaimer that if your review is questioned and you evade the provider and TER admin for more than 2 weeks, the review will be pulled. Does that seem fair or should it be longer?

On boards on another websites...

Posted By: shad0wwalker
Over the course of my career, I have had the misfortune of several fake reviews. In the past I have been successful in having them taken down because the reviewer in question could never provide proof that we met.  
 I recently got a fake review and again, followed the protocol. I PM'd the reviewer, waited 72 hours and contacted TER to let them know. Over the course of two weeks, I was asked to check back because they were waiting because the gentleman in question hasn't logged back in. My last "check back" with TER was met with "there is no time frame, we will pull the review if he has not logged back in after a significant period of time.  
 My question is this- what time frame should be sufficient/expected for a gentleman to respond to a PM requesting proof of his review? He wrote it so the onus is on him. I think there should be a disclaimer that if your review is questioned and you evade the provider and TER admin for more than 2 weeks, the review will be pulled. Does that seem fair or should it be longer?
-- Modified on 2/6/2016 9:22:14 AM

I agree.  
I'm sorry but I refuse to believe a high volume girl remembers every guys she sees.
Last year while traveling I saw a girl in my hometown  
She decided I hadn't really seen her, TER jumped in and since it wasn't my base city demanded proof
I suspect she felt pretty stupid when I described her decor, where in the house her work room was and what her two cats looked like

Posted By: shad0wwalker
Over the course of my career, I have had the misfortune of several fake reviews. In the past I have been successful in having them taken down because the reviewer in question could never provide proof that we met.  
 I recently got a fake review and again, followed the protocol. I PM'd the reviewer, waited 72 hours and contacted TER to let them know. Over the course of two weeks, I was asked to check back because they were waiting because the gentleman in question hasn't logged back in. My last "check back" with TER was met with "there is no time frame, we will pull the review if he has not logged back in after a significant period of time.  
 My question is this- what time frame should be sufficient/expected for a gentleman to respond to a PM requesting proof of his review? He wrote it so the onus is on him. I think there should be a disclaimer that if your review is questioned and you evade the provider and TER admin for more than 2 weeks, the review will be pulled. Does that seem fair or should it be longer?
seems like TER is doing this a bit backwards. If there is a question about the legitimacy of a review and it's between the reviewer and reviewee seems that the review should be put on hold until it's settled. In that case the holding period will still need to be addressed for both filing the complaint and producing the evidence for the legitimacy of the review. Just leaving a disputed review out for viewing without any indication it's been questioned for some undefined time is the equivalent to saying there is not review dispute process.

Another, and maybe better question, is just what are they doing to vet the review before it's put up?  It can be a 24+ hr delay from submittal to posting.  I kinda thought they were checking something...

Posted By: Jensen36363
Posted By: shad0wwalker
Over the course of my career, I have had the misfortune of several fake reviews. In the past I have been successful in having them taken down because the reviewer in question could never provide proof that we met.    
  I recently got a fake review and again, followed the protocol. I PM'd the reviewer, waited 72 hours and contacted TER to let them know. Over the course of two weeks, I was asked to check back because they were waiting because the gentleman in question hasn't logged back in. My last "check back" with TER was met with "there is no time frame, we will pull the review if he has not logged back in after a significant period of time.    
  My question is this- what time frame should be sufficient/expected for a gentleman to respond to a PM requesting proof of his review? He wrote it so the onus is on him. I think there should be a disclaimer that if your review is questioned and you evade the provider and TER admin for more than 2 weeks, the review will be pulled. Does that seem fair or should it be longer?
 seems like TER is doing this a bit backwards. If there is a question about the legitimacy of a review and it's between the reviewer and reviewee seems that the review should be put on hold until it's settled. In that case the holding period will still need to be addressed for both filing the complaint and producing the evidence for the legitimacy of the review. Just leaving a disputed review out for viewing without any indication it's been questioned for some undefined time is the equivalent to saying there is not review dispute process.

...it meets the requirements as stated by TER for submitting a review. They don't do any checking to see if the session actually took place. How could they? Unless someone disputes the review it stands as long as it meets the submission requirements.

The reason it takes time to be approved and posted is because there are a hell of a lot of reviews submitted daily.

The guy wrote a fake review & gets 15 days free VIP. And doesn't log in for 14 days & counting...
Where's his upside for writing the review?

shad0wwalker196 reads

Well I'm assuming he did use his VIP. He got 72 hours when I contacted him. He probably didn't pay me much mind. But once TER admin contacted, I assume he realized it was more serious. I don't actually know if he logged in, I can only take TER's word for it.

How does one prove they saw a hooker? I can say I did she can say I didn't. Seems like a lot of he said she said to me. It doesn't matter what the trick says. If the hooker doesn't like the review she will deny it ever happened. Isn't the whole point to leave as little proof as possible of illegal activities?

Squeezetheorem189 reads

Maybe saving emails and text/call log screenshots? That doesn't verify a session occurred but it does build a case.
Often there's some confirmation calling and/or texting, so the provider would then have to explain why she texted you a room number but then cancelled before you got up there

shad0wwalker196 reads

I communicate only via email or P411 so there would be proof of us setting the appointment. It has nothing to do with me not liking the review. It's the fact that the review is not real and in the past I've had fakes where they said I did things that I don't offer. This review is so generic that it's not bad but it is my lowest score of any of my reviews.  

And to your last point, well then what exactly do you think TER is? Reviewers are forced to spill the juicy details or the review will be rejected. The reviewers accept the risk when the decide to post reviews.

Posted By: shad0wwalker
I communicate only via email or P411 so there would be proof of us setting the appointment. It has nothing to do with me not liking the review. It's the fact that the review is not real and in the past I've had fakes where they said I did things that I don't offer. This review is so generic that it's not bad but it is my lowest score of any of my reviews.  
 And to your last point, well then what exactly do you think TER is? Reviewers are forced to spill the juicy details or the review will be rejected. The reviewers accept the risk when the decide to post reviews.
Hobbyists no reasons to put all juicy details in the hooker reviews.The important matters paid sessions.

...click on his handle. If he has other reviews they'll be listed there. Contact the other providers he has seen if any, ask them if they can offer any insight.

shad0wwalker175 reads

I already did that. The provider that he reviewed the month previous to my review told me that she did not see him because the details in his review were not consistent with her incall nor the services that she provides. However she told me she had no interest in disputing the review becuase he gave her 10s so it got me nowhere.

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