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Has anyone had a vasectomy?
AlternativeMe1 27 Reviews 1355 reads

I'm wondering how it has affected your sex life, libido, performance, etc.?

no adverse effect, just one less worry.

We all wear rubbers, right?  Isn't take like wearing suspenders and a belt?

tyvm478 reads

my wife (gotcha) thinking: "Thank God I've been fixed."  Four kids is enough for me.

In answer to the original post, no, there has been no change in ability to perform, good or bad.

-- Modified on 2/20/2008 7:00:34 PM

...never mind..

-- Modified on 2/20/2008 7:28:05 PM

had it done right after second kid's birth, in 1982.  Hasn't seemed to bother me any.  Why?  You thinking of having it done?


No physical effects, and the psychological have been great, as I don't have to worry about pregnancy.

with your SO.

I have been very fortunate to be the 1st to "Try Out" the effects with 3 wonderful gentleman. They were each very nervous.

Everything worked perfectly! and actually felt completely normal on my end! *wink*

I later asked how things were going and they all had very similar responses to the effect that they and their SO's were less stressed about birth control, so the spontenaity had increased!!!


If you're thinking about having it done, and your doctor tells you to take it easy for a few days, do as he tells you. I had it done in 1978, then went home and shingled the roof. For the following week or so, my nuts were the same size and color as an eggplant. Listen to the doctor!!!!

I was on pain meds & worked out on a stationary bike...then the meds wore off...same results! lol. The procedure works find, don't count on it to improve your sex life, it didn't for me but that was more the SO than anything else. Just one less worry to deal with, not much application to the hobby tho.

DickWart425 reads

I asked the doctor about pain and recovery.  He said, "We numb you up pretty good, so the procedure itself is pretty painless.  Afterwards, it'll feel like you got kicked in the area, so we do the procedure on a Thursday afternoon.  You'll stay home from work on Friday and spend Friday, Saturday & Sunday lying around with a frozen bag of peas on it.  Then you should be able to go back to work on Monday morning."

My thoughts were, "If you're that STUPID to tell me all of that shit, then you're the LAST person I want down there cutting around my nutsack!"  I mean, really!  Honesty is one thing, but stupidity is another.  So far, I haven't found a doctor yet with the brains to "sugarcoat the truth" and yet maintain his honesty.  Only then will I consider it.  Besides, the wart on my dick has made my "swimmers" a tad bit retarded.  I do have two kids, and it took a good while of "trying" b4 the 2nd one was conceived.  And for you wiseasses, yes he's my kid!  As for the first one, well I suspect he's mine, too!

-- Modified on 2/21/2008 10:49:47 AM

psyops123173 reads

I too had post complications - the boys were swolled up like grapefruits.  Not from over-exertion but from some inflammation.

The pain, my god, the pain.

But everything seems to work fine.

Yes, I, among millions, had it done in 1985 and even had a kid after - new wife and her mother paid for the IVF.  As for my sex life, no difference, other than a little more spontaneity with my SO.

I knew it was coming though, so I had me wife give me a hand job in the shower. It was 1991. I had it done early Friday afternoon, stayed in bed with an ice pack most of Saturday, but having done that, there was little pain. I was OK by Monday, except that I was still peeing blood, and could comfortably ejaculate within the week. It sure beats wearing a rumber and is a lot cheaper than having another kid.

Of course, a bit later I heard the first news report that there MIGHT be some concern about a vasectomy increasing your risk of prostate cancer, though there still is no definitive  link almost two decades later. See the link below.

jay1967374 reads

Yes - 10 years ago. One of the best things I did. I could have sex with my wife and not worry about anything. The only thing, I notice less fluid during ejaculation. Could be coincidence and may have happened due to age or something else. If your done having kids,,,, go for it!

Yes, and no problems at all, besides peace of mind

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