TER General Board

LasVegan 2165 reads
1 / 85

Bet many of us are curious......OK........maybe just some of us......at how providers would rate hobbyists.  We have seen threads ad infinitum on the merits of providers rating hobbyists.......but not a specific discussion board input from providers.

So maybe you ladies would indulge those of us who are interested.  Please let us know, if you could group all your client experiences into one overall average........how would you make a composite rating of your collective experiences with clients in the following categories;

On a scale of 1 to 10


Attractiveness (beauty is in the eye of the beholder and ONLY your opinion counts):


Average age (not scale 1 to 10):



Plus any category/categories you would like to add/with a rating.

Remember, here........only YOUR opinion counts.  Thank you in advance for helping hobbyists shed some light on how you really see us.

OnlyLiveTwice 25 Reviews 810 reads
2 / 85
LasVegan 877 reads
3 / 85

Of course you are entitled to your opinion........for opinions are like assholes............everyone has one.

But if you do not agree...........you could always refrain from reading my posts........or even block me for that matter.

Your choice...........and YOUR opinion..................of course.

LasVegan 718 reads
4 / 85

when I worked for a national investment management bank...............my clients were a business to me as well......but

That did not stop me from pondering how courteous, timely, considerate...........etc, they were.  Bet if they knew there was something they could do to enhance their experience.......they would consider it.

Just MY opinion NOW........yup.............everybody has one!

JohnyComeAlready 578 reads
5 / 85

I doubt if any of the guys are concerned about what other guys do or don't do?

I'm almost certain that the ladies aren't that concerned either.

Why are you concerned?

Alexandra Kole See my TER Reviews 846 reads
6 / 85

So unfortunately, he's ruined it for the majority of others, lol ; ) See, we actually CAN enjoy this...

Manners and respect go a VERY long way with me.

Physical attraction is a who cares. Not everyone is physically attractive. Personally, I find that one little thing about someone that I can relate to and run with it. We all have attractive qualities about us, they may just not always be physical.

Be prompt, but not early.

Age makes no general difference. My wheelhouse is late 40's-late 50's just because I seem to relate better in the sense of experience, etc. I won't generally see someone younger than myself.

Hygiene is hugely important, manscaping highly preferred! No one wants to fight through the nest to find the birdie, and I look about as attractive with a 4 foot long gray pube in my mouth as you do.  

Gratuities and gifts are never expected, but you can't imagine how just a little bowl of berries or a simple bottle of wine makes all the difference. A little extra effort is always greatly rewarded...

Happy hobbying ; )
Posted By: LasVegan
Bet many of us are curious......OK........maybe just some of us......at how providers would rate hobbyists.  We have seen threads ad infinitum on the merits of providers rating hobbyists.......but not a specific discussion board input from providers.  
 So maybe you ladies would indulge those of us who are interested.  Please let us know, if you could group all your client experiences into one overall average........how would you make a composite rating of your collective experiences with clients in the following categories;  
 On a scale of 1 to 10  
 Attractiveness (beauty is in the eye of the beholder and ONLY your opinion counts):  
 Average age (not scale 1 to 10):  
 Plus any category/categories you would like to add/with a rating.  
 Remember, here........only YOUR opinion counts.  Thank you in advance for helping hobbyists shed some light on how you really see us.
-- Modified on 6/14/2015 2:06:56 PM

Zangari 712 reads
7 / 85

Posted By: LasVegan
Of course you are entitled to your opinion...for opinions are like assholes...everyone has one.   But if you do not agree...you could always refrain from reading my posts....or even block me for that matter --snip--.
 Or he could post his opinion about your thread, which is exactly what "OnlyLiveTwice" did.  That's the purpose of a message board.  Everything you post on this board is open to interpretation & criticism.  If you can't handle that, then stay off the board.  

 Just because you're fishing for provider opinions about your lame ass thread, that doesn't exclude others from posting opinions here.  This isn't your talk show, dude.  omg.  --z

WildJimmy! 665 reads
8 / 85

I'd bet that to the extent providers categorize their clients, the important factors are things.

One i'd guess is-- do they show on time, and are they prone to arrive early and have to hang around outside?

Another probably is hygiene.

They probably consider how easy to get along with a guy is, or is it going to be a chore to put up with him.

Some might consider how good are the odds that he could be worked for more money, who's worth getting more tied up with and who's just passing through. That sort of thing.

So when she's getting ready for an appointment with someone she's seen, she might feel more comfortable if last time he showed up on time, was clean and friendly. I suppose repeats are usually a good sigm. These thoughts might affect how much effort she puts into things.

JohnyComeAlready 743 reads
9 / 85

So many things jokingly said get taken to heart, and feelings get hurt.  

I can barely joke with many of my male friends with out them catching feelings, maybe I need better friends?

LasVegan 727 reads
10 / 85

Thank you for your input.  Would you care to respond to my original post?

LasVegan 484 reads
11 / 85

not concerned in the least bit...........read my original post...........it has all the information you will need to understand my intent.

Oh and thank you for reading my post.

JohnyComeAlready 660 reads
12 / 85

You can create this client review board if you so desperately desire this information, or pay someone to do so.

I think it would just turn into a gossip site anyhow, this site turns gossipy at times.

I've made up fictitious events(perhaps loosely based in reality, or perhaps not) I even receive PMs asking who I'm talking about. I'd never say who it was if it's true, and I certainly will never correspond with a person looking for gossip material, nor would I ever visit with a known gossip.

702touch See my TER Reviews 457 reads
13 / 85

yeah...gotta agree, especially about the hygiene and for what i do ;)...keep in mind manners and respect start from the point of contact

LasVegan 497 reads
14 / 85

Hey, I am open-minded..........will admit it when I submit a dud post!  Am strongly considering going back to school and learning how to write English.

Was looking for an average in each category........and thought most providers would be happy to go down the list and put some numbers in.

But........looks like from the lack of responses.......was completely wrong.

Oh, well.

JohnyComeAlready 680 reads
15 / 85

With the exception of the age and eating of pubes comment.

I' say men should just be themselves, and if you don't like it don't see them. No one should adjust their behavior to please others.

Alexandra Kole See my TER Reviews 671 reads
16 / 85

What is opposie? And how do I know how you are unless I've seen you? Pretty silly comment. It's hard to avoid the ones I don't like unless I've seen you to know better, correct?

No one said don't be yourself. But if yourself means you haven't shaved or showered for days, don't come see me.

I'm expected to exhibit a certain degree of catering to you (which may require adjusting who I am a bit), why shouldn't you at least be hygienic?!  

There is no excuse for poor behavior.
Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
With the exception of the age and eating of pubes comment.  
 I' say men should just be themselves, and if you don't like it don't see them. No one should adjust their behavior to please others.

LasVegan 482 reads
17 / 85

Not really.......but somehow feel I may have hit a sensitive nerve.  We are all anonymous here.  Our privacy is being protected.  Within that context, I have nothing to hide.

No intent to build a hobbyist review board.........hell man......we do not want to make hobbyists angry.......they may stop frequenting providers all together!  What would that do towards attaining world peace?  Can you imagine millions of horny, ornery, middle aged (or older) men allowed to roam freely among an unsuspecting world population?  The results could be devastating.

But.....I come from a world where information can be helpful.  Please try not to be so serious and uptight.  Relax, and let the ladies give us some basic impressions.  How could that hurt anything......other than some broken down old male egos, which are so easy to shatter anyway

nom_de_plume 798 reads
18 / 85

... as long as the jokes aren't intended to injure the other person, and each party respects the opinion of the other even if they disagree.  

One of the best dates I've ever had with a provider included a dinner in which we discussed/debated religion (of all things). My date wasn't shy at all about letting me know when she thought I was wrong... but she listened to my POV also.  Very stimulating.  

The art of disagreeing without attacking the other person is something more people need to master... as evidence I submit the TER General Discussion Board.  ;)

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 629 reads
19 / 85

If my choice is to understand the ladies better or to understand my fellow hobbyists, I will take the former hands down, no question about it.   The problem with these general questions is that I would expect that there are guys who are prompt and guys who are not, guys who are clean and guys who are not, guys who are physically attractive and guys who are not, guys who have a modicum of brains and guys who do not, etc. etc.     My guess would be that most guys who do this with some regularity are fine on most accounts, those things that can be controlled such as promptness, respect and hygiene.   Sure, there are outliers, we know that, but as a bunch I would wager that we are fine.

My guess on physical attractiveness is that most of us are not physically attractive to the ladies.   I will undoubtedly get the comments saying "talk about yourself buddy," but most people are not what one would call universally attractive and it is such an artificial setting anyway.   The other day my W was talking with a bunch of women and she said she found Pierce Brosnan to be very attractive and four of them, including her sister, stated that he did nothing for them - her second suggestion, Sean Connery, got almost universal approval.  Consensus was that Pierce Brosnan was almost too pretty while Connery was "manly."   Go figure, I would have never guessed the outcome of that conversation in a million years if you just showed me photos of the two guys.

I said it the other day, one of the things that I find most amazing about the women in this business is that they can put those thoughts aside and be so nice to us.   I think it has to do a lot with what Alex said in her post, my guess is that they find some aspect of our personality that they can be attracted to that does not have to be physical and they concentrate on it.

LasVegan 519 reads
20 / 85

Exactly......hobbyists are paying for a service.....BUT.....that does not give them the right not to be considerate of providers.

When I go to a restaurant.....I am in charge.....I decide what I want to order......and I expect efficient and courteous service.

But that does not mean I am going to be an asshole.  I treat the server the way I want to be treated, with kindness, consideration, and respect.

And.......you would not believe the outstanding service I receive......almost every time........only exceptions are when the server is an asshole........and I know how to deal with them.......in a kind, polite, tactful, gentlemanly......but uncompromising manner.

LasVegan 652 reads
21 / 85

hope that made you feel better....."DUDE'......sounds like you need to get laid.  That's my opinion.

LasVegan 653 reads
22 / 85

Maybe you do not need new friends........maybe you need a new sense of humor.  Most NYers are too direct anyway and have no idea how others take their comments.

JohnyComeAlready 708 reads
24 / 85

Don't tell me you are so illiterate that you couldn't insert the T where need be?...

You would never make it as a proof reader.  

You may have noticed I said men should be themselves, if a man isn't already a gentleman, or can not act like one. He is never going to be, if he needs to be prompted on acting as a gentlemen. He isn't showing his true nature, and his true nature will be made known at some time.

Many clients are nice up to a certain point, wouldn't you rather that behavior show sooner rather than latter.  

some things don't need to be said. There is no need to take such a defensive tone to one of my innocuous postings.

JohnyComeAlready 621 reads
25 / 85

I think my friends just need a tampon.

Stickythong 742 reads
26 / 85

You are asking about reality. The smart ones don't do anything to detract from the fantasy. That would make any data collected of little to no value.

"I love my big clients." Not "I had to drive my shoulder into his massive gut to find the equipment."
"I love a manly man." Not "he had enough hair on his back to lose a house pet in."
"Age is only a number." Not "I never thought I would meet Methuselah dragging an oxygen tank.

LasVegan 494 reads
27 / 85

have an iced tea........put your feet up.......and relax.  Confident nobody is on here to be confrontational.......well ALMOST nobody.

Courtesy goes a long way.....

LasVegan 793 reads
28 / 85

Can not help but wonder what a provider is thinking when you make an appointment........is she happy to see you or happy to see you leave?

How about restaurants.......are you the person who always gets rotten service.......and can not understand why you are the ONLY one who received bad service from that and every server?

A little courtesy goes a long way.

May be easier for YOU.......AFTER you get laid.

1705218 10 Reviews 725 reads
29 / 85

Of All the stupid posts that crop up in this group this one rates as #1 of the SPOTDecade.

2236707 3 Reviews 523 reads
30 / 85


JohnyComeAlready 585 reads
31 / 85

My post was more about what wasn't said than what was said. No where did I say men should act like assholes, show up smelling like a disgusting old fuck, or anything like that.

I said men should be themselves. Perhaps everyone's definition of what a man is, isn't the same.

This is also a perfect example of why I said banter doesn't always work well between the sexes.

JohnyComeAlready 568 reads
32 / 85

I don't even have an ego, which may very well be a personality disorder in and of itself.

I just can't fathom what utility a site like that would provide. I don't believe providers think about their clients until the electric bill shows up. I'm just saying if anyone wants a site for providers to review clients on, the free market allows you or anyone else to create that site.

You are confusing being up tight with giving a truthful answer, and providing you with the information you requested.

...if you want you can search my posts, I've given plenty of input on this subject.

LasVegan 679 reads
33 / 85

Thank you for being open minded..........this post has not generated the response I thought.

But in specific reply to your input........that is why it is a composite average.

Hope this helps.

LasVegan 701 reads
34 / 85

some very good points.  But to a certain degree we all must be open to change.......maybe not our core values but only through change do we improve ourselves.

Myself......ABSOLUTELY included.

LasVegan 452 reads
35 / 85

if we can show them the respect and consideration they deserve.........maybe they can" sell us our fantasy" with a little less acting and a small degree of mutual understanding.  No matter the occupation.......no matter the job.......imagine how well people perform when they have positive motivation.

LasVegan 708 reads
36 / 85

why it was not directed at you.......but at the ladies.  Maybe you would have been considered as one of their LESS favorable clients.  I am sure even YOU do not pay ladies to HATE the time they spend with YOU.

Unless, of course that is one of your "kinks."

LasVegan 506 reads
37 / 85

No, no, no, no, no..........not a site.........nowhere did I mention a site.  Just on a one time, now only exchange of some basic information........was wondering if the ladies would provide some insight into what they experience.

No hobbyist names........no geographic associations......just because.

Yet, some hobbyists took exception to my post.  Did you ever notice instances where you do not get an answer to your question.......but in the way abstainers abstain.........you get even more information than you were seeking.......about the very people who are abstaining but you hope you asked in a way that would allow them to be anonymous?

This has been quite an experience for me.

LasVegan 669 reads
38 / 85

I was born in Manhattan and raised on LI.  If you do not know it by now..........NYers are VERY direct.  More direct than people from any other local.  I know because; "it takes one to know one."  Through my travels and sometimes the hard way, I learned about my own directness.......and through self-reflection......found a way to use it as a tool, not an obstruction.

JohnyComeAlready 397 reads
39 / 85

I wanted to say something negative about Twitter, in relation to the free market, the idea of a client review board and generating revenue, but forgot where I was going with it.

1705218 10 Reviews 647 reads
40 / 85

What a pathetic reply. Why do you hide behind an alias if you are so wonderful. Maybe, just maybe I might reconsider your stupid insults.

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 679 reads
41 / 85

When I leave a date/session, one of the things I like to think about is how much of the lady I met.   Sometimes, I have walked out knowing full well that the answer was zippo and then there have been a few times that I am pretty positive that I met the lady behind the work persona.  However, most of the time it is definitely a mix.

Again, while I have no idea beyond things that I am told here and there, my guess is that most guys show respect and consideration to the ladies.    Geez, as a matter of self preservation, one would think a guy who is about to put his dick in someone else's mouth has an incentive to behave - I jest, I jest.

LasVegan 653 reads
42 / 85

quite sensitive we are........maybe it is time for your annual hook-up with a provider........may help relieve some of the stress you have obviously been under.

No way you can be this cantankerous under normal circumstances.......or can you?

And......as a side note, I could care less what YOU think of MY posts.......you are like one of those negative reviews a provider gets among the countless 10s........and ONLY you have no idea why your appointment went wrong.

My posts are always tactful and diplomatic...........never demeaning or insulting.........maybe you should ask some strong, authority figure, female in your life..........to read your posts back to you......and remind you how inflammatory they are.

Apparently you can not tell this on your own.

LasVegan 489 reads
43 / 85

your conclusions imply all hobbyists understand what behavior constitutes good manners, respect, and courtesy.  Just read some of the posts in this and other discussion boards and it becomes clear.........that is not always the case.

Without going into specific examples........am sure you get my drift.......we can even apply this to the "other than escort services" these same people procure.......restaurant, shopping, etc.

People are people......and quite frankly, we do not always see ourselves as others do.

mojojo 1 Reviews 819 reads
44 / 85

Only one lady responding to your question is your answer. The majority know that if they told us the truth about what they really think of us, they would be out of business. For example, my lady this morning told me how attractive I am. The perfect thing to say as I'm walking out the door, but, what does she really think?

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 648 reads
45 / 85

That being said, I would posit that a lot of the shit we see on these boards is bravado.   That is not to say that there aren't bad apples, they exist, but at least the little feedback that I have is that most guys are fairly decent and respectful.    Then again, you read posts in which the ladies keep harping on something like hygiene and I wonder how fucking hard is it to wash your junk and your ass?  But as I type this, I am reminded that half an hour ago I was switching channels to catch another sporting even and I accidentally stumbled onto something called the "600 pound me" and I can completely appreciate how a big guy may not be able to clean himself up.  

Just rambling now since I have wasted so much time but the first time I went to a nude beach, my first thought was not "wow, look at all these great looking people," my first thought was about the logistics of a proper cleaning after a visit to the restroom followed closely followed by the realization that there are many guys who have not seen their little peter in many years.   Lol

Alexandra Kole See my TER Reviews 569 reads
46 / 85

I knew what it meant, but if you could not understand that I was trying to draw your attention to your error, that's not my problem. Rarely are you ever able to compose a passage that is free from spelling errors, and I've yet to see one free from idiocracy or belittling others.

Thankfully I'm too good at what I do to ever seek out work as a proofreader. You may want to try your own advice and refrain from writing.

You said the next provider would come along and say the opposite of me. No one is going to say that it's okay to show up gross, which is the opposite of what I said.

Disagreement does not equal defensive. I will retract my previous statement about not knowing who is an asshole prior to seeing them. And they say there is no value in reading someone's TER posts prior to booking a date...

What was not necessary is your keyboard ninja fit.
Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Don't tell me you are so illiterate that you couldn't insert the T where need be?...  
 You would never make it as a proof reader.  
 You may have noticed I said men should be themselves, if a man isn't already a gentleman, or can not act like one. He is never going to be, if he needs to be prompted on acting as a gentlemen. He isn't showing his true nature, and his true nature will be made known at some time.  
 Many clients are nice up to a certain point, wouldn't you rather that behavior show sooner rather than latter.  
 some things don't need to be said. There is no need to take such a defensive tone to one of my innocuous postings.

JohnyComeAlready 488 reads
47 / 85
JohnyComeAlready 526 reads
48 / 85

but I'm a lazy American, so chances are I'll never make it.

Zangari 742 reads
49 / 85

Posted By: LasVegan
hope that made you feel better....."DUDE'......sounds like you need to get laid.  That's my opinion.
 You threw a tantrum because someone challenged your pet project:  "Categorical Overview of Johns".  You need to grow up.  
Posted By: LasVegan
Can not help but wonder what a provider is thinking when you make an appointment.
 I'm banging College SBs now.  I don't need to make "appointments."   --z

1705218 10 Reviews 631 reads
50 / 85

Just as I thought= too gutless to let us see your reviews and white lists , if any.

Demcc3 27 Reviews 828 reads
51 / 85

Exactly!  I prefer the provider I'm spending time with to be somewhat chatty.  I've been known to have a couple ladies giggling and laughing when I have used my wit and humor mixed in with some dirty talk before the action heats up.  Either that or they're laughing at my pee pee lol


nom_de_plume 739 reads
52 / 85

Are you so down on yourself that you don't think you have at least one attribute that couldn't be attractive to a woman like this provider?

She didn't say you were God's Gift to Women Everywhere. She said you're "attractive". She could have meant that she finds your face attractive... or your body... or your confidence... or your gentlemanly ways... or your eyes... or your sense of humor... or any number of things.  Why do we sometimes have trouble accepting a compliment?

I've had compliments from providers that I think were sincere. Some I wonder about, whether or not they were influenced by the envelope. I actually said that (with a smile) to my last date, when she gave me a huge compliment, one I've never heard before. She said it wasn't the envelope talking. I'll never know for sure if that's true or not. But my male ego prefers to believe her.  :)

hbyist+truth=;( 561 reads
53 / 85

Manners: 9

Attractiveness: 1

Promptness: 9

Age: 50+


hbyist+truth=;( 605 reads
54 / 85

Unfortunately a topic a huge number of johns get all upset about...the abject reality of what hookers really think. Yes we provide a fantasy but we live in reality and we, hookers, have opinions that unless said under an alias (yes I am one of those gutless ones who will not reveal who I am to the board) the cold hard truth upsets johns like no other.  

I have told the truth and been called angry, bitter and that I should not do this all because I have stated the men I see do nothing for me and they are, in my view, unattractive and I am not there for me but for them to rent my body for a generous fee for the duration to relieve themselves of sexual frustration.  It really is that simple and my acting skills are very, very good.  

I know you see hookers young enough to be your granddaughters. Do you really think they are hot, wet and horny for you, an 83 year old? No sir, they love your money and if you took that away, you would be out in the cold. You can convince yourself whatever you wish, but  they are doing a job and by the looks of it very, very well.

And lasvegan is one of the least offensive men on here in this hookers opinion

hbyist+truth=;( 743 reads
55 / 85

She means his body or looks. I seem to have the draw of the short straw because I have had johns ask me outright if I am attracted to them or if I find their bodies attractive. I have to manipulate my answer so as not to cut of the money stream..the reason I do this.  

I will say I find the personality attractive, sense of humor attractive, that I am not a woman who looks at looks or bodies and make judgement ( I actually am...I like hot and good looking like johns do).  

I will outright say that what comes out of my mouth is directly proportionate to the envelope. I have said I would not see any of the guys I see at work if they were to approach me in real life. It is what it is.I give the guys I see what they ant and what they pay for.  So please just believe the fantasy or the reality will kick you in the ass.

Stickythong 503 reads
56 / 85

It nice to see the non edited view from the other side of the hill.

1705218 10 Reviews 598 reads
57 / 85

Hell, I know full well that the ladies who play with me wouldn't given me the time of day if there wasn't money involved. However two who retired have seen me just for old times sake.One spent 3 hours cleaning my house without pay, And a couple of others spend a lot of time with me off the clock. So Smart ass you don't know me nor do you know WTFYATA

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Unfortunately a topic a huge number of johns get all upset about...the abject reality of what hookers really think. Yes we provide a fantasy but we live in reality and we, hookers, have opinions that unless said under an alias (yes I am one of those gutless ones who will not reveal who I am to the board) the cold hard truth upsets johns like no other.  
 I have told the truth and been called angry, bitter and that I should not do this all because I have stated the men I see do nothing for me and they are, in my view, unattractive and I am not there for me but for them to rent my body for a generous fee for the duration to relieve themselves of sexual frustration.  It really is that simple and my acting skills are very, very good.  
 I know you see hookers young enough to be your granddaughters. Do you really think they are hot, wet and horny for you, an 83 year old? No sir, they love your money and if you took that away, you would be out in the cold. You can convince yourself whatever you wish, but  they are doing a job and by the looks of it very, very well.  
 And lasvegan is one of the least offensive men on here in this hookers opinion

LasVegan 545 reads
58 / 85

Thank you, one honest person.......no wonder so many fragile egos were shattered by a mere question.  Isn't it interesting how much they revealed about themselves in their banter?

LasVegan 696 reads
59 / 85

honest man.  I am not so thin skinned...........and can handle the truth..........but if they DID reply.......it would not be about anyone in particular.  That is the beauty of anonymity.  Can you believe how many hobbyists were afraid they would appear less appealing than Brad Pitt if any true inputs were contributed?  Just by their temper tantrums in and of themselves.

-- Modified on 6/14/2015 9:30:22 PM

LasVegan 569 reads
60 / 85

Yet you are still here........let me know when you win that Brad Pitt look alike contest.  I am banging Christie Brinkley but only come back here to read the articles........kind of like why you told your wife you buy Playboy.

LasVegan 617 reads
61 / 85

Yet you are still here........let me know when you win that Brad Pitt look alike contest.  I am banging Christie Brinkley but only come back here to read the articles........kind of like why you told your wife you buy Playboy.

mojojo 1 Reviews 583 reads
62 / 85

No no. Not down on myself at all. In fact, today I had a lot of good attributes. I accepted her compliment. I just used it as a case in point, that no matter what's said, one never really knows what a lady is thinking. The reverse is also true. An old friend, who happened to be very nice looking, never accepted the compliments I threw her way. Her quote was always, "It's the sex talking, not you." No matter what I said, she never knew what I really thought of her.  

I think the lady below my post has answered the OP's question with her handle. Hobbyist plus the truth equals a sad face. Well, maybe not in my case. She'd surely give me a 2 in looks instead of her usual 1.

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 499 reads
63 / 85

Or sad.  I'm not sure.  But I'll stick with funny, since you get to laugh all the way to the bank! :o)

I always figured that Joseph Merrick (aka, the elephant man) would be a 1.
And that maybe Herman Munster would be a 2.

You get the real cream of the crop huh?  You get to service a veritable freak show of humanity!  lol!

I do like how you just lay your opinions out there though.  I'd actually like to see more ladies use aliases so we could hear what they REALLY think

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 557 reads
64 / 85
Zangari 479 reads
65 / 85
nom_de_plume 537 reads
66 / 85

... to these idiots who put you on the spot seeking compliments. Or it could be they know the score and like having a beautiful woman compliment them, even if it's not sincere. I prefer honesty. Which is why I never ask a provider if she thinks I'm attractive.  ;)

hbyist+truth=;( 620 reads
68 / 85

Oh yes I do know what the fuck I am talking about. I inferred in my post they would not have sex with you for free. Huge difference to hanging out. So sensitive  yet quite the blowhard. And you crapped on someone else for insulting you yet you did the same thing right here by calling me a smart ass. Was not insulted but when the pot stands there with his hands on his hips yelling at the kettle it does seem quite lame.  

So the two who saw you for old times sake..was it sex? Or an OTC visit?  

You're an old man...maybe they check up on you, sort of like helping grandpa. The one who helped clean your house, now see she was just being sweet to an old man. I have a john I am helping move in July because he is great sweet guy. See we hookers can be quite friendly and helpful. Huge difference between that and inviting him over for free sex...never going to happen.

-- Modified on 6/15/2015 5:57:43 AM

hbyist+truth=;( 633 reads
69 / 85

It is a legitimate question. Not a popular one by the looks of it around here. I mean Grandpa almost popped a blood vessel, you've got others freaking out all because nobody wants to hear a hooker tell it like it is. You;re safe though, I think two answered out of what...hundreds, and that in and of itself says way more. I am under an alias so could care less what barrage of bullshit I get flung at me.  

Truth is many hookers are not that hot and bothered over the majority of their johns. Sorry but it is what it is.

hbyist+truth=;( 501 reads
70 / 85

My 1 is possibly another hookers 5. Look I have very specific tastes. I like em younger and in amazing shape. I am one of those athletic types that does not deviate much from her own kind. I am not looking for a husband or a boyfriend. I am looking for something that turns my head and that I get what I want from and then I leave.  

So hideous they are not but just like you guys with your scoring, I am a hard task mistress when it come to this.  

I have to laugh..this thread has given a few guys a stroke so do you think they, and even you, would like to know what more hookers REALLY think?

-- Modified on 6/15/2015 6:29:22 AM

hbyist+truth=;( 694 reads
71 / 85

The guys are great in personality, okay one is as boring as a box of rocks but sweet. The bodies though...soft, too hairy, pudgy, no tone, belly fat, some have cellulite, and the man boobs.  

However, I have a job to do and do it well. I make these guys feel wanted, desirable and give them what they are missing at home. I am a great listener, something that is invaluable. The types of guys I see come to me for more than just to bust a nut, they truly want companionship and comfort and to be heard.

hbyist+truth=;( 568 reads
72 / 85

I treat my guys as I would want to be treated if I where the john and they were the hookers.  

And I agree with you about treating those that serve the public really well and you get amazing service back.  

Entitlement is old and only employed by the weak and insecure.

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 650 reads
73 / 85

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
The guys are great in personality, okay one is as boring as a box of rocks but sweet. The bodies though...soft, too hairy, pudgy, no tone, belly fat, some have cellulite, and the man boobs.  
 However, I have a job to do and do it well. I make these guys feel wanted, desirable and give them what they are missing at home. I am a great listener, something that is invaluable. The types of guys I see come to me for more than just to bust a nut, they truly want companionship and comfort and to be heard.

hbyist+truth=;( 488 reads
74 / 85

Unlike many who just get pissed at the reality. The guys I see are really great and I do spend some OTC with them and have been seeing them very frequently for quite some time. Most of my guys I see weekly.  

I think the type of guys I see differ from the average "i have a list of positions and acts " to do who want a warm body and that's about it. All service and acts related and not much else. Nothing wrong with that just not my type.  

You sound like you would be a really decent guy and yes, I do find something attractive about each and every guy I see

hbyist+truth=;( 538 reads
75 / 85

How many other johns put up threads asking for provider input? Plenty. Unless that input is positive, I guess anything else is unwanted. And how many providers out of the hundreds actually replied? The silence alone says more.

LasVegan 426 reads
76 / 85

How refreshing..............a dose of reality..........in this fantasy world of ours.  Too bad you are not in Las Vegas, can tell I like you already.

1705218 10 Reviews 623 reads
77 / 85

re:So the two who saw you for old times sake..was it sex? Or an OTC visit?

Sex and even a video of it.

hbyist+truth=;( 468 reads
79 / 85
Zangari 605 reads
80 / 85

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
How many other johns put up threads asking for provider input? Plenty. Unless that input is positive, I guess anything else is unwanted. And how many providers out of the hundreds actually replied? The silence alone says more.
  HT: My main objection was the OP's attempt to stifle debate after the first critical reply to his thread.  I wasn't going to comment on the "Overview" or your response to it.  But since you replied directly to me, I'll do you the courtesy that the OP didn't show "OnlyLiveTwice".  

  I'd gently suggest that your clientele is a reflection of *you*.  Based on your replies here, it seems that you're unable to attract & retain any clients except the most physically repulsive. It may be (as you seem to suggest in this thread) that all clients are repulsive to you.  Again, I think that reveals more about *you* than your clients.  

 In regard to providers (in the aggregate) & their honest thoughts about their clients:  the best indicator is when providers choose who they will see and who they will not see.  Johns do get that feedback, when a provider refuses to see them again, or cancels on them on a regular basis.  

 From my own experience, SBs and providers can be quite aggressive about sending unsolicited texts for hookups.   I can only assume that I'm less repulsive than all other options at that moment, lol.   regards, --z

LasVegan 562 reads
82 / 85

Do you even read your own posts............did you ever think your assumptions could be waaaaaaaaay off..........and talk about trying to squash a dissenting opinion, you should change your TER handle to that?

After reading all of YOUR posts............it sounds like you are one head strong individual.........who would never benefit from positive feedback.  You already know it all............or so you think.

As an example.......just the wording in your reply to this lady...........shows not only are you NOT a gentleman......but any word contrary to "your" opinion is subject to a rude tirade.

You should be ashamed of yourself.........but you won't because you will never see a clear picture of anyone but those around you..........never yourself.  Go pick up a mirror sometime.

-- Modified on 6/15/2015 2:01:20 PM

Zangari 513 reads
83 / 85

Posted By: LasVegan
Do you even read your own posts............did you ever think your assumptions could be waaaaaaaaay off..........and talk about trying to squash a dissenting opinion, you should change your TER handle to that?  
 After reading all of YOUR posts............it sounds like you are one head strong individual.........who would never benefit from positive feedback.  You already know it all............or so you think.  
 As an example.......just the wording in your reply to this lady...........shows not only are you NOT a gentleman......but any word contrary to "your" opinion is subject to a rude tirade.  
 You should be ashamed of yourself.........but you won't because you will never see a clear picture of anyone but those around you..........never yourself.  Go pick up a mirror sometime.

-- Modified on 6/15/2015 2:01:20 PM

Hello.Duchess See my TER Reviews 401 reads
84 / 85

There are commonalities, to be sure, but it would be wrong to apply the same ratings to providers as to clients. We would rate them on different factors, and I imagine different providers have different preferences, as well.

Manners -- yes that would be a rating area.  

Attractiveness for example does not come into it for everyone, certainly it does not for me. Generosity does -- and a man can be generous in many ways (doesn't have to just in the envelope).

Like vocal range. A man's voice has a very powerful impact on a woman. Maybe it is the "breast equivalent" for a man, I don't know.  

Promptness -- well, another non-issue if it's outcall. I've never had anybody be more than 10 minutes late. It is just so rare, I'm thinking.

Age is a complete non-issue, so I wouldn't even care about rating it.

Hygiene wouldn't come into it, either. Been providing for a while and have yet to meet a client who was not acceptably clean and groomed. It's just pretty much a given.  

You forgot performance!!!! The most important one :) So many 11s :)

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