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Doubles etiquette wuestion
letsplaynow56 4 Reviews 1118 reads

I'm having a doubles session with two classy ladies and each is charging her own rate and one is $50 less than the other. Being a gentleman I believe I should pay each lady the same rate  Any thoughts. ?

If you want to add $50 to the less expensive gals pot do so.


put that rate in an envelope with her name on it, seal it, give it.

I don't understand why you should be concerned about what either lady charges to be part of your fantasy. There's no rule that says they have to be even-steven.

Well, somebody should tell my "former" regular that. She demanded the other girl's rate be matched for her because that was "fair". The part that really showed me the light was she pulled her rate increase at the last minute in a email saying "BTW" I have to get more money. I walked and kept the two hour appointment with the other girl - solo. I wish that was my only example of bad behavior, but sadly it's not. I don't know who started the trend of matching providers fees, but they screwed a lot of people. I like the providers who team up for duos at a set rate. Takes all the hassle out of it

Look what happened before the appointment ever took place.

I would have taken a much more passive aggressive approach and canceled on both girls. While placing the blame on the girl who wanted her higher than normal rate.  

Well, somebody should tell my "former" regular that. She demanded the other girl's rate be matched for her because that was "fair". The part that really showed me the light was she pulled her rate increase at the last minute in a email saying "BTW" I have to get more money. I walked and kept the two hour appointment with the other girl - solo. I wish that was my only example of bad behavior, but sadly it's not. I don't know who started the trend of matching providers fees, but they screwed a lot of people. I like the providers who team up for duos at a set rate. Takes all the hassle out of it

Naw ... it wasn't the fault of the new girl and the time was already booked. So I honored the deal. I just thought it would be a dick move to cancel on her because of "drama" caused by greed. I got an education that day and it was worth it.

bonordonor597 reads

tip the cheap one at the end & just stare the other one down, like "you got a problem with that?
But seriously, you may find out why one gal charges more & only feel compelled to tip her at the end of the session. Still awkward.

-- Modified on 10/5/2014 11:37:45 AM

This is his fantasy experience - he wants a blessing to short the expensive one, so he can tip the cheap one.

Ahhhh! equality a moron's paradise.

I haven't exactly enjoyed doubles all around the world. But I love threesomes. So, I've done it a lot here in the U.S. and elsewhere.

I agree that you should pay each girl her standard rate in an *unsealed* envelope (so she can check it). Afterward is when you play the gentleman with the tip. But you have to play this a bit by ear. If one girl clearly goes above and beyond the other, it's only right to tip her accordingly. If the other girl seems to have a problem with this, you give them the raised eyebrow. They know what that means.

Hopefully you've got a couple of gems that you will feel great about giving equal tips to. Just set a tip budget in your head in advance and then only calculate what percentage of that budget goes to each girl when it's over.

Still, that's what I do. Ultimately, it is up to you.

I just did a great double and yes the girls each charged their own separate rate and I put them in 2 envelopes with their first initial on it and at the end jointly tipped them as they both were great. These girls have worked together before so I am sure they have worked everything out together as to how things should be done and what is fair so it is not on us to worry about that.

 If in the end you think one girl is really better than the other then simply see her on her own down the road sometime and take care of her that way, simple.  

 The girls who do great doubles get together before they get with us to see if they work well with each other, hopefully you have picked these type of girls and have fun.

Epsilon_Eridani622 reads

... 'wuestion' mean?

inquiring minds wants to know

Epsilon_Eridani717 reads

misspellings and poor grammar has led to multiple train wrecks in the TER forums.

how about being smart for once and try to act somewhat civilized? maybe you'll have better success in life doing that.

Posted By: bonordonor
Re: You'll know once you repeat these words 3 times " more on". -e-

Posted By: Epsilon_Eridani
... 'wuestion' mean?  
 inquiring minds wants to know!  
-- Modified on 10/6/2014 11:53:00 AM

If at an incall, the proper etiquette is for you and the other guest to team up and make doubly sure that the hostess thoroughly enjoys herself first.

As far as the two envelopes go, yeah. What the hell is a half yard? And that way it doesn't matter who gets which.

JackDunphy616 reads

Yep, you'll fit in just swell with all the wusses here.

Just make sure you get her permission first before you overpay her. And when you ask, make sure you ask nicely.

Geez you guys if I choose to pay it, it's only 50 bucks. I know both ladies and they are both classy and top performers.

The lady sets her rate.  You agree to pay the rate. Any need on your part to pay more than she wants is the mentality of someone who wants to be fleeced. Not that she wants to fleece you but you get the idea.
Tricks who want to pay more than she asks are as lame as tricks who want to bargain. Pay her her rate or move on.

I don't get no respect... That's why I don't trick.

Posted By: inicky46
The lady sets her rate.  You agree to pay the rate. Any need on your part to pay more than she wants is the mentality of someone who wants to be fleeced. Not that she wants to fleece you but you get the idea.  
 Tricks who want to pay more than she asks are as lame as tricks who want to bargain. Pay her her rate or move on.
Tricks are just plain lame!.. Nick you are such a wordsmith.

Mr. Client emailed me, about our pending appointment, and asked me if I was willing to do a double.
Of course. (Not only is it on my profile, the first one "professionally", so kind of made me excited!)
Heck, I even offered to do it "non-gratis"- (You do realize some ladies upcharge for this, right?)
Just cause it would break me in, professionally, so to speak.  

No more mention... until....

I got there, and he dropped the bomb on me, "Oh, btw....There's another lady coming to join us."



Never did I ask what her prices were, nor have I checked out her website/rates/etc.
She got her envelope, I got mine.

However, since I know and trust him, I didn't check my envelope until it was time to go-
To my utter shock...
It had the same as HER amount...  Which come to find...  was a few hundred more.
(This was a multiple hour date.)

I was pleasantly surprised. He said I had earned it, and was worth every penny.
I didn't expect THAT at all!  
Nice, but not expected....

It would be nice, if the world were a fair place.... But it isn't.

I guess we can dream, right?

Don't let anyone bash you because you want to do something nice, in the sake of fairness.
God forbid, anything nice should ever happen in the hobby....

Thank you for your kind words Foxy. So many people on this post got bent out of shape because I voluntarily may spend $50 more dollars. I'm guessing you will remember the kindness of your client and treat him special the next time you see him!

GaGambler546 reads

but even I don't see anything wrong with giving the lower priced girl an extra fifty bucks in the interest of fairness.

Quite frankly if I saw two ladies for a double and liked them equally, or even something close to equal, I too would give them both the same amount. Truth be told, I'd feel kind of cheap if both were equal in looks and performance and I gave one fifty bucks more than the other.

Do what you feel is right and tell everyone else to fuck off, well everybody but me that is. Well me and Foxy I suppose. lol Have fun

I saw the BSU  candidates and mangina headliner... and put on my flame retardant hooker-lingerie before I clicked on your post...  
I just KNEW you were going to ROAST me... But... I am, once again, pleasantly surprised.
Well,... I'll be.

So, there really is a decent person in there after all...

Don't worry, I won't ruin your aporetic reputation...
You have your skepticism and I have my rose-colored glasses, glad to see some middle ground where people can agree.

Posted By: GaGambler
but even I don't see anything wrong with giving the lower priced girl an extra fifty bucks in the interest of fairness.

Quite frankly if I saw two ladies for a double and liked them equally, or even something close to equal, I too would give them both the same amount. Truth be told, I'd feel kind of cheap if both were equal in looks and performance and I gave one fifty bucks more than the other.

Do what you feel is right and tell everyone else to fuck off, well everybody but me that is. Well me and Foxy I suppose. lol Have fun

GaGambler510 reads

I usually keep the "nice guy" locked up in the basement. I do have a reputation to uphold you know. lol

(Warning, this is LONG. Guess this subject hits a nerve for me...)

Thankyou kindly too, Sir.
Mr. Client (from above story) will indeed be one of my favorite clients, EVER.

(BTW he called me back a week later,
 and it seems, he mentioned at the beginning of our multi-hour,  
he gave me "the same as last time" *wink*  
(that was him winking, not me!)  
and again, her rate, not mine... WHUUUT... *cough* *gasp* *recovery* )
So it would seem, what may relatively be a small amount to him, is enough to really make me ponder a few things... (yes, value, money, etc etc..)

Now, the things you don't see...
Because he gave me this extra, my very strapped babysitter who is unemployed (waiting on her new job's training course to start... while her own kids in diapers...) I gave her extra. I already pay her well, but it was nice to tell her that "I did very well at work, and made extra, so as a bonus to you, since you always do so well for me, here ya go!"
I even took her & kids out to Golden Corral. (Don't laugh, in my neck of the woods, that's a big deal, especially when you are struggling enough you nearly NEVER get to go. And for her, a big deal. It was my TREAT to her.)
I bought something I had promised my kid for a while now, wouldn't you know, nearly fell in my lap, what ironic timing, no?
As I pulled in my best friends Granny's driveway, after she'd fussed about her lawn looking horridly over-grown, a lawn crew happened to be working on the neighbors yard. I called them over, inquired about prices, and handed them their fee.  No waiting on the rest of the sorry family to get around to it. Now, less tension, happy Granny.
So on and so forth.

It has occurred to me, at times, that (pardon my crassness here) a lot of hookers have a very warped perception of money. (Do not get me wrong, a lot of clients are like minded on this.) It just amazes me (STILL) that people have this much money to hobby with (up unto an Industry level.)  

I grew up on a farm (Go ahead GA, roast me, I know you wanna~ lol) and my mother raised me up to where we pinched every penny, and a penny saved was a penny earned.

But there are times... When I have received tips or extra...
When a fellow may have no idea how much that money he let go, how far it travels, to whom, for what, and what effect it has.
I know most providers have kids, or take care of other family members (again, most, not all.)

When he gave me that envelope, it most certainly wasn't going to a pair of Jimmy Choo shoes...

I have more mind... and heart, than that.

It is the things that people could not possibly see on the other end that count.

When your waitress gives most excellent service, do you only tip unto the point of a minimum wage or a certain tip percent, if she went "above and beyond"?
Similarly, yes, there is a price/fee that is already set, but if you choose to tip, good for both of you. Noone is losing, if the job was excellently done. There has been noone posing as a sucker... A happy customer, and happy professional.
I know I tip my excellent waitresses more than 15% and they don't have to suck my dick to get that 15%++....
I'm just sayin!

An extra $50 from you, after what is probably a huge wad of cash in comparison, isn't that much to worry over or fuss about, I would think, as far as tipping. I think these other fellows here, are more concerned with YOU making THEM look bad, cause they won't pony up... a tip!?! ... what?!! .. like... EVER.

Don't worry, we both know who will be getting the special treatment.


Take care & I hope your double is AWESOME! =D

Posted By: letsplaynow56
Thank you for your kind words Foxy. So many people on this post got bent out of shape because I voluntarily may spend $50 more dollars. I'm guessing you will remember the kindness of your client and treat him special the next time you see him!  

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