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Drunkenness is temporary. Stupidity is not only permanent but grows with time :D (e)
SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1013 reads


NewEnglandGangsta3098 reads

So I have heard from someone that a provider I was going to see is actually larger than advertised.  I figured maybe I'll ask her how much she currently weighs, right this week, because that gives me a good idea of whether or not she is as fit as her Aldo photos make her out to be.  

I said "May I ask your current weight? I'd like to know if it's as advertised". She responds with a "It's not nice to ask a girl that but check my profile it's accurate". Well, her profile says she is very fit, exercised regularly, and weighs xxx pounds. But that is not what I heard from a credible hobbyist.  

I've had my share of getting tricked into seeing escorts who bait men with overly brushed up photos. I have a keen eye as an artist and certain pounds over advertised weight is considered damn noticeable and that is not what I wish to pay good money for. Over 10 to 20lbs from advertised weight is a flat out bait and switch in my book.  

Keep in mind that I blow almost a day's wage trying to fuck that hot girl I wouldn't have easily gotten into bed in my real life, at least not without some effort. It shocks me that some hookers are so focused on getting perfect 10 reviews all the while looking like she's had more than a few kids already or few months pregnant.  

Why should providers dodge this question and take it almost as an act of war when we are simply trying not to get tricked into a bait and switch?  

Truth be told, I acknowledge that this wouldn't be polite to ask a girl in the real world, but in this business our good money is at stake. Several hundreds are at stake and I have certainly worked all day to earn that kind of money. We're not smooching up a lady trying for a real date, we're buying specific sex services as advertised. In fact, I am thinking that those who dodge this question are the ones that are guilty of fraud. I have my money on it.  

Your thoughts ladies and gents? (still not asscalade)




-- Modified on 7/27/2014 3:49:01 AM

NewEnglandGangsta1226 reads

Even dodging the question implies something.  
That's where I'm getting at.

My point is: You had reason to believe her pics were old. Thus, you have established that she could be less than truthful. It is not like you are a lawyer trying to trip her up on the witness stand. Either believe your intel or not.

Instead of dodging the question, what if she said: The pics are accurate. Are you any better off?

NewEnglandGangsta1084 reads

In her review,  I'd be able to say that I walked out because it's a bait and switch and she's fully aware of her fraud

Not sure why some people think that I am posting under alias. Last time they thought I was that Jack guy.  No I am not NewEnglandGangsta.  Only thing I like about NE is fish, mr.fisher, and Brady.  I don't know no "gangsta" from NE.  

So now back to answering your question..

I would never ask a girl how much she weighs.  Now I have never been accused of being tactful, but I know that much.. But I will DO and always DO, two things..

1. Backchannel with other guys who may have seen her. I have some good board friends that  I share the same taste with. I help them, and they help me.  

2. When she opens the door and she looks like she ate a hippo, I would just leave. And I would not tip her a dime. Keep your phone handy and show her why you are leaving. Be polite but firm. Rewarding bad behavior is encouraging bad behavior..

Last time we met you told me you liked me WAY better than Tom Brady!


While you were having delusions that I was a member of the crips ?

GaGambler870 reads

Curly was drunk and now he is sober, you were stupid, and guess what? You are still stupid. See how this works?

I'm genetically stupid... Drunks CHOSE to drink... Well sorta, but I'm not laughing.

Posted By: GaGambler
Curly was drunk and now he is sober, you were stupid, and guess what? You are still stupid. See how this works?

Being under the influence is an explination, not an excuse.

Obviously I'm fairly boring guy.

You are blunt to be sure, but my hats (maybe my panties) off to you on this one! ;-)

Steph xoxo

Tell her you will look for the girl in the pics.  If she is not the girl in the pics you leave her standing/waiting.  Be kind enough to text her within an hour that you left because you did not see the girl in the pic.

What a great way to do things...if you have nothing better to do with your time.  You could walk way for any reason.  Don't like her hair color, don't like that piercing?  Just leave the girl in the lurch.

Any special reason you are posting with an alias today?

-- Modified on 7/27/2014 8:37:46 AM

Business is based on what a lady has that is appealing to the guy dropping the cash. It's one sided. We can't pick and choose if your next client has a beer gut or not or a wart on his nose, we go with it why, because you are bringing the $$$. Ladies should not mislead the buyer and be like so what sucker, but all in all it is a hustle. Some are better than others, but the sneaky ones don't last for too long and eventually get caught up in their shit. If you are true to what you say you are, it should not be an issue. If she is hiding an extra 30lbs, since her pics, you would know as soon as you see her. And that's just bad business on her part and should be called out on it. Avoiding the question does seem suspicious. IJS...

Robert_BadenPowell1191 reads

IMO asking a lady her weight is not polite.  However, since this is as you said a business transaction and the lady's weight is an important factor for you, I think you're justified in asking, if you have reasonable doubt that her published weight is inaccurate... which you have here.

Another way to find out what you need to know is to ask the lady for a recent selfie body shot (no face of course, unless she volunteers it), standing, arms at sides.  Weight by itself can be misleading.  Athletic bodies can have an above-normal BMI due to muscle density.  

I agree that providers who misstate their weight by more than a few pounds or publish inaccurate photos for the purpose of hiding their true appearance (with some exceptions, e.g. removing tats and noting they have been removed to protect identity) are guilty of fraud.  I've only had this happen to me once, but in that case the lady OVER-stated her weight and her published pics showed a toned, healthy body whereas she actually was skin and bones.  I did not return.

GaviaImmer1219 reads

Why go through all the trouble and waste all that time with meeting someone in the lobby to see if she looks like what you see in the pics and then walkaway or set and an appointment, meet her at her door and then leave.

Do you really have that much time on your hands? If there is doubt, cross her off and move on, there are too many options available.

Escorts know the trick is to get you the door. Once you get there, the little head takes over and her mission is accomplished because there is almost no chance you will turn back without leaving a good chunk of cash on the table. Why put yourself in that situation?

Look Aldo is great and he is very good at what he does. The problem is women actually look at his pics after all the work he has done and actually believe they look like what they see in the pics. They don't but good luck having a reasonable conversation with them regarding their looks. Not possible!

It's we guys (That is grammatically correct, by the waqy.) who believe the photos, much to some of our not so ever-lasting regret.

How many times have you arrived to meet a gorgeous woman who doesn't look at all like what attracted you in her photos?

Sometimes it seems like the clothes worn and the airbrushing post-shoot advertise a bubbly, vivacious svelt vixen, and you arrive to a low-keyed, sultry vamp with an hourglass figure.

I get the impression that wome get some idea of what they want to look like and shape the shoot to present that image, but it's not at all who they really are. Because they're physically alluring anyway, they think they're pulling it off, but then at the makeup mirror they fall back on what they know works and feels comfortable.

This isn't really a complaint. Just... Being one of those few who likes to get to know the woman who will be taking my cock in her mouth in a few minutes, I sometimes wonder.  Why should I bother discovering what she's like, since she herself has no idea who she is?

It amazes me how many girls will use old photos of the "fit" version and then show up looking nothing like that. I like "petite" ladies and remember booking a session with a girl who advertised herself as "petite". Her photos showed a very petite, slender body, but when the doorbell rang I was shocked when I opened the door because the girl standing outside looked more like a "muffin top" that I wouldn't have bought a drink for in a bar, much less, paid to see naked. I'm also at a loss when I see ladies use photos that don't represent themselves well. I really don't care if they get offended if I ask "how recent are your photos?"  

I don't think I would ask "how much do you weigh?" because so many ladies have body issues in this country that it would be a terrible question. Just my 2 pennies.

octovert876 reads

tell you her you have a wardrobe request for which you'll provide the clothes, so you need her measurements or size.

That may work....but many clothing brands run in different sizes. For instance, in one clothing brand, I may be a size 0, in another I may be a size 2, and yet another, a size 4 or even 6, will fit just fine...so there is room for error there, that is completely dependent on the clothing brand/designer.  

Posted By: octovert
tell you her you have a wardrobe request for which you'll provide the clothes, so you need her measurements or size.

AnneRoyall1102 reads

And how recent are her pictures?  Both would seem relevant.  It's possible she's lost weight since the other guy saw her.  Or maybe she has new pictures.  Or both.

And asking weight will get you nowhere.  140lbs on one woman looks very different than 140 libs on another woman, even if they're the same height.  

Perhaps instead you can ask if she has any recent selfies?

VOO-doo1088 reads

I do not know any woman who DOESN'T lie about her weight, even if she doesn't need to.

I was chided by one agency to never admit weighing more than 120. As I am tall and fit...not willowy...that number would be ridiculous. I remember protesting "But I am not FAT!!"

 I have never been within 15-20 lbs of 120 my entire adult life. If I was, I would look ghastly. I am probably somewhere between 140-150 now, and that higher number  is over 10 pounds below the overweight number for my BMI. I also have tone, so that adds weight but not fatness. All in all, my ribs almost stick out further than my boobs, lol.

ANYWAY. If a client asks me my weight, he is getting no answer. I will happily share my measurements, my clothing size - 2 or 4 - but not that number. Because if a guy hears the number...it will 'sound' fat. But my photos are very accurate and photoshopped only for color correction etc. So if he wants to know what I look like...there is his answer.

-- Modified on 7/27/2014 9:01:32 AM

"photoshopped for color correction."

are you suggesting that you're black on one leg but white on the other?

Or is that a fancy way of saying... "I'm fatter than my pictures show."

The Forest Waits

Posted By: VOO-doo
But my photos are very accurate and photoshopped only for color correction etc. So if he wants to know what I look like...there is his answer.

VOO-doo995 reads

Google white balance...also saturation/vibrance/hue while you're at it


Actually I am the top poster right now but he's not me...I'm not him.  

I'm not escalade, duh.  If I were I would do you a favor and shoot myself.

89Springer1128 reads

Oh, God. That means that NewEnglandGangser is actually sharphedin. I don't know if I can handle that.


When I keep hearing this it makes me think why?  I am no BBW, but have had a few guys atate they did not book me because they thought I was much larger.  At first I was mad because I pay lots of $ for photos & really do not care for photoshop.  I guess it is a huge compliment to say that I look way better in person.  I try to use many photographers, and keep photos updated.  I am due for a new photo shoot soon because my hair color has changed.

I guess a good question for us to ask guys is, "Have you ever taken a girl's schedule and time hat others may be asking for, allow her to skip those other clients, but then cancel the next day? Are you able to afford this appointment, or may something come up that will make you unable to pay the rate I charge?"

You're not going to answer those questions. You simply advertising as you want, saying you'll have money the day you see me is all I'll get from you. Same here. We advertise how we feel fit. (I try to be very accurate to save trouble.) If one man thinks I'm fat, while the other one thinks my body is insanely awesome, what-ever.

If someone rents me an apartment, should I spend the entire month every month proving to my renter and comforting them, ensuring them that I"ll have money for them when rent is due? Do I make every decision based on what I think my renter will think about my decisions or do I simply pay what I promised?

If the renter hasn't done his research on me, but I've done all the work I"m supposed to do to get to rent from him, that's all the work I want to do. I'm not going to sit and maintain his trust all month long and answer random requests and make decisions on my life and time just because he is paranoid that I may not make rent. All that matters is that I pay and pay on time. If I don't, I don't have that thing I rented anymore.

-- Modified on 7/27/2014 5:33:01 PM

NewEnglandGangsta1146 reads

If I'm blowing several hundred an hour on an escort, I want the girl to have a body shape that is at least  close enough to her photos. I don't want to drive all the way to her incall or have her come all the way to my hotel only to find out that she's 10 pounds heavier and no longer as sexy as I'm willing to pay top dollars for.  
If she posts photos that make her look like a magazine model that is what I expect to see not a girl who looks like she needs to work out a couple of months and lay off the dunken donuts.

So, show up with a weight scale and get her to step on it. Or a tape measure and check her waist size. Fill up the tub and calculate her body mass. IDK? I mean really? Women always lie about what they weigh. Her weight is not an indicator of how healthy of a life she leads or her workout regime and physical strength. She may work out and have muscle, but you should be able to tell if its there or see flubbery fat from her photos. I don't photoshop, don't believe in it. So if someone thinks I am too big to visit, so be it. I don't mind meeting before an appointment to verify my size and I certainly make it my business to attend M&G's so that a guy can size up for himself if I am what he would like. But in my opinion, what's sexy to you is what's sexy to you, it's not always a particular dress size.  

I think TER community sometimes misrepresents a lady's size based on her perceived weight as well. This may be a separate argument but baby fat and athletic are similar body structures, but it's rare to see a black or latina girl with athletic as her body type, even if she works out a lot and has muscles and curves. Let's make a separate category for body fat % and then see what's up. IJS.

I'm probably the least critical guy ever, but you are way off in your assertion.

Are you not getting what I am saying? A 150 lb "baby fat" chick and a 150 lb "athletic" field hockey chick both weigh 150lb... But the presentation of that 150 lbs makes the difference. To say you don't want to fuck a 150 lb chick excludes the "athletic" field hockey chick even if she is way hotter than the flubbery chick. Same goes for calling an "ethnic" girl fat when she may have more muscle mass or carry her weight differently even if she wears a standard dress size of 6 or 8.  

Weight is bullshit and BMI is bullshit. Bring a tape measure, measure the bitch, verify "Barbie" measurements, then pay... And before you do all that, send a pic of your cock... LOL!

If the pics are accurate you can easily tell the difference between the 150 baby fat and the 150 athlete. And if the baby fat chick has been photo-shopped that much to look like the athlete on the website, think of the shock the guys would get when they see her in the flesh?

I will concede that some guys have no clue what w number regarding weight means at all in terms of a real body. I just read Voodoo's post and she makes some great points on what is told and what that translates too in a guys mind.

In the way you mean it or her exercise regimen. He is interested in what she looks like from a purely aesthetic POV and as a trick, it is his prerogative.  

Hold the phone, you actually think baby fat and athletic are similar body structures? They are not even in the same zip code.  

And NOT everyone in America is obese. I am not, I fall into athletic in the true sense not the baby fat descriptor you used.

And you are NOT buying specific sex services. That would be illegal, LOL

And I agree that they might have a discrepancy in actual weight and posted weight if they get all bent out of shape.  

If you do show up and the difference in weight is noticeable and not to your liking, just walk.

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