TER General Board

draws a conclusion by comparing subjects against a control group - so far you took just US
Pavliena See my TER Reviews 317 reads

Latin America and SE Asia   and United states does not belong to  the sample with same characteristics.
It is good idea compare oranges with oranges and apples with apples, to put it simple.  

I am  not a researcher on that subject- I  did spoke from a common sense.  

If you want to prove other wise - do not make an assumptions which are  based on experience of one object.
seems you took  way of the things are in states as only one and only one model as it can be?

Even  if most american do believe that earth 's  turning around united states and all and economical and political and social lows has to have  model which is adapted in states that is not the a reality.  World is very diverse place.  

You may be right  you may be wrong - just base your saying on global experience  then just USA hobby experiences.  

When woman knows that some one other woman gave him better then she - what would do normal caring woman - she would adjust her skills and and her desire to keep husband happy - as it is expected from husband as well - to be part of the equation - any wife in the world would try to over do other woman in keeping her husband happy - yet in states they sent you to sex rehubs and seriously talking about how pornography hurts intimacy  

I still as an not american woman trying to overcome this label- that if you are porno skilled - you can not be intimate and taking just as an object.  That is most manifesting in states  then other countries - I am not saying that is is main characteristics   of ALL males in states - no - but here is more percent of males have  Madonna  Slut complex and separate porno form intimacy  
 While good intimacy  may provoke good porn  and good porn lads then to true intimacy and connection
 As French say - man and woman can be good friends after they have been good lovers.  


[email protected]

-- Modified on 5/7/2016 12:48:40 PM

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Long, thorough and very even-handed.  To me, it comes out as implicitly favoring decriminalization.  
-- Modified on 5/6/2016 8:56:03 AM

Recognized the names of a couple of providers. The piece doesn't mention our little club, and that's probably a good thing.  The interesting part for me was the discussion of the clear break within the feminist community between"abolitionists" and "decriminalizers".

explain to your wife or girlfriend why you believe prostitution should be decriminalized?
What are the benefits you would sell her,  as to having the option of buying a blow job at the mall,
while she gets her nails done?

To make a living. Second, personal autonomy and the right to be left alone. Third, criminalization often creates more problems than it solves. Examples include prohibition giving birth to organized crime and the current push to undo the draconian drug sentencing scheme of the 90s.  
Guess I'm just an old libertarian.

Got rid of the wife and now I have no need for a GF. I mean why deal with all the drama, and hoops you have to jump through to get a blowjob from a SO, when you can pay for it, get a significantly better blowjob and there are NSA.

I have an even better question, why do these women protest against free will prostitutes? The answer is that if there is a woman willing to blow a guy for cash, then we don't have to settle for a member of the OTHFB club, and they can't get their hooks into us.

I for one will never settle again, if the OTHFB club succeeds in completely wiping out prostitution (it'll never happen, it's the oldest profession) then I'll just jack off to porn for the rest of my life. Nobody gets access to half my stuff again, ever.

I guess you must be so out of touch to not realize that there are many ways to protect assets going into any marriage or other legal arrangement.

Not to mention, many women have much more to be concerned about since many of them have well paying jobs, have material assets and aren't wasting money on hookers.

I have no doubts why your ex-wife had to get away from you.  You really do sound toxic.  

Posted By: russbbj
Got rid of the wife and now I have no need for a GF. I mean why deal with all the drama, and hoops you have to jump through to get a blowjob from a SO, when you can pay for it, get a significantly better blowjob and there are NSA.  
 I have an even better question, why do these women protest against free will prostitutes? The answer is that if there is a woman willing to blow a guy for cash, then we don't have to settle for a member of the OTHFB club, and they can't get their hooks into us.  
 I for one will never settle again, if the OTHFB club succeeds in completely wiping out prostitution (it'll never happen, it's the oldest profession) then I'll just jack off to porn for the rest of my life. Nobody gets access to half my stuff again, ever.

without becoming a criminal in the process.

Many men are for one reason or another never going to be able to have a regular sexual relationship.  Many of these men, in fact, are married.

Sexual activity is very healthy for the mind and body, why should it be illegal for them to purchase same from a willing provider

Yes, I believe it is the civilian wives and girlfriends that keep prostitution illegal.
There are more of them in politics too.
They Don't want to blow their husband and they Don't want anyone else to blow him either.
 It seems decriminalization would take the pressure off of her to do her job.

Yes, Orgasms are for Health and Wellbeing.
I'm all for them!

I also think (opinion here)   Decriminalization would lower the fees and  
there would be an onslaught of young talent

I like your innate understanding of economics. (Yes, wives/gf's keeping prostitution off limits falls under economics -- monopoly guarding.)

Posted By: GYBOpower
Yes, I believe it is the civilian wives and girlfriends that keep prostitution illegal.  
 There are more of them in politics too.  
 They Don't want to blow their husband and they Don't want anyone else to blow him either.  
  It seems decriminalization would take the pressure off of her to do her job.  
 Yes, Orgasms are for Health and Wellbeing.  
 I'm all for them!  
 I also think (opinion here)   Decriminalization would lower the fees and  
 there would be an onslaught of young talent.    

Skyfyre362 reads

The real question should be why prostitution should be criminalized in the first place?

Generally speaking laws are made to do one of two things:

1)  Protect
2)  Regulate

Anti-prostitution law serves neither.  

Prostitution as it is, is a victim-less crime. Who is the victim here if both parties willingly enter a contract for service?

If physical therapy, massage, hair cutting, nail painting... are perfectly legal "personal" service business then why stop at sex?  

The benefit is to society as a whole not just men. That is, why is it that this country of the USA is supposed to be a free country that is more than any other on earth to promote FREE ENTERPRISE and CAPITALISM but would not let enterprising women set up "personal service" business just because it involves sex?

Think of anti-prostitution laws the same way as Sharia laws in those savage countries that try to regulate morality.

prices for sex services would go down  
It is well know and now  that sex service itself does not cost 1000  

It is a fantasy costs 1000  and more . In those countries where sex work is legalized sex is just cheap  

Males will benefit on that as well as their families and society as a whole  - less aggressive and unhappy men  
 How to explain that to wives ?
I would happy to buy him sex at mole while doing nails and know that it would cost us 100 and not 1000 and then we will go with him to dinner or shop or to concert. And he would not lie me and love me for my understanding ofhis needs  

Wives in common sense  should know that and themselves - their benefits from husbands taking less time and less money out of family, being happy and ell balanced.
  So THAT LEGALIZATION  work for wives and males.

 Sorry bit for sex workers it means lost of profit. There be more competition and offer. So who would benefit - customer  not a seller.

Sex itself and now does not cost 1000.  And it is only in states is that way that sex service is over 1000.

1000 and more men donate for their fantasies to true companions -  
so men  do donate  to their " dream date"  and the fantasies.
 and not simply for  a flesh.  
As soon as sex service be legalized - human flesh would start cost even less,  

Dates and fantasies would stay at same price  
 Yet men would have more affordable choices  and wives should be happy to be able buy him serve at mall so  keep you near by and not lying  to her.

Fantasy dates - as myself  - would say at same level pf donations - as we be lost in mass of new talents and find us would be harder - so we be abel even raise donations  
yet mass of sex workers would loose profits.  
Clients and their families would benefit as well as  would benefit and budget . It insist sex workers would be working 10 times as harder - as there be not any more 600 dollars for BBJ That is only in the USA

[email protected]



-- Modified on 5/7/2016 2:29:55 AM

JakeFromStateFarm281 reads

Legalization does NOT always lead to lower prices.  Prices at the legal brothels in Nevada are not lower than prices in Las Vegas where it's still illegal.  Prices in Latin America are less than the US but so is everything else there.  The same is true in SE Asia.  I'll let others speak re Europe.

I think you have it wrong.  There are only 24 legal brothels in all of Nevada.  So the supply is quite restricted -- by legally enforced cartel.  And unless they are lacking for business, there is no reason to lower prices beyond those of the great sea of non-legal provider rates.

As a rough figure, there are 50 million USA women of consenting and desirable age.  You can't add 50 million potential competitors to the 24 legal USA brothel locations and not expect price declines.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Legalization does NOT always lead to lower prices.  Prices at the legal brothels in Nevada are not lower than prices in Las Vegas where it's still illegal.  Prices in Latin America are less than the US but so is everything else there.  The same is true in SE Asia.  I'll let others speak re Europe.

JakeFromStateFarm274 reads

First of all, whatever the other factors, it remains the case that legal brothels in NV are not cheap.  So Pavliena's statement regarding this is simply wrong.  And for you to extrapolate the impact nationally based on all 50 million "USA women of consenting and desirable age" is just silly.  As if every one of them would decide to become an escort. You also ignore what actually HAS happened in other countries that legalized.
Back to the prairie for you, lester! :)

Maybe try some Milton Friedman.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
First of all, whatever the other factors, it remains the case that legal brothels in NV are not cheap.  So Pavliena's statement regarding this is simply wrong.  And for you to extrapolate the impact nationally based on all 50 million "USA women of consenting and desirable age" is just silly.  As if every one of them would decide to become an escort. You also ignore what actually HAS happened in other countries that legalized.  
 Back to the prairie for you, lester! :)

Latin America and SE Asia   and United states does not belong to  the sample with same characteristics.
It is good idea compare oranges with oranges and apples with apples, to put it simple.  

I am  not a researcher on that subject- I  did spoke from a common sense.  

If you want to prove other wise - do not make an assumptions which are  based on experience of one object.
seems you took  way of the things are in states as only one and only one model as it can be?

Even  if most american do believe that earth 's  turning around united states and all and economical and political and social lows has to have  model which is adapted in states that is not the a reality.  World is very diverse place.  

You may be right  you may be wrong - just base your saying on global experience  then just USA hobby experiences.  

When woman knows that some one other woman gave him better then she - what would do normal caring woman - she would adjust her skills and and her desire to keep husband happy - as it is expected from husband as well - to be part of the equation - any wife in the world would try to over do other woman in keeping her husband happy - yet in states they sent you to sex rehubs and seriously talking about how pornography hurts intimacy  

I still as an not american woman trying to overcome this label- that if you are porno skilled - you can not be intimate and taking just as an object.  That is most manifesting in states  then other countries - I am not saying that is is main characteristics   of ALL males in states - no - but here is more percent of males have  Madonna  Slut complex and separate porno form intimacy  
 While good intimacy  may provoke good porn  and good porn lads then to true intimacy and connection
 As French say - man and woman can be good friends after they have been good lovers.  


[email protected]

-- Modified on 5/7/2016 12:48:40 PM

It acknowledged that there are some downsides to sex work, but also showed how harmful it is to treat sex workers as criminals.  And I loved the photos and personal stories, it helped "humanize" the escorts.

My fav line about decriminalization:

"Governments can free themselves to crack down on trafficking and under-age prostitution, human rights advocates argue, if they stop arresting consenting adults."

Right on. Lets go after the REAL victims of p4p, not the ones who feel p4p benefits their lives, on either side of the transaction.  

Good post.

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