TER General Board

Err….” seemingly normal” young woman?
lanier53 1167 reads
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lanier53 391 reads
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By way of explanation, I know a beautiful early 30's girl who is a bodybuilder and stripper...but in the past 12 years she has acquired maybe 20+ tattoos. I can understand one or two (even though I'm 50+, and no one but sailors got one in my day), what makes a great looking, seemingly normal young woman do this? Just curious...

Bostonguy57 48 Reviews 244 reads
3 / 24

I mean seriously, you are going to get a different answer from every woman you ask. What's the point of asking it here...

Macdaddy318 244 reads
4 / 24

People have different ideas of what's attractive.
I am a provider and have tattoos, under ten, but yes they're noticable. The only people who don't like them are uptight businessmen who travel and "love their wife" lmao. In short, your opinion doesn't matter.

Aileysalley 204 reads
5 / 24

I think there is a certain sexyness to them...I personally don't have one, however I have been thinking of getting one for a while now...

wizard1565 3 Reviews 346 reads
6 / 24

but is more or less a question of social classes where it is more or less acceptable.  Growing up and I am in my 40's bikesm truckers, now it has crept into the middle class more and more, so bottomline each to his/her own, EXCEPT my kid.

lanier53 215 reads
7 / 24

Hey folks, not passing judgment on anyone and their Tattoos...just curious as to the "why." Of course I asked her, and I got a very vague response...sort of a well I got one, then another, and so on.  And I don't think this is necessarily a class thing.  But it does seem to be more of an impulse for some...

St. Croix 193 reads
8 / 24

So far so good. I have a son 25 and a daughter 21 and no tattoos. I try to remind them to picture themselves at age 60 or 70, and explaining a shriveled up tattoo to their grandchildren. And I'm not talking about the WWII or Vietnam Vet you has a USMC tattoo.

Interesting comment about social classes. You generally don't see kids in graduate school with tattoos. If they have one, it's usually in a discrete location, not on their necks, arms, and legs.

sweetnicole1 See my TER Reviews 164 reads
9 / 24

my 18 yr old son wants one, has for a while.
I told him to think about it settle on what you want and think about that for another yr. If you still are certain you want that one, we can revisit this subject at that time. Not that he needs my permission at 18 but he lives in my house so I would hope he respects my request.
Its a forever decission and we all change. I prefer he not do so til he is certain of what he really wants.
I love tatoos, don't have any but I do think some tatoo artists are so very talented.  I could never decide what I wanted, never found "the one" so I have none.
A well thought out tatoo in the right place can be very sexy.

wizard1565 3 Reviews 215 reads
10 / 24

Two years ago my kid was a intern for a district court judge and state law requires all tattoos are no to be visible by court employees.  So on the hottest day, you had have to wear long sleeves or as in one court clerk case, a turtle neck.  Then she noticed it was the janitor or clerks and not one lawyer, one judge had a visiable tattoo - lesson learned

Asslater 35 Reviews 154 reads
11 / 24

I'm an anesthesiologist and do several epidurals each month.  It has become the rare exception at our hospital to see a woman's rump without a tattoo.  Honestly, most of them aren't all that nice.  Of course, I'm a businessman type who loves his wife. :)
One woman had an Asian character above her butt.  I asked her what it meant.  She sheepishly replied "pleasure".  That was awkward.

hotplants 251 reads
12 / 24

WTF is "normal"?

Hey, I bet she doesn't care who understands it. People get tats for all kinds of reasons. Nothing to be explained.

Don’t like the ink, don’t dip yer wick.

Free will and all that.

DAVBERTS 70 Reviews 140 reads
13 / 24

I love to kiss them as long as they are located above the ass cheeks. Breasts tats are not very attractive.

lanier53 122 reads
14 / 24

I must admit I was hoping to hear from more ladies about this...can't deny that one or two can be very sexy, but 15-20 simply are not, IMHO.

SinsOfTheFlesh See my TER Reviews 151 reads
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I got my first tattoo for a number of reasons. Being the youngest of five children who were all more or less screw ups, getting a tattoo was one of the few things I could do that my older siblings had not already done. Strange, I know, but there you have it.

But its more than that really. First of all, I'm 35 and I got my first tattoo when I was 18, fresh out of Navy boot camp, and this was a good decade or more before tattoos became "cool". I wanted one just to have one. But I also wanted one that meant something personal to me. I knew that someday my grandkids (I assumed then that eventually I'd get around to doing the Mommy thing, but never quite did), would ask me why I got my tattoo. I felt that "It sounded like a good idea" wasn't going to be a good enough answer, so I put a very great deal of thought into what I would tattoo permanently onto my body, and why.

I finally settled on a tattoo located on my shoulder blade so that it could be displayed if I wanted to show it off, or easily covered by clothing when I didn't want it seen. The image itself, is one that had deep personal meaning to me then, and perhaps prophetically has even deeper meaning to me today. Two years after my first tattoo I got a second one, and that one also has a very personal meaning for me. Five years after that, I went back and had something added to the third tattoo, sort of a finishing touch if you will.

The answer to your question about why so many though, that is an easy one. Tattoos are addictive. For me the urge to get inked was never so strong as in the weeks immediately following getting inked. Don't ask me why. Vince Neil (sp?) of the band Motley Crue talked about how addictive tattoos are, and about the fact that once you start its hard to stop. He is right.

I have thought about getting a third and final tattoo, and had planned on getting it done on the small of my back. Now that tattoos on a woman's back have become so popular though, I think I will forego the last tattoo. It would just feel too trendy, and for me, getting a tatoo has never been about being cool or hip. They are simply an expression of who I am.

St. Croix 160 reads
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he still is drawing funds from the bank of sweetnicole1. Considering that I still subsidize my kids (college), I feel I am titled for them to follow my terms and conditions. I know, I sound like an asshole. Both are interns this summer, and the good news is the other interns and employees don't tattoos, or at least visible tattoos. I am still learing about this Generation Y group.

RabbiShecky 137 reads
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sweetnicole1 See my TER Reviews 108 reads
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I actually like tatoos thats not really the reason behind my wanting him to wait. Its the fast decission making of youth, that concerns me.
I don't want him to regret his choices in 10yrs.

johngaltnh 6 Reviews 230 reads
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“Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD.”

Also see Mishnah Torah, Laws of Idolatry 12:11, Mishnah Makkot 3:6, etc. etc. Maimonides even talks about it.

Unlike the rules of kosher food, this was never explicitly overridden in the New Testament, so Christians should think carefully before getting tattoos as well.

Additional guidance for Christians come from the same place as for Jews, with the following New Testament addendum:

“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20


upncummin52 28 Reviews 161 reads
21 / 24

boob is now covering the belly button! Or the one on the upper arm is now a wrinkled wristband.
Really, a tatoo, or a couple well placed tats are sexy....but some ladies have gone to the "sideshow" extreme.  This is no longer sexy.
I think a lot of the ladies realize this and have pics taken that do not show them, or airbrush them out. Then when you meet, you think you are f**king a comic book!  If I do see a ton of tats in a pic, I usually say.....NEXT!!!

HDDOC96 13 Reviews 111 reads
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If you look at the top adult magazine in the world today (playboy) generally their models have few or no tattoos.  I do not believe this can be said of other men's magazines which seem to be the exception.  I personally consider a provider with no body modifications (i.e. tattoos, implants, piercings) more desirable and harder to find.  It is for that reason that i can understand some ladies charging more for their 100% natural beauty. But that just me. To each their own

OldFollowmeSailor 96 reads
24 / 24

I do not like your tone regarding Sailors.

Anchors Aweigh
Without Tattoos
2009 = 27

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