TER General Board

Exactly my first reaction. #1 sounds like it can go all sorts of wrong. -e-
cocktail-party 908 reads


Here's a question for all hobbyists.  
    Which of the following is the HOTTEST SEDUCTION that a provider can provide a Hobbyist?

     * She gets a room and texts you the address & room number and tells you to come over and  
        tells you to make yourself comfortable when you get inside. When you get inside you notice  
      the lights are off, but you still lay down and text "I'm laying on the bed."  She tells you to put
      on a blindfold and just relax. She comes out naked and handcuffs you to the bed and puts you  
     under hypnosis. Taking you into your deepest fantasy as you become helpless and can't control  
    when you cum. Your sexual satisfaction becomes a multiple cumming session in 30 minutes.  

    * You and the provider agree to meet at a local hotel bar and she seduces you there.

She runs off with your cash, credits cards and your car keys.  You wake up wearing a gimp suit and clown make-up with your drivers license taped to your ass.   Hotel security has already notified your wife who is very concerned about all this.

Sorry I couldn't resist.

A feather duster stuck up your ass. Now your trying to explain to the fireman that kicked down the door how it got there

You would already be dead. Why? Your vital organs would have been removed.  

Humor needs some logic to be funny.

fisher said "one of your kidneys." You can live with only the other one.  And now, a rhetorical question. Are you the biggest tool on the planet?

I realized that after the post went up. That he only said one.

Do you think anyone would survie having one of their kidneys scratched out by Kitty?

Posted By: inicky46
fisher said "one of your kidneys." You can live with only the other one.  And now, a rhetorical question. Are you the biggest tool on the planet?
Nope, you still hold the title of BTOTP.

 You have over dramatized what I have said

I think you are taking yourself way too seriously for a Thursday.  Just curious, what color is the gimp suit you use for these activities.  It's my understanding that GaG may be interested in trying it out.  He's getting bored with the whole meet in a bar go up to thte room routine.

This Quote made my day! hahahah

Posted By: Jinx_The_Cat
She runs off with your cash, credits cards and your car keys.  You wake up wearing a gimp suit and clown make-up with your drivers license taped to your ass.   Hotel security has already notified your wife who is very concerned about all this.  
 Sorry I couldn't resist.

a secondly, I am not doing the first senerio with a provider period.  

I would choose the seduction in the hotel bar.

GaGambler1175 reads

"WTF, are you out of your fucking mind???!!!"

I don't find it the least bit "Hot"

as for option number two. I get "seduced" by providers at hotel bars at least ten times a month. While I enjoy it, it's pretty routine for me. Actually, being seduced 10 times at a hotel bar used to be nothing more than a pretty good weekend for me not that awful long ago.

Nice try Kitty, but you need to try much harder the next time you write a ThreAD

You all are as stupid as they come. First of all the only things that you should have in you pants pocket is cash, condom & Car keys. You don't bring you damn wallet into a motel room. You either leave it locked up in the glove compartment of your car or at home. I truly do not think that if the Provider steals your car that she'll be stupid enough to try and unlock your glove compartment of your car just to snatch your wallet. If she does then She's a crack head and is giving other providers who don't do drugs a bad name.And it seems that you have attracted the crack head types. Which is probably the only types you can afford or want. Me......I am drug and disease free so I don't need to steal any man's wallet for any reason

GaGambler879 reads

I never said anything of the kind, just that I would NEVER agree to option number one, nor do I find it the least bit sexy.

I am going to go out on a limb and assume you are using "flat mode" and did not mean to respond to me, but for the record, I have been bringing my wallet, Rolex etc into sessions for more years than you have been alive. Insulting the guys that are your prospective clients is what is truly stupid here. BTW being drug and disease free doesn't make you automatically honest, but flying off the handle like this does make you automatically stupid. What the fuck is wrong with you girl? You write a ThreAD and then call the first person who disagrees with you cheap, stupid and broke. Yeah you are going to go real far in this business with that kind of BSC attitude.

A clock free night playing bingo or canasta, after the early bird special in a diner or cafeteria. Of course there will be some intimate time as well.

What say you Jack?  Shoot me an email asking me about it. I'll tell you the price, you can dicker with the price, and I'll gladly accept it if dessert includes some banana pudding with 'Nilla  Wafers.

Hot damn that's an exciting date!


JackDunphy1007 reads

But I have the "Logan's Run" mentality when it comes to this biz. No one over 30. lol.  

But I do appreciate the effort and you being open to my negotiating...well...if you were 31 or 32...I MIGHT have made the exception.

In the 70's??? Now I'm just shattered! Damn Jack...


-- Modified on 10/9/2014 11:37:00 AM

 That was not meant for you. That was meant for those who over dramatize what I've said. Another thing, I'v been doing this for going on 20 years.  And I've made $3,000 to $5,000 in 10+ hours from the age of 19 to 30.  

You must have been doing what you do for 40+ years. Cause I am going on 39 years old.

And unless I except them as such, then they are neither a prospective clients or clients period. The door swings both ways.  

You can't sit there and come across as if all Providers will steal your wallet with all your things in it and do all that stupid shit. By assuming that any or all providers are that way just cause a few may have done it will only cause you problems cause no provider likes a client with that attitude. You dish out that attitude that may have happened to you or another Client..........Does not mean all providers are that way.

 There are providers out there who are doing this for the extra cash. And those providers are honest. I do not steal from my clients for the simple fact that I want & Yes I need repeat clients.  

 So, Remember to not judge all providers by the last one that you have met or heard about.

GaGambler1117 reads

and once again you are attributing things to me that I NEVER said. Where did I say that all providers, or even some providers will steal my wallet?

If you have something to say to someone, I suggest you say it to them, not me. Quit using flat mode as well, it is most likely the reason that you keep responding to me instead of the person you mean to respond to.

As for judging, I judge people by what they say here, when you say something to me that's stupid, you can bet your last dollar that I am going to call you on it. If you want to take issue with me, fine, but just make sure it's an issue with something that "I" said, not someone else.

Epsilon_Eridani917 reads

... donkey.

gagambler thinks that he's always right and everyone else is wrong.  

don't waste your time responding to him. he's not worth it.

Posted By: Kitty76
That was not meant for you. That was meant for those who over dramatize what I've said. Another thing, I'v been doing this for going on 20 years.  And I've made $3,000 to $5,000 in 10+ hours from the age of 19 to 30.    
So, Remember to not judge all providers by the last one that you have met or heard about.

JackDunphy974 reads

He's one of the few posters here who readily admits when he is wrong.  

So blast him for being an a-hole, a slant eyed devil MF, or a drunken bastid who spends too much money on booze and chicas if you must. At least those would be accurate assessments.  

But to rip him with the "gagambler thinks that he's always right" label tells me you don't know a donkey from an ass.

GaGambler1084 reads

and is a proven stalker, thinks that Wendy's is an upscale place to take a date, Fuck the list goes on and on.

and your last sentence is spot on, I have been to the "donkey show" in TJ and me and the donkey have nothing in common except a willingness to fuck young chicas, OTOH I freely admit to being an ass. An ass who may be wrong at times, but not this time.

BTW, what do you mean "too much money" on booze and Chicas??? Define "too much" please

JackDunphy1021 reads

And I define "too much" as anybody that gets to get liquored up and that gets ass more than me. Lol. You see, I am jealous of you. Oh no, that's not right. I am envious of you. Lol.  

Just had the very large difference between those two words spelled out in lengthy detail recently. And who knew they def are NOT synonymous? Lol.

Jack Dunphy Awaits

GaGambler1145 reads

especially as often as THAT idiot changes handles.

and as for getting liquored up, it's five AM where I am, I must be getting old because I am thinking about getting started, instead of still being drunk from last night. Vodka does sound like a great breakfast. Good thing I am boarding a flight in about 10 minutes

Pura Vida Perras

Epsilon_Eridani670 reads

I've seen gagambler's posting history... I stand by my statement.

if you don't like it... tough shit. act like a man and move on.

Posted By: JackDunphy
Re: If you are going to criticize GaG, then at least be accurate. He's one of the few posters here who readily admits when he is wrong.  
 So blast him for being an a-hole, a slant eyed devil MF, or a drunken bastid who spends too much money on booze and chicas if you must. At least those would be accurate assessments.  
 But to rip him with the "gagambler thinks that he's always right" label tells me you don't know a donkey from an ass.

DamienScott896 reads

Where's our fave BSC Chicago gal when we need her eh?

Posted By: GaGambler
I never said anything of the kind, just that I would NEVER agree to option number one, nor do I find it the least bit sexy.

I am going to go out on a limb and assume you are using "flat mode" and did not mean to respond to me, but for the record, I have been bringing my wallet, Rolex etc into sessions for more years than you have been alive. Insulting the guys that are your prospective clients is what is truly stupid here. BTW being drug and disease free doesn't make you automatically honest, but flying off the handle like this does make you automatically stupid. What the fuck is wrong with you girl? You write a ThreAD and then call the first person who disagrees with you cheap, stupid and broke. Yeah you are going to go real far in this business with that kind of BSC attitude.

A sense of humor transplant is indicated here.

Option #1 sounds like a perfect B&S to me - blindfolded, handcuffed AND hypnotized?!! I'll make sure my pockets are empty before entering that room. I'll take #2 to make sure I'm getting what was advertised. If we hit it off, sure I'll do #1.

JackDunphy829 reads

It might help me think you are thinner than you are.  

Aldo charges a fortune for that same thing you can get for free. You might be on to something here with others that are calorically challenged.

GaGambler1069 reads

Well Ok, maybe it was called for, but it was still mean. lol

JackDunphy1208 reads

I go all out to use the PC expression for "fat" and YOU dont even appreciate the effort. Tobi would be proud of me!

If people wonder why I don't/cant change my asshole ways, its b/c I don't even get the slightest bit of credit when I make an honest attempt.

You'd rather fuck a bag of bones. And I'm  not fat. I just have more to love then the boney ass bitches that are out there.

You want some respect you don't slam women thinner than you. Because those "skinny bitches" can and will pull out the fat cow routine and I for one will support them.  

So in the essence of good relations, let's not slander others.

-- Modified on 10/9/2014 11:43:22 AM

JackDunphy704 reads

I just like a gal that knows when to say enough at the dinner table and someone that works out from time to time. Honestly, is that too much to ask?

Dunphy is a dick, but I'm against slamming anyone for their body. "Boney ass bitches" is just as venomous as "calorically challenged."

Posted By: Kitty76
You'd rather fuck a bag of bones. And I'm  not fat. I just have more to love then the boney ass bitches that are out there.

A person who is fat and I mean with a BMI that actually says "you're fat" bitches when someone calls it like it is. If they don't like, lose the fricking weight and quit crying over what is a fact.

Those PC candyass words do no-one a favor. If more people told it like it is, then maybe there would not the monumental amount of excuses surrounding it

It's the same epidemic there....every kid has to be awarded a trophy just for showing up.

And if the kid isn't on the "top" unit....let's blame the coaches  LOL

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
A person who is fat and I mean with a BMI that actually says "you're fat" bitches when someone calls it like it is. If they don't like, lose the fricking weight and quit crying over what is a fact.  
 Those PC candyass words do no-one a favor. If more people told it like it is, then maybe there would not the monumental amount of excuses surrounding it.  

No kids but I see this all the time with friends kids and even how they are brought up...sad and not exactly the best way to go from Mommy and Daddy's little Prince or Princess out into the real world.

GaGambler923 reads

I am sure the OTHFBC will give her a lifetime achievement award. lol

and H+T if you want to be on the "dark side" come all the way over. It's not "lose the fricking weight" It's "lose the fucking weight, you fat ass cow"

as the good doctor just said, drop the "PC candyass words" and say what you mean.

You fucking rock GaG. I could lay good wet one on you for that post

Possibly the wrong body type too. Pity because I do like my Asian guys.

GaGambler990 reads

FAT!!! lol

I tend to gravitate towards "spinners" but the woman I have been seeing the longest, about 7 years now, is 5'7" and about 125. At twenty five, she is getting to be a bit too old for me, but that's a different matter. lol

and yes, the math is correct, I met her when she was barely 18, she told me then that I was never going to get rid of her, and I guess she was telling the truth. She "retired" from P4P years ago as she really didn't like fucking old guys for money, but for some reason she still likes fucking this old guy, no accounting for taste I guess. lol

Am not attracted. Work wise, well I get paid well to deal with that. Again, not a problem.  

The one you are seeing now with those numbers seems in pretty good shape. Carry on!

But, this is not something exclusive to us fat girls. The body positivity movement has done us a great deal of good, but it goes the other way too.  To go as far as claiming superiority over "skinny bitches" (which is what you implied by the bag of bones comment) is just wrong. Body shaming is wrong whether one is fat shaming or skinny shaming.  

Where's your sense of comradery?

Posted By: JackDunphy
I go all out to use the PC expression for "fat" and YOU dont even appreciate the effort. Tobi would be proud of me!

#1 doesn't appeal to me at all.
But honestly, I prefer just the regular hotel room incall.
A lady's attitude is what seduces me, not any particular script.
When she brings good energy and a good vibe, then we can hopefully connect and feed off each others energy and have a fun sensuous romp

Of the two choices, I would choose number two. I don't do the bar scene. Even though I dislike the bar scene it beats the hell out of being cuffed without consent let alone safe words. I like bondage with someone I trust with proper negotiations and safe words. But that is not what you described. Cuffing me minus direct consent would be considered a hostile act and I would respond to it as such. Then the whole hypnosis issue. I would never consent to that. Number one would guarantee a bad date for all. Beds would likely break as I free myself and people could end up hurt. There is nothing sexy about number one.

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