TER General Board

Everyone should be happyregular_smile
TheAyanaEffect See my TER Reviews 450 reads

Yes you are paying for the session, so you should get the experience you want. And for the best experience, it would be best to discuss with your provider about the date and offer up options or ask her opinion. The decision is ultimately yours, but you'll have a much better time if she's enjoying herself too. If she's not open to anything you say, find a different provider or pay for a bad night.

or do you expect to at least be consulted, if not completely deferred to in regard to decisions such as where to dine and what to see and do during long term dates.  

This is notwithstanding the fact that as the customer, he (or she - hi Lopaw.) has the final say.  

I have seen the whole gamut regarding this, so I'm interested in what the breakdown is on here.

Or are you talking about civvie dating?

I gotta tell you mrfissure...you honestly scare me at times.


Posted By: mrfisher
or do you expect to at least be consulted, if not completely deferred to in regard to decisions such as where to dine and what to see and do during long term dates.  
 This is notwithstanding the fact that as the customer, he (or she - hi Lopaw.) has the final say.  
 I have seen the whole gamut regarding this, so I'm interested in what the breakdown is on here.

Don't feel bad; I scare myself also.

Now you're scaring me even more. LOL

Posted By: mrfisher
Don't feel bad; I scare myself also.

whole gamut of preferences since I've seen so much variation. I know in P4P a gal has to restrain her preference on account of business reasons, though some gals don't let that stand in the way of their preferences.  
I've found some gals offended if I don't take charge and some gals offended if I do.  

I know this much from experience:  Either way, you will end up doing something wrong

This was with a very long term SB type relationship:

Upon her picking me up from the airport with her car on a multi-day session, she seemed a bit out of sorts, and eventually she revealed the problem:  As the man, I should have offered to drive her car rather than make her drive.  

Crazy, eh wot?

VOO-doo521 reads

I'd be totally cross if a guy dragged me to a mysterious restaurant featuring the world's most fabulous spinach dip, and it turned out to be Applebee's. I might let him pick a restaurant again for the sake of keeping peace, but it would be an ordeal.  

But if he tells me he'll surprise me, and it's great, then I'll be impressed beyond belief.

Two recent great experiences (with clients): a dive bar off of 7th Ave in Chelsea whose back room featured live musical performances (which I liked), and a tiny Spanish/Italian/Portuguese place I've never heard of with amazing food, a singing waiter, AND a live piano player.

I'm not sure I'd be a match for the Applebee's guy... it's not about money, or even food snobbery (I've happily noshed in dive bars, and enjoyed a food truck festival last week). I'm more attracted to the type of person whose curiosity would lead him to find places that are offer some sort of distinctive experience

GaGambler557 reads

There used to be one right up the street from me where I would meet my buddies for drinks and to watch football.

One word of advice though. Do NOT eat the food. Ok, Two words of advice, Do NOT eat the food and do NOT bring a "date" there. lol

JakeFromStateFarm422 reads

In fact, he's no longer welcome at Applebees, which is why he's been forced to spend so much time in Central America.

but that's not the point.

The point is that I wanted to gauge gals' responses irrespective of the client/provider angle to see what they like as individuals

You'd get better answers from women who aren't being paid to pretend to like you.


Posted By: mrfisher
but that's not the point.  
 The point is that I wanted to gauge gals' responses irrespective of the client/provider angle to see what they like as individuals.  

Hookers are paid to do what you want them to do.

Why would you expect an honest answer?

You know better than this!

Posted By: mrfisher

Plus how may woman feel the same way all the time anyway?  We want what we want when we want it. I'll take dining out one night AND having some of your famous lasagna the next...and a late brunch too...counting the weeks....

And no DocWho, it ain't Stouffers! ;-)

Steph xoxo

an escort doesnt ignore the qualities she finds attractive in a man. she can for a little while- that's what the donation is for- but eventually...  

Posted By: Dr Who revived
Or are you talking about civvie dating?  
 I gotta tell you mrfissure...you honestly scare me at times.  
Posted By: mrfisher
or do you expect to at least be consulted, if not completely deferred to in regard to decisions such as where to dine and what to see and do during long term dates.    
  This is notwithstanding the fact that as the customer, he (or she - hi Lopaw.) has the final say.    
  I have seen the whole gamut regarding this, so I'm interested in what the breakdown is on here.

VOO-doo674 reads

Some of my longtime clients like to plan things they know I'll particularly enjoy (so long as they enjoy the same things). I do have some extremely nice clients :-D

However, I'm getting paid... so 90% of the time, I defer to his preferences. There is one particular type of food I can't eat, and I usually mention that upfront to avoid an awkward situation... but aside from that, when a client makes a suggestion, I will agree.  I don't necessarily think there's anything wrong with that... I've been induced to try some new things that way :) Some experiences I'd repeat, some not so much... but it's never a bad thing to go to a place I'd never have chosen (or been aware of) myself.  

There have been a few times where I've said in a falsely casual way, 'Well, there's an excellent seafood place just a few doors down from the hotel.' And then been REALLY bummed when he said he wanted to try the pub across the street because 'Paddy O'Connell' was his great-grandfather's name. But I would never argue, or sulk... I'd find something I liked, and would sing its praises.  

Since I see a lot of visitors to NYC, they often want me to recommend a place. I usually ask him for his preferences as to type of food and location. I mention 3 or 4 very different types of places (all over the map in terms of casual/fine dining and moderately priced/very expensive). I also offer to do more research if he requests.  

As for concerts/events, I've been both pleasantly surprised, and completely bored to death. I only make suggestions if the guy asks me for ideas.  

If a guy gives me a choice, and asks me to pick... I'll try to gauge HIS preference, and go with that

I like the way you take charge in a very disarming way
while keeping your client front and center. Nice

I also defer to his or her preferences, and will also provide a nice variety of choices if s/he asks for a recommendation. I always offer to recommend something if they are from out of town. If they ask my preference, I have absolutely no problem offering up my opinions, which will include his/her tastes as well. I love it when his/her choices meld nicely with mine! :)

VOO-doo477 reads

then I'm game.  

Actually, given the choice, I'd prefer to do something THAT far off the beaten path, than get dragged to McDonald's or even TGI Friday's.

But I actually prefer a brunch with eggs, bacon, hash browns and pancakes.

IHOP works for me.

Never cared for TGIF.

Posted By: VOO-doo
then I'm game.  
 Actually, given the choice, I'd prefer to do something THAT far off the beaten path, than get dragged to McDonald's or even TGI Friday's.

a lady I've seen many times.  I asked her on email which place she wanted to dine and got radio silence. Nothing.

The only reason  I ever ask is in case she has a aversion to particular food or any other activity. if she doesn't like seafood...

The same with activities. I don't want to take her to a casino if she doesn't like casinos BUT if she doesn't respond it's on her and she will have to sit in the casino twiddling her thumbs until I'm done.

...I would hope and encourage the provider to take the wheel and drive. I'm lousy at choosing dining destinations and if it's left up to me I'll take her to a stripclub. Lol maybe she'd like that.

Hi mrfisher! {waving}

-- Modified on 9/25/2016 8:34:55 AM

usually i run it past my date in advance, discussing my plans on a date previous to the dinner date: "so i thought we'd go to the cheesecaske factory for lunch.  they have a uni-sex bathroom in the back behind the store room with a lock.  i thought that after lunch you and i could go in and **^*!!* how's that sound?"

for those interested, the lady thought that was a great idea, but the cheesecake factory had remodeled and the bathroom was now up front with a translucent door.  we settle for a bbbj in the parking garage, before going back to her incall.

Yes you are paying for the session, so you should get the experience you want. And for the best experience, it would be best to discuss with your provider about the date and offer up options or ask her opinion. The decision is ultimately yours, but you'll have a much better time if she's enjoying herself too. If she's not open to anything you say, find a different provider or pay for a bad night.

In civilian land on a first date I have found that the majority of ladies want you to plan and call the shots on what, when and where. Think they like the effort and just want to go with the flow on date 1.  

Date 2 or beyond seems like more of a give and take thing.... which is where I try and drop out gracefully😏

Civvies and longer sessions (with dinner decisions etc), it's somewhat automatic that the man "takes charge." I mean, you ask, "Would you like to go to The Stinky Rosé for dinner tomorrow evening at 7:00?" If you were to ask, "Do you want to go to dinner someplace sometime?" she wouldn't know what to wear, when to be ready, what sort of cuisine is being offered, and maybe what kind of a date you're suggesting. If she doesn't like the idea she can turn it down or suggest a different restaurant or a different time. But you sort of have to suggest something specific to start things rolling, so if that's what you mean by a guy taking charge I would guess that most women prefer that. At least most in my limited experience. If you mean some heavy macho trip, then I have no idea what they like as that's not really my style.

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