TER General Board

Escorting is way better then sugar daddy.
computerman 5927 reads
1 / 44


Sugar Dating is a rapidly growing industry with several sites servicing the industry.  The biggest, SeekingArrangements (SA) seems to be going the way of BackPage, Craigslist, etc. as it has been overrun by bad elements - many are complaining (especially at $70/month subscription!)

Also, since Sugar Dating is the new big thing, shouldn't there be a section for it as well?  Plus info. about Sugar Babies (SBs) for all the sites other than just SA? Sites like StrikeUps.com, ArrangementFinders.com, Sugardaddyforme.com, etc.?

Personally, I havent used a true provider for several years preferring the Sugar Dating and the fun and personal touch of Sugar Dating.

-- Modified on 9/18/2016 10:18:34 AM

Iheartsports 845 reads
2 / 44

Just a thought. I know a few clients struggle seeing a SB and can't find a serious one so they meet providers and just talk about making arrangements with her. Sometimes it can range from 10k to whatever but that's between the client and provider.  

I know this is not the question you were asking but I thought I should put it out there since some do not know that is a option in the hobby world. You'll even notice " exclusive arrangements" or "long term arrangements" even SB used on websites or ads lately

quantavore 999 reads
3 / 44

The TER board "The Erotic Highway" covers sugar dating. You may want to check it out, especially Sweetman's most recent post.

hiddenhills 143 Reviews 775 reads
4 / 44

Posted By: computerman
 Sugar Dating is a rapidly growing industry with several sites servicing the industry.  The biggest, SeekingArrangements (SA) seems to be going the way of BackPage, Craigslist, etc. as it has been overrun by bad elements - many are complaining (especially at $70/month subscription!)  
 Also, since Sugar Dating is the new big thing, shouldn't there be a section for it as well?  Plus info. about Sugar Babies (SBs) for all the sites other than just SA? Sites like StrikeUps.com, ArrangementFinders.com, Sugardaddyforme.com, etc.?  
 Personally, I havent used a true provider for several years preferring the Sugar Dating and the fun and personal touch of Sugar Dating.  

-- Modified on 9/18/2016 10:18:34 AM

russbbj 89 Reviews 616 reads
5 / 44

Or else this would be a boring existence.

I don't find the SB alternative attractive at all, with a SB you have to deal with all the bullshit of a relationship and you have to work at it, if I wanted that I'd just start dating again. No thank you.

I'll keep at what works, and P4P works wonderful to me. There's none of the billshit, I get the best of her and she gets the best of me, I know exactly what her motivation is and visa versa. It's such a perfect arrangement that SB/SD sprung up from the concept, and some people think SB/SD is an improvement of P4P, I'm not one of them.

1angelinajones See my TER Reviews 701 reads
7 / 44

You referred to "Sugar Dating", as more of a "personal touch".
Please expound on what the "personal touch" aspect of it is for you?
I am obviously a P4P Courtesan, however, I have also been a SB and
am always seeking an arrangement, which I enjoy immensely.

Oft-times I hear of SB arrangements from some of my clients, and it
appears to me, it is just a Provider situation, whom he sees regularly.
I know the difference, however, how is it different for you Sir?

What are your thoughts @Computerman?

Angelina Jones

Kitty76 See my TER Reviews 932 reads
8 / 44

There's actually no difference between the 2. SBs provides the same as the Providers on this site.  
  But just don't forget the providers on Eroticism Review.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 732 reads
9 / 44

Lots of info there. I took at look at it and it seems like THE place for tips on how to pay the very least possible to a SB, then re-negotiate for even less as the guys move forward with a SB. Not saying this in a negative context, just saying what I see when I took a little time to read it. Personally I think Admin should rename the Board Sugarland, lol.  

There seems to be a 180 difference on what an arrangement is from the guys perspective and what I've read online for tips for the Sugar Babies.

Honestly, probably some of the best SDs money wise for SBs won't be found on that board but more power to them if it works for all involved!~

IMO there is more of a "courtship" going on with the SB/SD thing IMO.

Steph xoxo

-- Modified on 9/18/2016 7:33:37 AM

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 718 reads
10 / 44

And ended up bailing out a few months in when the "attention" (texting, calling, FaceTime, emails, etc.) becomes annoying and starts intruding on my daily life. Regular providers are much lower maintenance and therefore a much more attractive option for me. They don't want to text unless it pertains to scheduling and neither do I most of the time.

Dr Who revived 843 reads
11 / 44

At least his "style" of SD/sb probably is what many of YOU want to hear  LOL

I suspect you know that there are so many ways to play in P4P...oh wait, you're only 23 y/o.  So your vast experience is quite limited.  If being an hourly hooker works for you..great.  But to allege that the stories that many are now sharing on TEH are "delusional" is simply a self-serving piece of nonsense coming from you.

My observation on just how close TERLand and SugarLand have moved over the past 5 years or so is impressive.  I expect it to continue as guys realize that the hourly arrangements are quite prevalent in SugarLand.  

Yes Lisa...I get why YOU and others like you are scared of this happening.  But to pretend it isn't...well, good luck with that.

Posted By: LisaLang
So it isn't that new! I'm 23 now and just do this. And if you play your cards right and know how to filter out the 'splenda daddies' or delusional time wasters like the guys who frequent the Erotic Highway, it can be a great thing! I was with my last guy for 4.5 years. We had chemistry, learned a lot about each other's perspective in life, and all around just had fun. He got 'soft' towards the end and I drastically matured. But it wasn't meant to be. I benefited a lot from that relationship apart from the materialistic side of it. We loved each other in our own ways. The guys from the Erotic Highway/comedy central just don't have any charm whatsoever. Just lies and delusions. But yes, it can be great being in a SB/SD relationship but not as convenient than contacting a provider, doing the deed and have to worry about them being strung out over you.

VOO-doo 608 reads
12 / 44

I like spending time with clients, but I love my freedom. And not just freedom, in the sense of being able to go where I wish with whom I wish (or alone)... freedom, meaning that I'm able to fully disengage when I'm not working. When I'm on my own time, I want to focus on my own life... I don't want to be constantly pinged with 'Whazzzzup???' or have to constantly field chatty emails/texts/calls. Or get so stressed out by someone I actually dread seeing him and have stomachaches in the days leading up to our date.  

This past winter, I had a client who sent me emails all day (he would have texted, but I told him I didn't receive texts as an excuse for ignoring several hundred - literally - of his).  

He was really into shoes, stockings, toys, and lingerie... he was a good regular for a while. But after making an appointment, he'd literally send me 100 emails about things he though I should buy for the appointment. He usually paid me back when I saw him, but it was a lot of time and hassle for me (and a lot of cash to advance)... and my phone was ALWAYS blowing up. Literally, he'd send me 40 different emails in the space of 15 minutes, all containing a link to a different item to buy.  

He'd also want to chat during *his* free time...

It stressed me to the point where I had trouble sleeping sometimes. Even when I was doing other things, I'd think of him... and I'd KNOW that there would be an email (or 70) waiting for me (even though I would try not to look at my phone). And it made me feel so annoyed and stressed, I couldn't focus on my other work, or enjoy the things I normally liked doing. My other (civvie) job suffered as a result of my lack of focus.

It just became too much for me. Then, he started to become more emotionally attached, and did something really inappropriate... so I cut him off. I resolved to myself... NEVER again.  

I recently cut off a new client, because I could see things going in that direction. Like, I'd tell him (after 10 emails), 'Have a great weekend! I'll confirm with you on Monday!' and he'd reply, 'Oh, since you mention the weekend... any plans??? I'm doing xxx and xxxx. So where do you want to eat when we see each other next?' That wasn't his only issue... he literally begged me to stay with him overnight after paying for a dinner date, and told me that he wanted to date me IRL. He might have been a nice regular for me, but not at the cost of my peace of mind

Dr Who revived 573 reads
13 / 44

You are one of those that I honestly couldn't stand to be around for more than a nano-second.  In your "vast" experience (you claim to be 23...so just HOW many years have your been hooking) you now know ALL the sb's and how they interact with SD's.  And YOU know how all SD's interact with sb's.  I'm sure you know EVERY person that has ever paid for sex...or received money for sex.  You're the smartest person in the world.

Now go sit down in the corner and let the adults here have a nice conversation

Dr Who revived 789 reads
14 / 44

I guess since you don't believe any of those stories, I then suggest that ALL of your reviews are likely fakes?

And that ALL your reviewers are hot, hung and 25 y/o GQ models.  LOL

When you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging.

But I've read your posts on here...and you're just not all that swift to realize that you're in a hole.

Again....go sit in the corner and let the adult's discuss adult topics.  You are the exact type of hooker that posts her shit on SA and can't get any dude to pay you.  There's a reason for it toots...maybe shut your trap for a few and pay attention to why the dudes pass you over...well, actually just won't pay for your nonsense.  Best to stick to being an hourly hooker...then the dude can just phuck and leave.  And most likely won't need to listen to your insane ramblings.

Yep...something for everyone.
Posted By: LisaLang
I never claimed to know every SB out there. You're the one who commented negatively on my post. I've got you all bent out of shape because I stated my own opinion and am certain that the majority of the guys who claim to get super cheap and/or even freebies from girls old enough to be their daughters they found on sugar-baby/sugar-daddy websites are liars. Bahaha! Take a chill pill and Fallback! Thanks! Peace!

Dr Who revived 763 reads
15 / 44

You seem to bounce all over the place on what reality you're presenting.  So help me out...you claim that all those "liars" on TEH are delusional...but yet the dudes who have written those reviews that are on your profile page are all "true"?

Perhaps you can amuse the rest of the class and explain all your otherworldly experience in SugarLand encompassed 2 years?  Or did you phuck strange as a teen unable to give consent?  And that you were on SA back then?

Please also consider taking some additional education at your local community college.  The gals that play in SugarLand that are "near your age" seem to be in school.  It really would help you with your critical thought process.  And just may be the exit from P4P for you.

Have a good day.
Posted By: LisaLang
Oh yes! I paid every single reviewer even the well established men on here. They are ALL fakes, you got me! Darn it! You are so brilliant. Oh my, I've been exposed! And yes, I'm a bitch who still gets PLENTY of dates. I'll survive and I have. Have a good day sir! :)

MidnightKitty 595 reads
16 / 44

I think the lines between the two have been blurring for some time but there are some distinct differences. My first foray into this type of thing was as a sugarbaby. I was in undergrad and it seemed like a great way to help pay for my tuition. At that time, I did find a few decent sugar daddies but none lasted long. After about a year, I transitioned to this. Sugar relationships have been a hot topic in the media and it has led to an influx of people who are not suited to it, both men and women. Traditionally, it was ultra rich men and ultra hot women. Now, it's any guy making above minimum wage and any lady who needs some cash.

Pretty much any guy can go and make a fake profile, say that he is a millionaire. Tons of ladies will email and he can get a different lady every night of the week. You can make all sorts of fake promises that stupid women will fall for. But that is what you are getting, someone dumb or someone desperate. I don't think most professional, high achieving men would find that particularly entertaining for long. On the flip side, women can be flaky as well. They want the quick money and may flit from gent to gent, whoever has the best offer gets her attention. That and you cannot guarantee discretion. Sugarbabies typically don't have much of an online presence. No website, no ads, maybe stolen pics, nothing to lose.  

I think sugar relationships make people feel better about what they are doing, that it is not so transactional but I think that's totally false. As I mentioned, most of the time I saw a guy for less than six months. As a provider, I have clients I have seen for years. I know way more about my clients and feel closer to many of them than I ever did as a sugarbaby. I think most guys who are looking for a sugarbaby just like the thrill of the chase or are cheap. My clients know I am discreet and I will not bother them between dates. A sugarbaby could cause a whole lot of trouble for you, especially if you have given her personal information.

GaGambler 722 reads
17 / 44

Or maybe she holds a doctorate in "hooker/SB math" as she "claims" to have been an SB for 4 1/2 year, she "claims" to be 23, yet her reviews go back to 2014.  

I don't have the heart, or the patience to explain this to her, but maybe you could find someone versed in numbers, maybe even an accountant, to explain to her why this makes no sense anyone who can actually add or subtract?

Dr Who revived 418 reads
18 / 44

And is actually 32?

Hey...aren't you one of those delusional liars on TEH?
Posted By: GaGambler
Or maybe she holds a doctorate in "hooker/SB math" as she "claims" to have been an SB for 4 1/2 year, she "claims" to be 23, yet her reviews go back to 2014.  
 I don't have the heart, or the patience to explain this to her, but maybe you could find someone versed in numbers, maybe even an accountant, to explain to her why this makes no sense anyone who can actually add or subtract?

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 711 reads
20 / 44

biggest difference...I didn't find it necessary to go after the guys on the EH. I tried to state what I observed there and pointed out there seems to be a 180 on the tips for SD and SB out there and yes I believe from a financial point the that "best" SDs bucks wise won't be found there. Personally I think just like in my world of P4P that the SB world there are HDH types and other types.  

No real need to make the guys on the EH look like imbeciles. If ya'll are getting what you need and there are some gals who play it in the hundred or so bucks or a nice dinner and a little gift or whatever the agreement is for, then okay, even if I cringe a tad so what? If ya'll are happy and those SBs are okay with it, it is what it is.

Steph xoxo

-- Modified on 9/18/2016 12:10:10 PM

-- Modified on 9/18/2016 12:34:25 PM

GaGambler 677 reads
21 / 44

but that doesn't mean I come on here and call them imbeciles for their choices.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 645 reads
22 / 44

-- Modified on 9/18/2016 12:55:31 PM

Dr Who revived 448 reads
23 / 44

I guess she just isn't into you.  You're probably not that hot, hung and 25 y/o GQ model she yearns for.

Sorry  :(

Kikiloverkink See my TER Reviews 506 reads
24 / 44

I tried sugar dating before but it just wasn't for me, it toke a long time. Lol... the men on seeking arrangement expect too much for so little. I feel escorting is more up front and without confusion, some sugar daddies want to get everything out of you then talk about let's negotiate an arrangement. Nooo noo buddy!  
And meeting up for coffee to negotiate. So awkward ! Why would you want to discuss such a personal arrangement out on public when anyone can hear. ?

LoboGris 3 Reviews 771 reads
25 / 44

rill for lithium rich brine deposits

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 762 reads
27 / 44

I just want to pull them over and slap them, especially when I'm following a Prius up a 6% grade!

12pointbuck75 18 Reviews 629 reads
28 / 44

The meeting is a real date with a lot less controls on time.    You have more control on looks and a little better sex with an escort.    More on the menu with a pro.    Cost is not that different.    An SB will take a trip with you and no extra charge.   Taking one to the beach for a week with no extra charge or even talked about.     The NSA I think is going to have more strings than you think.

CuriousSort 529 reads
29 / 44

Oh, I beg to differ!  Very seldom does an escort get wet when I'm with her.  I can get her to cum usually but I don't feel like she is really turned on most of the time. Whereas, the sugar babies I have met get very turned on and seem to be way more orgasmic (presumably because she is turned on)  It makes a big difference for me.  When I'm with a woman who is clearly turned on by me it makes the whole experience more rewarding for me.  Plus, we generally talk every day which makes it very much more a relationship.  In addition, there is no clock watching.  I could spend 4 hours with her if I wanted to.

For the most part, they have not really even demanded any money.  I've given some as a caring gesture.

Don't get me wrong...I love the escorts I have met but to compare the two as being about the same I have to disagree with that.

Posted By: Kitty76
There's actually no difference between the 2. SBs provides the same as the Providers on this site.  
   But just don't forget the providers on Eroticism Review.

CuriousSort 863 reads
30 / 44

Don't lump everyone in the same boat.  The 3 women I have seen all have feelings for me and I have feelings for them.  The reason why I've not had to spend much money is because I'm a good guy and women like me because I treat them with respect, I go out of my way to make them feel beautiful, special and wanted.  I'm a gentle and passionate lover.  For many of these women...that's all they want.  They want to be treated like something other than a sex object and for someone to genuinely care about their thoughts and feelings and what is important to them.  And they want good sex to boot.

I talk with them every day...usually off and on all day long.  The reason I am seeing 3 women is because I don't know where things will go.  Ultimately I want to have a meaningful relationship with one woman.  I want to see where things go.  One of the 3 has expressed that she wants the same things I do.  We may end up committing to a relationship in which case I probably won't see anyone else.

Posted By: LisaLang
The guys from the Erotic Highway/comedy central just don't have any charm whatsoever. Just lies and delusions.

computerman 631 reads
32 / 44

Well, I didn't think my original post would cause such a stir lol...  But seriously, I think she is right.  I have been with my SB (can she even be called that at this point) for nearly a year.  We live together, I'm helping her with school (both scholastically and with tuition) and we really push each other in terms of life's goals.  I believe that there is something for everyone in "Sugarland" however.

Quite a number of providers are posing as SBs now -the big Sugar Dating sites like SeekingArrangement.com are loaded with them.  Also, there are a large number of "Splena-daddies" that are really just looking for hourly escorts. The smaller ones like StrikeUps.com are still more tame.  

Anymore, it takes work to find that right arrangement but they are there.  
Posted By: LisaLang
Don't know who Zangari is but no you're wrong, I'm not afraid of the SD/SB world 'overtaking' the escort world because A. It will never happen. And B. because I can always go back to that. I even said it can be a great thing if you play your cards right and know what you're doing. Communication and having boundaries plays a key factor like it does in everything else. And yes, I truly believe the stories put out there in the E.H. board are fictional or at least the majority of them. But that's just my opinion from having done this for yeards! And knowing several other SB's who would never do freebies after signing up on SA or any other SB/SD website. It doesn't make sense. We can agree to disagree. But I live in the real world.  
Posted By: Dr Who revived
At least his "style" of SD/sb probably is what many of YOU want to hear  LOL  
  I suspect you know that there are so many ways to play in P4P...oh wait, you're only 23 y/o.  So your vast experience is quite limited.  If being an hourly hooker works for you..great.  But to allege that the stories that many are now sharing on TEH are "delusional" is simply a self-serving piece of nonsense coming from you.  
  My observation on just how close TERLand and SugarLand have moved over the past 5 years or so is impressive.  I expect it to continue as guys realize that the hourly arrangements are quite prevalent in SugarLand.    
  Yes Lisa...I get why YOU and others like you are scared of this happening.  But to pretend it isn't...well, good luck with that.  
Posted By: LisaLang
So it isn't that new! I'm 23 now and just do this. And if you play your cards right and know how to filter out the 'splenda daddies' or delusional time wasters like the guys who frequent the Erotic Highway, it can be a great thing! I was with my last guy for 4.5 years. We had chemistry, learned a lot about each other's perspective in life, and all around just had fun. He got 'soft' towards the end and I drastically matured. But it wasn't meant to be. I benefited a lot from that relationship apart from the materialistic side of it. We loved each other in our own ways. The guys from the Erotic Highway/comedy central just don't have any charm whatsoever. Just lies and delusions. But yes, it can be great being in a SB/SD relationship but not as convenient than contacting a provider, doing the deed and have to worry about them being strung out over you.

John_Laroche 771 reads
33 / 44

Not that there's anything wrong with it!

John_Laroche 445 reads
34 / 44

SBs are already in denial that they are escorts. I just think the concept of an untimed date/arrangement is more likely to lead to at least one in the party to develop either emotional feelings or dependency like a RL relationship. That may be fine for single guys/girls, but those with SOs shouldn't risk it.

Should SBs have their own section here? As others have said, plenty of chat on the Erotic Highway board. Since virtually nothing can be verified via common experience (reviews) or input (ads) from the SB, I'm skeptical of many of the stories, but to each his own. It obviously fills a gap between RL dating and escorting that some are seeking, but the fact that most discussions here tend to include reports of significantly lower costs per engagement, it's tough for escorts to not get defensive

VelvetVacation See my TER Reviews 696 reads
35 / 44

I find it interesting to see people delude themselves into thinking this isn't a form of Prostitution,
worthy of being Reviewed

computerman 504 reads
36 / 44

How does one get to the Erotic Highway (Sugar Dating board)?

Posted By: John_Laroche
SBs are already in denial that they are escorts. I just think the concept of an untimed date/arrangement is more likely to lead to at least one in the party to develop either emotional feelings or dependency like a RL relationship. That may be fine for single guys/girls, but those with SOs shouldn't risk it.  
 Should SBs have their own section here? As others have said, plenty of chat on the Erotic Highway board. Since virtually nothing can be verified via common experience (reviews) or input (ads) from the SB, I'm skeptical of many of the stories, but to each his own. It obviously fills a gap between RL dating and escorting that some are seeking, but the fact that most discussions here tend to include reports of significantly lower costs per engagement, it's tough for escorts to not get defensive.  

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 696 reads
38 / 44

Nor is the phone call in the middle of the night for money. Man, I remember those days. Where the guy wouldn't cough it up - said he owned huge companies and gave me $60 for gas for every overnight - was extremely territorial, made promises for the future, but the audition process was over a month - then the chinese pimp who pissed all over me and showed me pictures of 120 other young girls. Then the guy who handed me a business card - who thought it was funny to kill people - you know - the wannabe mob guys.

Let's see - what else. Oh. The one I met here when I first started - that was a fun time. (He hated being called a SD, but I still called him the real deal lol.) That was really fun and he was not a cheap dude. Taught me how to let a man buy me stuff lol!

I really like the cut and dry guaranteed money, guaranteed sex. I think over time my website is going to mirror something of the like as an option, I don't like meeting much more than 10 people in a month anyway, but if I'm going to "arrange" anything with anyone, I need to get to know them over some time.

-- Modified on 9/19/2016 9:38:09 AM

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 648 reads
39 / 44

On both sides. Sure you can "screen" them, but really neither nor can in an easy way. People are so adamant about reviews at $160 an hour - then what - you spend how much to see a girl that has zero background or rep. 🤔🤔🤔

-- Modified on 9/19/2016 9:34:24 AM

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 589 reads
40 / 44

Entering into the sex industry, be it sugar, escort, whatever - you're a sex object. Once a client starts singing "Roxanne" to me - I know he's looking to stop paying.

Clients' priority - sex
Providers (SW's of any kind) priority - money.

Some clients want to give the money. Some providers want to give the sex. (Not all I'm sure - but why on earth would you want to be with someone if they don't feel comfortable being a sex object?)

As far as respect is concerned, if you respect me as a human being, you'll pay me to do the job you sought me out for - in Sugar Land - we all know that is less - and it works for a lot of people. But to sing Roxanne - you don't have to put on the red light - for me, what it is really saying is "Roxanne - please don't make me pay! I'm a good person."

Pretty much telling the lady what she does for a living is degrading. And it's not. Being a sex object is great - we are "human" and "humans" were built to give and receive sex. The world tells us to be ashamed of sexuality. I want to be as far away as possible from having sex with someone who is ashamed of what I do.

Not all clients are disrespectful - they appreciate the fact that they are having sex with another human - so they treat them like a human - fully enjoying mutually consented sex with them is part of treating another like a human. lol

-- Modified on 9/19/2016 10:25:56 AM

1angelinajones See my TER Reviews 736 reads
41 / 44

Posted By: CuriousSort
Oh, I beg to differ!  Very seldom does an escort get wet when I'm with her.  I can get her to cum usually but I don't feel like she is really turned on most of the time. Whereas, the sugar babies I have met get very turned on and seem to be way more orgasmic (presumably because she is turned on)  It makes a big difference for me.  When I'm with a woman who is clearly turned on by me it makes the whole experience more rewarding for me.  Plus, we generally talk every day which makes it very much more a relationship.  In addition, there is no clock watching.  I could spend 4 hours with her if I wanted to.  
 For the most part, they have not really even demanded any money.  I've given some as a caring gesture.  
 Don't get me wrong...I love the escorts I have met but to compare the two as being about the same I have to disagree with that.  
*Response:  I'VE GOT NEWS FOR YOU LUV, and I politely say, this is only my very
                  humble opinion, from being a SB, several times over,
                  so please do not think I'm disrespecting your situation...but

You Sir, are in a full-blown relationship; a boyfriend-girlfriend type of arrangement.  
If you are married, you have a "Goomar";  {a word which was frequently used in  
"The Sopranos".  It means "girlfriend, or mistress on-the-side".}

"Talking everyday"?  I don't even speak to my father daily!  
You believe in your mind perhaps, that it is "an arrangement relationship"
however, it really appears as you've described, that it is much more.
Did your heart skip-a-beat every time you spoke daily?  
Did you revel, savor, and hang on her every word?  That's a relationship.
Do you get jealous if she doesn't answer your calls in two hours or three?
Or does jealousy seep in if she tells you she's "going out with girlfriends"?
{it means, she's seeing another man}

In addition, you've stated, you are not giving a monthly stipend, just giving money
as a "caring gesture".  
One does not have a SB without an agreement for consistent monies.
Otherwise, it is simply a dating situation, or a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship.
Perhaps I am dead wrong.

A SB generally requires a weekly or monthly stipend.  
A SB does not usually speak to one's SD daily, or even sometimes, weekly.
I guess it all depends on the status of one's SD.  
You Sir, could possibly be the CEO of a Fortune 500 Company for all I know, and
perhaps you are a "diamond-in-the-rough", for her, and only her.

Most SB's also have "boyfriends", "husbands", and other SD's.  
If they tell you they do not, then you have a "single" SB.  
Good for you, however, most beautiful young women always have something on-the-go.  
As do you yourself, Sir, no?   Let's all be very honest here....
In today's society where by a single keystroke, one can have anything one's heart
desires, it is not very likely that you are her "one and only".

I only had one SD at a time, and a boyfriend, as I was a multi-tasking,  
globetrotting career woman, an Entreprenuer, and a single woman in a city where  
good looking, successful young men were a dime-a-dozen.
The only thing I had a lack of, was hours in the day!  
I didn't have much time for commiserating and/or socializing more than once weekly.

My SD's all were extremely busy, as well.  They were worldwide travelers, whom I did  
not care to speak to all the time.

I'm the type of woman whom, even if I was married, I don't need to know one's whereabouts, every waking moment, or even daily.
That aspect of a relationship is truly exhausting, and counterproductive to one's focus.
That is why I do not care to be in a "traditional relationship", I'd just rather be a Provider with
NSA, guests, whom I enjoy and adore, but have no contact whatsoever with,  
outside of this realm.

My significant SD's were off playing their professional sport, making movies, or commanding  
multi-million dollar business deals.  No time for chitter-chatter.
Though I adored them, it was not a situation where I cared to be involved in their daily  
itinerary, nor gave a hoot, about where they were and with whom!  
Chances are, they were with their other Goomar, or most likely their golf buddies, or  
occasionally the wife.  

Whatever it is that they were doing, I did think of them, and I know they thought of me.
But it wasn't via daily phone calls.  
They sent unexpected gifts;  additional monies atop my weekly/monthly stipend,
furs in the winter, plane tickets to Cabo for myself and girlfriends, a convertible  
Mercedes from one, and a Range Rover from another.

Of course I wanted to speak to them and say "oh my goodness, you are too amazing, and
too wonderful", and "oh, I can't wait to show you how much I appreciate your generosity!"  However, speaking daily?  No, nunca!

No, I am NOT a non-feeling robot, and indeed some deeper emotions were involved with  
a few.  However, I kept my thoughts/and or feelings completely to myself.  

I admit, I even had a good cry or two over them, wishing that the particular ones whom  
I had great fondness for would only be with me.  
Yet, being a realist from a very young age, I soon came to my "blonde" senses,  
knowing full well, they're not leaving their wives for me;
"it's cheaper to keep her".

One ultimately goes into a arrangement knowing that "the loving  them part", is not even remotely acceptable nor desired in a SB/SD arrangement.

I suspect Sir, that if you were to completely stop seeing this woman, she would have
hurt "feelings", and yourself as well, would perhaps experience a sense of loss?
That would be a "breakup".  A relationship ending.
Real SD/SB arrangements just tend to part their ways, and say "it's been wonderful, and
amazing, however,  it's over.

Pavliena See my TER Reviews 425 reads
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As there is a fantasy of true love and- and - who knows ? May be it is there true love with porno skills and no drama when provider is involved and 7 K is just a month and not 3 days:)  

My favorite and how I am making it.

Yet very open to more:)  new arrangements.

I am not available for sex services .. just for love making:)  

Yet I am reading here posting and advertising.  HERE - not on SB sites.  just visit SB parties and next would be in NYC September 28  

See you there.

-- Modified on 9/19/2016 11:48:37 PM

Pavliena See my TER Reviews 535 reads
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those who do well - those do not post all nonsense about SB  they do have them.

I should not post at all - yet my gay just having fun  reading  all what those on Erotic highway posting and he knows how passion  I am if something would step on my nerve so he is forgiving me when I am posting here. Yet how many times he told me not to post and not take those who do post seriously . So you also do not take them seriously .. they just can not have you.
 You are stunning woman and is very wise

computerman 710 reads
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