TER General Board

NYbaseballgreat 1 Reviews 1964 reads

Anyone truly worried about it? Or is it a media craze?

I worry about a couple of things.  The lack of knowledge on the front line in the medical field and the possibility that the virus mutates and becomes airborne.

JackDunphy408 reads

Ebola, like the missing Malaysian plane, like y2k, like nuke reactor fallout, global warming, etc etc etc is greatly blown out of proportion by a media that has given up on sensible, fact based reporting and has been replaced by fear mongering for ratings and $.

He said that he is not flying anywhere until this ebola thing passes. I told him he has a better chance of dying from the plane falling out of the sky. I think he feels I am insensitive.

Just don't kiss any strangers on the plane 😜

I agree.  It is concerning but a bit overplayed at the moment.  

As Abbey said however,  if it does become airborne, I'll worry a bit more

What about kissing strangers just off the plane ... who have been kissing many other strangers, just off many other planes?

I'm a bit concerned in general about the rate of STD's among the population of providers and hobbyists -- I always flash back to the warning of the early AIDS days: "every time you sleep with someone, you sleep with everyone they've ever slept with" -- and part of me thinks that if there's some truth in that warning, the rate SHOULD be close to 100%, at least among frequent hobbyists.  But my experience tells me that isn't the case.  I can't quite figure out why it isn't ...

But yes, STD's that are highly deadly give me more cause for concern than those that aren't, and absolutely make me do much more thinking along the lines of the above.  Not really what I want to be thinking about in the run-up to a big date ...

Townman537 reads

Well, since 1970s human population have been increasing by 1 billion per decade or so with ever increasing rate of increase. I mean what do you expect?! Nature had to do something! Influenza of early 1900s tried to control the initial population explosion; now it's just bum bum bum - round 2!

So the end is upon is, ladies and gents, just accept it. If you make it through - good (some people are just more physiologically resistant then most). If not, to use the immortal words of Monty Python - you came from nothing, you're going back into nothing, what have you lost? Nothing!  

That much earlier, that much later - no biggy. You still are only a moment in time and rather an insignificant moment at that too. Just enjoy what's left of it and don't worry be happy since worrying won't save you anyway! And for God's sake, don't miss your flight to Vegas! There was a story by Edgar Alan Poe: Masque of Red Death. The moral was that even if you lock yourself in a castle the plague will still get you. See where I'm going with this?

The federal government is being lax on this due to PC, which will likely cause deaths to Americans that should have been avoided.  Not that many, but if it does happen, the lawsuits should pay massive damages, and heads should roll at the federal level.  The media will likely try to sweep this under the rug unless they can can blame the Republicans.  Obama will get a pass until he can lie his way out of it, and blame George Bush.  

As far as hobbying goes...not an issue at this time.

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