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SexyJaye7 See my TER Reviews 669 reads

At least 4X a week. No one mentioned it so far I don't think. Increasing blood flow and sweating out impurities. I have a trampoline too, jumping helps with the lymphatic system.  A little extra movement never hurt anyone.

Pablito2004 reads

I only see a provider every couple of months and when I do, I use a condom but do DATY and DFK.  The last two times I have picked up a cold virus within 24 hours. (yes, I've bee tested).  The last one knocked me down for three days. I have flu inoculations every year so these were both colds.  

Teachers like to say that they pick up every virus the kids have until they build up immunity. How do you all (Providers included) keep your immunity up so you don't get sidelined?

I have vowed to carry lots of little mouthwash bottles with me but I suspect that  I would still have caught these colds. Increased resistance would be a better idea.  

Besides eating well and drinking water, what do you all do to stay healthy?

GaGambler775 reads

Or I can thank my substantial alcohol intake as I haven't had a cold in about 10 years, and I don't think I have ever had the flu as an adult.

I would suggest you try drinking a bottle of booze a day to keep the doctor away, either that or simply avoid all human contact. lol

Pablito908 reads

Posted By: GaGambler

I would suggest you try drinking a bottle of booze a day to keep the doctor away, either that or simply avoid all human contact. lol
Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain)  in his public tour said that,  he once caught a bad cold on a stage coach to San Francisco.   The stage coach driver told him to drink a quart of whisky every 24 hours.

At the boarding house the proprietess told him exactly the same thing.

At this point Clemens paused. "That made a half gallon".

They say even to be sure you get vitamin d and sunlight on the eye lids. You have to look up into sky then close eyes for minute. I am sure no men will do this. People that drive every where too have zero immunity because they never go out in cold. You stil need to go out for walks and fresh air in winter.
   One client told me he was jogging entire winter all through his thirties and he never ever caught colds because it jacked up his immune system so much. Even in 17 degree weather he was doin a jog.
                  I notice any time i get allergy or cingestion i can directly relate it to enriched white flour consumption or excess dairy ./ Those 2 food stuffs cause excess mucous production .
              I think sticking to a mainly cave man hunter gatherer diet is the answer. i think people get sick from no sunlight ,  not enough sleep, 8 hour minimum! even ten is ok.NO LESS EVER. Unless you want to live life being sick and feeling bad all the time which some people do apparently.
              Tons of citrus. Eat oranges. Drink enriched orange juice with all the calcium added. Grapefruit juice.  
I just picked up this bottle of "key lime juice" not to be confused with lime juice . It was on juice aisle at stop n shop and god was it good. Mixed with sparkling polar flavored water and spring water ice cubes. I also spent all after noon yesterday cutting up and washing fresh fruits and vegetables and stacking the containers in the fridge.  
     there are three huge {well 2 now} fruit salad ones, they have kiwi, peeled and cut with seedless watermelon, strawberries and black berries. Then there are like three huge tubs of crudites, carrot sticks, freshly washed and cut celery sticks, freshly washed and cut broccoli , english cucumber.  
    I also every morning cut up some kind of fruit and add it to a gallon of water to keep out in this clear glass ornamental water dispenser. You can do lemon, or watermelon, strawberries, mangos. Then you dump it out next am and make a fresh batch for that day . I d say i drink a gallon of water a day every day.
               I have seen clients come and stay for 2 hours and only drink 2 sips of water and leave the rest in the glass. I cant understa nd dehydrated people. Or they are here like 2 hours nad dont piss once! Which means your badly dehydrated!  
            If your not peeing once an hour your dehydrated. Guys that are dehydrated usually thier gizz is thick and chunky and tastes like ass too. because they are un healthy.
                 I always can tell the guys are eating well and taking care themselves thier gizz is watery and less pungent, weird right?
       Anytime i get allergy runny nose reactions or congestion it is ater i eat like say i eat french toast or bread. Or like way too much dairy. Its never from a cold itd from foods i get allergies too. Since i dont overly consume them on a regular basis.  
        The last time i had a runny nose was day after ordering these hungry man breakfasts they came with toast and french toast. I totally got an allergy and always do if i eat enriched white bread products.
         I dont know why but i never get colds or flu's. Many a time client will cancel in winter months when they say they feel a stomach flu and dont want to give me it or cold. I guess my clentelle is considerate so i dont get sick from them.
             You can tell when your coming down with somthing so i guess if your seeing only considerate people that will cancel if feeling under weather.
         One regular canceled on me few weeks ago saying he felt a stomach flu coming on didnt want to give it to me, Which was nice of him, I havent had the misfortune of having clients come anyway despite being sick.
      wash you hands alot is another obvious one.  
 Actaually I had one client a new one= few weeks ago who told me he took allergy or some medicine since he was on tail end of a cold just going away, I was like oh, gee . But I didnt get any cold after so must just have a good immune system.
I d say the best bet is get out in the fresh air for long periods. i dont have a car and actually walk my laundry to laundry mat and back home walk to grocery store in all kinds of weather i think fresh air helps and some people dont get any in winter. You can tell when people start looking like tired and thier complexion super pasty and un healthy.  
         Then people that cross country ski and get fresh air always have these nice robust cheeks and healthy color on thier face. The sun affects the pinneal gland which control immune system so getting outside , bundle up, gear up, . You have to dress like a total eskimo and then its actually quite enjoyable. If you dress like an idiot then no your not gonna enjoy fresh air in winter in new england. I dont care what I LOOK LIKE I JUST TRY AND BE DRESSED WARM AND THEN BRAVING THE ELEMENTS IS FUN AND YOU FEEL THE DIFFERENCE MENTALLY AND pHYSICALLY.
      That winter blues kicks in for alot people too . I also think the tanning bed for 6 minutes if you cant brave the outdoors, you can get vitamin d and beat winter blues that way.
              I used to go to a tanning bed daily in winter spells where there is NO SUN.   i WILL GO PAY FOR A 6 MIN QUICK BLAST OF BRIGHT LIGHTS FOR MY EYES HEALTH AND MY MENTAL STATE. iT DEFINETLY HELPS.  Sorry caps lock keeps getting hit and i just dont wanna go back and retype.    
   You can also try and chill on swalling any ones saliva. I try not to swallow when kissing the customers too much so i am not ingesting thier germs, then i go switch to bj and just let myself drool the extra spit out, i try not to swallow the spit from peoples mouths, gross right? nothin says lovin like a messy bj. with spit every where. i d rather have saliva all over me than in my stomach at least i can go take shower after. I am freaked about swallowing my spit after another persons spit gets in my mnouth or even thier dick

Pretty interesting stuff. I appreciate the presciptive advice and shall give it a try.

BTW , do you make housecalls ?

I know sounds like b.s. -
But if your body is dehydrated & exhausted most of the time, your immune system  has already lost half the battle trying to get your car (er, your body, being funny here) to run properly.  
A mature person also may have a more difficult time fighting such germs.  
Not to be cheeky, I'm sure providers MUST have better systems developed from all the exposure as well.  
Just take care of yourself beforehand to minimize a cold's impact

Pablito774 reads

Thanks. I agree. If you work with people, just like a teacher, you build increased resistance.  

No teacher jokes now!

But all your points are well taken. Water, sleep, zinc,  eat fruits and veggies, reduce dairy, sugar and wheat, work out and sunlight. Sucking on a  Zinc before a date sounds like a good idea. Theory is that zinc blocks virus from penetrating mucous membrane.  (No, I am not suggesting a zinc suppository)  

But I am not going to start spitting out your kisses! It just sends the wrong message

This  used to be the stewardess' go to to prevent illness or at least stop a cold. It is now been packaged as "airborne" but the package version has a bunch of crap in it. The combination creates a natural defense from the white blood cells., someone like a naturopathic anabiotic.  
Yes hydration and other basic

As an example that it's an ill wind that blows no good: just before she walked out with 1/2 my cash (but not my dick) in her pocket, my ex gave me a recommendation for the vitamin that you'll see linked below.

Before I started taking it, I would have 5-6 colds a year, most serious enough that I needed to take decongestants to sleep at night.  

Now since taking two of these a day, I barely get one cold per year, and it's a very minor one at that.

I have recommended these to other people I know, but they claim not to have been helped, so this is not a miracle cure, but I recommend trying it out as it sure has been a miracle for me.

Two other things changed in my life soon after I started taking these vitamins that could account for some lessening of colds:

First I started to brown bag my lunch rather than eat out at lunchtime.  That could significantly reduce my exposure plus allow me to eat more healthily.

Second, after my ex left, I no longer snacked on the unhealthy foods she loved to have like cookies, chips, and ice cream.  Instead I eat more fruits and nuts for snacks, plus I drink green tea with ginseng now.  This could also have a significant effect on my resistance to disease.

GaGambler630 reads

and each time it should be washed down with a shot of tequila. I bet you could take that one cold a year and take it all the way down to zero, just ask that fucking fucker if you doubt me. I bet you he doesn't get anymore colds than I do. lol

Switchel is a drink made from ginger, apple cider vinigar, molasses, and a shitload of other spices.
Drink it with a bourbon back, and all of your worries go away.

It's called haymakers punch. People drank it while out in the hayfields toiling in the hot sun, and high winds.
It's an acquired taste to say the least... It's very very strong..
I used to get sick a lot because I like to get fucked up..
Haymakers punch works

GaGambler588 reads

My theory is that the germs, once entering my blood stream get drunk themselves because of the high alcohol content, and simply wander around aimlessly in a drunken stupor through my veins and arteries, before being pissed out without having caused any damage during their stay. lmao

... i'll just uhhh suck up the one-in-a-blue-moon cold. Never last more than 1 week if I get one anyways. Seriously guys can wait a week if a cold comes around lol. If you've managed to not wreck yourself internally yet that's awesome (seriously) ... i'm not a gambler (see what I did there). :)

-- Modified on 11/28/2014 12:59:11 PM

GaGambler671 reads

There is a bar or a liquor store on almost every corner. lol

As for gambling, I was dealt a pretty good hand genetically, and I don't abuse my body quite as much as I used to, I want to make sure I live long enough to still be around when you can buy new organs as easily as going to the supermarket.

I did, too, until 7 years ago. I also smoked five packs a day. I figure that anything that was trying to get through via my lungs was stopped by the tar buildup, and anything trying to get through my bloodstream was killed by the alcohol.

I practice your method as well and it is the best one I have found to stay well especially this time of year!!

I am not a huge hand sanitizer fan...and I am a nurse!  Wash your hands frequently and for god's sake, KEEP YOUR HANDS AWAY FROM YOUR FACE!!  Hydration is very important....divide your weight by 2, that is how many ounces of WATER you should be drinking daily.  As far as vitamin C....jury is out on that one but I do know that vitamin D is very important.

....I just did it before I began typing and 3x during typing this and probably will about 50 more times within the next 1hr lol. Which is why I constantly wash my hands and use sanitizer. I can't help touching my face...a lot.

Keep one bottle with you and use it liberally.  And mind over matter seems to go a long way.  Like when you see someone next to you with a cold, DON'T think to yourself you're going to get it too - as strangely, if you do, you probably will.  And while all the advice here makes sense to me, colds do happen - and when you do, decide that each and every time you do, that you will enlist the world renowned Dr. Jack Daniels make a house call for about a week at a time, and you'll probably realize by day two that there are worse things in life than getting a cold.

...it is provided at the entrances of supermarkets in my area as in sanitizer wipes that are pulled from a dispenser to not only wipe your hands but to wipe the handles on the shopping carts or shopping baskets.

Yes, very true - I've seen that too.  And I see what Nurse Abbey said above and I am sure she's right, but in my overly simplistic view of the world 'it can't hurt'

GaGambler752 reads

Especially Korean ladies who tend to be germaphobes. I can't argue with the practice though as it is the way that many if not most colds are spread.

As for me, I rely on a healthy immune system and a high blood alcohol count. It has served me well for many decades now, but if a lady wants me to use a hand sanitizer and I get a better session because it makes her more comfortable, who am I to complain?

At least 4X a week. No one mentioned it so far I don't think. Increasing blood flow and sweating out impurities. I have a trampoline too, jumping helps with the lymphatic system.  A little extra movement never hurt anyone.

HandleWithCare618 reads

Have more sex!!!

I mean, c'mon people, this is a fuckboard, right?  Get with the program!  Have more sex and live happier, healthier lives

flu shot, working out and eating right and lots of sex!

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