TER General Board

E Ticket I am saying this is automatic.
Shafty7 12 Reviews 5648 reads
1 / 13

When looking at the appearance rating of a provider it almost always scales with the performance rating.

What I mean is, take the hypothetical provider who averages a 7 on both looks and performance. The guys who rate her lower on performance also rate her lower on looks.

This is even more pronounced when the hobbyist has a particularly bad experience, say 4 or less. Even if in the body of the review he says she was really beautiful but cold or whatever the appearance score is 2 points or more below the average for that girl.

Now is this just an example of guys not being willing to score the provider high on looks when they didn't have a good time, retribution as it were? OR, does everyone consciously or not, do what I found I have always done naturally, which is find any woman far more attractive if I think she likes me?

The E Ticket 3347 reads
2 / 13

No, I rate objectively even when the little brain has disconnected the big brain.. {grin}

Sex for many men and women is mostly in the mind. Sure there is a physical response, but they are connected. So many times men who are attracted to a lady's appearenace will sub-consciously reduce what they perceived as physical attraction if they have a reduced performance with her or even by him. (I always see performance as a two way street.)

Now tell me this.

Personally, I choose both attractive and, how do I put this, providers who may not be the 500.00 USD/hour kind. the performance can be a varied as fashion senses (Don't get me going on the fashion senses of those guys on "Queer Eye for the Straigt Guy" show.)  If she is a 6 in appearance and has  bent over backwards (literally and figuratively) in performance she gets a 9 or 10).

So would would you rate up regardless of appearance?


EWADS 7 Reviews 2369 reads
3 / 13

My wife sometimes will see a woman and ask me if it think she's cute; my response is always, "She hasn't opened her mouth yet, so I don't know. Shafty, I'm with you. If you're going to grade a woman on looks alone, go to your local art museum and look at the statues.

Mathesar 3105 reads
4 / 13

for the group of Los Angeles incall escorts that I am currently tracking for my monthly report (posted on the LA Discussion Board).

Is the link only in the mind of the reviewers?

Are both appearance and performance necessary to stay in the business?

Luscious Laurel is a striking counter example to the noted correlation. She has a stunning performance score of 94 and a mediocre appearance score of 73. Of course, she is also intelligent and more fun to be with -- in or out of bed -- than almost any other woman I have met in or out of this hobby.

All in all this correlation is a mystery.

Shafty7 12 Reviews 2605 reads
6 / 13

I don't "decide" to do it, but when I step back and look at things I realize that I have found the woman more attractive when she was into me.

Also, this experience is a much more outside the hobby than inside  for me since I am kind of new around here.

Mathesar 3035 reads
7 / 13

my report on the LA Board for details) and record their price, sum of appearance scores for the most recent 10 reviews, and sum of performance scores for the most recent 10 reviews. There were 94 such escorts this month. I input this data into Stata and let it do the number crunching. A whole bunch of stuff comes out. (See the Market Report portion of my report.) Probably the least interesting number is the correlation coefficient for appearance and performance, but that is one of the numbers I ask for.

justaplayer 4024 reads
8 / 13

initially set the ratings where you could have given a numerical ranking to attitude(A) as he did with looks(L) and performance(P). Then you could only imagine the even greater inner turmoil potential clients would have in deciding who to see:

lady #1:     lady #2:        lady #3:
L-8          L-5             L-6
A-5          A-9             A-7
P-9          P-6             P-8

Providing this additional rating would help mitigate the disparity in the scores as you described. However, you will just have to continue to self-filter the reviews as I don't think staff would be inclined to make this sort of change.

-- Modified on 1/28/2004 4:00:19 PM

Mathesar 2468 reads
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system is that there is a maximum possible performance score for escorts based on the services they perform.

I would much rather see multiple ESCORT categories based on services available (ESCORT-7, ESCORT-8, ESCORT-9, and ESCORT-10 perhaps) with a maximum performance rating in each category of 10.

Massage providers can receive a 10 for performance because they aren't expected to provide any of the extra services which make escorts eligible for the top scores.

However, I don't expect that TER is likely to subdivide the ESCORT category just because I think that the performance score should reflect only how well the provider does what she does and shouldn't reflect what it is that she does.

Landem 3142 reads
10 / 13

While I have never had occassion to write a bad performance review among the few reviews I have written, I would like to think that, should the occassion arise, I would not let a poor performance lead me to underrate a lady's appearance.

But from my reading of reviews, I think that Shafty's observation is generally, though unfortunately, accurate. So much so that I found the review posted yesterday and linked below, of an absoluetly charming lady (whom, yes I have seen, but no, have not reviewed - me bad), to be quite remarkable. It is an excellent review, in the sense that the reviewer explains precisely why he gave the ratings he did in both appearance and performance categories - higher than the lady's average in looks and lower in performance. The fact that it is an exception to the "Shafty Rule" makes it all the more remarkable.

justaplayer 4436 reads
11 / 13

somewhat dispassionate, and quite objectively evaluate the commercial companion strictly on her technical skills, which then requires it to be separated from her looks and then both of these totally separated from her personality it would really be an ideal 3way rating system.

However,thinking about it more deeply, reality unfortunately has set in. Realizing that a fair number of participants to this board have made some reference at one time or another about falling in love with a paid lady, I don't see how there ever can be total objectivity.  Without having someone view the experience from a totally neutral perspective, there is going to be a continual blurring of performance, looks and attitude. This distortion will not permit a truly fair 3way rating system. How goes the saying,  in a perfect world....

The E Ticket 2727 reads
12 / 13


Ok I understand.  It is indeed a subconscious thing we do. It is very easy to automatically find a lady more attractive when they respond positively to us.

Take care


The E Ticket 3093 reads
13 / 13

Like they do in Olympic Ice Skating  :)

For instance on the performance column, remove the top and bottom scores, (this would prevent the problem of the lovesick hobbyist and the one bad day the provider just happened to have) then average the rest to 2 decimals..:)

Do that for every column.

It would take some database and ASP development time, but I am sure everyone would like having an average posted.


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