TER General Board

E for me
AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 297 reads

ost common would be E. He was a pretty cool client, I really hope he books me again. Now...WHAT'S FOR DINNER???

Jack B. Nimble1600 reads

Here is a survey for the ladies:

When you end a date with a customer, what is your most common thought: (You can provide percentages or a single answer, up to you)

A. WOW, that was fun! Hope he comes back for more!
B. MEH .. where is my smartphone?
C: WHEW! Glad that's over, that was a chore!
D: EWW! I need a shower after being pawed by that animal!
E. Other___________

HofFer494 reads

It's E

That was the easiest $$$ I ever made

VOO-doo520 reads

I've thought each one at least a few times.  

Most common would be E. He was a pretty cool client, I really hope he books me again. Now...WHAT'S FOR DINNER???  

Or, occasionally, F. THANK GOD I finally got out of there, I thought he'd never let me leave. Then...GOTTA PEE SO BAD!!! (Happens a lot when drinks are part of the date)

I'd say D is only about 1-5% of the time, thank goodness.  

A....hard to say, because you expressed it too much like a guy.  
B...Maybe 30%. But it's balanced out by the 60-ish% that fall under E.

As a client, I can relate to your answer that "he was a pretty cool client, I really hope he books me again. Now...WHAT'S FOR DINNER???"    Once the session is over, I might reflect on it for a few minutes, but is done and over, my mind turns to what is on my immediate schedule.   In terms of the hobby, my mind then turns to looking forwarding to the next encounter, I don't dwell on a session.   I get my mileage out of the anticipation and the actual experience, the rear-view mirror  does not do much for me.

Pink_Panties340 reads

My first thought is:  I am STARVING.

Followed by A:  "I hope he contacts me again."

Haha I'm polish.

For real, trust me.

Posted By: inicky46
Here is!

ost common would be E. He was a pretty cool client, I really hope he books me again. Now...WHAT'S FOR DINNER???

If I was in your town Alexandra, I'd make you dinner.

Posted By: AlexandraMilw
 Most common would be E. He was a pretty cool client, I really hope he books me again. Now...WHAT'S FOR DINNER???

I, too, have noticed, I may rush to be timely/punctual to a session....
And the thing that always ends up getting dropped (beforehand, due to time always being constrained) is
eating before hand!  
So by the time I work up an appetite... YUP!

And for some reasons, ironically enough, the sessions I go into semi-hungry (versus full/sluggish) are the ones when I apparently knocked their socks off!

I often wondered if there was some type of scientific explanation for it...
Other than "hungry hoes work the hardest" LMAO!


Rock on!


The OP raises an intriguing question.  So what constitutes, in a provider's eye, the reason or reasons she might go with Choice A?

My reason is this...he was clean, he was gentle, he was fun to talk to, he respected the allotted time, he did not push for things I don't do and he respected my physical boundaries.  To me that is why I would choose A.

I realize that there could be a myriad of reasons on why. Just trying to gain perspective.  What you listed above I take as standard protocol.

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