TER General Board

Enjoying a weekend with my ATF
eastside 3908 reads

I am a person who has enjoyed this hobby for several years.  For the last few years, weather as a result of a lot stress in my life or simply age, I have used the" blue pill" to add to my enjoyment and ability to participate.  I always schedule at least 2 or 3 hours for a session and I very much enjoy getting to know some very special people. I have found that the extended time frame adds a lot to the experience.  I am planning a 2 or 3 day trip with My ATF.  I know that this time will include a lot of public or normal activities but,will also be a time of repeated "opportunities" for more personal contact.
   Does anyone have any ideas for maintaining a rediness for repeated and spontaneous opportunities over a 2 or 3 day period.  Don't get me wrong, this is a wonderfully special lady with whom I plan to enjoy a weekin of varied activities, but the thing that will add the frosting to all of it will be the physical.
    Should I take ongoing doses of cialis or other helpers.  My limitations are not total, just too quick at times and too slow (recovery) at others.  Any wisdom would be apperciated.

Red Wings2335 reads

I guess it would depend on if you have a good sex drive or not or if you have sexual desire or not. If you do then I would suggest you give the Cialis a try. In my case I have no sexual desire or sex drive at all. I have to take a cocktail of two 20mg Cialis along with two 20mg Levitra and one 100mg Viagra just to be able to go once and then it sometimes doesn't happen with all of that. Very frustrating.

I beg to differ on one point:  If you have no sexual desire or drive at all, then you wouldn't be seeking out ladies and feel the need to take ED medication.  You would be perfectly satisfied with just sitting around NOT getting any.

Perhaps your drive is just diminished.  If it's from age, that is somewhat normal; if not, it sounds as though it may be psychological which explains why your "cocktail" doesn't work.  All the meds in the world won't help you if the problem isn't ED but in the mind!

Finally, it is very disturbing to me to hear that you are mixing these medications.  One alone can be dangerous enough; to mix them as you are doing is to be inviting death.

Red Wings2219 reads

No that is not right. The reason you keep on trying is that you just don't want to sit around and take it anymore. You feel the need to keep trying different things in order to snap back to normality. I'm 39 years old. That is way too early to lose the desire for sex. If I were 25 or 30 years older, I would be satified in sitting around NOT getting any. Something is going wrong inside my body and nobody can determine what it is.

"It's all in your mind" is one of the things that we keep on hearing and I for one am sick of it. It  is not all in my mind. There are no psychological problems. That is the easy way out for doctors that refuse to dig any deeper. I've talked to dozens of guys that are in the same predicament and we have all heard the "it's in your mind" bullshit.

As for mixing the drugs, every doctor that I have seen knows what I am doing and have not told me it's dangerous. If it were to cause death, that would not bother me. I would take that instead of feeling this way.

 interesting, although I'm sure you'd use a much stronger adjective to describe it. We've chatted about this subject before.

 You are correct in stating that you are way to young to be experiencing this problem. I'm sure you have researched the issue "Six Ways To Sunday" as it were. I would also assume that you have seen a full gamut of medical professionals. I am not going to suggest that it's all in your head, Ad Nauseam. On the face of it, it would appear to be a clear cut case of serotonin levels, but that's way to obvious. It does not appear to be an ED issue, since you stated you can achieve an erection, but I agree with previous posters in regard to the massive amount of meds you are using. I find it very disconcerting that your doctors have no problem with that. One 100mg tab of Viagra should give you a raging hard-on. Many of us older hobbyists use ED meds, not because we need them, but for the quality of the erection, and to some extent, refractory enhancement. I'm sure you've been told by medico's and civilians alike, that ED meds are not a magic bullet. They only allow you to load your weapon and, hopefully, pull the trigger. If you have no desire to pursue game, it won't matter.

 There might be a little experiment you could try, if your physician is willing to assist you. Have him pulverize some Viagra tabs and encapsulate them. Have him do the same with a benign substance, ie; a placebo. He could use different colored capsules so that only he knows which is which. Try them both, either with porn, or providers, if you can afford it. My guess is that you'll be able to achieve an erection with all of them or none of them! This could go a long way toward determining if the problem is phychosomatic or not. Keep us posted!

As for mixing the drugs, every doctor that I have seen knows what I am doing and have not told me it's dangerous. If it were to cause death, that would not bother me. I would take that instead of feeling this way.


The last part of that post (quoted above) set off so many red flags to me.  I'm in the medical profession and deal with patients all day long, every day.  The statement you made speaks volumes to me about your mental health.

1.  First, I would switch physicians.  No doc in their right mind would be OK with you mixing such a huge dosage of ED medications.

2.  You are OK with death?  You would rather die than continue "feeling" this way?  And you don't think this is an issue of mental health, or a psychological problem?

Seek professional psychological health now.  Don't wait!

Red Wings2857 reads

I forgot to mention one thing. There is a possibility that this whole thing could be linked to a reaction to a drug I was taking long term. In one of the groups I am in there are about 1600 guys in the same predicament as me. Some are as young as 19 or 20.

I have talked to my personal physician, an endocrinologist, 4 urologists including 1 who is the head of urology at my state unversity hospital. They have all been told about me mixing the drugs and each one of them have no problem with it. I started by just upping the doasge on one of them and when that failed I would combine two then up the dosage on both of them. Then I finally arrived at this combination which I've been using for over a year now.

Yes I've been ok with death for sometime now. Even back when I was sexually healthy. I've never wanted to go much past 65 or so. I'm single, have no kids, and the only responsibility I have is part of a business so it would not be that big of a deal. In one of the groups that I am in, that attitude is pretty common amongst several of the guys. I guess it's pretty hard to understand if you are sexually healthy. It's like when you were young and you would look out the window at all the other kids playing and having fun but you couldn't participate. You have the feeling that you are ostracized from normal society.

I live in a very small town and there is no such thing as psychological help. Even if there were, that is the sort of thing that if it got out, it would spread like wildfire what I was doing and the reason I was having to do it. Besides I don't think a psychologist could explain why women aren't attractive to me and why I don't get turned on by them.

I find that a 20 mg Cialis will last me from Friday night until Sunday afternoon.

Thought Seeker3006 reads

have any of you gents tried Yohimba - and some of the Yohimba cocktails that contain other natural products?  they seem to work in some individuals and there are a lot of Clinical studies on these....

why not ask2909 reads

Why not ask your doctor who prescribed the blue pills?  The Dr is likely to be able to give better advice than we can.  That is what I did.  I just discussed what result I wanted.  He wrote me a script and told me he would work with me if I wasn't satisfied with the results.  (For me the blue pill works withn 30 minutes & lasts for hours.)

I am completely candid with my Dr about my activities.  The guy is pretty cool & not judgemental.  I guess he figures that at my age anyone who asks for STD & HIV screening with his annual physical must be aware of the risks of promiscuity.

I too prefer 2 to 3 hour encounters because I enjoy getting to know these very special people.  Your trip sounds like fun.  Enjoy.

ode2677 reads

First, let me add to those who have said that mixing the drugs is something you just don't do. It goes against all the literature that comes with them and is very dangerous, not something that will increase your potency. You're not supposed to take more than the maximum dose (100mg Viagra, 20 mg Levitra) once a day. Furthermore, the literature does not say that the drugs will necessarily be effective for more than one pop a day. Your ability for the one pop is supposed to be about 4 hours after taking Viagra and Levitra and longer for Cialis. After that you're on your own for the rest of the day - YMMV. I have personally found Levitra - in either 10 or 20 mg- to be more consistently dependable than Viagra. My urologist said he's reluctant to prescribe Cialis for some men because if anything happened to you while you're on it- such as having a heart attack- and since you're under its effect longer, that could make it more difficult for them to treat you. If you're planning a weekend, just time your one pill a day around the time you expect to pop and enjoy the lady's company in other ways for the rest of the time.

eastside1854 reads

I appreciate all the talk about mixing drugs and I won't do that.  I do have a sex drive I just want suggestions on being "available" during an extended period.  Are there exercises, games to play with my ATF,herbals that might be taken in the period perceding the weekin, or is just a matter of relaxing and taking celias.  I really apperciate all the help and any suggestions are received with thanks.

Thought Seeker2774 reads

You may wish to try going to a Vitamine shoppe!  and looking at a product called "Male Fuel" that is pretty good.  There is another product, Stamina Rx,  a little blue pill....  wow, that is incredible...  both contain "ground up" Yohimbe... Both Products contain yohimbine... and the amino acid arginine which is necessary to produce NO...    See the abstract below, draw your own conclusions....   There are other studies, and the mechanism is well worked out...  

"We measured nocturnal penile tumescence with the RigiScan monitor, hormone profiles, answers to the Florida Sexual Health Questionnaire, and clinical responses at baseline and after two different doses of yohimbine in 18 nonsmoking men with erectile dysfunction. Of the 18 men, nine (50%) were successful in completing intercourse in more than 75% of attempts. The yohimbine responders were men with less severe erectile dysfunction as manifested by improved increased rigidity on RigiScan testing, higher Florida Sexual Health Questionnaire scores, and slightly higher levels of serum testosterone. Yohimbine is an effective therapy to treat organic erectile dysfunction in some men with erectile dysfunction.  Int J Impot Res. 2002 Feb;14(1):25-31  

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