TER General Board

Exactly! EOM
Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 1980 reads
1 / 47

Something that happens very frequently is that prospective clients contact providers to schedule, sometimes getting all the way through the screening process, about to confirm a day & time and then: an issue crops up which makes it very apparent the gentleman in question never read any of the relevant information.  
Naturally, this always pertains to something that then makes the date a no-go.  

The back-and-forth, checking references and so on, could all have been avoided if he had READ the information provided, which would have then had him moving on and finding someone else.  Always the best scenario, IMO.  ;-)

It's frustrating for both parties to get to the point where we think we're just about set and Whammo!  There's a road-block.  

For me personally, this happens most with P411 members.  I've asked them: Didn't you read my Biography section or visit my website?  
Well, no.  A few have told me they've never even noticed that section of the profiles!  

Usually, in my first reply PM I will write, "Please be sure you have read my Bio and are aware of all my policies."
But a significant percentage still don't do so.  

I know everyone looks at the photos and rates; most likely the provider's statistics too.  I'm guessing a lot will follow the links to her reviews as well.  But not her own written text?  

If you are one of those who skips the Biography section there and you also don't read her site's details, why?

That's what I want to understand: why don't you read it?

AND.......what could GET YOU to read that section?  Or to visit her site to read it there?

I'd really appreciate feedback on this, because short of holding up a "Read My Bio" sign in my pics (or body-painting it on my ass!)  I'm out of ideas.  ;-)


cspatz 67 Reviews 531 reads
2 / 47

..it is all fluff. Advertising, if you will. Even the so called "policies" are a few generic paragraphs common to all escorts. And BTW, it has been my experience that those policies are in no way set in stone. What info do you have in there that apparently is a frequent deal breaker when overlooked.

bocabuster 19 Reviews 399 reads
3 / 47

I think, to get the specific answers you want, you need to be specific as to what part of your instructions they're not following.  
Also, I think you realllllyyyy need to understand that in your business you are dealing with men from all walks of life, all educational backgrounds, all economic levels.  
Not sure that assuming the majority of them are going to read your instructions is realistic.  
Sounds like it's not working.

quantavore 462 reads
4 / 47

I think that you should put any information you want them to absolutely read where you know they will read it. Put important policies right on your rates and/or schedule page.

On many sites the bio and about sections are atmospheric, which is important to some (like me) but not others, so they tend to ignore those pages.

cspatz 67 Reviews 583 reads
5 / 47

.. Now I see what you are talking about and it looks like you have the answer - Stick it right up front in bold. IF that info is buried at the bottom I would never get to it.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 477 reads
6 / 47

And it's not just the shlubs we are talking about.

I recall being at a seminar for sales and marketing, and the presenter, in an attempt to involve the audience, asked a member of the audience to read something aloud to the group.  When he approached a man sitting in the front row, I saw a look of panic on the man's face, and fortunately the presenter saw the same thing and quickly passed to the person sitting next to the man.  I knew at once what the problem was.

Some people have excellent people skills and street smarts that they parlay into successful careers by getting others to do their reading and writing for them, but beyond simple words, they are illiterate, and I think these are very often the guys who won't ever read a provider's website simply because they can not.

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 583 reads
7 / 47

The most common, of course, being my real-name policy.

A close second is my age minimum.

Then it's that I am only available in the daytime.  

Doesn't happen too much, maybe a couple times a month, but I'm also asked for outcall, which I don't do.

None of these were "buried at the bottom"  and the first two ARE right at the top.  I'll move the others there too, so thank you for that advice!  :-)


-- Modified on 9/28/2016 7:46:22 AM

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 482 reads
8 / 47

In fact, as my post shows, I am VERY aware that many aren't reading it...... even when I specifically ask them to do so!

And I'm trying to figure out how to solve that issue.  ;-)

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 522 reads
9 / 47

THANK YOU!  Honestly, it never occurred to me that anyone might not be able to read or not have enough reading comprehension skills for such information.  

That really gives me pause.  And makes me think I should be a bit more patient with some of the guys who use only text-speak in their messages and/or are obviously using the talk-to-text feature on their devices.  I've never cared for that, but now, knowing they might be doing so out of necessity?  That definitely puts it in a different light.  

Hmmmmmmm.   Serious food for thought, there.

Thank you  very, very much for that enlightening insight.  XOXOXOXO

Han.Shot.First 497 reads
10 / 47

It feels like "FAQ", "Ettiquette", and "Contact" could all be streamlined into one section. Your site is lovely, but maybe a little cluttered.  

Also, keep in mind that some will message you in hopes that the rules are malleable and play dumb.  

Best of luck

-- Modified on 9/28/2016 5:47:32 AM

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 452 reads
11 / 47

For example, they talk about how educated and refined they are, how many languages they speak, and how they like to spend their free time. Blah, blah, blah ...

And most guys don't care. So they don't read everything.  

Use bullet points for your important information.  

Put your points in order of importance.  

Resist the urge to be wordy.

-- Modified on 9/28/2016 9:40:28 AM

bocabuster 19 Reviews 406 reads
12 / 47

It's been a while since I've read the info on your site.  
Looking at the pretty babe? Check! Creating great fantasy? Check. Reading FAQ? Not so much 😆
But after reading it I'm thinking a guy would have to be deaf, dumb, illiterate and stupid to not understand your requests

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 605 reads
13 / 47

I have thought much the same, myself!  :-)

Yes, streamlining it is a priority...... I'm just stuck as to what will really work.

You see, I used to have About Me & FAQs all on one page..... but then the page was REALLY long so visitors weren't scrolling down to the necessary bits.   Also, I did have the Etiquette on my Contact page, which made that page look extremely busy and "cluttered" lol.  

I was getting people who read only part-way through the page, then contacted me with their questions because they couldn't find it immediately.  Having each section on its own page, easy to find, has helped with that.  

Thank you for your input, I will have to come up with a solution soon.  It will probably take more trial and error, though. ;-)

Now, I just have to get P411 folks to read lol.

Senator.Blutarsky 577 reads
14 / 47

Or better yet, across your chest...😎

brendaboobies See my TER Reviews 359 reads
15 / 47

I was having the same problem years ago -  
I thought if I put paragraphs in between pictures would keep them interested.
It has helped a little but I put on my screening page a couple of questions they have to answer so I know they looked at a few parts that are really important.

Like you, I used to have cursive font thinking it looked pretty- it takes longer to read and is much harder on the eyes so maybe go to an easier font that especially somebody who wears glasses can read easier?  

After reading this- I'm thinking I might make a generic confirmation email up with the absolute basics they must know- especially a newbie so if they did not read while browsing- they must read to get confirmation details?

Personally if roles were reversed, and I was looking to gift somebody my time and money I would read every word to be sure but also to get the mind moving -- but I am just a girl lol


LasVegan 471 reads
16 / 47

if YOUR process is generating this much confusion, have you ever considered it is too complicated?  You know in any industry they would be rethinking, whatever their process, if they were having this much difficulty with it, with KISS on the very top of their list.  Providers of other services try to consider all the variables that will allow them to attract the largest volume of clients.

KISS = keep it simple silly

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 498 reads
17 / 47

First; It's not just me.

Many providers have this issue.

2nd: There is no "confusion".   People who go to my site have almost always read the info.  

It's those contacting from P411 & Eros who don't read a damn thing.  

If they read the first few lines, they'd know I'm not for them.  Very simple. Clear.  

But they don't read.

JackDunphy 747 reads
18 / 47

Sometimes it is the other gals. What I mean by that is that so many of us never have to give our real name OR the girls who say they need it on their site, will many times accept a date without it, failing to abide by their own demands/rules.

Its not all that different then girls saying "no sex for money" or "I never negotiate" on their site. None of the girls follow the former and most don't follow the latter, but I digress. LOL

Many also will see the info you provide and test to see how adamant you are about it as their experiences, and mine, tell us many girls will see us if we provide enough info, or extra info, without giving up IRL info.

You are more strict about it so that is where the trouble comes in. I am not suggesting you change your policies as you need to do what makes you feel safe and comfortable but I was stating reasons other than the guys didn't read your policies as to why they didn't adhere to them all the way through the verification process.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 554 reads
19 / 47

I see a much larger percentage of agency girls than indies.  You just text the booker and go have sex.  No website (in most cases), no rules.  In fact, we don't need no stinking rules.  

Indies wonder why the agencies have cut into their business so much in the last ten years.  This is one of the reasons.  When I started nine years ago, I only saw indies.  Now its only about ten percent.  The hoops you have to jump through take away from the experience, IMO.

stethdoctor 16 Reviews 608 reads
20 / 47

I work professionally in a communications, writing and translation environment and upon opening your website I noticed that you are using a cursive style font. This is the type of font most commonly used for wedding or party invitations, graduation announcements and so forth, where information is usually on one page and written in short sentence format. The average person will not be able to read it as fast as say a Helvetica or Times New Roman or Century Gothic font. Imagine reading a novel in the font you have chosen and you begin to see my point.

If you choose a font that is reader friendly, perhaps more of the gentlemen who land on your site may land in your sessions!  LOL

I hope this helps

GaGambler 522 reads
21 / 47

and I honestly don't see how anyone could miss it.

I guess it's like "subtle humor" on this board. It just doesn't pay to be subtle, you pretty much have to hit some people upside the head with a bat to get through to them.

I would NOT advise you to be any more clear than you already are. You already sound a "bit" demanding by being so clear as to your policies, to be any more clear about it you would have to come off sounding like a bitch which I know is NOT your intent.  

I think you are just going to have to suck it up and consider it an "occupational hazard" and realize some people are just too obtuse to get through to.  

BTW, I only "sometimes" read or even click on a woman's web site when booking through P 411, I am not into "researching" the hookers I see. Some guys OTOH pour over every word. I think the more women a guy actually sees, the less likely he is to be spending countless hours "researching" each woman. That said, your P 411 profile makes your requirements quite clear and I honestly don't know how you could make it any clearer.

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 295 reads
22 / 47

Visitors to my site rarely claim they didn't know the necessary info.  They try to get me to let 'em slide or make an exception or whatever, but they don't try to act surprised lol.  

It's those from P411, Eros, RS2K etc etc etc.

These people don't go to my site.

They look at the pics & rates then contact me without reading anything IN the ad or profile.  

I just want to figure out how to get people to READ those ads.

Thank you for the input on my font, though,   It's actually MUCH easier for me to read that style than the ones you suggested: those are, IDK, harsh on my eyes is the only way I can describe it.  But I do know I'm weird, in many ways, so I will definitely be changing it soon.  Thanks again!  


JakeFromStateFarm 570 reads
23 / 47

Anyone reading this board most likely already knows what to read.  The ones who don't read your instructions don't read this board either.  And so it goes.

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 553 reads
24 / 47

I'm just, you know.... trying.  Trying to help everyone avoid wasted time.  Because, honestly, it's very awkward for me to have to point it out when we were just about to confirm a session.  

And it's not just the real-name thing: lately it's been my age minimum almost as often.  I find out their age and then have to tell them no, and they act like sad puppy dogs.  

I actually did tone it down on my personal site a bit, because I'd gotten a few comments that it was rather obnoxious.  LOL.  

Probably going to go with body-painting "READ MY BIO"  on my tits & ass for my next photo shoot. ;-)

GaGambler 504 reads
25 / 47

They take it away completely as I REFUSE to jump through any,

That said, I don't see Debra's requirements as "hoops" as none of them really require any effort on my part. She demands to know your real name is the only thing much different than any other woman on P 411 that I can see, and that is not a "hoop" to jump through, that is a requirement that is either acceptable to a prospective client or is not.  

Jumping through hoops IMO is making me work to have to see you, I don't want to have to "apply" for an appointment, and I absolutely refuse to do so. Filling out those insipid forms "completely" before some hooker will even bother to read it is an example of "jumping through hoops" insisting on my real name takes no effort on my part, but I do understand why many guys will absolutely refuse to do so, but even so I don't see it as a hoop to jump through.

Meena Valero See my TER Reviews 312 reads
26 / 47

I can relate. I also have a note about my screening requirements at the top of my P411 details, and another note at the bottom. Sometimes I still get guys who contact me without reading it.

I will respond pleasantly once, including a copy & pasted note about my verification needs and how to book a date. I don't do any verification or further correspondence until I receive the all info I need. This way, I don't drive myself crazy and neither of us waste time discussing a date that isn't going to happen.

GaGambler 332 reads
27 / 47

Because that is probably the best response I have heard yet.

I am not being sarcastic or snarky at all here, I actually LIKE that idea.

LasVegan 281 reads
28 / 47


LoveSashaEvans See my TER Reviews 562 reads
29 / 47

As much as we try to cram personality and fluffy, pretty, and enticing things into our ads/websites... guys will not read any of it. They simply will not. A select few with peaked curiosity might. Most won't. Your goal should be to provide quality info that is readable within 2-3 minutes. You have to figure out a way to incorporate the hook in that small time-frame.  

I wish I knew the solution, but I personally try to be as descriptive as possible with the least amount of wording that I can. You don't need to write a book to get to the point. I also try to exclude stuff that should be general knowledge, such as screening info, etiquette, etc. I only include information that I know they will be looking for such as how they can contact me, what my rates are, and a little brief intro about myself. I also don't make them go through a maze to find this info. We get to experience each other's personality when they call. Which is why I only book dates once we have had a chat with each other. They can text, email, and fill out forms all they want but I need to feel that connection before seeing anyone.

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 356 reads
30 / 47

Actually, I used to do exactly as you described.  I'd send them my most important (and most overlooked) policies.

They didn't read it   Later, when an issue arose, they'd say..... Oh, I thought it was just the usual provider disclaimer and skimmed past it!  

Nowadays, I immediately tell them, "If you haven't already done so, please read my Bio here so you're aware of my policies and requirements. Thank you."  

They still don't do it.  

Yeah, I'm definitely gonna body-paint that on myself for my next shoot.  ;-)

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 510 reads
31 / 47

I am absolutely NOT talking about descriptions, personality, or any  type of "fluffy, pretty, enticing" nonsense.

What I mean is the following, which is at the top of my P411  ads:

***PLEASE NOTE: I require your REAL FULL NAME at the time you book plus Photo ID when we meet.***

Exclusively for gentlemen age 40 and over!

THAT.  It's not buried, It's on the top of my website pages too.  And yet, people who either won't give me their names or are too young, keep contacting me.   When the issue arises, it is ALWAYS  "sorry I didn't read that section".

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 565 reads
32 / 47

...you want my real full name and photo ID on arrival, I would simply move on.  Like GaG, I have nothing to hide as I am out about mongering to everyone I know, but unlike GaG I consider that to be jumping through hoops.  

Other guys may think that the real name requirement is not set in stone and that you'd be flexible about it for them because they think they look like George Clooney or Brad Pitt.  Even though it's written twice in your P411 ad, you should emphasize that there is absolutely no way around a hobbyist not giving his real name.  He should not proceed any further.  Do not pass go, keep your $$$$

TheAyanaEffect See my TER Reviews 529 reads
33 / 47

Actually i think you have that backwards. With the expansion of the internet over the years, indies have taken away market share from agencies the most. And also many agencies do require screening its becoming more commonplace.

TheAyanaEffect See my TER Reviews 515 reads
34 / 47

You post about really hating the forms and i understand it, but don't you end up emailing or telling her all the info that would have been on the form anyways if she's a provider who screens?

tonightoutcall 536 reads
36 / 47

Closer to 30% failure rate. If talking about complex step by step directions it's even worse.  
        Kind of sad at times.

SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 517 reads
37 / 47

I totally get where you're coming from. I have found that those who don't tend to read my site or any copy I have on my P411 or other bios don't typically become great clients. The ones who do read make the best clients for me. If I have to take them by the hand and lead them down a path with giant signs at every step along the way, we just aren't going to be compatible. I might see them once just in case they're a gem in the rough*, but if that's not the case I'm usually busy the next time they contact me.

One thing I do no matter where they contact me from is send them a note that includes a link to my form along with the text of the information on my form that I will need to meet them. If they write back and don't include everything, I just write back to let them know I am missing some information, and copy and paste the bullet points they've neglected to give me. I also make them say they've read my cancellation policy and agree to it before they can submit the form or confirm an engagement. It's worked brilliantly doing this, and I have very few disappointments these days (thank goodness). So maybe you could include a note in either forum- P411 or email- including these bullet points they need to agree to before moving towards scheduling an engagement. Make them say, "yes, I have read this info."  

Either way, best of luck!

*which has sometimes been the case, and in that situation, they tend to go back after we've met and read everything voraciously!

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 614 reads
38 / 47
earthshined 531 reads
39 / 47

"Likes"  clients that read my web page.

"Dislikes" clients that don't read my web page.
Posted By: Debra_Hollander
Something that happens very frequently is that prospective clients contact providers to schedule, sometimes getting all the way through the screening process, about to confirm a day & time and then: an issue crops up which makes it very apparent the gentleman in question never read any of the relevant information.    
 Naturally, this always pertains to something that then makes the date a no-go.  
 The back-and-forth, checking references and so on, could all have been avoided if he had READ the information provided, which would have then had him moving on and finding someone else.  Always the best scenario, IMO.  ;-)  
 It's frustrating for both parties to get to the point where we think we're just about set and Whammo!  There's a road-block.    
 For me personally, this happens most with P411 members.  I've asked them: Didn't you read my Biography section or visit my website?    
 Well, no.  A few have told me they've never even noticed that section of the profiles!  
 Usually, in my first reply PM I will write, "Please be sure you have read my Bio and are aware of all my policies."  
 But a significant percentage still don't do so.  
 I know everyone looks at the photos and rates; most likely the provider's statistics too.  I'm guessing a lot will follow the links to her reviews as well.  But not her own written text?    
 If you are one of those who skips the Biography section there and you also don't read her site's details, why?  
 That's what I want to understand: why don't you read it?  
 AND.......what could GET YOU to read that section?  Or to visit her site to read it there?  
 I'd really appreciate feedback on this, because short of holding up a "Read My Bio" sign in my pics (or body-painting it on my ass!)  I'm out of ideas.  ;-)  
-- Modified on 9/28/2016 9:15:13 PM

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 345 reads
40 / 47

You screen ONE time, and then you're good to see the steady stream of girls that pass through the agency over the course of several years.  With indies, you have to do the screening EACH time.  

With agencies, their reputation depends on being professional and keeping your information private.  If they breach my privacy, i would expose them here, and they would be finished. There is no telling what a desperate indie might do with my info if she's hard up for money.

LoveSashaEvans See my TER Reviews 418 reads
41 / 47

What!? Screening every date??? No way. You must let some time lapse in between seeing a girl for her to double or triple screen you. That or something else is up.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
You screen ONE time, and then you're good to see the steady stream of girls that pass through the agency over the course of several years.  With indies, you have to do the screening EACH time.    
 With agencies, their reputation depends on being professional and keeping your information private.  If they breach my privacy, i would expose them here, and they would be finished. There is no telling what a desperate indie might do with my info if she's hard up for money.  

BentleyMarie See my TER Reviews 534 reads
42 / 47

There was recently an amazing provider on tour that was beaten, tazered, raped and robbed. She did not have the man's  real name or ID, and of course he hasn't been caught.  Another beautiful  lady was held at gunpoint and beaten and raped. He had a handle ...no real name given. I know both of these women. They are mothers, daughters and friends. They are real people who are kind and giving.  

 A man in Florida is in jail after contacting dozens of providers posing as a rockband manager.  His deal was to buy the girl a plane ticket,  fly her to Florida where he would rob and harm her. This man contacted me 6 months ago. He has been released multiple times after committing the same crime. I was not one of his victims because when I demanded a copy of his ID and half of the money up front he bailed.

I understand discretion gentlemen, but this is our well being. Call us hookers and whores all you like. We put our lives on the line to provide something you want and need.  Wouldn't it be the right thing to respect and help protect the ladies
that are the source of the fulfillment you all need and crave.  

I won't ask a p411 guy with 35 okays for ID, but if I am unsure if I am going to return home to my family at night...I ask or I pass. I'm sure some guys with no compassion will ream me for this,  but it needs to be said. It isn't 1950 anymore. There are cruel people out there.

GaGambler 595 reads
43 / 47

Almost everything she needs to know is already in my profile there.

If she needs additional references, she can contact anyone of the dozens of women that have given me Okays, if she wants my "real" name all she needs to do is "ask nicely" and I don't mind sharing that info. Other than that, what else does she need to know?

I am the one spending the money, so she can be the one doing the work. I don't mind giving the info, I am just NOT going to "work" to get an appointment.

GaGambler 419 reads
44 / 47

unlike with an agency where you get screened once and might see dozens of different girls working for the same agency.

I see both agency girls and indies, partly because I almost always book "short notice" and sometimes it's tough to find an indy on short notice, but one thing to keep in mind about agencies is that they are bigger targets for LE, and it is far from unheard of for an agency to give up hundred of customers in their quest to "cut a deal" after being busted. After all, they are already "finished" as an agency and self preservation seems to trump client confidentiality at that point.

YoMaMaDo 397 reads
45 / 47

At the risk of not giving your frustration it's due I would like to offer up this simple answer. That is, there is no answer.

I believe Men, no offense LoPaw,  who are looking for entertainment on sites like the one's you mention are not thinking with the "Big Head" to begin with. You then show us your wonderful body in various stages of undress at that point you may as well forget about our ability to not need to  make a quick trip to the Men's room or shut our door and find the Kleenex, much less read rules and regulations impossible.

Remember if we were rule and regulation types we would not, for the most part, be seeking the services offered here since many of us swore in front of God and everyone "To have and to hold and to forsake all others" and all that jazz long before we looked beautiful women like you up for delicious side dishes to what should be our main course.

So what you are dealing with are Men, left brain, horny, untrustworthy and in some cases cheating Men. So the expectation for us to read may be just a little high.

Know your audience.  

For what it is worth I think you plainly state your Policies and Procedures. Maybe it is the almost see-thru white t-shirt...ooops there I go, I need to shut my door.  

-- Modified on 9/29/2016 2:57:32 PM

LoveSashaEvans See my TER Reviews 511 reads
46 / 47

Well yeah.... it's expected that guys will have to be screened seeing a new girl. Anyone afraid of what some crazed indy girl, as he put it, will do with their information have three choices. Don't do the hobby, see a girl who doesn't screen, or be more selective of the girls they see. Simple.

Posted By: GaGambler
unlike with an agency where you get screened once and might see dozens of different girls working for the same agency.  
 I see both agency girls and indies, partly because I almost always book "short notice" and sometimes it's tough to find an indy on short notice, but one thing to keep in mind about agencies is that they are bigger targets for LE, and it is far from unheard of for an agency to give up hundred of customers in their quest to "cut a deal" after being busted. After all, they are already "finished" as an agency and self preservation seems to trump client confidentiality at that point.

Tippecanoe 523 reads
47 / 47

You say go to the 'biography' section, but there is a "FAQ" and "About Me" tab, no biography.  Yes, i know what you meant, but it sounds like you're not clear in your communications.  People think differently, you'd be surprised.

Both of your able mentioned sections surprised me, and personally would not see you because your way of coming across is excessive.  That aside, you should PM potential clients back immediately, "I will need your real name before proceeding with verification".  Until you hear back, you should not OK through P411 or any other method for that matter and ignore them completely if they don't comply.  

You should jump over the last hurdle first, if that is the most important hurdle.

I don't know if you know how P411 works, but if you need an ID, you bring the ID that P411 used to register you.  That is NOT a legal ID with photo.  So there may be confusion there, too.  I'm suspecting a recent thread in the Reviewer's Only section may have had to do with either your site or another provider being confused on how P411 identification works.

So, if you read the P411 identification rules for a provider, then you would skip your site - because they are incompatible.  One would think YOU had read the P411 directions, which obviously you have not.  Since you signed on to use P411, then you agreed to use their requirements as your own.

As a hobbyist I would go with P411 directions first, and assume you accepted their terms.

If you initiate contact and continue contact with a potential client, they assume they have passed the first immediate hurdle, and the rest are just details IMHO.

I had a girl that was similar, and then at the very end she was like, "what do you think, you don't have to do that?".  I was shocked, as I thought we were all set except to schedule a time, then she threw out a HUGE hurdle, and it was a rule I NEVER break.  I scratched her off my list and not only that, was seriously pissed and let my friends know of her weird screening process-and a time waster.  Yes, that goes both ways, too

Register Now!