TER General Board

Dude, you want to see judgmental...
AnonyMiss 650 reads

...try being a provider!  There is no one to talk to about it unless they're into it, period.  Even my therapist laughed when I started talking about marketing and personal branding.  She was surprised that I treat it like a business.  

Also, I think your friends are jealous.  They're just diddling themselves to Tinder while you're out there getting down with the real thing.

RokkKrinn2192 reads

When I get involved in something that's kind of new, offbeat, something that most people don't know about, an interesting new way of looking at or experiencing the world, a unique subculture, and it really tickles my fancy...

I get so into it, and think it's so cool, that I can't stop talking about it.  Even when my conversational partner indicates lack of interest, or states very firmly that he/she simply doesn't want to hear about it.

In this case, naturally, I'm referring to our little hobby.

My giddiness, ongoing fascination and participation in this world compels me to talk about it with friends who really just don't want to know.  It drove a rift between myself and a friend of very longstanding; that wasn't enough of a hint to me.  It's just now happened again with another close friend.

I mean, shit.  If I can't talk about this stuff (and just how interesting it all is--not just how much fun it is) with anyone (except maybe other providers, I guess), where/how do I get that outlet (which I obviously sorely need).  I understand the idea of secrets, discretion, etc, I follow all the "rules" within the hobby, but when everyone around me is passing their cellphones around showing off whatever chick they're checking out on Tinder, even I like occasionally to be able to flash a photo (no, I never show the entire website or the URL--the "rules" and all) and say, "Yeah, y'see this chick?  I banged her the other night".

It's just kind of maddening how moralistic and judge-y some people get as soon as the idea of p4p comes into the equation.

Can't talk to your clergyman about this sort of thing (generally).  Can't talk to your wife (obviously).  Who else is left?  Shrinks?  Yeah, sometimes--but there are other issues I like to talk about in that venue.

I know it's best to just keep my damn mouth shut; but if one is really having trouble with that:  Are there any other alternatives that haven't occurred to me?

Thanks..if you're gonna just throw fruit from the cheap seats...at least try to avoid the really rotten fruit, mm'k

and you know what the first rule of The Fight Club is, right?

So, use TER as your outlet to unburden your soul, and go ahead and PM guys who are local to you and ask if you can meet up at a bar sometime.  I have, and it's fun.  Meet and Greets are another place to meet up.

Keep the worlds apart for the sake of both worlds.

I agree that the world has to be kept completely separate and I'm sure you can find friends who are already in the hobby and get to know them. Don't bring your friends into it

No matter how wildly interesting this hobby is, never ever tell anyone from the outside about it. I've kept to that rule for all these years. I so much want to tell two of my closest friends about the beautiful, tan, buxom blonde in the low cut top, and mini skirt we were drooling over at the restaurant. That I'd experienced the pleasure of her naked eroticism over fifty times. However tempting, I'd get laughed right out of the friendships, if they believed me at all. So no, don't do it ever again. That's why we're here for you. Just come here, and tell us all your wild stories. Everyone here is kind, open minded, fun, and non condescending.

GaGambler904 reads

and except for worries about career or marriage, I don't see any reason in the world to have to keep this shit to ourselves. I occasionally meet judgmental people who try to turn their noses up about my whoremongering, but for every one of them there are five guys who are not just curious, but envious about having unlimited pussy for the price of a few bucks and no commitment for the future.

I suppose some (most) people will say that it is better to keep your mouth shut, but I don't suppose anyone would believe I am the least bit capable of such a thing, so don't fell like the Lone Ranger.

You have successfully completed the cookie challenge of "be sure to post your thoughts on every single thread for 30 days in a row."

If you make it to 60, I'll give you a whole box of cookies.

If you write a review before making it to 60, I'll include a pie.


GaGambler502 reads

If I give you a cookie, will you put me back on ignore?

You would have received the message  

"User has you on ignore"

When you sent me that pm last week.

Awe, you thought that's why I didn't write you back

GaGambler689 reads

but you once BRAGGED about having me on ignore, so if you have no interest in what I have to say, feel free to put me back on ignore. I'll even toss in two cookies if that will make you happy, but I won't pay to watch you eat them.

You can keep both cookies for yourself and just put me on your ignore.

(Obviously there was a reason that I took you off. But that reason was totally exaggerated!)


How will I sleep tonight?

Oh, wait.. zzzzzzzzz

At people who not only speak for other people, but speak for every one.

I actually have plenty of people in my life who care if I get a good nights sleep. (Whoever) you (are) might not be one of them, but... Since I have no idea who you are, well ...that's about as much effect as you will have on my sleep.

But since you don't care, I would think you wouldn't read this nor comment on it..

If you'd like to come back at me with the same.. It's not that I don't care about GaGs comments.. I just find his over the top holier then thou attitude really ugly. It has been said that he was one an admin and that ego trip is still going strong.  

Anywhoo.. That's that.


He is holier than thou, not me mind you, but thou, and for a good reason:

He is a chink. LOL

Those fkkers dominate at math, science, hacking and ping pong. :D

It's just the way it is AM

GaGambler678 reads

Call me old fashioned, but when I want to ignore some one, I just ignore them, I don't an app.  

I have no idea whether or not you had a reason or if you were just lying about having me on ignore in the first place, but I will say that L.Viejo does have it right, there is no danger of us ever "fucking it out" no danger of that whatsoever.

and what's the matter, don't you like cookies?

What does using a ter feature and being old fashioned have anything to do with each other?

My grandparents who are old fashioned would choke on their morning coffee hearing someone like you claim you're old fashioned.

Yeah, I lied about having you on ignore.. Seriously? It makes sense to put people that you have no interest in communicating with on ignore so then when they do pm you you don't waste time coming to ter to find out it's from someone that you don't want pming you. That's what it's there for.

That being said. I ignored you because you're like the dude at the buffet with a cold. The people who really want those crab legs will risk getting your sniffles, but many will see you, make a snide comment, then walk the other way and eat elsewhere.

You're just a dick to people for no reason. A dick to some men who come here to have fun and escape the dickness that they get at work, at home... Then, they find you. Then they don't want to stay. I got sick of reading your rude comments day in and day out. Someone made a comment that you changed, that someone was exaggerating.

You even said in your lighthearted pm that you were still going to be the dick of the board.

Whatever floats your boat. I just wish the awesome guys that come here to have fun could all see through you and realize you are nowhere near as important as you portray yourself to be.

It's dicks like GaG that ruin this board for assholes like me.

I come on here to chat with those manginas you say he scared away to help them save a few bucks on a hooker.

I got dudes on the NB right now practicing my negotitating techniques to get those lower rates and no, they don't all succeed, but they're trying damn it.

So keep on GaG and don't let up.  

Your actions will help a John get more pussy than they would have normally

L.Guapo590 reads

Compulsive Response Disorder.
It's a compulsion to always have the last word.

Seems you have a case of a whole bunch of dumb things..

Funny you think I need the last word. Funny. Are you wanting to be part of the jerks that come here and target everyone that isn't s part of their crew and send them on their way? It seems like such a wonderful club to want to be a part of!

GaGs pm to me was full of trying to "put our differences aside." It's funny what he wanted in private, then after realizing I have no interest in it.. Is back to his "bad ass" self.

What's that called when people do that?
He has a history of it.
Thanks, doctor.


GaGambler778 reads

My PM to you was for one purpose and one purpose only, and that was to get you to support TS Sasha, as for "putting differences aside" I asked you to do so for this purpose only. The PM was for her benefit, not yours or mine. I was quite clear that I had ZERO intentions of changing how I post.

Weak attempt at spin, you were more amusing when you claimed to have me on ignore.

PMed everyone else that you wanted to go on this "tranny" (the way you typed it like three times) mission, right?
I'm sure.

You think I could have had you off ignore and actually ignored you for over a year? You're a pathetic little turd that has nothing else to do with his life. I wouldn't be able to keep my mouth shut for that long if you weren't on ignore. You're seriously the most pathetic person on this whole entire site.

You mock laffy, at least he has two reviews.

You mock anyone who can be a part of this lifestyle. It sucks to always sit in the bleachers

GaGambler569 reads

I NEVER said anything about being a "dick" You really need to learn to read.

and yes, it appears L.Guapo was correct, you do seem to need the last word, don't you? If you do indeed suffer from CRD, I would suggest you immediately put us all on ignore lest you be accused of having no life either.

GaGambler759 reads

It's hardly ethical for me to be setting odds on an event that I am party to. You wouldn't want me to be unethical, would you? lol

I suppose miss LWAM (Last Word Alyssa Marie) will claim victory, until she had mentioned it I didn't even remember my PM to her in the first place. She is just not that memorable I suppose, but she seems to know EVERYTHING about me.

You keep replying too. I haven't noticed your posts until you replied to this one. Last night I scrolled through a few.

You must be super familiar with this diagnosis.

Dude, if GaG is allowed to be a dick day in and day out.. (For like ten plus years) someone is allowed to call him out on it for 24 hours.
That's way less time then you have wasted in the past few weeks.
Your and his total time combined is something I couldn't fathom reaching in ten lifetimes.

So Gambler is the Dick of the board? Oh, Good. It takes the pressure off me to get to that level.

It's his claim.

No one gave it to him.

I don't think anyone really cares about some pathetic loser who lives in his parents basement and eats cold pizza to give such an honor...

I personally don't care about the little group of people who come here and for whatever reason troll the boards and insult each other all day long, whatever.. You all only have one life and it's your choice how you want to live it.. It's the ones who how many guys who come here to have fun that get targeted for no reason. They walk in to this excited then all of a sudden are treated like crap and think, oh hell no.. I get enough of this at work/home

Bob.Sugar595 reads

But tossing out the "lives in parents basement" is soooooo old...and easily ad hominem.

Now regroup and try this again...thanks.

The shed.

They probably kicked his annoying a$$ out of the basement 6 years ago. :)

GaGambler706 reads

I have always been the asshole of the board/s a title I wear like a badge of honor considering how it seems to annoy the ubersensitive.  

If you would like to compete for the Dick of the board, please feel free to do so.

"Maaaaaa!!!! Can you heat me up some leftovers for breakfast????"

"Son, you are 56! It is time you move out! Come up here and heat up the pizza yourself!"

"Butttttt maaaaaaahhhh... I am already an hour in to my WOW ..... "

"Son, we don't mind that you play wow, but we do mind that sex site that you post day in and day out. You cannot afford to pay for your own apartment, you know you cannot afford the lifestyle that you are portraying"

"Maaaaaaaa!!! I just want some damn pizza!!!!!"

"Ok, ok son... Please do not start throwing things again!!"

Oh, just another day in the life.....

L.Guapo599 reads

And you need to ditch the judgmental ones you have.  All my friends know I'm a whoremonger.  So do their wives.  Everyone is comfortable with it, or at a minimum tolerant of it.  I just got back from a friend's house who now calls his wife "Chloe....hooker with a bad attitude."  She loves me.
Fuck everyone else.

AnonyMiss651 reads

...try being a provider!  There is no one to talk to about it unless they're into it, period.  Even my therapist laughed when I started talking about marketing and personal branding.  She was surprised that I treat it like a business.  

Also, I think your friends are jealous.  They're just diddling themselves to Tinder while you're out there getting down with the real thing.

my_dixie_wrecked614 reads

Sometimes I want to tell my friends about my experiences so bad, but I don't because I'm not sure how they would react.  I don't think they would have any moral objections to it.  However, they would probably shit a brick if they knew how much I spent.  My cash inflows roughly doubles theirs, so I'm pretty sure they would view it as a big waste of money.  I guess I could tell them about it and withhold the rate I pay, but it's probably best to just keep my mouth shut about it.

However, nothing good can come from telling him about it.

He is stuck in a loveless, sexless marriage with 5 kids and he thinks he can't afford to get divorced. He needs to get laid in the worst way, and he also needs to get a glimpse of his soul again. His wife has taken his soul, crumpled in up like a ball of paper and thrown it in the trash. It's so bad that when we play golf he is an easy win, we used to be even, but now I have to give him strokes or he has no chance.  

Even so, no good will come from introducing him to this world, he'll have to find his way to it on his own.

But, I would enjoy talking about our sport, and so I enjoy attending M&G's. It's in that forum that we can talk about our hobby, and probably no where else.

GaGambler710 reads

Not only can you do this completely out in the open, surrounded by dozens or hundreds of chicas, but you can talk openly about it with your buds. Picture a M&G type scenario, but put the M&G in a hotel where you can adjourn to a room to fuck at any time you want to, and that is what you have 24/7/365

I can't wait, sounds like great fun. And I like Latin women, oh who the hell am I kidding I like all women.

Lather, rinse, repeat. Love it!

When I was in Toronto, I met many who met others in the hobby on the boards and they would get together every now and again or message each other. I'm sure you can find a few friends on the boards.

let's everyone Blow some fucking Chunks..

Posted By: scoed

I head to a strip club in a neighboring city, and when a dancer comes up to hustle me for a lap dance, I unfold my fantastic tales of unbridled SEXXX.  It is worth it just to see the look on a dancer's face, when for the same price of her hustle for a dry hump, I actually got into a bump and grind of pornstar proportions just shy of a camera with a girl every bit as hot as said stripper.  

Enjoy   :-D

I just read this entire thread and all I want are cookies and maybe an hour with Alyssa Marie - she has some spunk!

I know exactly what you are saying. One time I mentioned to someone who I thought was like minded that I participated in P4P and they looked at me shocked of course I said just kidding then switched topics completely.

This hobby is for my own satisfaction I guess. I have a list of things to do and list of potential candidates that I want to see before too long. There are days when I could just line up a different girl all day long and fuck all day but that may be sensory overload…..

For me now I just keep my mouth shut.

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